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Tuesday 9PM 5/2/2006



[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): =/\==/\=STSF Seiben=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer, Stage Hand, Keeper of the Keys to Eternity (XO): =/\==/\=STSF Jami=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Laarell

[sTSF_Jami] Helm/ Operations Officer (HOPS) - Vatric

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cdt Eiram Lanna Toria

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Lt Arch Angel

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ens Andrew Mitchell

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Ens Finn

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Seiben] ##Mission Brief, Stardate 10605.02

[sTSF_Seiben] The New Orleans class frigate USS Baton Rouge has been ordered to Starbase 402 to pick up a shipment of medical supplies that must be delivered to Rixius III in six hours. Can the Baton Rouge make it in time?

[sTSF_Seiben] Begin Sim

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::at science station::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>:: in his office at msec...going over the pile of padds::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Sitting at the Captain's seat::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::paces engineering reviewing systems::

[Laarell] <MXO> ::sitting up straight in good MXO-y fashion::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] ::Cracks his knuckles, tapping at his PADD:: Damn lot of supplies... must be a big outbreak...

[Vatric] <HOPS>::quietly monitoring his console and enjoying the viewscreen::


[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> What's our ETA to SB 402?

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> 15 minutes 52 seconds at our current speed sir.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> ::nods:: Very well. You'll also need to plot out the fastest course to Rixius III. The medical supplies are quite urgent

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO> We'll be taking on medical supplies shortly to the Rivus system. I don't know if we'll be required to assist in recovery, but better to be prepared.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] Rixius*


[Laarell] <MXO> ::nods and glances at her PADD::

[TLara] <AMO>::wakes up and looks at the chronometer:: ah, oh, I am late again. ::gets up running::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::rubbing eyes and*there has to be a better way to reduce this paperwork*::

[TElla] <AMO> ::enters sickbay and sneaks a look around::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> I'm considering forgoing the well worn route and bypassing the Marisaki Quasar, this should shave 30 minutes off our trip.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::To nobody in particular:: Oh, she's not even here. Sometimes I wonder if I get enough sleep... ::Shakes his head::

[TElla] <AMO> ::wonders where is TLara:: must be late again ::sighs::

[TLara] <AMO> ::puts on her uniform and runs for the door::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO> Ah, well at least one of you decided to show up.

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::Begins downloading recent Science briefing logs to read::

[TLara] <AMO> ::exits and runs in the corridor::

[TElla] <AMO><CMO> Good morning, Dr. Mitchell. How are you today?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO>< HOPS> Very well

[Vatric] <HOPS>::adjust the flight plan to the most efficient route::

[TElla] <AMO> ::smiles warmly and wonders when TLara will get here::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+AMO1+ Cadet, what's taking so long? Slept in again? <AMO2> Good morning.

[sTSF_Jami] Computer> Please_do_not_run_in_the_corridor. Safety_first. Thank_you.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::continues reviewing specs and power output of ship at engineering console::

[TLara] <AMO1>+CMO+ ::stutters as she enters TL:: er, yes...sir... I mean, doctor ::wonders why he calls her cadet::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+AMO1+ We're taking on medical supplies for an emergency on Rixius III, and you choose this morning to run late?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::hmmm..::tapps::+<ASEC DM>+report to my office for duty assignment please

[Laarell] <MXO> <CO> Hmm, looks like a general shipment. Nothing terribly pressing, although if the final destination is running short of supplies, 'basic' could also mean 'life saving'.

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain we are coming up on Starbase 402.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::recalls she has forgotten to bring stuff for T'Ella::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::Sees the new modification log on the engineering dept has been initiated to collect warp waste particles.::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Excellent. Come to 1/4 impulse and hail the station. They are expecting us

[TElla] <AMO2> ::approaches her working station, and brings up the reports on medical supplies::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Dropping to impulse, Hailing frequencies open.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::reads diligently while expecting TLara to appear at any moment::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Indeed.. I hear there's some kind of outbreak there, so I guess anything is useful.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> When the supplies arrive, see to it that they're all there. Nothing worse than getting to Rixius and not having the right medicine...

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM>+<CSEC>+aye sir,on my way ,just down the corridor,be right there

[TLara] <AMO1> ::runs out of the TL as it stops::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> And there should be at least two crates of Hydronalin.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+Starbase+ This is the USS New Orleans requesting link up protocols.

