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Nearing the Beast

Nearing the Beast


Pneuma's Personal Log


As time ticks by my heart is racing with anticipation. I am just now beginning to get a look at this Galactic Monster and I am taken back by it. I have never before seen anything quite like this in person before. The colors are astounding. The sheer beauty of this beast almost gives a false sense of security when looking at it. I almost find it hard to believe that once inside the nebula we will be almost running blind. I can't help thinking that maybe this one is different. Maybe this one is actually a beauty and not the beast that the others are. But history proves such thoughts are pointless. This great cloud will cause all the interference and trouble that every other known Nebula does. What is truly strange is the fact that I seem to be able to feel the anticipation on board the ship. It is . . . Intense to say the least. Never before have I felt the weight of this many people’s emotion running through me. From what I am sensing some fear death, others are excited about charting the huge thing, still others are leery of just what they will find in there. Personally I just hope that the Science team starts mapping this thing soon. I fear it would look pretty bad for me if I ended up crashing into something (Heaven forbid!). A million thoughts run their course through my mind. What will we find? What untold dangers will we forego? Is there life in this Nebula? I thought I got through this earlier but strangely I am right back to where I was. I managed to get off the bridge though which was a good thing cause I have been itching to get down to the flight deck and get a good look at the new fighters and meet some of the flight crew. I did get to take a good look at them thankfully and I have to admit they are very pretty looking to say the least. While I was down there I inadvertently ran into "Arch Angel", who gave me a tour of the flight deck and showed me around. I had asked him if he wanted to get together after the shift and play some cards but he refused due to previous plans. I think after my shift I will go to the lounge and meet some people. Since I boarded I haven’t done much more than work and stay in my quarters. Apart from getting my physical that is. So I would really like to start making some friends. If I don't try something I am going to become very bored very quick and that’s never a good thing. Hopefully I will meet some people who would be interested in a little Phaser Tag! It’s been a while since I have done that but it is just like riding a bike only this bike burns if you mess up. There is not much that has helped me more with accuracy with a phaser than that game. One positive of me going to the lounge though is Chocolate. I haven’t had much since the academy and I am about having a fit so I think I may get some a little later. Ah well I guess I should keep my mind centered on getting us to the Nebula.

End Personal Log.

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