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Fallout Part I - The End

Personal Log

Stardate 0604.20


It is done.


We used a combination of my hypersonic pulse and anesthezine gas to take out the hostiles. Of course, we ended up knocking out our own people, too, but we didn’t have much of a choice. At least we were able to end the situation and end it in our favor.


Engineering is a disaster area, though. It is not going to be operational for a while. Power is out, the warp core is offline, consoles are destroyed...yeah, not a pretty site. Prell is in what is left of his office. He can’t be in the best of moods; he’s probably in shock over the state of things. Can’t say I blame him really. And, of course, I had a hand in a lot of this.


Jay is on standby to get his teams to work once we get the hostiles locked up and our people to sickbay. He’s got quite a job ahead of him. We’ve all got quite a job ahead of us. I have never seen a main engineering room look so…so…decimated. And decimated is the optimistic word.


We are headed to Starbase 11 for repairs and likely a debriefing. I can’t say I’m looking forward to the latter. We’re going to have to explain how we lost control of main engineering, how we got it back, why we waited so long to implement a plan, why engineering is in the state it’s in…about as much fun as being tied up and having to get to safety by crawling with my lips through a cactus garden followed by a salt pit.


In the meantime, though, we’re going to at least clean up the mess and make it easy for the repair crews. That and it’ll give us something to do. At least Prell’s favorite coffee mug survived. We’d never hear the end of it otherwise.

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