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> +Baton Rouge+ Glad you could make it. You are cleared to docking bay A16.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::enters Sickbay::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::nods:: <CMO> Aye, Doctor

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Commander, we are cleared to dock at station A16.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> ::Greets T'Lara with a grin:: Glad you decided to show up...

[Laarell] <MXO> <CO> Outbreak? Any idea what kind?

[TElla] <AMO2> ::puts in control to remind herself::

[TElla] <AMO2> :;spots TLara:: <AMO1> Here you are!

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::looks up as the asec enters the office::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> I've requested the outer ring to save time.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Not really. But it's effected the vast majority of the population

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+MXO+ Mitchell to Laarell, we're ready to receive and sort the supplies here.

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> +Baton Rouge+ Shipment is ready to load as soon as docking is complete.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Very well

[TLara] <AMO1> ::guilty expression:: <AMO2> Yes, here I am. ::turns to CMO:; <CMO> Sorry, doctor. I...have ...slept over again.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::frowns noticing an irregularity in local conduit::takes phase decompliler to repair plasma distribution manifold in a conduit::whistles while working::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASEC DM>your regular assigned duties completed??

[Vatric] <HOPS>+Starbase+ Acknowledged, linkups established.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::walks over to TElla:: <AMO2> :;whispers:: hey, sorry, I forgot to bring...

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::Taps off his combadge, still grinning at the tardy AMO1:: Do I need to administer a stimulant each morning for you?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM><CSEC>aye sir

[Vatric] <HOPS>::maintaining full stop, engaging stabilization thrusters::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Sir we are docked.

[Laarell] <MXO>+CMO+ Very well. As soon as we've docked we'll begin loading the supplies aboard.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::shakes her head and carries on her work:: <AMO1> I can't really expect you to bring it the first time anyways. :;disappointed::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Baton Rouge docks with the station. Loading personnel board the ship and begin to load medical supplies

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Shall I alert the crew?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Monitor the upload of supplies.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+XO+ Understood.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASEC DM>very well then,here is an important duty for you::begins the breifing on proper padd/paper work report filing::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::shakes her head::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+Let me know if you need a hand in examining the supplies, Andrew.

[TLara] <AMO1><CMO> Thanks, sir, I will pass

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> ::turns to an incoming report::then back to the comm:: +Baton Rouge+ Report just in from Rixius III. "Make all haste. Full contamination protocols. Approaching pandemic."

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+CSCI+ Thanks, Finn. Appreciate it. Any idea on what kind of situation Rixius III is experiencing?

[TLara] <AMO1> ::backs off to move close to TElla:: <AMO2> Need help?

[Laarell] <MXO> ::nods:: <HOPS> Do so, Cadet.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Tell them we'll depart as soon as loading is complete.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::heard CMO's conversation:: <CMO> I am ready if you are, sir.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::completes repairs to plasma distribution manifold::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASEC DM>very well then,oh and please forward ,in trpilicate to the proper administrative staff

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> ::Nods:: Get on it.

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+ As far as I can gather the planet is approaching pandemic proportions.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::turns over to TLara:: <AMO1> It would certainly be appreciated, that is, if you don't mess up things.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::stern looking as she passes over a PADD to TLara::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+CSCI+ Worse than I thought, then. Thank you for the... news.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::takes the PADD:: <AMO2> Aye, aye, ma'am. ::tries to suppress her giggle as she yawns::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASEC DM>i will be on sec rounds,doing spot checks if you need me,carry on

[Vatric] <HOPS>+All Stations+ Please complete transport of medical supplies in a timely fashion, departure for Rixis III is imminent.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> Where shall we start, TElla?

[sTSF_Seiben] <brb>

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM><CSEC>aye sir

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1><AMO2> It looks as though the condition on the planet is worsening; check the supply manifest quickly and begin preparations for setting up down there. Hazard suits and all.

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> ::raises an eyebrow:: Start from the first and foremost thing, which is check the medical supplies have come in accordance to the supposed amount.

