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Tuesday 4.4.2006

STSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): =/\==/\=STSF Seiben=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer, Stage Hand, Keeper of the Keys to Eternity (XO): =/\==/\=STSF Jami=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lt Nicolas Lepage

[sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Vatric

[sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Toy 12

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Mid Spitfire

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Louis O Solion

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Merina

[sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] ::tosses the keys to Hans:::

[sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10604.04

[sTSF_Seiben] The Federation starship USS Catalina has been dispatch to investigate an anomoly deep in remote territory,

[sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

[merina] CMO>::in sickbay doing regular medical business::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::in engineering checking the engines::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Rubs his chin::

[Vatric] <TAC>::standing with arms folded at the tactical station viewing long range sensors::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Keeping the Catalina pointed deep into remote territory. ::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO> :: on the bridge watching Seiben rub his chin::

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG>::in engineering running radiation feild tests::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> Mr. Toy, have all departments report, please.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Wondering what is brewing. ::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> +CSEC, CMO, CENG+ Still heading for the anomaly. Department status, please.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> So we got another scientific mission...

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Yep.. Looks routine.

[merina] CMO>+HOPS+sickbay is ready as she'll every be

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::enters the bridge, crossing immediately to the science console to log in:::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> I've heard that before and almost died.

[Vatric] <TAC>::zooming in and out of the passing star systems::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Truer words have not been spoken

[sTSF_Jami] <CSci> <MXO/OPS> Science is ready.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CSCI> Thank you, Jami.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Looks at the viewscreen::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> What's our ETA?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> +CENG+ Department status, please?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::nods to Toy::calling up information on the anomaly, which is almost nonexistent, since it is, of course, an anomaly:::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> Five minues at warp five, sir.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>+HOPS+A ok

[Vatric] <TAC>::running a level 4 diagnostic on the defensive systems::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> Very well.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <MXO> Have we anything from Starfleet on this anomaly, Sir? There is nothing in the database.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> Security is running a short shift, but other departments are reporting ready.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> We have been sent to collect data on the anomaly. All we know is that it formed not long ago.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO>::mumbles:: i have to talk to those security people...

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> One minute to end warp. How far away should I hold station?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Drop out of warp about 50 000 kms away

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Are there any ships in the sector?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::tappity tap tap::: <XO> Interesting. Not long ago. I suppose we can eliminate several stellar phenomena from that bit of evidence. ::looks to Toy for feedback:::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG><AENG>Can you run a dionostic on the core?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> 50,000 KM, aye.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Comes out of warp and engages station keeping on thrusters. ::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> I noted a Ferengi transport two sectors distant but nothing to write home about.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> :nods:: Try to collect as much information as you can.

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG> Yes, I'll get right on it. ::heads down to terminal near the core::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Keeping a close watch on range, just in case the thing has more gravity than anticipated.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> I doubt the Ferengi would come to check out the anomaly unless it spilled large amounts of gold pressed latinum.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSci> <MXO> You mean, short of taking a run through it? ::grin:: Of course, Sir.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Confirms a lack of gold pressed latinum.... ::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> I doubt we'd ever be so lucky Commander ::smiles::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> ::shrugs:: I'd not mind seeing the end of this day. Would a probe be any help?

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The anomoly is spectrum of various colours. But scans would indicate that it is starting to pull nearby things to it's centre.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Kep an eye on those sensors. I don't want any surprises while we're here.

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG>::hands over a datapad:: Heres the dianogsitcs you asked for sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSci> :::frowns::checking sensors:: <XO> Commander, we may want to scratch that elimination of stellar phenomena part....

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Again, I doubt we'd ever be so luck Commander ::smiles again::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <All> Pretty. It does have some form of attracing field. Thrusters are a bit active fighting a tug.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Could you please elaborate?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> There appears to be quite a gravitational pull at the center. Wide spectrum analysis...

[merina] CMO>::likes the quietness of sickbay::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> Should be back up a bit?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> BAck us away another 50 K

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Captain, might I suggest we allow it to pull us in to get a closer look?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> We might also go for an orbit.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Analysis confirms stellar gasses, interstellar dust, all consistent with a stellar source, but where it's drawing from is unknown...

