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Tuesday 9PM Academy

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): =/\==/\=STSF Seiben=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer, Stage Hand, Keeper of the Keys to Eternity (XO): =/\==/\=STSF Jami=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy 12

[sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Vatric

[sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Ens Quelsar

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Jack Craven

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Mid Spitfire

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cdt Flores

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Ltjg Nicholas Lepage

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Cadet TLara

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Mid Philip Carst

[sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] ::pantpant::

[sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10603.07

[sTSF_Seiben] The Romulan Tal'Shiar vessel RSE Thunderbird (N'Orexan Class) has been ordered to find and intercept Ennarain tr'Saroth, accused as a traitor and a spy transmitting classified information to the Federation. Our mission is to find and execute him at all costs, before he can transmit anymore sensitive information to the Federation.

[sTSF_Seiben] Note: For this week, everybody is Romulan, not human. :D

[sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>::at security station on bridge::

[Vatric] <TAC>::adjusts his helmet::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>:: at sickbay reviewing all of Tlaras reports::

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::At the helm/operations station, keeping the course on track::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Right. I want you to research the last known whereabouts of this Tr'Saroth bloke.

[Joy_12] <MXO> :: On bridge ::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::enters sickbay, takes a look around::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> Good morning, Doctor, how are you today?

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::Hair grows, ears pointen. Standing at console on the bridge::

[Jack_Craven] <CENG>::in engineering adjusting the artificial quantum singularity regulators::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> I shall prove worthy commander. ::fist to chest::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> Just fine how was your morning.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> According to intel, his last known whereabouts was on Remus.

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::walks into Engineerng::

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> Good morning sir

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1> ::in sickbay::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> It was fine, needless to say, eventless too. What is the plan for today, sir?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::sits in his command seat::

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Between Remus and the Federation, then? Listen for the next tranmission, if we cannot find him?

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - AENG = Cadet D Johnson

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Probably.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::approaches the computer console::

[Vatric] <TAC>::accessing the Tal Dian Military Intelligence Database searching through personnel files::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> But we should find him before.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> Well I am reviewng the last shifts reports If my memory serves correctly you were on that shift right.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> That is correct, sir. Any problems?

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> What intelligence do we have?

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> What would you like me to do be working on today sir?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> No no just checking.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> no problem ::turns back to her computer console::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::brings up the latest medical files, checks who needs a checkup::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> We have obtained some of his logs.

[Jack_Craven] <CENG><AENG>When we left Romulus I picked up some fluctuations in our Artifical Quantum Singularity, I'd like you to help me stabalize it. theres no threat to the ship, just some tweaking.

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Perhaps I should examine them? Look for a pattern?

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> Yes sir...may I suggest modifying the deflector dish to do that?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> hmm, according to the medical files, Nick needs a checkup.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>::scans the ship for any thing weird::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> Should I see to it, Doctor?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> Well Nick failed to show up for his check up I guess he will have to wait.

[Jack_Craven] <CENG><AENG>Well I suppose you could suggest it, but it wouldnt happen. We Romulans use a quantum singularity as a power source, not a warp core like the Federation.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO<XO> Ie (Yes). His logs should hold something of where he's going.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> As you wish, Doctor ::goes back to her work::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander, according to the Reman listening posts, Saroth boarded a Corellian freighter bound for Federation space 3 days ago.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> How are you doing on the immunosuppressant you've been working on in the past few days?

[Joy_12] <MXO> :: Starts browsing the logs. ::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> Are we going to start synthesizing them soon?

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> Of course sir...sorry, I had a very strange dream last night, I guess I am disoriented

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1> ::picks up a PADD (or whatever the romulans call it) and walks up to the CMOs office:: Sir?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> I have made no considerable progress do you wish to take a look at it A fresh pair of eyes might help.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::at TAC's words, does a quick scan for any neerby Corellian freighters, just in case::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Menkha (good). That's a start. See if au (you) can find it.

[Jack_Craven] <CENG><AENG>Its fine, just start working on aligning the Singularity. Start with the field coils

[sTSF_Seiben] (HOPS too..)

