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Personal Log - I Need a Nightlight!

Personal Log

Stardate 0604.04


Wow, it’s dark in here. I have just cut all power to engineering. We should be able to take the Romulans that have taken over engineering by surprise. Prell probably won’t be happy with the way I went about shutting off power, but Captain Rieve wanted it off, so I “turned” it off. I was lucky I didn’t fry myself. Or any of the Marines. Put on quite a light show in the Jeffries tube, though.


It has just occurred to me that we don’t even know how many of our engineers are still in engineering. I left Kairi in there, and I believe Nikki was wandering around in there, too. How many others the Romulans are holding hostage, I don’t know.


I’ve tapped discreetly on the warp core. Hopefully Nikki will hear it and get the others and herself out of the line of fire. Still though, given that someone somewhere has brilliantly decided to turn off the gravity down here, things could get pretty messy and hectic. As it is I’ve got myself tethered to the matter and antimatter housings at the top of the separated core. It will be hard enough getting a phaser lock in the dark let alone hovering above the core in a gravity-less darkness. Hallelujah for Starfleet Marine Corps battle training.


The Marines have opened fire. Opening fire myself.

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