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> Backing off. :: Engages impulse engines, briefly ::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> But wouldn't we get pulled it as well? I think it'd be safer to send a probe, eh?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Almost like it's coming out of .. . thin air, or thin vacuum?

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> You mean it pulls in matter but you don't know where the matter's coming from?

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> I concur.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Exactly, Commander.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Get to work on it.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> I concur with a probe also.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> I don't like the sound of it.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Aye sir, preparing a class 5 probe.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::continues working, silent agreement with Lepage:::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Returns to station keeping mode. :: 100,000 KM and stationkeeping.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Me too.. if this is :routine", then maybe I'm in the wrong line of work.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Alright. Prepare a probe. Work with engineering in case you need modifications.

[Vatric] <TAC>::configures a standard probe and enters the launch start up sequence::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Captain the first probe is ready for launch. Standard Class 5.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> LAunch it.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Firing now...

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO> ::scratches his forehead:: <CSCI> Is there a possibility we overlooked something. Anything that could be a source for the mater?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::looks over the pad::

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Scans from as far as is possible detect no possible source...

[Vatric] <TAC>::examining the previously recorded electromagnetic spectrum for signs of intelligent radio signals::

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Except...one more thing...:::shifts to another console:::

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> Probe has been launched, shall I transfter telemitry to your station?

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO> ::frowns::<CSCI> what would that be?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <TAC> Please. ::still working:::

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Something we really don't want to mess with, sir. Any disruption in the space/time continuum.

[Vatric] <TAC>::returns to the long range sensors watching the sector for any vessels::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> ::exhales audibly:: Run?

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> What was the primary frequency of the radiating color scheme?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> If worse comes to worse yes

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> What could have caused such a disruption?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> Old ships exceeding warp 5 cause such things, but this isn't a heavily travelled high stress area.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Didn't we see colors earlier?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::walks over to a station to check the ship's condition::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Do we know who still uses those ships?

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG>::coninues radiation feild tests::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> A dozen species still employ warp 5 limited starships sir.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> As far as we know it isn't a heavily travelled area, you mean.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <TAC> Primary frequency is red.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> Correct.

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> Infared radiation may indicate a powerful heat source.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Woud any of those species have business here?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSci> <TAC> Possibly. But we should be able to detect it.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> A single large ship traveling very fast might breach in a single pass, in theory, but there have been no verified incedents.

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Commander as we are in a very remote area of space I would narrow the search parameters to species whose main concerns include exploration.

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG<::taps console answering to computer chirps::<CENG> Sir, I think you should have a look at this...

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> I've learned that just because something has not happened,yet it's not necessarily impossible. Are there any traces of ships passing this sector recently?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Checks to see if the matter near the anomaly might be the remnants of a single large ship. ::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Good point but would a species with ships that can only reach warp 5 even go this far?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Checks for warp traces or ion trails. ::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Scans may indicate that this is the case...

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> They may not allow their limited capabilities to impair their exploration of the galaxy.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::turms around::<AENG>what?

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Would this be consistent with your scans?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> I do have a potent warp trail leading directly to the anomaly, but not out of it.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> ::frowns:: You mean someone flew in there but didn't come back out???

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> It is a definite possibility, Commander.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> The traces of matter near the anomaly are also comptible with a ship that has undergone catastrophic break up.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Could the matter be the remnants of a ship?

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <<scratch my last>>

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <CO> Just how did we find out about this anomaly, Sir? Did perhaps someone report it and not return?

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Captain I recommend a pass with the metallic compositor.

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG>Ever since we left warp, the radiation feilds have practicaly quadrupled in the last five minutes. ::shows raiseing bars on console::

Kat has left the chat.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> That might account for the red spectrum - heat from their engines and fuel.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS/CSCI> Is there any way to determine what kind of ship that was?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Sure

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> We might collect pieces.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> ::whispers:: I like the idea of running more and more.

[Vatric] <TAC>::fires up the lateral sensor array and initiates an active scan of the thickest part of the anomaly searching for metallic particles::

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Not through scientific analysis, sir. If it was a ship it's been broken into its component parts already and is no longer a ship.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> It was an order we got from Starfleet Command. I believe another ship found it, reported it, but didn't ever get heard from again

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::alarmed::+CO+um...sir my assistant has been checking the radeation levels and he found that the radiation fields have quadrupled in the last five minutes

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> <Q> So do I.. but that wouldn't look good on our resumes

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <HOPS> If we could find pieces. <CO> Perhaps that is the ship, then.

