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Minor Changes

As Dominick Pneuma got off his shift he was beat. He never realized just how much talking could tire a person out. So he walked to the turbo lift and went to his quarters to catch a few Z’s. As he walked into his quarters he looked around at his new home. Cherub’s ears perked up at the sound of his master walking in and ran to great him.

“Wow today was tough. At least I got you to come home to boy”

Dom looked around his quarters which had been very much standard up to this point having not had time too truly make it his own.

“Man this place is plain I think when I get up I might have to do some redecorating in here”

Than Sensing Hunger from Cherub he walked over to the replicator.

“Canine Food supplement 45”

The Replicator hummed and the dog’s food appeared in front of him. Setting the Food on the floor he spoke to Cherub “There you go Boy enjoy!” With that Dom turned around and went to his bed and fell into a silent restless sleep. Dreams of Alien weaponry attacking the Ship and disappearing Away teams flooded him making it impossible for his mind to truly settle down.

After about four hours Dom woke up with a jolt. His last dream really frightened him. He dreamed that he was part of the away team but this time there was no rescue. They were left to fend for themselves in an unknown place and slowly but surely they succumbed to madness and killed each other off one by one. It was horrifying.

Realizing it was all a dream, and having about given Cherub a heart attack, he decided to stay awake. “Time to start setting up this place to make it my own”, He stated as he observed the room. First off Lets get a color scheme going here. Having liked black and blue all his life he figured that would be a good place to start on this. With that he began Replicating Bed sheets, Pillows, Furniture, and anything else he could need in black and blue. Next he turned his attention to Cherub who was curiously watching everything take place. “Don’t worry boy I haven’t forgot about you.” With that Dom replicated a small doghouse for Cherub and set it in the corner of his Quarters.

Having finished He took a look around the room. “Now this is nice. I finally feel like I am at home.” Dom than looked at Cherub, “Well boy, want to go hunting?” With that Cherubs tail began to wag and the sensation of excitement and joy filled Dom’s being. “Well I take that as a yes!” With that He headed out the door with Cherub to a vacant Holosuite.

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