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> +Baton Rouge+ Acknowledge transmission, Baton Rouge.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::nods to both TElla and Mitchell:: Aye, aye ::starts tapping into computer::

[Vatric] <HOPS>+Starbase+ USS Baton Rouge here.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<HOPS>+understood,i will personally oversee the sec contingent assigned to that duty

[TElla] <AMO2> ::does the same thing, starts from the bottom working her way up::

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> +Baton Rouge+ Acknowledge transmission from Rixius III, please.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::expects to finish in two minutes::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::turns attention back to latest science logs::

[TLara] <AMO1> :;finishes the number check, starts running scans for quality::

[Vatric] <HOPS>+Starbase Ops+ Ah yes, it have it now Ops, full contamination protocols pandemic proportions.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> I am finished here, TElla. ::smiles as she turns to her::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::begins reconfiguring secondary plasma conduit in preparation for anticipated demands on the warp core::

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> +Baton Rouge+ Roger that. Depart when ready. "Skies" are cleared for you. God speed.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::picks up his PADD once more:: +CSCI+ Finn, do you have any information on what's happening? My report only indicates a virulent new strain of virus, little more.

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Commander sir, Rixis III is reporting contamination protocols and pandemic conditions.

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> ::nods:: Well done <CMO> Doctor, we are all set.

[TElla] <AMO2> :;raises an eyebrow as she overhears about the virus, and walks over to the CMO::

[Laarell] <MXO> <HOPS> Pandemic? Very well, inform the base we'll be leaving immediately.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+Starbase+ Thank you Starbase 402, we will depart shortly.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1/2> Just a moment.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::whistles whilst working switching tunes::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::follows TElla and wonders what she heard this time::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+ Very little, Andrew. Virology is not one of my strong points. I just caught the transmission regarding the pandemic.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::wishes she has as good as a hearing::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::nods

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::completes reconfiguration of the secondary plasma conduit::

[Vatric] <HOPS>::gets reports from all operations personnel::

[Laarell] <MXO> +CENG+ We'll be needing everything you can give us on the engines, Toria.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+CSCI+ Thanks anyway. Mitchell out. <AMO1><AMO2> Alright, whatever is happening on Rixius III is spreading faster than we thought. This will definitely be a race against the clock, whatever it is, even with the supplies.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::along with <ASEC DRT> head to the tl,enroute to the cargo bays ::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::nods as she grabs a medkit::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+MXO+ Understood. I'm on it.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::smiles at the mention of a challenge:: <CMO> Bring it on, Doctor ::grins::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>::Smirks, despite the situation:: You won't need it for a little while yet, but we should prepare full biohazard suits.

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+Although Rixis II, if I remember correctly, did have to suspend it's dilithium refining process six years ago due to a similar occurence. There may be something in the computerbank about it. I followed the dilithium refinement process out

[Vatric] <HOPS>::monitors the last transports as they come in::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::wonders how could TLara be so optimistic::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+of interest.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::listens carefully and attentivelY::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+CSCI+ Check that for me, see what you come up with. Transfer any information you have to sickbay.

[Vatric] <HOPS>::performs a quick diagnostic on the navigational deflector::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::reviews the matter antimatter proportions of warp core and double checks current compared to the theoretical projected by the intermix formula::

[TLara] <AMO1> :;stands erect, awaits for action::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+MXO+ We're preparing for the situation down there as best we can. Finn is working on figuring out what it is we're fighting.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> ready for a challenge, TElla?

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1/2> I hope you both are.

[sTSF_Seiben] <bak>

[Laarell] <MXO>+CMO+ Very good, I'll get what information we get in to you as soon as we get it.

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> ::shakes her head:: Yes, of course <CMO> Aye, sir

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+Acknowledged. ::Begins searching computer for Rixus II dilithium refinement process and associated files.::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::enters the tl,...cargo bay #1 ::

[sTSF_Jami] <wb>

[Laarell] <MXO> <HOPS> Have all departments report in before we head out.

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain sir, all supplies have been transported, Cargo Bays reporting full. All personnel and material have been accounted for.

[TLara] <AMO1><CMO> Aye, aye ::grins::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+MXO++Finn+ Thank you.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> OKay then.. request clearance to leave

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Aye sir.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> So, what did you have for breakfast? ::tries to lighten the situation::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Clearance pre-approved sir.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1/2> In the meantime, lets compare the symptoms in the report to known conditions. I don't think that has to do with eggs and bacon.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+ALL DEPARTMENTS+ Report status for Starbase departure.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Great. Once everyone checks in, then take us out

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::adjusts system to use a greater proportion of antimatter to matter to generate higher speeds::acknowledges to self that this procedure is recomended as only a temporary adjustment::

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> It is none of your concern, since whatever I had I am sure you didn't have. ::turns attention to CMO::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI><HOPS> Science ready

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Aye

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+HOPS+ Sickbay ready and more than waiting.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::blush:: <CMO> Sorry sir.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+HOPS+ Warp core is online and fully functional. Engineering is ready.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::suppress a chuckle:: <CMO> Aye, aye, Doctor

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> All stations report ready Commander

[TLara] <AMO1> <CMO> Are you going to supply us a brief report on this virus?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::in conversation with <ASEC DRT>...<CSEC>+<HOPS>+on our way to cargo bays,and setting up a sec detail

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> Any idea as to why is it so effective?