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> Of course sir

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::spotts Nick, and approaches him::

[Jack_Craven] <CENG>::Keeping an eye on the quantum flux levels in the singularity::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Here you are, Nick. What has been taken so long?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Take us to Warp 8 once TAC gets a course heading. Intercept course.

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::walks over to the console controlling the field coils::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Yes Commander ::turning to Ops <HOPS> Can you provide me with the Reman docking manifests?

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::glances back at TAC::<TAC>yes, one moment

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Also, take us to cloak once we're underway.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> I was working on that research the chief told me to do. Let me see...something about a poison that can't be detected. He said we might need it on this mission.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Aye sir

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Hmm, that is interesting. What have you found?

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Can you determine if the ship logged a flight plan.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::quickly brings up the file from the computer::

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::stares at console, mutters to himself:: Idiotic traitor to the Rihannsu, leaking information to the stupid Lloann'na Galae! The traitor should die a thousand times over...

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::starts reading it as Nick talks::

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::starts realigning the field coils

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> Why don't we discuss this with the chief?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO/CSCI> Also..see what au can find about about Saroth. It'd be nice to find out why he betrayed us, before we y'yya (kill) him

[Vatric] <TAC>::engaging the long ranse sensors::

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::sends the Remus logs to the tactical station::<TAC>I've also got a ship on long range scanners, but can't identify the configuration.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> That is interesting. The poison seems to be able to self cloak from the normal white cells. The leukocytes seem to be oblivious of its existence.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Good idea. ::walks towards Flores::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Freighter was last seen headed bearing 103, 55 to the Federation border at Warp 5.

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> His logs are brief and to the point. Not surprising, given his motivations.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods:: I see.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>::looks up at AMO2:: <AMO2> Yes.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> That's because of the surface proteins I added. ::walks into the chief's office::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> May we have a moment of your time, Doctor?

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::checking the coil status::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Nick, would you like to do the explanation?

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> It looks like a Berellian transport. Let me look in the Narendra Sector instead. There try this ::displays the Corellian configuration on a navigational chart::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> Yes do you need assistance.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::downloads the information onto her tricorder.

[Jack_Craven] <CENG><AENG>Good im getting a 2.3% power increase...next start checking out the plasma exaust, see what you can do about plasma venting efficiency.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> Indeed, doctor. It is about the research project your assigned to Mr.Lepage a few days ago.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Thank you.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Sir, I think I've found the poison you've asked for. Somethig that is extremely difficult to detect but highly effective.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander, the Corellian is at coordinates 103mark55 bearing towards the Federation at warp 5.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Intercept course.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> We would like to ask your opinion on the subject.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><CO>Sir what do we do when we catch up to the freighter? Should we raid it?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Warp 9, full cloak

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> You have allow me to see the research you have come up with.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><Co>Yes sir. Course changed. Cloak engaged.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> The leukocytes in the bloodstream seems to be ineffective when it comes to this type of poison.

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> Yes sir...I think I can clean it out

[Jack_Craven] <CENG>+XO+Cr'ven to bridge, I just got a nice juicy power boost down here. I can probably give you warp 9.19 for a little longer than normal now.

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::walks over to another console::

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Thankfully the Corellians were very meticulous about their activities trading.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> I would mainly like to present my results.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> We'll beam the traitor to our bre'tehh (brig), then destroy the freighter.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> My apologies ::goes back to her work::

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ Engineering, engage the cloaking device, maximum dispersion.

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ You shall give us warp 9 under full cloak until we achieve intercept.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Unfortunately for them, they chose to help the wrong man.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::enters the security office, loaded for bear::: Reporting for Beta shift, Chief.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> Your Research.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::spots a crewmate entering, and signals her to sit down::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Thunderbird enters cloak and warps to the heading of the freighter.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::signs in, moves to weapons locker:::

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> Do you think it wise to destroy the Corellians?

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> ::hands Flores the file:: There's all the information you need. ::turns around to look at T'Lara and wonders where she has wandered off to.::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>ok go potrol deck 6

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::uses the tricorder to scan for any possible injuries::

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Can we be sure they are actively participating in his deception?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Not unless they have an accident. We're under orders not to leave any witnesses.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::inquires about the nature of the medical emergency::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <CSEC> ::nods:: Aye, aye, Sir. Deck 6. Anything particular I should look for, sir?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::obtains necessary information to start treatments::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>:: grabs file and begins reading it::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Sir, the surface proteins I've added to this substance make the agent virtually invisible to the immune system.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::hands on her hips, itching for action:::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>fighting

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Like I said, unfortunately for them....

