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Part3/"what happens on risa..stays on risa"..

" What Happens on Risa.......Stays on Risa"...

Part Three:


John looked at Kats face as they were walking back towards the resort...You know I had been taken aback a bit as I looked at

you in the next stall....I was trying to remember how long it had been since I had heard a human voice,let alone the small female

that was talking to me...I blurted out a few words...and remembered they were in my native tounge..imagine my suprise and my

infinite delight when you spoke back in our native tounge...it was too good to be true...I remember stretching out my hand as if to

insure you were not an illusion,or the pain induced vision from my wounds...you asked me what happened there,what do they do to

you there...you were full of questions,and hoping for answers...I felt a surge of sorrow then as your face looked at mine little one

as I related to you what was my experience in that hell,and what was expected from our captors,as well we spoke of the times

others and I had attempted to escape...to no avail,each resulting in pain..,or death for some...you told me later I had a look of pure

sorrow on my face as I related my tale of being marooned here on this planet while enroute to my next posting,.. as the wars had

began to really heat up...,there far from Star Fleet,the ship....my fighter craft destroyed by fire shortly after landing here from a

brief engagement in combat with a few pirates, I had spoken the truth to you when you were informed the worst of the whole thing

was we were being kept,and survived only for the sport and enjoyment of our captors,to fight and possibly die in the combat arena sport they relished so much...I also remember how you took on a look of utter disgust and anger as you listened.

Kat took Johns hand gently squeezing it...and smiling,I remember Skraggs head trainer coming into the barn,he had overheard us

speaking in our native tounge...it grabbed what appeared to be a large rake,I had caught the movement out of the corner of my

eye, the rake crashing down towards your outstretched arms through the bars of our stalls,..I had yelled Nooo...Angel move!!,

,not soon enough to warn you,your right arm had been caught by the rake,and broken...I heard the crack of the bone and ducked

back down behind my wall ,I was afraid I would be next..,Arch ...when I heard that crack my stomach turned,and wrenched,it made me sick..

They rounded the corner by the exotics gift shop::...Heh,your stomach turned..,my eyes were blinded with pain...but,as you recall

he started to drift off...a flood of memories coming back ..he had almost forgotten as he looked instinctively at the arm ..it had been healed long ago,however the painful memory yet remained..."little one"..,do you remember what I screamed back at that

low down son of a blood worm..after he pulled back the rake??...Kat thought for a moment,she remembered being so scared the

thing was going to come after her next she just cowarded in the corner and prayed to the spirit that she die quickly if it had to

end that way..She looked at John.."not really"..I was so scared he was going to kill you...and then come for me next.

John winked at Kat,well you know me...all to well,I cursed his entire family,how dubious it was his mother had bred within his

species,and how he was the misbegotten son of an argillian whore...then I reminded him of just how much trouble he was in for

injuring his owners prime fighter...Kat looked on as Angel's face took on a cold...staring expression,I also took a vow then and

there to gut him like the pig he was,and leave his entrails for the dogs, I would have his scalp lock ...which I did keep my vow

to him ..before we were rescued away from that planetary hell hole...He shook his head,smiled once again softly at Schawnsee.

Kat smiled..."I remember that part"..the owner skragg had no idea what happened to him,you made it look as if someone else

had done him in,and you slipped back to your pen,replacing your collar just before we were taken to the big fight arena,where

we were able to escape...thanks to the transporter chief locking onto our bio signatures...John chuckled...yeah I bet the chief

had a bad hair moment when he read different bio signatures other than the logged crew...yes it was truly a blessing for you

to have been placed there at that timeand moment, you know the elders maintain we all have our part in the galactic tapestry

and just how important each and everyone's part is...he was looking up at the star filled sky,then back down at his little one..you

liked that tactic did you?..it did work,..heh,..he never knew what had hit him,until I had cleaved the blade of my Hawk from his

neck down to his hips,I took his heart,and his scalp before he died..he actually had a puzzled expression on his face as if asking

why was this happening to him...Kat interjected,he never made a sound either...John looked at her..snikered...it is difficult to

scream out when your wind pipe has been severed clean little one...Kat nodded...they continued to walk to the hotel..

End Part: Three..

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