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Capt Ayers

A Slap Across His Uncle's Face

Nick slowly opens his eyes and yawns. He tries stretching but doesn't complete the movement as it causes Ethan, who's snuggled against his side, to murmur in her sleep. Not wanting to wake her he watches her quietly for a few minutes. Gently slipping out of her arms he slides to the edge of the bed and reaches for a robe as he stands. He slips the robe on and gathers it around him before turning to look at her again. He leans down to gently kiss her cheek before pulling the blankets up to her shoulders. He murmurs quietly "Sleep a little longer, mon ange."


He turns and walks out of the bedroom as he strengthens his mental shields. He valued more than he could say that he didn't have to shield his mind from her any longer but there was no point in waking her up early. It wouldn't be too long before she would sense his absence as it was.


He sits down on the couch and turns the computer display to face him. He instructs the computer to place a call to one Captain Kelain Sinjin at Starfleet HQ. Within a few minutes an older man, who looks quite a bit like Nick, appears on the screen.


The man smiles "Nick, this is a surprise. It must still be early morning there."


Nick, who doesn't smile at all, says "Yes it is, Uncle. I have a request to make of you."


"Oh? And what is this request?"


Nick frowns darkly and says coldly "Kindly quit thinking that part of your job includes investigating the woman I am involved with. You may be the patriarch of the family, Uncle, but that does not mean you have the right to look into the background of Ethan nor does it grant you the right to interfere in my private life by talking to my mother and somehow getting my sister to come all the way out here to play bodyguard against a threat that only exists in your mind."


Kelain frowns "What is this about Terra being out there? And I only called your mother because I was concerned because your girlfriend did undercover work for Starfleet Security and thought..."


"Thought what? That I was her current assignment? Oh please, don't think I'm so stupid that I wouldn't recognize that if it was the case. She is formerly of Starfleet Security, Uncle, which means she doesn't work for them anymore. And the undercover work she did do has hurt her emotionally and it is only as of late that she's gotten past that..with my help. Did you think I didn't know what her past was, Uncle? I've known for quite a while now..and she was the one that told me. In fact if you'd bother to read through the reports you would see she was the one that helped me in my attempt to keep that El Aurian Cruiser out of Starfleet's hands. If she was investigating me..if she was duping me, Uncle, then it stands to reason that would have been a rather good time to betray me wouldn't it? I am not a "mark" to her Uncle and your fear, concern and frankly paranoia about her is completely misplaced. Just because she is formerly of Security does not automatically make her a threat to you, me and our fellow El Aurians. Or would you say that because you are formerly of Starfleet Intel makes you a threat to us? Last time I checked, Uncle, we El Aurians adopted the principle of "Innocent until proven guilty" long before anyone else in this quadrant did. So why is it in your mind that Ethan is guilty without any proof? And yes, Terra is out here. Apparently you were so convincing that she decided that her older brother had become such a doddering fool because of his feelings for one of the people he worked with that he was no longer capable of recognizing truth from fantasy."


Kelain narrows his eyes "I was only looking out for your well-being..you are young."


Nick chuckles coldly "Uncle, I am forty years old. Yes, I know that would mean I wouldn't even yet be an adult if I was a full blooded El Aurian but I'm not. I am half human and I long ago reached adulthood. If I was full human I would have lived about a third of my expected life expectancy by now. Just because I have not even lived a tenth of my probable life expectancy does not mean I'm so young that I'd be that blinded by love. I love Ethan dearly and I know her feelings for me are the same..I know that her feelings are genuine. I know her better than you do which isn't hard when you don't know her at all, Uncle. You only know what is written on a page that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the woman I am involved with."


He pauses briefly before continuing "What you did, Uncle, showed a remarkable lack of trust in your sister's son..and showed a remarkable degree of paranoia about a person you haven't even met. I assure you Uncle, that there will be a day where you will meet Ethan and on that day you are going to apologize to her for your actions. And get used to the idea of that Ethan and I are going to be together for a long time because she is not my girlfriend, Uncle, she is my wife. She blessed me with that honor while we were on Pacifica. We are going to have a long and happy life together, Uncle..whether you are part of it is entirely up to you. Good-bye, Uncle."


