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Really Rad...

Having left from sick bay being discharged,and placed on rest for two days to help

recover from the radiation exposure he had encountered from the exploding probes

on their last little adventure he entered his quarters.


Computer reduce lighting to a twilight level, thinking about the recent events and

waiting on little one to come by and then go for a tour of the ship,a much needed

full dinner..no offense to sick bay,but the quizine there is not the best.


He stood and walked over to the replicator...coffee, black, strong,no sweeting..

taking the mug and returning to the modest couch that adorned the room,computer

dim lights one setting ,sipping the coffee..I cannot wait until little one arrives there

is much we need to go over...first I need to express my appreciation to her for her

part in finding me out on the flight deck,and making sure I was taken to sick bay..

perhaps a picnic on the holodeck in a beach enviroment with our dolphin family...

yes I think that will do for a suprise for her...like back on Risa..::Computer End Log.

Edited by eagle

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