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The Needlefinder 2000

Murray sat at a science console on the bridge. He was still a little shocked at the loss of the away team. Scherer and Smith…he had served with them since he had joined the Reaent. And now he had lost his new security officer.


He could tell by the expression on Zafira’s face that things had not gone well in the ready room. The first mission for the fighters and the entire away mission ended up in disaster. Michaels was probably wondering just what good the fighters were, and what exactly they were doing on his ship.


Murray looked over the various sensor logs, hoping to find something, anything that would explain what happened. He hoped that it wasn’t because they just hadn’t been fast enough in beaming the team off the shuttle.


He sat there for twenty minutes, skimming the surface of the logs, hoping that something on the surface would be a clue. The ship’s sensors, the shuttle’s sensors, the fighters’ sensors, the fighters’ flight recorders…it was a lot of data.


Something formed a pattern, though. Murray looked closer, going into the detailed readings. There it was in the biosigns aboard the shuttle, or more accurately, the lack thereof. It was the proof that they had no control over what happened; the proof that no one was at fault. And upon further examination, it could even prove that the away team was still alive somewhere.

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