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Tuesday Academy 5/23/06

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Jami

[sTSF_Jami] =================================

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MCO) - Laarell

[sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Jaden

[sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Joy 12

[sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Lt Nicolas Lepage

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Lt Arch Angel

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Marius

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Dom Pheuma

[sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=


[sTSF_Jami] The Runabout Major Mistake is en route to Starbase 99, carrying engineers to, of all things, an engineering conference.



[Marius] <<lol, works for me>>

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <<lovely...>>

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Wonders why the heck he is on a runabout named Major Mistake::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: sort of keeping an eye on systems ::

[Laarell] <MXO> ::sitting in her semi-cushy chair::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::leaning against a desk::

[Jaden] <TAC>::seated behind laarell and to the right casually glancing at the long range sensors::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] ::at the controls of the major mistake...with all eng. crew aboard::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::reguardless of the name enjoys the fact that he is being transported and is technically not on duty::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Thinks flying in a runabout is a lot safer when the Helm officer isn't intermittant. ::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks... Major Mistake? what in the world?::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::at the helm for now::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks... sounds like bad luck to me...::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::looks around::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> Steady as she goes, Sir. We're a little behind schedule. Should I bump her up a bit?

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::spots a mouse and quickly removes his shoe and terminates its life functions::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1/2>lets keep a close eye on her laddies

[Joy_12] <OPS> I understand that the Major actually got promoted after the incedent that caused the shuttle to be named after him. There is also a General mistake named after the same officer.

[Laarell] <MCO> <HELM> ::glances up from her PADD, nodding:: Very well. Bring her up to warp four.

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> aye, sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> Aye, Sir. Warp 4.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::watches pneuma kill the mouse::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::engages warp 4::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>But I thought we wernt on duty Sir

[Laarell] <MCO> ::glances over her notes for the conference::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::walks over to a console, checks warp core::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::tappity tap tap::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENGS>well ladds have ya decided on what speciality part of engineering you will attend at the conference then??

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> warp core is fine, sir. No problems.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks for a bit::

[Jaden] <TAC>::initiates a level 3 diagnostic on the structural integrity fields::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Everything looks fine from here. Think we'll encounter any problems?

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::notes he is busy, probably shouldn't disturb him:::back to the console:::

[Jaden] <HELM><TAC> I've logged hundreds of hours on Runabouts when I was assigned to Jupiter Station, the only thing you have to be careful is are the nacelles, they wear quickly.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> ::impressed:: Hundreds of hours, eh?

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> I think i'll go into the warping systems part.

[Laarell] <MCO> ::looks up from her PADD, nods, also impressed at TAC:: Not bad at all!

[Jaden] <HELM><TAC> Shuttling Admirals from planet to planet in the Sol system had its advantages.

[Laarell] <MCO><HELM> How about you -- much experience with Runabouts?

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Eloise Enlington = CSEC

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Eloise Enlington = CSEC

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Eloise Enlington = CSEC

[Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> Sol system has no lack of admirals.

[Eloise_Enlington] <CSEC> ::alarm clock rings and gets out of bed in a hurry::

[Marius] <<yay, we get someone besides an engineer>>

[Eloise_Enlington] <CSEC> :: heads towards the door with an eye fixed on the time ::


[Eloise_Enlington] <<yeah>>

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG>aye ladd good choice

[Eloise_Enlington] <<oh, ok, no quarters in runabout?>>

[sTSF_Jami] <not really. Bunks maybe>

[Marius] <AENG1> ::looks around for Pneuma::

Dom_Pneuma has left the chat.

[Eloise_Enlington] << bunks then >>

[Dom_Pneuma] <<Dumb computer>>

[Marius] <<lol>>

[Eloise_Enlington] <CSEC> :: heads to the bridge ::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <<aeng1>>

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::frowns::: <OPS><TAC> I'm having a little problem with navigation, here. Helm is a bit sluggish.

[Marius] <<?>>

[Eloise_Enlington] << sorry, I have to go now. Enjoy the simm, everyong. >>

Eloise_Enlington has left the chat.

