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Hurry Up And Wait

Personal Log

Stardate 0604.19


Well, here I am, up to my old tricks again. This time I think I’ve found a truly viable plan. By utilizing the com system connections in engineering I can put out a hypersonic pulse. The hypersonic pulse will knock out everyone in main engineering, the Klingons, the Romulans, and our people, too, without actually harming them. And then our security teams can move in and secure the room, and, more importantly, they can secure the leader of this cell. He can’t detonate the warp core while he’s unconscious, can he? And I’m willing to bet that the hypersonic pulse will interfere with his mental connection to the detonators, though I have absolutely no clue about that for sure. I’ve got everything ready to go; I just need the go-ahead from the bridge.


In other news, I was able to communicate with Kairi. It seems that in all the confusion (not to mention the dark) she was able to make it into Prell’s office where Captain Rieve and her team were located. And then, somehow, she managed to use parts of Prell’s desktop com, his replicator, and the ODN network to communicate with the outside world. She’s a bright girl, and she’ll make a fine chief engineer one day.


Well, here I am, still sitting in the dark and cramped Jeffries tube. I guess the Romulans are negotiating with someone at the moment, either Colonel Harper or Rieve. Or both. We really need to get things moving and get this over with. They’ve got several hostages, one of which is our warp core. I’ve always known that dieing in space and on duty was a distinct possibility, but I was kind of hoping that I wouldn’t be done in by a treacherous warp core. I kind of doubt that my parents want to receive a package from Davies containing an urn that holds a few of my remaining atoms. Yeah, not fun. Yeesh, I would have rather died twelve years ago aboard the Susquehanna, and that mission was a complete disaster.


Speaking of our illustrious captain, I wonder what he’s up to. Probably playing golf or lying on the beach or something. If only he knew what was happening to his ship. Although, come to think of it, it probably wouldn’t surprise him any. Danger seems to be this ship’s lot in life. I’m not even sure she’s been on a mission where someone hasn’t taken hostages, blown something up, or at least made an attempt to. Pax Primus, the VDC bombing and the Vacitu, and now this…and those are only the ones I’ve been around for. Goodness.


Ugh, how long have I been recording this. Geeze, Saf, you might go crazy in here and start talking to yourself…or worse, you might start talking to the computer.

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