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Ahh, understood Commander.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <CSEC> Fighting? Yes, sir. :::grins a Romulan grin:::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> RIght, whilst we're on our way, have Dheno (Security) prepare the bretehh for our guest.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::diagonosed that the patient is low in eurothrocytes::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>::frowns at the fiel as if he were confused::

[Vatric] <TAC>::prepares the disruptor canons for maximum disintegration::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::exits the office and proceeds to deck 6:::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::checks her blood pH level::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Are there any problems sir?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::the patient's blood pH level is slight elevated::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> Your surface proteins may also be acting as a catalyst to speed up the reaction in the bloodstream.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::wonders the possible cause for the symptoms::

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::cleans out the exhaust::

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <<and bretehh is...? For those of us who don't speak romulan.>>

[sTSF_Seiben] <the brig>

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CSEC+ We are expecting a guest. Ready bretehh for when the time comes.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::while waiting for the TL, checks the last shift report::: Whoa...tr'Saroth. What I could do when I get my hands on him.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Which is exactly why the substance is so effective.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::enters the TL:: Deck 6.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+MXO+yes sir

[Vatric] <TAC>::tapping at the console, adjusting the weapons emitters for wide beam intensity::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::injects hypospray to assist the function of hemoglobin::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> What is your inquiry then?

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::checks the efficency::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::injects HCO3 to return the blood pH level to normal::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>::enters the TL or whatever you call it::bretehh

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::keeps an eye on the distance between them and the freighter, so she'll know when they're getting close::

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG><CENG> Sir..I have cleared out the exhaust, the efficency should be better now

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::takes another scan and monitors the progress::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::exits on deck six to begin her patrol::

[Vatric] <TAC>::preparing a targetting grid for display on the main viewscreen::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Have an interrogation team ready as well. I'd like to know what makes him tick

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO>Well you asked me to find a substance that is difficult to detect in an autopsy. There you go. Those are the results.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::the patient reports feeling of improvement::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::inquires what abnormal activity did the patient do in the past few days::

[Joy_12] <MXO> :: Looks at the captain, briefly. :: Aye.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander Seiben I can knock out their shields and engines first.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::dreams of heading the Tal Shiar...conducting interrogations...eliminating obstacles:::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Do that.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>::exits the TL and heads for the bretehh::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::the patients reports she was busy at work, and low in rest::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::evil grin at the last thought:::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> ::calls over his shoulder:: T'Lara...do you have a second?

[Vatric] <TAC>::nods and also prepares for any other vessels which may surprise the Thunderbird::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> Did I? ::doesnt seem to remember that conversation with Nicolas:: Um well then thank you. You have shown good intiative the senior officers will hear about this.

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::keeps watching console, scanning the ship::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::tells the patient to be carefull, and release her back to duty::

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CSEC+ The captain wishes an interrigation team ready as well. Motivation analysis.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::hears AMO2:: <AMO1> Yes, Mr. Lepage? How may I be of assistance?

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> We may have to coordinate with Engineering if we wish to maintain the element of surprise.

Ens_Quelsar has left the chat.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>::enters the bretehh and walks up to a consol::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::striding down the corridor, checking in at the check points:::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> You've read my report?

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Thank you sir. There is just one problem.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::nods to a passerby::coming to attention for a superior::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: From Saroth's logs, the freighter is to rendezvous with the Federation ship USS Brisbane, in three days (today) which will take him to Earth.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> No, I simply re-examed the poison you told me by searching the ship's database.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>computer activate the force field

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ Engineering we need to coordinate with Helm in order to drop the cloak and take out their shields and weapons quickly. We don't want this traitor to escape.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Indeed fascinating, a job well done, Mr. Lepage

[Cdt_Flores] <cMO>:: continues reviewing shift reports::

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> It looks like these logs indicate a rendezvous with a Federation starship!

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::watching the superior disappear around the corner::: <w> I'll be there some day...