[Marius] <<...that was quick...>>

[sTSF_Jami] <ah well>

[Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Sluggish helm.... Is there an engineer in the house?

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <<never mind>>

[Jaden] <TAC><HELM> Have you tried increasing the deflector output?

[Laarell] <MCO> <OPS> ::smirks:: Let's see -- everyone not on the Bridge is an engineering geek.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::grins at Joy::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Starts examining the conrol system and warp field configuration. ::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::eyes widen:: Uh....make that we have no helm at all now. Anyone else having a problem?

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1&2>well what ever ya decide on as a conference objective i am sure it will be worthwhile

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>I was planning on attending the "The effects of Wildlife on Warp Drive" Seminar Sir

[Marius] <<rofl>>

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Tries increasing the deflector output. ::

[Jaden] <TAC><HELM> The long range sensors seem to be fine.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::swallows hard:: <TAC> That's nice. Now if we could only get the sensors to run the helm.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG2>aye ladd...but we need to get there first,helm is indicating problems with the steering...check out the main controls leads please

[Laarell] <MCO><OPS> Tell engineering to get someone up here.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::taps foot:: <CENG, AENG2> Are we there yet?

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Pulls out an economy size roll of Duck tape:: Aye Sir!

[Jaden] <TAC><OPS> It might be a computer problem. ::peers over at Joy::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::working fervently to reestablish helm control:::

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, is there anything I can do to help?

[Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ Angel? We've a problem with steering. Want to try to fix things, or should I dial ahead and tell all the other engineers we couldn't keep a runabout going?

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>give him a hand as well ,and check the main power conduits while you are at it please

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Moves to the Control station and begins running a diagnostic to identify the problem::

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Aye, sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <OPS> Can you control helm from your position?

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::looks at Laarell::is obviously a green helmsperson:::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Tries to reassign helm over, then tries a few gentle maneuvers ::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<OPS>+were on it now...should have some kind of result soon

[Jaden] <TAC><HELM> Are we dropping in speed or simply on course?

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Speed and course are consistent. Just no control.

[Laarell] <MCO> ::smiles reassuringly at HELM:: <OPS> Joy, see if you can slave Helm to OPS.

[Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ Appreciated.

[Jaden] <TAC><ALL> Oh dear...

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Uh...make that speed is constant, course is changing slightly.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::goes over to AENG2:: <AENG2> You got it? I'll go check out to power conduits if you don't need any help.

[Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> Sorry, I do not have direction control. Very slight drift in course.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2> hmm::glances over the results of the Diagnostic::<AENG1>I think I do tell me what do you make of this here?

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander, should we contact the Starbase before we spin out of control?

[Joy_12] <OPS> : Transfers back to Jami ::

[Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> You have helm again.... such as it is.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::points at a small fluctuation in the control system:

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::receives helm from Joy, wondering what to do now:::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <OPS> Uh..thanks. I think.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<HELM>+ have you locked the coordinates into the nav computer...if you havent ,that may account for the drift

[Marius] <AENG1> ::looks at the results:: <AENG2> Looks like that could be it.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> +Eng+ Locked the coordinates into the nav computer? Well . . . I don't think so.

[Laarell] <MCO> <TAC> ::nods:: See if you can contact the base.

[Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> YOu are welcome. Well. We could get as near as we can to the base. Change course with thrusters... then light off into warp again. Repeat until near enugh for impulse.

[Jaden] <TAC><OPS> The Nav Computer? ::looks puzzled::

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, I think we found it.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::walks over the Angel::<CENG>Sir I believe we found the problem It appears to be a short

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Aye sir. ::initiates subspace communications::

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> I'll go check out those power conduits now, sir.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG2>aye..go ahead


[Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ This is Runabout Major Mistake, please respond.

[Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Heading for the Draconis belt. Might want to all stop.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG> According to this it the easiest access to the short is the on the Bridge

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<XO>+sirrr...it appears helm forgot to lock the coordinates into the main nav computer...you may have to update,and lock them in to correct sir

[sTSF_Jami] <Starbase OPS> +Mistake+ Starbase 99 here. Transmission is garbled. Go ahead.

