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Tag, Your It...

They had performed an entire surface scan of the planet below by seperating ,and

taking a different vector from each other,punched up the speed to enable terrain

following flight in responce to an order from the Reaent to scan for additionial or

other settlements,and automated parts of the automated defense system they had

encountered..and taken out.


They were to rejoin with each other when their headings reconverged post circling

the planet and low-level scans were completed...He spoke into the command mike to

the computer...."release automated controls to manual"..He dropped down low into

a sequence of deep canyons and ravines that literally encircled at least two thirds

of the planet....now at maximum manuevering speed he was running the snake as

it was referred to by pilots back on Earth,he could hear his fellow pilots over their

respective comm links as they too were ...shall we say ,establishing the handling

characteristics of their own fighter craft....getting to know them if you will,afterall

they had not had very much time previously to do so...he increased power to the

scanners to full forward,and below.


The blips in green on his Hud were moving closer and closer,this indicated the grp.

was quickly approaching each other,His fighter craft was closing on the point where

he would have to exit the canyons as they shallowed,ending eventually in a wall

of rock,he keyed the fighter group comm,advised his commander and fellow pilot

he was slowing closing speed,he pulled back on the stick ...climbing quickly out

of the canyons...ascending to "Angels Ten" to rejoin the group.


He was within visual range of his fellow pilots when he heard a flash traffic alert

from his fellow pilot V'Roy to Commander Zafira...bogie closing on their position..

he looked at the hud....only green showed,he heard Zafira going hot...locking and

the term "Fox three"...just as V'Roy chimed back in ,it was me approaching,I took

a hard crossed controlled input,rolled and banked hard right,just in case he had

actually pressed the firing button...He exclaimed out over the inter fighter comm

to the commander,as well as V'Roy..apparently he wanted to play a bit..well we did

need to keep sharp on our piloting skills....so ...He simply broke formation,rolled

did a 180 ,came back 180 again,resulting in being behind,and in perfect firing..

position on V'Roys six o'clock ,he got lock,and simulated firing ...tag your it.End Log.

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