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Captain. If I am reading the log correctly, the freighter will be making rondezvous with the USS Brisbane shortly. We should make the intercept on this side of the Zone if we wish to avoid incident.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> +CSEC+ Deck 6 clear, sir. Seems to be quiet - almost too quiet.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>That's the last thing I wanted to hear. Well, let's hope we meet it before it meets them.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::brings another report up, regarding on a yet to be determined of symptoms' causes file::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>computer turn off the force field and reactivate it

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::mummurs to herself:: Hmm, this is interesting.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::keeps reading more::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> INdeed. <HOPS> Increase our speed to Warp 9.5

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+ASEC+ok then

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Sir, I understand this poison should be ready to be used on our current mission.?

[Vatric] <TAC>::notices all systems running on high and reduces the weapons allocation slightly until the targetting scanners are completely finished::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+ASEC+come to the bretehh

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><Oira (BRidge)> We'll have to hurry and get Saroth before they meet with the Lloahn'nna (Federation) ship.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::into TL::proceeds to the next deck as per her rounds::

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Speed increased, sir

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> The problem is that the substance is not as stable as I'd like it to be. I'm open for any suggestions.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander, the Corellian ship is coming into short range sensor.

[Joy_12] <MXO> :: continues reviewing the logs ::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Any sign of the Brisbane?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> Yes you are correct. I would like to see this poison in action It also confuses me.

[CadetDJohnson] <AENG>::checking the progress of the stabalization of the quantum singularity::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Let me access the sensor grid along the Neutral zone.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::mummurs to herself:: what could have caused in the deduce in norepinephrine

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Confuse you? How?

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::checks the power distribution, to ensure the cloak is at full strength even with the engines almost at full power::

[sTSF_Jami] <We seem to have lost Jack. Johnson will carry on until he returns>

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Brisbane is still about 60 minutes away.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander the RSE Kazarah reported a Federation starship during it's last patrol through the Sector.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> Well you see the surface protein you added should have balanced this formula I assume thats why you added it but it still seems unstable as you described it.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> I suggest to inject the poison into a test object along with a sufficient amount of immunosuppressant, and see how these two thing interact

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> +CSEC+ Aye, Aye, Sir.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC>That might be it.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::into TL::: Security level.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2>::goes back to her reading after she reported her opinion::

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Subcommander Setol reports that they are still an hour from the Zone.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+ASEC+i need you here at the bretehh incase Saroth puts up a fight when he arrives for his "stay"

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::brings up data on norepinephrine::

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> You should be able to get life signs.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::enters security level::turns to enter the brig::: <CSEC> Reporting, Sir.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> ::confused:: sir I added it in order to... ::sighs and breaks off::

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Promptness seems called for.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2>::the decrease n norepinephrine is in accordance to the reduction in epinephrine::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Indeed

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> I do remember seeing something like this a few years ago.

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Prompness, and perhaps jamming after we reveal ourselves.

[Vatric] <TAC>::scanning the Corellian vessel, pinpointing it's main shield generator and warp nacelles::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> I don't see how immunosuppressant would have an effect when the poison cannot be detected by the immune system.

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - CENG = CadetDJohnson

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - CENG = CadetDJohnson

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> How far is the freighter to the Outmarches (Neutral Zone)?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::mummurs to herself:: apparently, the adrenal gland was somewhat affected.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Are we in visual or firing range yet?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Immunosuppressant is supposed to suppress the immune system, mainly directed to the leukocytes. It somewhat is similar to the poison you have been researching.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Another two minutes will get us into visual range. Another five and we'll be in firing.

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Subcommander I recommend we drop the cloak and beam the traitor Saroth directly into the brig, then we may destroy the Corellians without incident.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Logically, it should have the similar effects on the immune system as the poison does.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Good..

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <CSEC> So, we get to hold him, do we? I don't suppose we'll be interrogating? :::hopeful::

[sTSF_Seiben] :;to HOPS::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1> We were trying to create a sort of mutagen that would directly attack a subjects thylakoid membranes and stop important cell division but we saw that our formula was innefective.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> If you can get a sensor lock quickly enough we can beam him over before they can raise their shields.

