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Hodge Podge...a Junk yard Story...

He pressed the cockpit recorder button...computer begin recording..:Ensign Angelis

pilots log to follow...::He paused....closing his eyes slipping in the music disc: He had

been spooling up his fighter in anticipation of launching on a mission to what appears

to be a vast number of sensor contacts from the bridge...they were standing by and..

awaiting orders to launch from the captain...apparently he wanted to know what kind

of possible ships they were,from what regime,and as much information as we could garner from the investigation,that followed the scuttle he had heard around before he

came onboard....this captain and command crew had a reputation of being some of

the best in the fleet...and this captain appeared to be very thorough in his reasoning.


Computer Pause:...He pressed the inter fighter comm button..Sir..spooled up,ready

to launch,standing by...He confirmed comm link at five x five...and settled back in his

seat waiting for the order for take off...Computer Resume:..The Reaent is to proceed

to her planetary destination from what I understand,and we are to investigate, and

are to join up with her when we complete our mission....he looked over at Zafira,and

V'roy as they waited.musing to himself,.I wonder what a vulcan thinks about when he

is just waiting for an order to launch,heh..probably going over the logical aspects of

the mission and coaliating the possible variables they may be facing soon.


Personally he did not have a problem with V'roys way of thinking,but as a pilot it

might get him into a situation he would need help in, logic had it's place,and even in

the cockpit you had to use it ,but only to the extent where it was plausable,and not

endangering your life..there are times when if you have take the time to logically

think and evaluate your position your a dead pilot,blown to atoms,and no good to

your group,ship,or anyone else....just dead,sometimes you just need to react and

go for what you know...leap beyond the logic..well he knew he had found a good

friend in V'roy,and he was going to help watch out for him as best he could.


Their commander had just advised them that it looked like the mission was being

scrubbed..heh,zafira had the right idea...we could waste time in the bar drinking a

cold brew and kicking back,this was not to be...The captains voice boomed over the

groups comm.,He gave the order to take off to the commander,oh well later on the

cold brew....now it was time to earn their pay,they taxied into position,called up the

ops officer,requested clearance for take off...and punched the throttle,keeping the

center line in the hud in frame ,they blasted out of the bay and into the stark black

enviroment of space,not the same lighting as on board the ship in contrast ,it was

easy to let the lure of the various stars and other bodies in the distant distract you

from your immediate objective,the cold black void back lit by the twinkle and pulse

of a million stars and nebulae,gaseous giants in the distance emitting a ghostly pale

glow beckoning you to come and see it....set against that beautiful background was

what appeared to be an enourmous fleet of ships...he boosted his scanners to max

hoping to get a glimpse of the ships,as well as possibly any activity in that area.


The scans returned a vast assortment of various classes and types of ships that

filled the screen as far as they could see,what was truly amazing is the craft were

from a mixed hodge podge of different civilizations from all across the galaxy,it

was strange indeed,Zafira called up the group and asked if we could specifically id

the group of ships, I replied this was truly a hodge podge we were approaching..

was this the result of a battle fought many years ago...he thought,there was more

than one ship there that would suggest that,dreadnoughts that had not been seen

for centuries..literally,yet some of them were relatively new and in use in this time

line,it was very confusing...sorting the ships..looking for any energy spikes,or life

signs,mines possibly hidden to welcome intruders trespassing on this galactic junk

yard,the group pressed on taking different vectors,however remaining in visual as

well as comm. link range,carefully easing in and out ,circling around and under the

vessels...were they just individual victims of raiders,towed here to be hidden to be

stripped of their technology,or other cargo deemed fit for salvage..he approached

a massive ancient dreadnought,it filled the sky as he closed on it,massive was in

all fairness an understatment,it literally dwarfed his small fighter in comparison as

an elephant would a mouse..he looked at the scanner data screen...it was an old

Klingon battle dreadnought...my god...none of those are known to exist..well seeing

was beleiving,and there it was,now all we have to do is figure how,and why this one

as well as the others came about being here.


He spoke into his group link...commander Zafira,you are not going to beleive what

I have just found sir...please join up with me,you have to see this to beleive it, he

waited for Zafira and v'roy to join him,listening to the music and watching the view

out of cockpit of his heavenly bodies positioned above the front of this monolith as

an ant poised on a whales back,in this junkyard in the middle of no where...End Log

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