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The Mist Beckons...

Computer begin recording: The familiar beep resonated in his helmet,Lt.V'Roy and I have been ordered to expand our search pattern grid futher into the Nebula that is at the moment surrounding an unidentified refit Constitution class star ship.


We had been initially dispatched to gather data on the mysterious ship by the visual and sensor sweep method,both techniques have revealed little data at the present time a thorough low and slow fly by has proven of minor importance with the exception of the discovery the ship has been here for quite some time the usual ships markings have been obscured by the constant bombardment of both micro meteorites as well as dust in the Nebula,this may be of some relevance however so the bridge crew can possibly run a cross check of that class of ship,and approximate age to determine the ships id.


It should be noted the ships automatic systems are still operating at minimal levels to be specific life support is working but at the minimal level our sensors on the fighters did confirm the data..no life form readings on board unfortunately,it would appear to be an unmanned or deserted ship,a ghost ship if you will.


I have reported to the Reaent the rear hangar doors are open but the lighting that is easily seen from astern is not operating..upon a closer approach my limited external lights from my fighter reveal the shuttle bay to be devoid of shuttle craft and completely empty at the present time..had the crew abandoned ship,if so why,from outward appearences there seems to be some damage to the ship,possibly it had been in some kind of battle the extent of the outward damage does not fit the type one might expect to warrant leaving the ship..not massive damage,and if the crew did leave the ship, where did they go?..A shuttle of that era could not possibly been enabled to travel to our nearest outpost it would not have had the range.


:: Turning to port and lining up with the grid indicator projection::..This stuff is akin to flying blind in a total fog bank,sensors are reduced in range to a few Kilometers at best,luckily the spacial radar and anti collision radar seem to be able to ping and find an object and indicate the direction and distance before you slam into it.


He called to V'Roy to advise him he was moving to sector delta of the grid leaving the distant image of the ghost star ship in his wake..into the beckoning mist. End Log.

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