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>::stabalizing the power levels::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> If you examine close enough in regards of the process, you should be able to determine the difference in progress, and hence solve your problem

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>I dont know ill find out

[Joy_12] <MXO> <TAC> Resonable, assuming we can rabidly identify Saroth. How do you intend this?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1>We only have 60 minutes to come up with a solution.

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<XO>+ Johnson to the XO, sir, I believe I have stabalized the power levels

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> If science can quickly determine the life signs of a romulan we won't have to engage them in battle until Saroth's capture is assured.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Good idea. I'll start trying to isolate his signal now. Just in case, see if you can find a way to take down their sheilds.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::contemplative grin while sorting a few things out, preparing for the prisoner::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> In that case, if you want to make the poison more effectively, simply directly it towards the myelin sheath in the brain cells to prevent transmission of nerve impulses.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+HOPS+will we be interrogating Saroth?

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Good. The speed run cloaked will end within four minutes. Stand by to switch power to weapons.

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ Engineering, prepare for rapid deceleration and diengagement of the cloak.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> In this way, the subject in test should be unable to move, hence, serves your purpose.

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::listens to TAC:: <TAC> Except, au are forgetting, they're all Romulan lifesigns...

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<TAC>+<MXO>+ Aye sirs

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> How is the poison going t get through the blood-brain barrier?

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>+CSEC+If we can get him to you, yes

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> I have the main shield generator on target lock however I cannot pinpoint the minor systems with our cloaking device engaged.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::goes back to her work as to investigate the nature of the reduction in norepinephrine::

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> You mean there are no Corellians aboard?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::hypothesizes a stimulus for the adrenal gland should solve the problem::

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Alright then, let's hope you won't have to.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>thats a yes on interrogating him

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> That's a little weird, na?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2><AMO1> Our purpose is to kill this subject I believe that if this current poison will get the job done even if it will do the job sloppy we should use our current poison.

[sTSF_Seiben] na - no*

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Blood-Brain barrier?

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::cough:: Then again...Scanning for Saroth. ::scans::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> Our current problem is that the poison might not even make it into the victim's body.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2> ::confused::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::gives the "interrogation implements" a test run:::

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Saroth's signature is relatively easy to find seeing he's the only Rihannsu (Romulan) aboard.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander I have the Corellian Shield generator and Warp Drive Systems locked on target.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::glances back at CSCI, curious, before returning to her own work::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> In that case, simply make it airborne

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> Yes...the barrier that makes it difficult for medication to directly reach the brain...has always caused problems and probably always will.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Physical contact is sometimes inefficient.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Take usout of cloak and beam Saroth to the brig.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::readies transporter::

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> <CO> I have his lifesigns.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Energise

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ Disengage the Cloak on my mark... ::glances over to HOPS::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::approaches Spitfire, stands at attention:: <CSEC> Sir, I would consider it a great honor to assist in the interogation.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>::frustrated::<AMO1> If were not ready with it then I will inform the CO that the poison will have to be injected directly inot the subject.

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<TAC>+ Aye sir

[sTSF_Seiben] <oh, cloak.. yeah.. :D >

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> As to answer your other question earlier, your brain cells need oxygen, and oxygen is carried by blood.

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+::powers up the disruptors:: NOW!

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>:::prepares to disengage cloak::

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>::disengages the cloak::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Hence, I am confused for the part where you said brain-blood barrier.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CSCI>Can you send me his co-ordinates?

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<TAC>+ Cloak disengaged sir

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Fire once he's aboard

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>:: wonders to himself (whatever happened to a good old fashion phaser shot)::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Target the warpcore

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> <HOPS> You be recieving them.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO>+CENG+ Acknowledged

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Just enough to cause a core breach

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>::thinks::ok ok you can help

[Vatric] <TAC>::zooming directly on the warp reactor::

[Vatric] <TAC>::tap tap tap..::

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::broad evil grin::: <CSEC> Thank you, Sir. I will not let you down.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::programes recieved co-ordinates into transporter and prepares to energize:: <CO>ready here, sir

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: SAroth is beamed to our brig.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Firing!

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::returns to readying everything when, VOILA - he is there:::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>ok...oh hes arriving right now

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::rounds suddenly to see Saroth appear in the holding cell:::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Turn us around and head back to ch'Rihan (Romulus) maximum speed.

