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Coffee....The Lifes Blood of Medical ...

Computer Begin Log::....Personal log, we have just gotten underway on yet another

mission to seek out information vital to the Federation in this quadrant,I most readily

understand the significanse of this of course,however I as a doctor on this fine ship

have a duty to help maintain the good health and well being of this crew,both at the

command,and subordinate levels...this is what concerns me and preoccupies my ,

routine and observations,it has become apparent that the crew has recentlycome out

of a particularlly bad situation where they experienced war on a magnitude one may

not ever have the occasion to encounter while serving in star fleet during their entire

tenure as well as witness to the full scale loss to life and limb both on a scale to great

to comtemplate......the losses on our previous ship the Morning star was a prime and

critical example.


My concern to a greater degree the unusual rise in erratic behavior among the

crew members in general,I must include myself within this grouping,we have been

running literally on adrenalin,and caffeine here,the shock buffered cushion that was

the result of loss to our own ranks,however this indicates a dangerous trend in the

overall general well being of the crew,they have not in my opinion had adequate time

to cope with the last horrific encounter ,when they have been thrust right back into

what may be the same situation...and possibly worse outcome...::He paused to take

another drink of the double strength coffee::...Resume::..The test both physical and

subtle emotional exams I have performed over the past few days on the crew do

indicate a substantial degradation in reaction,timing,and reasoning,all on over half

of the crew have demonstrated this finding,I have indicated this to my CMO,I am

aware of the present situation and the crisis we all face,It is in my estimation,as

well as professional opinion should this crew continue to be pushed beyond the

limits they would never be expected to go beyond....we here in medical can expect

to be treating ever increasing numbers of battle fatigued patients...He drained his

mug,set it back into the replicator.....Coffee Double strong,black...End Log::

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