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> ::checking ship movements::: +Enterprise+ Hold position until further notice. :::watches the screen:::

[Vatric] <HOPS>::released the docking clamps and moves the Baton Rouge out ::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+ I've collated the dilithium refinement details. It's a bit on the scientific side I'm afraid Andrew, but what scant medical details there are you may be able to glean some information from them. It affected their twin planet Rixus II.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1/2> That's alright. I'm afraid I have about as much information as you do...

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> Incomprehensible, eh? ::winks::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+Sending you the files now. ::Sends files to sickbay::

[Laarell] <MXO> ::nods to HOPS and straightens her uniform as she watches the starfield out the viewscreen::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Course plotted for Rixis III sir.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+CSCI+ Thanks again, Finn. ::Takes a look as the files upload::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> ENgage once ready

[TElla] <AMO2> ::monitors her work station as the information feeds in::

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Engineering recommend maximum speed please.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::looks over TElla's shoulder as she raises an eyebrow:: Fascinating

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1/2> It appears that a virus, similar to the Tarkellian Flu, resistant to antiviral medication, wiped out their mining colony. Rixius II was abandoned.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+HOPS+ Warp 9.2, sir.

[sTSF_Jami] Base OPS> :::monitoring Baton Rouge exit:::

[Vatric] <HOPS>::allocating auxiliary power to the structual integrity fields::

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> ::downloads info onto her padd:: How could it be so affective?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <<has no idea what max warp is on New Orleans class ship>>

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::exits the tl with <ASEC DRT>,and a few other red shirts...enters the cargo bays::

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CENG+ Thank you Chief ::moves the dial up to 3/4 impulse and prepares to engage warp drive::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> I don't know. That's our job to find out.

[TLara] <AMO1><CMO> My question is if we can come up with a natural chemical or synthetic drug to suppress it, if not destroy it?

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Entering warp 9 ...::taps console

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::begins assigning sec stations to sec detail::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::nods:: <CMO> true ::starts analysing data::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Baton Rouge engages to warp, towards Rixus

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> The drugs we have may be of some effectiveness, but if the virus can mutate this quickly, I don't know. We'll have to find a way to wipe it out in its entirety.

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CMO+Of course, this may be a completely different thing altogether. Good luck.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::grabs a padd and downloads the info::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+CSCI+ I applaud your certainty.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::starts quickly go through::

[Vatric] <HOPS>::checks the proplusion field and punches it up to 9.2::

[Laarell] <MXO> <CO> Should we attempt to contact Rixius, see if they can give us any information on the epidemic?

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1/2> We have to find a weakness... maybe a way to stop it from hijacking the cells.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CMO+ Doctor my operations officers will have a full inventory list for you in 10 minutes.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Please do..

[TElla] <AMO2> ::finishs reviewing the info:: <CMO> Yes, I know what you mean. If this virus is so highly adaptive, we need to somehow stops it from mutating, by...

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM>::finishes up the filing,and forwarding of the reports...rubbing eyes::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> Go on.

[Vatric] <HOPS>::contacts the quartermaster to adjust normal ship stores and rearrangement details::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::finishes TElla's thought:: by tricking it into believing its environment will not change, perhaps?

[Laarell] <MXO> ::nods:: <HOPS> Try sending a subspace message to Rixius. See if they have any information that could help the medical department's preparations.

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>:: accesses long range sensors for scanning purposes in Rixus system. Checking for irregularities in space::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<HOPS>+sec duty stations established,the cargo has been secured

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> No, you know as well as I do that mutation doesn't work on that. Natural selection works on the conditions involved...

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Yes sir ::engages the subspace tranciever and sends a standard hail towards the Rixian system::

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> No, that is not what I meant. We might perhaps finds a chemical.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> It's possible. Although anything that interferes with the virus might also interfere with the patient...

