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:: Thumbing the prestart warm up cycle on the main turbine switch::...awaiting the sound of cycle of the turbine as it turned...waiting for the eventual spooling up of the main turbine to engage.


Looking out of the cockpit of his Confederate fighter to insure all was clear of the main induction scoop as the engine spooled up to stand by..finalising the prelaunch check and

going to stand by as the yellow alert beacon strobed in the fighter bay, Computer run a final comm check and verify telemetry link..a green indicator light on the side console confirmed the requested link was established and working, well here I am once more on hold awaiting the order to launch...a funny thing you hardly notice when the adrenalin is at a peak level that under the flight suit and helmet you can feel the sweat begin to pool in your boots as well as other locations in the closed system.


Today had started off rather routinely in retrospect with what seemed to be filled with the routine checking in and overseeing the loading of weapons and ready inspection of the two new medium fighters they had just received into the wing compliment an easy and relaxing duty shift and one I had been enjoying as well as brushing up on tactical aerial combat maneuvering that was updated regularly and forwarded to the various wings of the fleet.


I had even had the time to actually enjoy a " Philly Steak and Cheese" sandwich I had the mess chef prepare for me and a hot mug of joe along with it reminicing and enjoying the memories of Schawnsee and I on the holodeck sharing a holographic replay of our last meeting on Risa after not seeing each other for quite some time ... at any rate it was good to have her close now, I had just finished up review the new updates when we were placed on yellow alert I know this is standard procedure as a star ship enters the boundries of a nebula,especially when it is virtually unexplored as in the case of the An Men Nebula.


Computer reduce ambient suit enviroment by 10 degrees relative...the last thing a fighter needs is to overheat before possible combat, I hope this is merely an escort or data gathering fly by and retreive information on the ships sensor pack, I suppose I will find out in short order...at times the waiting can be more stressful than when on mission...just waiting and sweating it out. Computer...End Log.

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