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We dodged the bullet....

V'roy and i had just finished hanging up a collectors lithograph of a classic WWII

aerial combat fighter,the P-51-D Mustang,had a few toast to said aircraft,and to

the ship,crew,and the co,I had tried to get to know him a bit better,afterall when

your butts are literally on the line in battle,and watching each others back it is not

uncommon for pilots to get to know each other...well he asked about the ancient

war bird and i responded to his queries as best i could,heh,a human attempting to

explain an object of great passion to many a pilot,in an unpassioniate and detatched

manner,as i said,i did the best i could.


We had just finished our drinks when our squadron commander came over the

comm,instructing us to go to sick bay for our physicals,and we were just about to

look up some food,futher he instructed us to muster at his office in fifteen minutes

for a breifing.....sometimes that vulcan wit comes in handy,V'roy while in the tl came

to the unarguable,and clearly logical conclusion we did not have time to get our own

physicals,and report to the cmdr. in fifteen minutes,i of course did not argue,i had

gotten my physical afterall shortly before reporting to the Reaent,besides you hear

all kinds of rumors about the flight physicals given,and frankly the idea of cold hands

and rubber gloves did not help to motivate me to hastily report for that torture,err..

procedure,i did state ..breifly we were ordered by the cmdr. to do so,however i had

to follow that keen logic from v'roy....he grinned to himself as he imagined what the

commander was going through at that same moment,and just as quickly had a shiver

go up and down the lenth of his back.


He and V'roy reported to their commanders office,took a seat,and waited for him

to arrive and breif them,after some time V'roy took the iniative to contact the cmdr.

and relay we were awaiting his arrival,i listened intently as he offered that cool,calm

logic and reasoning as he explained why we had bypassed sick bay,and went on to

his office....we had dodged the bullet one more time,i am sure it is a temporary and

very breif repreive ....i know that flight surgeon just cant wait to get her hands on

us and really give us a real going over,i just hope the rumors are jut that..:End Log.

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