[TLara] <AMO1><CMO> True

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Baton Rouge is about five minutes away from Rixius.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CSEC+ Excellent assistance Security.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG> ::twiddles thumbs::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::falls silent::

[sTSF_Jami] @Rixian Official> ::pacing the floor in the operations center:::turns quickly::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> Still, it might buy us some time.

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO>Yes, exactly.

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Sir we will enter the Rixian system in 4 minutes 40 second.s

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> Suggestions, TLara?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Very good.

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian OPS> <Official> Federation ship has entered the system.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::looks to T'lara::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::monitors nacelles' hydrogen intake, ensuring maximum power output::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM>+<CSEC>+my assignment is complete as requested sir

[sTSF_Jami] @Rixian Official> Thank the gods. Hopefully they have the supplies.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::shakes her head:: it will take time, but we don't have time

[Laarell] <MXO>+CENG+ Engines still in good shape, Cadet?

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::Finds no irregularities in surrounding area.::

[TLara] <AMO1>::tries to recall a similar situation::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> If you have an idea, out with it. Anything to work with.

[Vatric] <HOPS>::Slows to half impulse approaching the outermost planet::

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Commander, we are not receiving any response to our hail as of yet.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> The only thing I can think of is to force its mutations away from what will protect it from the immune system to protect it against something, like a chemical, T'Ella.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+MXO+ Aye. The port nacelle hydrogen intake is not at maximum. I believe it may be faulty equipment. However,I am having no trouble compensating.

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> <OPS> Well, well...looks like..the Baton Rouge. Wasn't it Captain Seiben?

[TElla] <AMO2>::goes back to the computer:: Computer, please give me a list of all the highly adaptive viruses.

[sTSF_Jami] @OPS> Aye, sir. They are hailing us.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<ASEC DM>+excellent work..good job,report to the main cargo bays please

[TLara] <AMO1> ::nods and walks over to TElla:: <AMO2> Anything?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::taps controls increasing electromagnetic field of port nacelle hoping to steady the hydrogen attraction::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM>+<CSEC>+aye sir,on my way

[sTSF_Jami] @Rixian Official> +Baton Rouge+ Welcome to Rixius, Captain Seiben. We've been waiting for you.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::Pulls his lips to one side, listening carefully to what they have to say::

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> That was smooth sailing.

[TElla] <AMO1> ::shakes her head:: <AMO2> The only thing the computer gives me is all these kinds of virus tends to be short lived.

[Laarell] <MXO>+CENG+ Very good. Let me know if the nacelle intake gets any worse.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +Rixian Official+ Thank you. We have the supplies you wanted. ::nods::

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> +Baton Rouge+ I wish it were under more auspicious circumstances.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+MXO+ Understood.

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Establishing standard orbit

[TLara] <AMO1><cmo> Perhaps we can work their rapidness to our advantage?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM>::leaves the sec office,and enters a tl...main cargo bay please::

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> +Seiben+ Thank the gods. You received our transmission about contamination? The situation is very bad down here.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::considers TLara's suggestion carefully::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> Possibly, yes. Rapid reproduction means rapid evolution.

[Vatric] <HOPS>::performing a short diagnostic on the transporter buffers::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Looks to HOPS to see if he has received it::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> The trick is decreasing their range of tolerance with a focusing selection. Ideas?

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> yes, perhaps we can lead it into...er... ::tries to work out her idea::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> ::nods::

[Laarell] <MXO> ::follows Seiben's gaze to HOPS::

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> ::frowns:: think, TLara, think

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::reading the cargo manifest,and double checking,and confirming the contents::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +Rixian Official+ Indeed. What type of outbreak do you have, might I ask?

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> What about competition? Another virus?

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> I am doing it. hmm...

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Good.. begin preparations to transport. Do so when ready

[TLara] <AMO1><CMO> Sure, why not? But, what is this other virus going to be?

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> Perhaps we can obtain a sample, so that we can run tests on?

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> ::worn and haggard::: +Seiben+ Unfortunately we have just isolated the virus. A new strain of Influenza. P178. Pandarian Influenza strain 178.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> I don't know. But we could use it as an engine to force change in the other.

[Vatric] <HOPS>::scanning the planet surface for beam down locations::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::awaits::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::nods::

[Laarell] <MXO> ::raises eyebrow:: Pandarian?

