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RE: Pandarian Logs

TO: Captain Simeon Davies, Colonel C. E. Harper

FROM: Lieutenant (junior grade) G. Saffir Murray

CC: Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair, Lieutenant Javin Prell, Lieutenant James Kroells, Lieutenant Desdemona Levy

STARDATE: 0602.22

RE: Pandarian Logs


The logs from the Pandarian ship, which were found in an encoded state, have been 73.8% decrypted. The remaining 26.2% of the logs is unrecoverable due to a random memory fragmentation program employed before the logs were discovered. Luckily, the logs were recovered before most of the data was lost.


Upon being tasked with decrypting the logs, Lieutenant (j.g.) Kairi, Crewman Nicole Dickinson, and I immediately began running the standard decryption algorithms. Upon the failure of those algorithms we tried others, including, Klingon, Romulan, Breen, and Dominion, et al. Again, the decryption programs failed.


It was then suggested that there was one decryption algorithm that could read the logs: that of the Pandarians themselves. With the assistance of computer specialist Petty Officer Second Class Nora Brady we proceeded to uplink to and hack into the Pandarian ship’s (now aboard the Agincourt) computer and forcibly remove the decryption code. It was also at this time that we discovered the memory fragmentation program.


Once we had the decryption code, decrypting the remaining portions of logs was a simple task.


The logs indicate that the Pandarians were recently in s skirmish with an unidentifiable species in orbit of the same planet we are currently in orbit around. They had been scavenging in a cavern that the Pakleds have used for storage. The cavern has been moated and is only accessible via air, boat, or transporter. Several of the Pakleds have become part of the “cargo” that we have found aboard their ship.


In addition, it seems that the Pandarians are looking for a buyer for an unidentified product (the identity of the product was lost in the fragmentation). Identified only as “The Product” the Pandarians seem anxious to sell it. Potential buyers include the Yridians (the current frontrunner), the Orions, Ferengi, and Karemann, among others.


The decrypted logs have been forwarded to you and the department heads for further review.

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