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Part 2,"what happens on risa..Stays on Risa"...

" What Happens on Risa.....stays on Risa"

Part : Two..


After watching a perfect sunset,the old friends made their way to the Reggae style restaurant and lounge...John looked over at

Kat and asked her.....will you trust me on this....she nodded,good .he spoke to the waiter and ordered the Jamaican BBQ pig

platter with all the trimmings and side dishes,The entire pig mind you...the waiter nodded and expressed it would be at least an

hour for the order to be prepared...John suggested an alternative,two large plates of the order instead...the waiter smiled ..right

away sir..only a few minutes for that order,they took their drinks and settled into conversation,laughing and reminiscing over old

memories when the waiter rolled out the cart with two huge platters adorning it with a plethora of side dishes as well,they both

began digging into the scrumptious assortment of the pig and side orders,while they feasted he looked over at Kat and snickered

that is why you never grow little one...you eat so little,he had engorged himself on the delicious roast bbq pig...practically half

of an entire pig.

Kat sat back in her chair,daintily wiping her mouth with her napkin.."Well I do not need that much food either",...pointing at

the pile of bones John had accumulated in comparison to her modest pile of bones....giggling,the waiter came back ,and asked

politely if they needed anything else ...perhaps a house specialty desert,or beverage...She ordered a glass of water,no ice,He

ordered a pineapple smoothie...He was watching her as she was removing her medicine pouch from around her neck...She sat

the pouch on the table and began to take some of the various herbs out ,and place them on a small plate,she looked up at him

smiling...Arch,do you remember the first time we met ??....He sipped the smoothie the waiter had brought to the table,as well

as the glass of water Kat had ordered...he watched as she began to prepare the herbal medication he knew she needed,He

looked at her..Yes I do remember ...all to well little one,it seems so long ago now.

Kat removed a stone out of the pouch,and began adding the herbs one at a time,mixing them carefully,closing her eyes she

began the ancient chant her grandfather had taught her,thanking the spirit that watched over her,as well as for the herbs that

were vital for her very existence,and continued health...she drank the oddly colored drink down slowly,when finished she put

the stone back into her medicine pouch and placed it back around her neck..Shall we go for a walk??....He nodded,smiling

after that meal I need to ...they rose from the table ,leaving the resturant,casually walking along the moon lit paths of the beach

on this tropical paradise..John looked at her,you know watching you just now reminds me,I have something I have promised

to give to you when next we met,it is in my room,in my personal bag..Kat well ,I was just remembering when I was first taken

into the barn where you were being held,caged up like a wild animal...we did not even know each other at that time,I was so

glad to see and hear someone speak in our native tongue.

John smiled....Yes the barn...,how well I remember,and how comforting it was to actually see and hear one of my kind as well

I had all but regressed literally,to an animal like state by then,when our......host shall we say,first brought you into the corrals as

an addition to their stable of fighters...Her mind flashed back to her arrival,and the treatment of her when she first experienced

the alien race that had trapped her...she remembered..she had made a run for it,only to be netted and hit in the back of her head

The alien in charge had stated "this one will make a good fighter for our contest"..she remembered being slung over the shoulder

of the beast like so much wild game,.she was taken to the place of the auction of slaves,she was cast down onto the muck filled

ground,her face being wiped with it by her captors,then a numbered tag was tied around her neck,the creature whom had been

the one that captured her was also the auctioneer,his name was Gluug,a name she would remember,she slipped into unconscious

ness ...she had sustained a light concussion during her capture.her number was called,she was picked up and sprawled onto the

auction block..she was barely aware of the creature speaking"Look gamers what we have here"..this one would make someone

a nice little house slave,she has a bit of muscle for lifting,possibly doing the chores as well as tending to your fighters..perhaps ...

even kept for breeding purposes,as the vile creature was speaking he was constantly poking her and prodding her to best show

her attributes ,trying to build up the value of her to the auction attendees....I will start the bidding at 20 nocas..do I hear 20..the

bidding continued..what..not even 20 nocas for this fine animal??..he looked around the crowd..then 10..,who will give me 10..

,do I hear 10 nocas..not even 10 nocas??...what am I offered then for this fine animal...is there none of you who will venture an

offer...come now,there must be one of you..he waited....A creature near to the block stood and stated "I will give you 3 nocas"

for the scrawny one,she needs to be fed more,put some meat on her bones before she can do what you proclaim she has the

abilities to do...laughing out loud....A second creature stood ..I will give you 5 nocas ,and no more, I can feed her to my stable

of fighters ..they would enjoy the treat..."SOLD".the auctioneer exclaimed...to Brosla for 5 nocas,you will have to carry it for

it is not able to walk under it's own power right now....it was stunned during the capture..Brosla lumbered over,and easily took

Kat and threw her across his shoulder as one would sling a small deer ...she did not know she had been bought by the beast

known for having the best fighter in the region,he placed her on the wagon and proceeded to her new home..Skragg Brosla had

ignored the laughs and chuckles as he passed with her,he knew and was impressed with her ingenuity,and cunningness,he drew

a breath and chuckled as he thought of the remark by the other bidder,"scrawny",indeed little did the other know of her abilities

as he did,after all he was the one she had escaped from originally...he had her back,a good deal indeed.

She remembered being chained,shakled,and a spiked collar being placed around her neck..she struggled against the strain and

pull of the leash...her new owner gave her a quick yank on the chain which took her to the ground..Oh no ,not this time my little

fighter,you will not be getting away this time...I see the fire burning in your eyes,good the hate will make you a better fighter for

you shall learn to fight...or you will die...he dragged her into the barn...John looked at Kat ..bitter memories little one,he smiled

I remember as well the small cubicles we were placed in with nothing but a mud floor,and a few bowls for our water and food

if you could call it food...slop,or grule was more like it,I remember the abuse he inflicted on you as he prepared to put you in

your stall,I thought you had been choked to death ..I was indeed happy to find out otherwise...I remember after he threw you

into your stall and secured the door how you scampered into a corner...after you caught your breath you began looking at the

stall....then you saw me looking back at you,my face peering out from my stall to yours..heh,and as you still do,you began with

the questions.." where are we,has anyone escaped from these things,or this place??"......End Part Two

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