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> yes, it would be nice if we can run a few tests

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+MXO+ Commander, we need a sample of the virus. We don't think the medical supplies will work for long.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::sees <ASEC DM>enter the bay...and join him::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::raises brow:: +Official+ Sounds bad. Would you like assistance from our medical staff?

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>+CENG+ I have been monitoring your hydrogen attraction on the Nacelles. In chemistry, a vent of oxygen could have a repellant effect on the hydrogen. Just a thought

[TElla] <AMO2> ::starts preparing for the lab apparatus::

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> +Seiben+ I wish I didn't have to ask you this, but we are in desperate need of medical personnel as well. If you have any who are willing to assist . . . :::leaves it at that:::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::walks over to help TElla::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+CSCI+ NOted. I will run a scan. Thank you.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+MXO+ The virus is highly adaptive. We think we have a way to fight it... but we don't know for sure.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::trips over something, and smiles apologetically::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::begins scanning for oxygen partical sources::

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> +Seiben+ As long as they realize the possible consequences.

[Laarell] <MXO> <CO> (w) Medical thinks they may have a way to fight it. +CMO+ Details, Doctor?

[TElla] <AMO1> ::sighs:: <AMO2> be careful, will you?

[Vatric] <HOPS>::locates 5 primary medical facilities for medical supply transports, organizes the ops personnel in the cargo bays::

[TLara] <AMO1> ::nods:: <AMO2> Sorry

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+XO+ We think we can use another virus to force changes that will allow the body's normal immune system to fight it.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASEC DM>you and <ASEC DRT >monitor this station,and stand by to assist the transfer of the cargo to our destination

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+Computer+ Initiate a level 1 diagnostic on the port nacelle.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +Official+ They are aware. We might have an idea to help you fight it

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+XO+ If you'd rather not bring the virus aboard, and I'd understand why, we could transport our lab equipment down.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> any idea as to what this other virus we are going to use?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <ASEC DM><CSEC>aye sir

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain medical supplies have been organized for efficiency of transport.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::monitors diagnostics progress at console::

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> Not a clear one, however, we need something that works similarly to it, but we have control over.

[sTSF_Jami] @Rixian Official> +Seiben+ We are most grateful. And if you have an engineer or two - our decontamination facility is overworked and could use repairs.

[Laarell] <MXO> <CO> (w) Would you prefer that they conduct their research planet-side for safety's sake?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Great work, Vatric. Beam them when ready

[TElla] <AMO2> :;finishes setting up the apparatus::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> What about the common cold?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +Official+ Right,,'

[TLara] <AMO1> ::puts everythingn in order::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASEC DM>very well cary on with your assignment

[Vatric] <HOPS>::initiates the dematerialization::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::considers CMO's idea:: <CMO>Yes, it sounds a great place to start indeed.

[Vatric] <HOPS><XO> Supplies away Commander.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::isolates oxygen particals::sends "team" to work on it::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> I suppose so.. also form up an Away Team, with emphasis on Medics and Engineering.

[TLara] <AMO1> :;brings up a list of flu viruses::

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> Want to pick one, TElla?

[TLara] <AMO1> ::pass the PADD to TElla::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>Just not Tarkellian, eh?

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> +Seiben+ And, Captain. If you could spare any security personnel? Our entire law enforcement agency is down with the virus. ::looks defeated::

[TElla] <AMO2>::passes the padd to CMO::

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO>Here you go, Doctor.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CMO+CSEC+ Bridge to Doctor and Security Chief

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> No thanks.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Security too.. +Official+ Acknowleged.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::hears the com::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::Nods:: Good. Synthesize it, and start modifying it to change the body's environment. Try not to go too far.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::stops laughing::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<HOPS>+csec here,go ahead

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+HOPS+ Sickbay responding.

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> +Seiben+ ::sigh of relief:: Thank you, Captain. You will be well rewarded by the gods.

[Laarell] <MXO><CMO> ::nods:: Shall I lead the team, Sir?

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> So, any ideas as to how to put those two viruses together?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +Official+ It's all in a days work for a Starflet Captain

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CMO+CSEC+ The primary medical facility, the ministry of health and various treatment centers have recieved our cargo of medical supplies. I'll send you the coordinates.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::nods uncertainly::

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> I think we can inject these two viruses into the same test body, and see how it reacts.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Instruct the Chiefs of MEdical, Security and Engineering to form an away team to beam to the surface. Full environmental suits

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> At the meantime, we need a control, and two organisms bearing the respective virus

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Acknowledged.

