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Rank and File....A Final Mustering

He stood with his fellow officers in position closet to the caskets ...waiting to be a part

of the last and final rank and file procession for his crewmates lost,casualties from the

previous battle...he watched at a position of attention as the caskets seemed to float

by being bourne by their fellow crew members,it all appeared to be from a dream state, the honor guard carrying the deceased to their final podium awaiting their final call to

general assembly amongst their fellow mates...he observed the strange contrast of

the torpedo shaped coffins as they passed by with the flag of the UFP draped across

them as to bear witness to the fact ,the cold hard realisation they would not be seen

again in the normal day to day routine on the ship,or on this plain of existence in the

future...forever more removed from view.


He reflected on the recent events..... as what seemed to be an endless stream of

the dead proceeded slowly,as if with a certain deliberation,all in cadence with musical

background and march appropriate and befitting their honored dead...he rememberd

his duty to perform the coroners report on the dead,and how difficult it really is to be

unattached,unemotionial,as you look over the remains and attempt to record all the

findings in a clear,concise ,medically detached manner.....when afterall it is your own

shipmate spread before you,cold,dead,....unmoving on the sterile cold steel table ....

before you...someone you had come to know either by interaction in medical as it

pertains from anything from a common cold,to an injury suffered in the line of duty..

Such is an integral part of being in the medical corps......he constantly reminded him-

self that was part of the job.


He snapped back to present reality that was before him as the Commanding officer

began the euologies ,and read the last rites from an ancient naval text as a part of

an old and honored tradition...to present and honor those whom by the sacrifice of

their very lives.....helped to insure the liberties ,and the freedoms of others,some of

which they never knew ...or would ever know of....He bowed his head as the captain

read the lords prayer....and knew in his heart ,his friends and mates were in a far,far

better place than they had ever known,hopefully one day,should he serve with the

honor and distinction they have demonstrated....he may be allowed to join them.


End Log::

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