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander long range sensors show asteroid field dead ahead.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::walks over to the power conduits::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::panicking;:

[Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ Our navigational systems have gone haywire. We require assistance.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::checks power conduits::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>Sir Permission to go to the bridge and attempt to fix it?

[Joy_12] <OPS> <MXO> I could jetison the antimatter supplies if there are no other ways of stopping.

[sTSF_Jami] <Starbase 99> +Mistake+ Say again. You have hay in your systems?

[Marius] <AENG1> ::sees nothing, checks again::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG2>well ladd if ya can ...go,but watch it ok

[Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ I say, the Runabout's Helm is malfunctioning, we are speeding towards an asteroid field at warp 4 and have lost control.

[Laarell] <MCO> <OPS> Hold off on that a moment, but it may be necessary.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>Aye Sir

[Marius] <AENG1> ::upon second observation, notices a faulty wire::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Grabs his tools and walks out of Engineering towards the bridge::

[Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> We can't hold off too long. There is anti matter in the feed duct.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>report please

[sTSF_Jami] <Starbase 99> +Mistake+ Roger that. Transmission is still garbled. We will dispatch assistance to your location.

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> I might be able to puncture a hole with the phasers, we may yet survive.

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, there's also a faulty wire, it looks worn down. I'll replace it ASAP.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>aye ...do it

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander the Starbase is sending help.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::walks into the TL:: Bridge

[Marius] <AENG1> ::runs over to the tool cabinet, grabs spare wires and other equipment.::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <<tl's on a runabout??/...must be a big mistake >>

[Marius] <<lol, there's a warp core too, remember?>>

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Arrives at the Bridge::<MXO>Permission to come on to the bridge

[Joy_12] << Not just a big mistake, a Major Mistake >>

[Lt._Arch_Angel] << LOL >>

[Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Engineering, now would be a good time to shut down the Warp Drive. An asteroid field is coming up on us fast.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::runs back to the power conduits::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::thinks Jaden's idea is very good:::

[Lt._Arch_Angel ] <CENG>+<TAC>+aye .aye...::reaches over the console, and kills the warp drive...pressing buttons::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::checks the wire destination quickly::

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Should I bring the phasers online as a precaution? I'm not sure how affective they'd be.

[Laarell] <MCO> <TAC> Good.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>I Believe I have found a short in the controls causeing the malfunction


[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Hangs on at the rought transition out of warp ::

[Laarell] <MCO> <AENG2> Can it be repaired?



[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO> Aye sir I am ready to repair it

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<XO>+sir ...we will need time for restart from cold if we can get the warp drive back online safely

[Marius] <AENG1> ::removes the faulty wire::

[Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> Might want to kick in the impulse drive. Still drifting in towards the belt.

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander we will impact the asteroid field in 2 minutes I recommend phasers.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <OPS> Impulse. Impulse. I know it's there somewhere.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> Oh..there it is. ::hits the impulse::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>Permission to have at it sir


[Laarell] <MCO><AENG2> Go ahead.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+thats it...thats all the power i can give ya

[Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Thrusters? We can dodge rocks using thrusters?

[Laarell] <MCO><OPS> ::nods:: Kick in thrusters.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::checks the wire's destination::thinks, oops...::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <ALL> Thrusters...

[Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Thank you Angel the warp engines are offline, however we're still drifting into the field.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Walks onto the bridge and walks over to Joy::Joy Might I ask you to step back for a moment or 2?

[Laarell] <MCO><HELM> Impulse isn't working...?

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::looks over....welll that may help a bit,and plugs in an unplugged plug::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Steps clearfor Dom ::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::taps in to thrusters::: <MCO> No, Sir. No impulse. No warp. Trying thrusters.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::looks through the wires quickly, and fits one into the open area.::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> No response from thrusters, sir.

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Hopes these are very soft asteroids. ::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::sauters the wire into place::

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander Laarell impact in one minute. Weapons, Shields?

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Croutches down on the floor and begins removing a panel from the HELM station showing the insides of the Runabout::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+aye....try the impulse now...just replugged in an unplugged extension

[Laarell] <MCO><TAC> Shields up.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::finishes replacing the wire::

[Jaden] <TAC>::raises shields to maximum::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::moves back for Pneuma:::

[Laarell] <MCO><HELM> No response for anything?

