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Guest Captain Kurk123

Recomended GM

Hey Yall,


If you would like to know what host or GM that you think would help you graduate most. I would recomend STSF LoAmi STSF LoAMi is really nice and could help you a lot in graduating the academy. Another person is STSF Blurox for STSF Blurox is great at acting out other characters around you (like an insect). STSF AMnor she is really nice as I so far know but I hadn't had the chance to go to one of her academy's. STSF Ndak is great at giving tips and telling you how to play. Those are my recomendations. (don't be affended if your not listed here I might not know you)

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STSF Muon. She's just great!


"It never hurts to suck up to the boss"

Rule of Aquisition number 33, as stated in her signature.


You can tell I take her advice...

Edited by Philip Carst

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I'd personally recommend both STSF_Laura and STSF_NDak, just off the top of my head. But really, there isn't anyone who *wouldn't* help. :blink:

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They're all good for helping you graduate. That's why they run academy sims.

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STSF Muon. She's just great!


"It never hurts to suck up to the boss"

Rule of Aquisition number 33, as stated in her signature.


You can tell I take her advice...

I'll remember that

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I'd personally recommend both STSF_Laura and STSF_NDak, just off the top of my head. But really, there isn't anyone who *wouldn't* help. :blink:

I agree

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Personally I think everyone has to find out which GM suits them best. I mean it's like in real life. There are always people you get along with better than others and other people will probably not always agree with your opinion. All GMs got the 'job' for a reason and so far I have not met one who I didn't like.

They all have their own style and you'll find some more compatible with your idea of simming than others. But they will all try and help you graduate. After all, that's what they are there for.

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Oh this is such a love fest, I feel like breaking into song...


This is my quest

To follow that star

No matter how hopeless

No matter how far


To reach the unreachable star

Ooh, a man from La Mancha.

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All the GMs rock hard. I am parshall to Dacotah but that is because she was the one that graduated me. LoAmi is great because she helped me to open my eyes a bit and take a look at more than just my post. Jami is awesome, Atragon is excellent, NDak is . . . Well I am still disappointed because I have yet to be killed in one of his academys. But for all those I missed You all are awesome keep up the good work.

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LoAmi is great because she helped me to open my eyes a bit and take a look at more than just my post.

LoAmi is most definately a guy. Trust me, Moose, Huff and I have had dinner with him. Tis a fact!

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LoAmi is most definately a guy. Trust me, Moose, Huff and I have had dinner with him. Tis a fact!

Who cares about those little details anyway? (except maybe LoAmi)

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Who cares about those little details anyway? (except maybe LoAmi)


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