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> ::to no one in particular:: Amazing dedication, those Starfleet officers.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<HOPS>+will you be needing sec personnel at the destination point ??

[TLara] <AMO1> ::nods:: <CMO> What do you think, Doc?

[TElla] <AMO2> ::waits for doctor's response::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO1> I'm afraid we don't have much time, and this is the best we've got.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CMO+CENG+CSEC+ Security, Medical, and Engineering report to Transporter Rooms for Away Team Duty, Full Contamination Protocols in Effect, Environmental Suits Required.

[sTSF_Jami] @ Rixian Official> ::slumps into a chair:::

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::scans the planet for incongruous substances relating to previous scan histories::

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> Shall we start the test?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG> +HOPS+ Understood. ::grabs engineering gear and heads for TL::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> Get your hazsuits on and prepare to beam down, eh?

[Laarell] <MXO> <HOPS> Remind them that EV suits will be required.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::grins:: <CMO> Anytime

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<HOPS>+aye,on my way with a sec detail, full contamination protocols in effect, aye aye

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> But, doctor, we haven't run any tests yet

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO>+HOPS+ We'll beam down with our equipment. Their labs aren't sophisticated enough to continue testing.

[TElla] <AMO2> ::worried expression::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::trots down corridor coming to stop before a TL::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::enters:: TR

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> ::Nods:: We're going to have a wee field test. There will be plenty of volunteers, I'm sure.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> Come on, give your fellow co-workers so confidence.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><ASECS DM,DRT>you heard the comm,lets go

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> If we wait too long, they'll all be dead either way.

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> Indeed ::nods and speaks to herself:: for better or for worse

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI>::No anomalous readings::

[TElla] <AMO2><CMO> Are both TLara and I going to come?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::somewhere along the way suits up in envi. suit::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMO2> I know your feeling. I don't like it much either, but sometimes things aren't cut and dry. Yes, like I said, suit up.

[TLara] <AMO1>::waits for the doctor's response as she grabs a medkit::

[Laarell] <MXO>+AMO1+ We'll need to be keeping a close eye on the away team's biosigns.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> ::Walks to a hatch, pulling out the suits::

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::grumbles about bulkiness and awkward mobility of suit::

[TElla] <AMO2> ::nods desperately:: <CMO> yes, something is better than nothing.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>+<HOPS>+sec team on the way,will pick up hazmat suit enroute for my detail

9:57 PM [Vatric] <HOPS><CSCI> I recommend full planetary observation mode on the lateral sensor array.

[TLara] <AMO1> ::reminds herself to bring TElla to the holodeck after the shift, she needs some relaxation::

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> Relax, girl

[Ens_Finn] <CSCI><HOPS> Accessing. ::accesses lateral sensor array:: <HOPS> Monitoring

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMOs> Here you all are. ::Slides into his:: +HOPS+ Did you copy, we'll be beaming down with our lab equipment?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::enters TR in sour mood having fought the suit half the way there::

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> ::gives her an irritated look:: Mind your own business, will you?

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CMO+ Standby Sickbay <XO> Commander, the Doctor wishes to bring medical equipment.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO><AMOs> Hey! This is no time to even bicker, just as it's no time to talk about breakfast.

[TElla] <AMO2> :;stands by::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::along with the sec detail goes to the armory ,and issues standard equipment,and suits,suits up,and heads to the tl::

[TLara] <AMO1><CMO> Aye, doctor ::stand by::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> Thank you.

[TLara] <AMO1><AMO2> Ready, TElla?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC>::and team enter the tl,...tr::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> And when this is all over, I'm buying you both warp core explosions from Redstar.

[TElla] <AMO2><AMO1> ::nods:: Yes, I am

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>::steps up on pad awaiting rest of team::reviews eng padd whilst waiting::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Captain sir, does medical have permission to bring lab equipment?

[TElla] <AMO2> ::smiles a little::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> They do, yes

[TLara] <AMO1> ::great, just what we need::

[Vatric] <HOPS>+ALL TEAMS+ Prepare for Transport, report when ready.

[Laarell] <MXO><HOPS> As soon as the team is ready, initiate transport.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] <CMO> And on my pay, that's saying something. ::smirks a bit:: +HOPS+ Ready when you are.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] <CENG>+HOPS+ Ready.