Before Kelain can respond, Nick reaches to the computer display and closes the connection. He takes a few moments to clear his mind of thoughts of the conversation with his Uncle. Standing, he turns and steps towards the bedroom, intending to return to Ethan's side before she woke up and noticed his absence.


Upon his return to the bedroom, however, Nick understands why Ethan hadn't woken. The warm place he had left was still warm. In his place, his siberian husky, Diamante, has curled up next to his wife, and looks up at Nick with a clear "You left!" look.


Nick rolls his eyes and shoos the dog from the bed. Nick brushes a few strands of dog fur from the sheets as he watches Diamante curl up on the floor at the end of the bed. He swears for a moment the dog gives him a sour look. As he's slipping into bed after removing his robe he dryly mutters "Go find your own bed and your own m..." Nick stops before finishing the sentence, having noticed Ethan's eyes open and on him. He sighs quietly, not having wanted to wake her up.


Ethan put on a mock angry look, "Hey! You kicked out my new cuddling partner... You left, so I had to find a replacement, after all."


He arches an eyebrow and smirks. "A new cuddling partner, hm? Well then..." He leans down to kiss her warmly. After a few moments he breaks off the kiss and murmurs "...I guess I better relearn how to sleep alone." With that he starts to slip out of bed.


"I'm being abandoned by both of you now..." Ethan laments, with an obviously fake sniffle.


His voice takes on a fake scolding tone "You're the one that said I got replaced. I'm not the one that said they found a new cuddling partner though perhaps I should go find a new one as well. At any rate, you need to make up your mind..me or him."


Ethan smiles, then starts laughing for a moment, before asking, "So, how was the conversation with your uncle?"


He slips back into bed and settles against her, gently wrapping his arms around her. He spends a few moments enjoying the feel and smell of her. Finally he shrugs "It went as well as expected. I told him what I told Terra. That he was being foolish and judgemental and paranoid. And that he owes you an apology for judging your motivations without cause and without having ever met you. And that he owes me an apology for not trusting me, for thinking that I'm still a child. And that if he doesn't apologize by the time he meets you than he was not going to be a part of the life his nephew and his wife are creating for themselves."


Ethan sighs, "I wish I wasn't causing so much turmoil in your family... and yes, I know it's not ME causing it, but it still feels that way." She pauses, shaking her head, "I knew my former line of work could cause me some problems.. and it has, but I never expected this to be one of them."


"Well I can't say I expected it to be a problem either. I thought they'd have a problem with us eloping but not this nonsense. They'll come around though..I don't intend to give them a choice." He tightens his arms around her a little as he kisses her shoulder "You, my wife, are the best thing that has ever happened to me and as I know you best of anyone I think I am in the best position to make that judgement. It is our judgement..our wants that counts, not my uncle's and not my sister's."


She sighs, this time with more contentment, though still with some sadness. "I want them to stop being stupid..." She smiles wryly, "But I guess I can't have everything. We should probably get up and get breakfast before it's time to head to the CT."


He sighs, in some exasperation, "I just climbed back into bed and now you want me to get out of it again?" He glances towards the end of the bed "Don't suppose we could train him to bring us breakfast in bed..or hire someone..."


Ethan slips out of bed, "It's not my fault, Captain, that you decided to get up early today." She strides into the bathroom, and begins washing her face, "I'm sure the new Admiral will understand if you show up to work late."


He watches her for a minute before slipping out of bed and reaching for his robe. As he slips it on he says "Think the Admiral would understand it if the Captain decided that his vacation really was too short by at least several months and that he and a certain Commander really should return to it?" He smirks at her "Though I don't think you had to bring the Admiral in on this conversation. Was a bit unfair to, in effect, pull rank."


She grins at him, "How often do I get to pull rank on you, Love? You'll get over it." Finishing her morning preparations, she heads out to the living area and orders herself a glass of orange juice. "Can I get you anything?"


"A couple eggs, toast and juice will suffice, thanks." He steps into the bathroom and gets cleaned up. A few minutes later he steps into the living area and moves to the dining table and sits down. He smirks briefly "I suppose I could overlook you pulling rank on me this time, love. Still, it was a bit improper behavior wise." The smirk returns as he shrugs "Though I suppose you could argue that it was improper, behavior wise, of me to wake up early."


She smirks "You could say that, yes."

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