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI><HOPS> I am detecting liquefied iron and cobalt can you confirm?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO<><CSCI> Prehaps it is

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> I think our priority should be to find out what exactly we're dealing with. If what we found here really was a ship we're a bit late to help them anyway.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Indeed.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CSCI> Even if we can only collect atoms, the ratio of elements might identify the race of origin.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <HOPS> Perhaps.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Chief, please concentrate on finding out what that anomaly is.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> :::deep breath::: <HOPS> But we would have to get close enough to collect, wouldn't we?

[sTSF_Seiben] CO>+CENG+ Take whatever prevcations you think are necessary

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC/HOPS> Toy and Vatric please work together and try to find out whi died out there.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <CO> Aye, Captain.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>+CO+yes sir

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <TAC> Can the probe you sent do a spectral analysis of the matter near the anomaly?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::checking for iron and cobalt:::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> If the radiation levels are rising we should probably notify sickbay.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> ::glances over at Toy and raises an eyebrow::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <TAC> If all that is left of the atoms, let's just see which atoms are there?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG><AENG>ok our primary job is to find a way to have it not affect the crew

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <TAC> I'm detecting the possible residuals of those, but there are only gasses present, nothing liquid or solid. Except....interstellar dust...?

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS>The probe can do any standard scan, so far I am detecting two types of liquid metals.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Right. <HOPS> Please notify sickbay of the rise in rad levels

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Radiation levels begin to exceed safe levels.

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG>Sir, this keeps getting stranger, the radation is raises in pulses.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> +Sickbay+ Engeineering is detecting a raise in raditaion levels.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::shifts once more::: <anyone> It's possible that what is registering as interstellar dust is actually the remnant of something that exploded.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> As much as I hate to admit it but this thing intrigues me more and more.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> It's the explorer nature in all of us

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <XO> Sir, I'm starting to get radiation alarms.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG><AENG>REALLY!

[merina] CMO>+HOPS+ alright do we know how high it is

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> Perhaps it's actually plasma.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Something big?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <XO> Shields might help block radiation if the source is external.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Raise shields.

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG>sir, I think theres a warp core in the anomaly, what else emits energy like that, in pulses?

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Shields up.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::check the sensors::+CO+SIR! radation levels are above safe limits

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> Back up a bit farther?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Large enough to make the anomaly.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> YEah back us up and put more power into the shie;lds

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> Could this be a plasma storm?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>+CO+um...sir my assistant there is a warp core in the anomaly

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +CENG+ Do what you can, we need more power to shieldings

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> Back us up another 50000km and transfer power to the shields.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <TAC> Possibly.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +CENG+ Don't knwo

[merina] CMO>::starts working on an anti-radiation syrum::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Engages impulse at 1/4 reverse. ::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Something with a warp core or even bigger?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::goes to a station and transfers reserve power to shields::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Allocates additional power from the warp core to shields ::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> Report radiation levels.

[merina] CMO>+bridge+ someone please tell me how much radation we're getting

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI/TAC> Try to scan for any warpcores..

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> I would say larger than a warp core, sir. Perhaps several warp cores might do it.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Returns to station keeping. ::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> If we're not careful the Catalina could become a big pile of kindling.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> 150,000 KM and holding.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Would they have exploded at the same time?

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG>::glares in fear of rising radation bars:: *oh no...*

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> They may have, but not necessarily.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> I'm just trying to prevent that.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> I really don't like this.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> Radiation levels are dropping somewhat, but not as much as I would expect given shields and the increased distance. We are under the nominal minimums, but still a bit high.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::starts to take some power off from the weapons and on to the shields::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Sir, shields are at 120% but the radiation levels are at 900,000 Rads

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HPS> Inform me immediately if radiation levels rise again. For the time being we can still explore a bit.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> I recommend a speedy retreat before our engines go critical.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::feeling queasy:::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Scans would now indicate the sudden appearance of a binary star system nearby our location

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> Monitoring rad, aye.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> What the....

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Blinks ::

[Vatric] <TAC>::getting hot under the collar::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO>+CENG+ I'd appreciate any input on how to get the radiation levels down.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> :::frowing at her console:::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Anything wrong, chief?

