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Personal log

Subject: Personal log

Date: Mon, Mar 23, 1998 2:13 PM

From: Ens Zera




Personal Log



    With a lull in the flow of injured that were coming in to sickbay, Zera headed back to her quarters to shower and change.  She looked at her blood stained uniform and was happy that not one crew member had been lost so far.  

    She entered her quarters, discarded the dirty uniform, and hopped in the shower to clean up.  As she dressed again, she remembered that she had wanted to check her messages earlier, if she had any.  

    There were two messages.  One was from her cousin informing her of her impending birth.  Zera combed out her hair and braided it as she read the long note.  She often wondered why her cousin bothered with her...  They had never gotten along.  Actually, Z had never gotten along with any of her cousins because of the way her Aunt and Uncle had refused to take her and Asher in after her parents were killed.  "Well, except for Dante..."  she smiled

thinking about Dante.  He was… well, he was Dante.  There was no way to really explain it, but they got along.

    She smiled warmly when she saw the name on the second message.  It was from a classmate and old friend at the academy.  As she read it, a slow smile spread across her face and she murmured, "So you finally graduated.  Good job, Eric."  

    Her smile faded as she read the last part of his message.  Shaking her head slightly she whispered, "What could he mean by, ‘the next time we meet we really have to talk...  I have to tell you something important.’"  She sighed and realized that she should hurry back to sickbay... more wounded would be coming and she would be needed.  She  continued to wonder about Eric's message as she headed back.





Forwarded Message:

Subj: log

Date: 98-03-23 01:38:25 EST

From: Cmdr Herel

To: Ens Zera




Personal Log



   With a lull in the flow of injured that were coming in to sickbay, Zera headed back to her quarters to shower and change.  She looked at her blood stained uniform and was happy that not one crew member had been lost so far.  

   She entered her quarters, discarded the dirty uniform, and hopped in the shower to clean up.  As she dressed again, she remembered that she had wanted to check her messages earlier, if she had any.  

   There were two messages.  One was from her cousin informing her of her impending birth.  Zera combed out her hair and braided as she read the long note.  She often wondered why her cousin bothered with her...  They had never gotten along.  Actually, Z had never gotten along with any of her cousins because of the way her Aunt and Uncle had refused to take her and Asher in after her parents were killed.  "Well, except for Dante..."  she smiled

thinking about Dante.  He was… well, he was Dante.  There was no way to really explain it, but they got along.

   She smiled warmly when she saw the name on the second message.  It was from a classmate and old friend at the academy.  As she read it, a slow smile spread across her face and she murmured, "So you finally graduated.  Good job, Eric."  

   Her smile faded as she read the last part of his message.  Shaking her head slightly she whispered, "What could he mean by, ‘the next time we meet we really have to talk...  I have to tell you something important.’"  She sighed and realized that she should hurry back to sickbay... more wounded would be coming and she would be needed.  She  continued to wonder about Eric's message as she headed back.

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