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Capt Ayers

Informing Her Family

     Ethan sat across from Nick at their dining room table, as they finished dinner. "You know... since your family knows now, we probably should call mine as well."


He sighs briefly and nods "Yes, you're right. Though forgive me if it's not exactly what I had in mind as for things to do this night." He smiles faintly as he says that. "Still, you are right. It is time they know. I'll clear the dishes while you see to making the call and I'll join you when I'm done." He stands and starts clearing the dishes.


She nods, moving to the computer console, and giving the instructions to place the call to her parents in Seattle.  It takes a few minutes for the connection to go through. Finally, a woman, a slightly older version of Ethan, appears on the screen, and immediately smiles, "Ethan! It's good to see you.  How have you been?"


It takes Nick a few minutes to clear the dishes and clean the table. When he's done he steps over to where Ethan is and after a few moments of hesitation he sits down next to her, a discrete inch or two away. Inwardly he frowns, not knowing what to expect from her family. So far he's only ever talked to Ethan's dad and that wasn't exactly the most plesant of conversations as it was basically Nick all but lying to her father on why Ethan was on Vulcan and what Nick had thought had happened to her at the time.


Celeste sees Nick appear on the screen, next to her daughter, and smiles again, "You must be Nick. Ethan told us about the whole Vulcan thing, by the way... Jacob understands, and so do I.  We would have just worried anyways. Somehow, this seems more than the regular monthly catch-up-on-news call... What's up?"


Nick blushes lightly and says "Thank you..and I am sorry for what I did." He pauses slightly, collecting his thoughts. "And it is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Hawke." His hand searches out Ethan's hand and squeezes it gently, seeking a little reassurance. Inwardly he muses that under different circumstances he might find it ironic that he was feeling nervous. It's not like he was a teenager asking a girl out for the first time. As he thinks that, it occurs to him this was quite a bit beyond asking a parent's permission to take their daughter out.


The woman smiled, shaking her head, "You did what you felt was right. And please, call me Celeste... Mrs. Hawke just makes me feel old.  So does Commander.  So," she pauses to smile again, "What is it you're up to?" Ethan blushes briefly, glancing at Nick. Celeste raises one eyebrow, "Did you get engaged?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, though a glint of mischief still is evident, "Or did you just elope?"


Nick coughs briefly, thinking that it must be a parental thing to be inherently telepathic when it comes to their own children. Trying to force down his blush he tries to find the words to respond. Finally he says "You would be right on both counts Mrs....Celeste." He narrows his eyes slightly, inwardly bracing for what he expects to be a less than pleasant reaction.


Surprisingly, Celeste clapped her hands with glee, "Wonderful!" She paused, seeing Nick's shock at her reaction, "Well, you make her happy, don't you? You'd better... I still have connections, you know..." She let that trail off in a mock threatening tone.  "I wish I could have been there, but after the fights I had with my mother-in-law.. I don't blame you one bit.  I only wish Jacob and I had resorted to that! It would have been so much easier.  So, while you were on Pacifica? What was the date? I want to remember your anniversary next year."  She paused again, "What do you need? Anything? We'll want to send you a wedding present... I suppose you don't need a toast replicator, being well established, not to mention on a starbase."


It takes Nick a few moments to digest that Ethan's mother..his mother-in-law's reaction hadn't been what he expected. "Yes, while on Pacifica. And it was on the twenty-sixth of December. Though you don't need to send anything, your blessing is more than enough." He pauses and smiles "And if I make Ethan happy you'll have to ask your daughter."


Celeste smiles, a smile very similar to the one that Ethan has. "Yes, I can see that you do.  And of course you have our blessing. Would mind if we came to visit? I'm sure I speak for Jacob as well as myself when I say that we'd like to meet you in person.  Ethan is our only child, so we've never had a son--until now."


His smile slips just a little, picturing in his mind what would probably happen if her parents showed up at the same time his sister was still onboard. He nods "I would like to meet you and your husband as well. We told my parents as well so they may decide that they should visit as well but I'm not sure. And.." He pauses slightly before continuing "..we have discussed having a more formal ceremony at some point."


She waves her hand in dismissal of that suggestion, "While I'd love to see it, don't do it just on our account. We'd just like to see you both.. as soon as we can arrange some leavetime... in a month or two.  I'm sure you know how that goes."  She smiles again, "So, how soon do I get grandchildren?" Seeing the look of shock on Ethan's face, she laughed, "Ethan, honey, I'm kidding."


Nick feels the blush return to the back of his neck as Celeste makes that comment. He coughs slightly before saying "We know we don't have to but it would be nice to have something of a celebration for our families and friends. Besides it might help smooth over any ruffled feathers."


"Whose feathers are ruffled?  Besides my mother-in-laws when she finds out that she still doesn't get a Betazoid ceremony?  Receptions are perfect for celebrating with friends and family. Don't get talked into something you aren't wanting.. this whole process is about the two of you, and what YOU want.. don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. If you want to tell Jacob and I to take a flying leap, you are fully entitled to... and neither of us will resent you for it.  It's your happiness that is the paramount purpose in marriage, not bowing to the whims of overbearing relatives." She pauses, looking momentarily sheepish, "Not that I'm talking about anyone specific...." She winks at Ethan, who chuckles. "Whatever you decide is fine with us.  Now, then, how is my nephew doing out there in the wilderness?"


Nick sighs quietly "A few in my family have their feathers ruffled apparently. As for your nephew, he's doing fine and is learning quickly." Nick pauses sheepishly "He's a little rough around the edges still but that's expected when one who just graduated out of the academy just a short while ago. Though I think Ethan can better speak about Ronin." He glances at Ethan, shrugging slightly.


Ethan, too, shrugs, "He's still alive, and I haven't thrown him off the station yet." 


     Celeste nods, "Well, I hate to cut this short, but I do have a date with your father. He's probably waiting for me now. Let us know when or if you want a visit.  I love you both. Welcome to the family, Nick. If there is anything you need, I hope you'll let us know."


Nick smiles "As I said, I would like to meet my in-laws so if you want to visit it would be nice. And thank you for the warm welcome into your family. Take care, talk to you soon." He reaches to turn the display off and close the connection. He turns to face Ethan "Well, I'm glad that went better than expected and now that only leaves our friends here."

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