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Capt Ayers


       Nick returns to his quarters from escorting Terra back to her quarters.  At least dinner went well and it had helped start to patch things between Terra and Ethan.  He knows it is going to be a while until the two of them would ever truely trust each other but it was a start and for that he was grateful. 


       He finds Ethan before the windows, staring out at the stars quietly.  He steps up behind her and slips his arms around her.  For a few seconds he looks out at the stars quietly then kisses her just below her right ear and murmurs "Thank you for giving her a chance."  With that he lets go of her and turns and heads for the bedroom.  Entering the bedroom he gets ready for bed and slips between the sheets.  He pulls the blanket up as he lets his thoughts go back to what Ethan had said earlier.


       He sighs quietly as he thinks that apparently the decision about children had already been made.  It was curious in a way but while he had never given any thought really to children or wanting children before but he couldn't help but admit that part of him did want to be a parent.  And what Ethan had said stung a little.  Not that he was in a rush, they had only been married less then a few months and they had a long time ahead of them for the possibility of children.  Still, what she had said seemed to have slammed the door shut permanently or at least for a long while.  He closes his eyes and quietly murmurs "As you wish."  He wasn't about to force the issue so he'd defer to her on it.  Her happiness is paramount to him and if it required a sacrifice on his part that was fine with him. He sighs again and moves so he's laying on his side facing the near edge of the bed and the windows a few feet away as he drifts off to a light sleep.

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