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Reno, Johnson,and I have just adjourned from our pre assignment meeting that was

to help determine the possible best location,and the immediate departmental priority

of scheduling and coordination with the engineering dept. schedule to begin the large

task that lay ahead of their medical team responsible for the setting up and equipping

of the initial phase of the construction of the medical center.....those most likely to be

of immediate need first...and the other depts. added as the schedule progressed.


I have reported to Reno the readiness of the equipment,and inventory that will be

necessary to implement a minimum trauma center,as well as an emergency room,

and triage center....I have checked ,and rechecked,inventoried,as well as packed

and secured the necessary inventory to get us started.


Well looks like more data is needed,all I can do now is wait,and when we get the

clearance to proceed with the mission we have layed out,hopefully we can minimize

the conflict,and wasted time that is usually company to such an endavor,time will tell

we will see...I realise this means many hours of sleep loss,just to ensure the eng.team

comply and do not change our layed out plan....hopefully....End Log::.Beep.

Edited by eagle

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