[Vatric] <HOPS>+CMO+ Lab Equipment yes, Doctor thank you.

[sTSF_Seiben] Anyways, do you think Toria's ready?

[TLara] <AMO1> ::Stands by::

[Lt.Arch_Angel] <CSEC><SEC TEAM>set phasers on stun,and secure your weapons,follow standard protocols,until ordered differently

[sTSF_Seiben] <And...>

[TElla] <AMO2> ::prepares to be transported with a medikit in one hand, and tricorder in another::

[Vatric] <HOPS><CO> Away Team is ready sir.


[sTSF_Seiben] We can continue this next week, if you wish.

[sTSF_Seiben] Would you like to continue, or do something different next week?

[Laarell] Continue, definitely.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] Continue.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] Continuing would be good fun, indeed!

[Vatric] the rixian plague is not one of my favorite subjects :)

[sTSF_Seiben] Alrighty, we'll hopefully conclude next week

[Lt.Arch_Angel] would love to continue

[Vatric] yes

[sTSF_Jami] ::rummaging in the trash bin:::

[sTSF_Seiben] Anyways.. onto more official matters:

[sTSF_Seiben] Cadet Toria, front and centre!

[sTSF_Jami] ::comes across several candy wrappers:::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] ::Readies the trout::

[Ens_Finn] sniffs graduation?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] ::steps forward:: :)

[sTSF_Jami] ::tossing stuff here and there::: Ah...there it is.

[sTSF_Jami] ::pulls it out of a smashed snickers bar:::

[Laarell] ::looks frightened and worries that Toria will be a test subject for the plague vaccine::

[sTSF_Jami] :::spits on it and wipes it off:::

[Ens_Finn] ::grabs a halibut::

[Vatric] hey you found my pip!

[sTSF_Seiben] Yes.. you took to the plot quite nicely, eh? Thinking you can just take over and lead your team?

[Lt.Arch_Angel] ::readies the really,really aged salmon,and gets ready::

[sTSF_Jami] :holds it up::: Good as new.

[sTSF_Seiben] You know what we do to people like you?

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] Throw fish at them!

[TElla] How about flower?

[sTSF_Jami] ::Seiben:: Feed them old Snickers bars?

[sTSF_Seiben] Before that>

[Ens_Finn] not airlock six?

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] Snickers sounds good... preferable to salmon.

[Vatric] ::fills a large water balloon::

[sTSF_Jami] Moldy snickers.

[Lt.Arch_Angel] ::2 extra ripe ones at that::

[Vatric] gimme back my snickers!

[sTSF_Jami] Half eaten, covered in worms...

[sTSF_Seiben] We stab them. With small sharp metallic objects. Like the one Jami has.

[Vatric] lol

[Lt.Arch_Angel] LOL

[sTSF_Jami] :::hands it to Seiben:: Watch the pointy end, Boss.

[Vatric] ::covers his eyes::

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] Standby all fish cannons!

[sTSF_Seiben] Right.. ::Jabs it in Toria's larynx:: COngratulations.. you are now promoted to Ensign

[Ens_Finn] standing by

[Laarell] Congratulations!!!!!!!

[sTSF_Jami] <w> You missed....again...

[sTSF_Seiben] Meh

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] :P Thanks. ::winces from jabs::

[sTSF_Seiben] I'm not much of a good aim

[Ens_Finn] ::Hurls the halibut:: Congratulations Eiram!!!!

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] ::Trout-fire!::

[sTSF_Jami] Ah well...congratulations anyway, Lanna.

[sTSF_Seiben] Toria, PM me for the next step.

[Vatric] ::waits for the fish fly and lobs the water balloon way up in the air::

[CharlieHarper] Fish? You smack them with dead fish?

[Ens_Finn] oh my yes

[Lt.Arch_Angel] ::throws the 2 extra ripe salmon, followed up with the ss2000::

[sTSF_Jami] Log coming up, all. Dead fish and rotten candy bars.

[Laarell] Hush, slave. We smack them with what we wish.

[CharlieHarper] ::leans on a cane:: In my day... we dumped them in jello.

[Ens_Andrew_Mitchell] Of COURSE.

[sTSF_Jami] Heh.

[Cdt_Eiram_Lanna_Toria] ::grumbles about salmon::

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