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<XO>+ I am ready to shunt power to the weapons whenever you are ready sir

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO>Yes sir - maximum warp

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Firing another volley to incinerate the wreckage.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>computer activate force fields

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Sure enough, the shot hit it's mark. The freighter is now having a core breach -- it blows up soon afterwards

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ Ready the cloaking device again.

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Tac is already opening fire... Ah... Target is destroyed.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::steps back to gaze at the traitor:::

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> <CO> Rekkai, maybe we should just beam the traitor into space...?

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>::puts the cloak back up::

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Make ready or another high speed run. We are going home.

[sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: No survivors obviously

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> I'll continue my research, sir but I doubt we'll be able to get the molecule more stable.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <And lose our fun interrogating???>

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><CMO> Is there anything you would like me to do right now?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Not before we find out what kind of information he sent to the Federation

[Vatric] <TAC>+CENG+ Quick thinking centurion. Excellent work.

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<XO>+ Aye sir, I am taking power from all non essentials

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::Scans for survivors:: <CO>There are no survivors, sir, in case you wanted to know.

[Joy_12] <MXO> <CO> Sir, will we required the cloak on the return flight?

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>::takes power from non-essentials and shunts it to the engines::

[Vatric] <TAC>::begins the disruptor maintenance, shunting supersonic coolant::

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO1><AMO2> The poison will have to suffice I applaud your efforts.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> Maybe you could assist me with my research?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS/XO> Menhka.. the Federation should think they just had a warpcore breach.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::standing in front of the cell, her arms crossed:::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>you know what why dont you lead the interrogation?

[sTSF_Seiben] <Menkha - good>

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO2> sure, no problem

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> The cloak is engaged.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><AMO2> just give me a sample of the poison so I can turn it in to the captain.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> What would you like me to do?

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::sighs:: <CO> Then we throw diam out?!

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><CO/XO>And if they do clue in to the truth, we should be long gone by then.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> perhaps making the poison in a nanoprobe-size, so that it can be transported to the motor neurons?

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><CMO> The samples are still in the lab, sir, but they are available.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+CO+sir we have the traitor

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Hopefully the Tal Shiar has a few agents on Corellius by now.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO>+CMO+ Maenak (Doctor/Medic), feel free to use any hypos that au might think would help expidite the interrogation process.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::holding an implement of "interrogation"::: nods::: <CSEC> By your command.

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+CO+should we start the interrogation?

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> It would require them to cross into the neutral zone and they would not survive our assault.

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<MXO>+ Sir, I have shunted more power to the engines, we should have capability for another high speed warp jump, I have also cleared out the exhaust ports so we can really burn it up

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::waits for the goahead:::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> We'll just shoot him. Ejecting him from space might draw unwanted attention

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>+CO Yes Sir :: grabs a effective stimulant and leaves sickbay::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> start running simulations on the computer

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::laughs lightly under her breath::<TAC>Right, of course.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO>+CSEC+ Yes, start the interrogation

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::scans debris::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>you heard the captain. Have fun

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>+<CSEC> Stipfire where is the prisoner located.

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> I think you'd better go down there and help them. Interrogation is a very delicate process.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Is it unlikely to shrink the size of the poison?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC>+CMO+well the bretehh ofcourse

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> If yes in this case, we should simply target other cells.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>+CSEC Right Im on my way.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Leaving it up to Security and Medical, this Saroth will wish he never collaborated with the Federation.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>:: reaches the bretehh::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> For example, we can target the adrenal gland to reduce the release of epinephrine so that the subject is less active.

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::hears TAC:: <CO> Rekkai, should I go help them?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> If au think au can.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Or, we can target the medulla oblongata

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><CSEC> Hello commander I believe I have a injection that will make interrogation a bit more simple.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> what do you say, Mr. Lepage? ::awaits patiently::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> The medula oblongata is part of the brain doctor.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>If he had any intelligence, he never would have done so in the first place.

[Vatric] <TAC><CSCI> Essentially the information is contained in his neural synapses. I just hope they don't kill him before we find out his co-conspirators.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Oh, yes, my apologies.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::waiting for the doctor:::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> How about the hypothalamus?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><CMO>ok how long will it take?