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CSCI> I think the law regarding conservation of mass has just been repealed.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> Uh...commander. A binary system just . . . appeared.

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ I hope you remembered to install the interphasic shielding.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> What do you mean...just appeared?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> It wasn't there...and now it is. ::looks at him:: Not a good sign, Sir.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> We may have the beginnings of a shattered universe, sir.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Stars don't jst appar. Where did they come from?

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> <XO> That would mean a huge rift in space-time, which also means we better . . . leave.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> The law has not been repealed, just not properly applied. It must be a dark matter globule beginning ignition. Perhaps the warp core of the ship that exploded was the catalyst.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>+CENG+well...not really

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> ::looks at Seiben:: I tend to agree with Jami.

[merina] CMO>::starts thinking the bridge crew is playing games with her::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Decides against recommending that the universe needs to be evacuated. ::

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::looks at TAC::then to Nic:::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Oh dear

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> I would not recommend high warp speeds We may accelerate the problem.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::starts to feel some effects of the radation::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Commander, if we get caught between the protomatter of a newborn binary star, we will not survive.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::urp::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Impulse then, eh?

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> Well then maybe tiptoe away instead of run.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <MXO> Yeah.. slowly

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: Turns the ship around, and exits the region under 1/2 impulse ::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> It may already be at critical mass.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> Radiation levels?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::sees the rad levels still rising::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> Rising, but still not critical.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> Should I send a 'sky is falling' message to starfleet?

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Whatever it is I want to be as far as possible...even though that might not help much.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> OK, lemme know when it gets there

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::transfers all the power from weapons to the shields::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Could our probe cause further problems?

[Vatric] <TAC>::tap, zap, tap, zap, tap, blurp:: <XO> Commander, weapons are offline.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> :::really nauseated::: <XO> It could have, sir. ::bends over her console:::

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG> Sir, if we take anymore, imagine how violent the plasma in the conduits are going to get, we'll get pressure blows through the ship!

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><TAC> Seeing as we don'T need them at the moment it's not a priority.

[Vatric] <TAC>::getting light headed and dizzy::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CSCI> Are you alright?

[sTSF_Seiben] <5 more minutes>

[merina] CMO>::starts feeling sick and gives herself a hypo for radiation posioning::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Sir, I... am going offline. ::drops to the floor in a sweat and passes out::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Maybe we should medical up here..

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> I think I'm going to full impulse.

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CO> ::shrugs:: Sounds like a plan.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG><AENG>well we need to survive. I need as much energy I can get

[Toy_12] <HOPS> :: accelerates to full impulse ::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Get us out of here, and call a MEdical team to the bridge to tend to everyone

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <CO> Thrshold radiations are exceeding maximums.

[Toy_12] <HOPS> +Sickbay+ Medical to the bridge. Radiation sickness becoming acute.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::feels dizzy and trys to get some power out of the lights::

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG> energy.... ::ponders...*DING::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO> ::curses under his breath, feeling sick::

[Vatric] <TAC>::visits with hawking in an unconscious dream::

[merina] CMO>+bridge+ on my way

[merina] CMO>::grabs a med kit and pushes the button for the anti-radiation posioning::

[merina] CMO>::enters a tl:: bridge

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::breaks out in a sweat:::still trying to work but the numbers seem to swirl without making sense:::

[Cdt_Louis_O_Solion] <AENG><CENG>Sir, why dont we "Weld" the anomaly closed with energy?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG>::is flashing in and out getting all power from everything except engines::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><HOPS> What's our distance to the anomaly?

[Vatric] <TAC>::dreaming:: Hawking> So you're telling me they want to rewrite Newton's Laws? ::chuckles::

[Toy_12] <HOPS> <MXO> We are four light minutes out, sir.

[merina] CMO>::feels somewhat tired, but arrives at the bridge::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO> ::fighting to keep his breakfast where it is::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CENG><AENG>um....right now we should try to escape insted of dieing

[merina] CMO>::gets out of the tl and starts treating everyone on the bridge::

[Lt._Nicolas_Lepage] <MXO><CMO> Ah, doctor... you should probably first tend to Mr Vatric. He has...gone offline...to quote his words.

[sTSF_Jami] <CSCI> ::shaking::thankful for rad medicine;::

[sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

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