[Laarell] <MCO><TAC> And get phasers, too.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Begins overlooking all of the wireing and computer components::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::backed away from the helm:: <MCO> No sir.

[Laarell] <MCO><OPS> How far out is help from the base?

[Marius] <AENG1> ::checks systems:: <CENG> Sir, the wire is fixed now.

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Phasers are charging to full sir. <HELM> What is our speed?

[Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> Not sure. Engineering has taken apart my console.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Ah Ha ::Locates the short and begins to resolve the problem::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Speed is . . . full impulse.

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::going over the innards of the main console with his trusty probe...hmmm....nope thats ok,hmmm,pokes another terminal,and gives it a thwapp::

[Jaden] Computer> Warning, Warning!

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::turns to Jaden:: Really fast, anyway.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::notices the Short is across The impulse engines and Steering::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::looks up to the screen::covers eyes:::

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Thirty seconds to impact, phasers fully charged, shall I fire?


[Laarell] <MCO><HELM> Can you get us off this course in any way?

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Takes his tools and ::Eureka!

[Laarell] <MCO><TAC> Fire.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> Helm is not responding, Sir.

[Jaden] <TAC>::manually targets the center of the asteroid and fires a concentrated burst::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><OPS><HELM> Give it a go!

[Laarell] <MCO> ::worried about little pieces coming and hitting the ship::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::tappity tap tap:::watches the console:::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<HELM>+ i read as helm circuit restored...go


[Laarell] <MCO> <HELM> Engineering reporting circuit completed. Try once more.

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Another asteroid directly ahead!

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::taps again:: Yessss! <MCO> Helm is restored..

[Laarell] <MCO> ::grips sides of chair, knuckles turning white:: Get us out of this mess.

[Marius] <AENG1> ::waits anxiously to see if the replaced wire helped::

[Jaden] <TAC>::watching the phaser collonade approaching a full charge again::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::closes the access panel on the eng main console::

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::licks lips:: I'll try, Sir. But this is my first asteroid field...

[Marius] <AENG1> ::looks at the CENG hopefully::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Settles back in at Ops ::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Hmm ::Overlooks his work just to be safe and Checks the Impulse engines just to be sure they are working::<HELM>Check the Impulse controls Please

[Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ We have restored impulse under control.

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::looks up at the screen:: OMG..another one...::faints:::

[Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Could we use a tractor beam to establish an orbit around one of the asteroids?

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<MCO>+sirrrr....full power availiable through all levels

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Sees Jami Faint:: Oh dear

[Laarell] <MCO> ::rolls eyes:: <OPS> Take Helm.

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> Sir this one is too big for the phasers!

[Marius] <AENG1> ::runs to another console to make sure nothing else is malfunctioning::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Assumes helm control ::

[Laarell] <MCO> <OPS> And see if you can break away from that behemoth.

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Seeks to steer just right of the next rock ::


[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+use your main deflector...i'll increase the output from here

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Checks his tools for something to wake Jami up:: Ah Ha this should do it!

[Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Everybody lean right....

[Jaden] lol

[Marius] <AENG1> ::for some reason, leans right, though he can't hear joy::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::trans ferring as much power to the deflector as possible...tappity tapp::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Steers hard right ::

[Jaden] <TAC><XO> I recommend a tractor beam to deflect us off, but the rapid rotation of the asteroid may shear us apart.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Takes a soldering tool and melts a small piece of metal creating a stench foul enough to wake the dead!::

[Laarell] <MCO> ::leans right, glances back at Jaden::

[Laarell] <MCO> <TAC> I tend to agree with you... engage traactor beam.

[sTSF_Jami] <STARBASE 99> +Mistake+ TH....ssshhhttt...99. Come in pl.....zzzztttt...

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::wafts the stench towards Jami and hopes it works::

[sTSF_Jami] <helm> ::out cold:::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] << LOL Jami >>

[Jaden] <TAC>::the tractor beam is engages trying to grab hold of the asteroid::

[Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, I think everything else should be working.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Duh!!