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> <CO> Aye, ::smiles evil romulan smile:: with pleasure. ::enters TL:: Bretehh.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Is it applicable?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO>:: Injects the prisoner:: <CSEC> Just one or two minutes.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Perhaps his motives were honorable. But we're Romulan, not Klingons. ::guffaws::

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>::checking the power levels making sure things are stabalized::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +CSEC+ Let us know what au get out from him, eh?

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><CSEC> I should inform you that one sideeffect is that the prisoner may feel some pain afterward.

[sTSF_Jami] <<taking notes on the character dark sides that are emerging in a Romulan sim>>

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> Even though it is technically a gland, it is part of the brain too, emitting neurotransmitters.

[sTSF_Seiben] <<he he he.. >

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Perhaps he thinks he IS a Klingon... it explains the stupidity of his actions

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> It is easier to get into, right?

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> ::showing his Romulan aggressiveness:: Perhaps we should pay a visit to the other Corellian vessels in orbit of Remus? ::laughs manaically::

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Perhaps we should just take the other approach.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> shrink the poison

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> :::watching Saroth begin to drool with the injection::: My, how the mighty have fallen.

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Make it nanoprobe sized

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>ok i think we should start

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> It is more efficient this way.

[sTSF_Seiben] < 5 minutes>

[sTSF_Seiben] Saroth> ::silent::

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> I thought that maybe if we added something that has a high affinity to iron we might be able to tackle the erythrocytes and therefore asphyśxiate the victim.

[Joy_12] <MXO> <TAC> Even orellian merchants have their uses. Intellience first. Then justice.

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::enters brig:: <CSEC> I was sent here to, assist au if need be.

[Vatric] <TAC><HOPS> Indeed if you want loyalty you look for dogs like the Klingon verools! Hahahaha

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> Have you tried it?

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<MXO>+ Johnson to the XO, we can keep up this pace for another few hours but after that we're going to have to slow down

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><Saroth>what information have you given to the federation?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> If not, I recommend us to get to the test right the way.

[sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::sees the CO is bringing out the big guns for Saroth:::

[Vatric] <TAC><XO> Indeed, but occassionally a show of force is necessary to spread fear.

[Cdt_Flores] <CMO><CSEC> Would you like me to stay for the interrogations.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> We should be back at ch'Rihan before that. Tell him na to worry

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> Yes with some success...it's difficult finding a substance with higher affinity to iron than oxygen

[sTSF_Seiben] SAroth> I will tell au nothing.

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ We need last only until ch'Rihan. You may refurbish, then.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS>::keeps an eye on long range sensors, in case the federation decides to be daring and come after them; imputs a small course adjustment::

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><ASEC>if you will

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::watches the interrogation from the shadows of the brig, face distorted in the darkness, and mutters:: Au will tell us everything.

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Well said.

[sTSF_Seiben] Saroth> ::feels somewhat lightheaded::

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<MXO>+ Aye sir, is there anything else you would like me to get working on

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> Commander, should we not teach the Corellians a lesson?

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1>How about the aldosterone?

[Mid_Spitfire] <CSEC><Saroth>tell me and i will go easier on you!

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Na.. we did our job. No use picking fights for no reason

[Joy_12] <MXO> +CENG+ Negative. I turst taking out the freighter didn't stress the weapons systems? Focus on drives.

[sTSF_Seiben] Saroth> . . .

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> It regulates the Na and K ions in blood.

[Vatric] <TAC><CO> We did well. Unlimited expansion and glory to the Star Empire! ::places fist on chest::

[Mid_Philip_Carst] <CSCI> ::loves how CSEC lies...::

[CadetDJohnson] <CENG>+<XO>+ Weapons power levels are stable so far as I can see

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

[Ens_Quelsar] <HOPS><TAC>Besides, the Corellians are not our enemy. They just had a misguided captain who thought it would be fun to help a traitor escape.

[LtJg_Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO1><AMO2> Yes I know...hm...I've never thought of mineral corticoids...

[Cadet_TLara] <AMO2><AMO1> It may assist the poison in some form or another. What do you think?

[sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

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