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>aye ladd ...she does seem to be...aye,excellent job,both you and aeng2


[Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks to himself, "that wire looked like it had been gnawed..."::

[Jaden] <TAC> Whooaaaa!!!!

[Laarell] <MCO> ::nausea, much?::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Walks over to the replicator::Ammonia smelling salt::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Uses thrusters and impulse steering to dampen spin ::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::gets very dizzy::


[Jaden] <TAC><XO> I... think... we've ::holds back his cookies:: estab...lished...an orbit! ::turns green::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>i told him deflect...not attrack...by my old scottish granny...mrrmmphhh

[Marius] <<lol>>

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Fires impulse to slow rate of speed relative to the main direction of drift ::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Ouch Son of a gun!!!!

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Checks Himself:: Tis only a scratch

[Marius] <AENG1> ::as spinning slows, thinks "Jeez, are we there yet!"::


[Jaden] <TAC>+Computer+ Stabilizers to Maximum, Override Intertial Dampeners to 120%

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+what in the world is going on up thereee,:: holding on to a console for dear life::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Grabs the Smelling salts and makes his way towards Jami::

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Worlks less on slowing speed relative to the asteroids, more on getting away from the nearest asteroid. ::

[Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ ::makes a hideous sound over the intercom and tosses his cookies::

[Laarell] <MCO> ::would turn green, but... *is* green...::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::holds the smelling over Jami's nose::

[Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks, "why did I even come?"::

[Lt._Arch_Angel] << LOL >>

[sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::is allergic to smelling salts and goes into cardiac arrest::

[Jaden] lol

[Marius] <<lol>>

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Thinks the oranic beings should work for a more effection fuel eject system ::

[Dom_Pneuma] <<woo hoo I killed the Helm officer!>>

[Lt._Arch_Angel] << well at least i'm not a doc on this simm>>

[Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ Mayday, Mayday! Runabout Major Mistake

[Marius] <<pretending not to know cpr>>


[Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ We're spiraling out of control, please respond!

[Dom_Pneuma] <<Except Mine to revive Jami!>>

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Looks for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th nearest asteroids. ::

[sTSF_Jami] <Starbase OPS> ::Frowns:: Did you hear something?

[sTSF_Jami] <Starbase Cdr> Sounded like the Major. See if you can get them.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Thinks I should just stick to repairing Ships!::

[Laarell] <MCO> ::glances at the blueing Jami on the floor:: Will someone... save her life, or something to that effect?

[sTSF_Jami] <lol>

[Jaden] <TAC><HELM>::looks down at the lifeless helmsperson and wonders if he should do mouth to mouth::

[Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> Sorry. Busy...

[Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<MCO>+sirrr...ye have full power available ...iniatiating warp warm up procedure now,we may need the additionial power

[Marius] <AENG1> ::Thinks "can we get out of this asteroid field already!"::

[sTSF_Jami] <Starbase OPS> +Major+ Transmission is garbled. Are you in distress? We dispatched a ship.

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>I aint going anywhere near her again

[Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ We need a medic up here.

[sTSF_Jami] <or a mechanic?>

[Joy_12] <OPS> :: Tries to bring the ship to a stop relative to the belt as a whole. ::

[Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>In Fact I hear the Engineering calling my name!

[sTSF_Jami] AND...



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Looks like I missed something. Sorry for last night but I think I complained too much about my computer and the router wanted to take revenge. I lost my connection and just couldn't get back online. ::starts pulling out his hair::

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Looks like I missed something. Sorry for last night but I think I complained too much about my computer and the router wanted to take revenge. I lost my connection and just couldn't get back online. ::starts pulling out his hair::

Hey, Nick - not to worry. Just think - since you were posted to helm, you would have been the one to die :P

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Ah! But there's nothing better than a proper Academy death first thing in the morning.

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Very true Lepage but that means I would have killed you off instead of Jami! I can live with mistakenly Killing off the captain of the Major Mistake (Since thats what I made anyway) but It would kinda stink killin off one of the docs on the reaent!

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Since Lepage was at the academy Simon would still be around. Besides, he's not a doctor just a medic so it wouldn't have been that tragic :P .

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