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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner..Table for 500...

They had just returned to the bridge post attempting to find out what had attacked ...

literally killed all the occupants on the freighter...burned them down,the stench from

the charred flesh still filled his sense of smell,he had started back to the sb after the

evac command had been given...when he was once again ordered to resume his post

on the bridge as they were needing additionial personell to man the scans and sensor

they were under attack by Jem'Haddar ships,he could feel the ship shake from the

heavy bombardment being layed on by the enemy forces,he quickly followed Cmdr.

Graham into the tl,and proceeded to the bridge.


He entered the bridge taking in all the chaos of intermittent comm with various dept

the admiral at the command issuing orders and taking in intel in what seemed to be a

fashion of normal talk on a sporting event,Cmdr. Graham coordinating with the Adm.

in a fluid precise manner,the various departments working in unison as in some sort

of grand orchestration...culminating in the desired performance directed by a miestro

I rapidly went back to the console Cmdr.Graham had assigned me to, taking up my

scans ....looking for any other information that could be of use in our current crisis.


I looked at the broken images ,fuzzy,distorted by the expanse as an enemy vessel

came into view and fired upon the Morningstar,feeling the ship shudder from the fire

she was taking,you could see the frustration etched in the faces and on the brow of

the command officers...we were fighting for our lives,no shields,virtually no sensors

no way to lock on the enemy and return fire effectively,how could the enemy have

known how and when to fire unless they had overcome and adapted their own grids

to compensate in this soup...".Wham" another barrage had found it's mark,this time

i was nearly thrown off my footing from the impact,i overheard a comm from the

eng dept.,a poss hull breach...things were happening very quickly now,an emer.fix

had been performed to the damaged section...when out of the blue i heard the order

for me to assume the helm...i looked back at the Admiral as if to say me???.

My awkward glance was met by the reassuring look from the admiral...i had planned

to say something to the effect of there are others with more recent experience with

star ship piloting than i was,true i have had quite a bit of experience in a star fighter

but my skill with a star ship was a whole new ball game...Any way ...i simply replied

Aye Sir...and took over the helm position.


I was readjusting my way of thinking to that of a pilot when the Admiral ordered a

tactical evasive maneuver,I complied inputting the thruster(s) vectoring commands

and adjusting the engines demands to carry out the inputs...time seemed to slow to

a crawl as the ship moved and responded sluggishly to me at any rate,damn,have

to remember this is not just a few tons of fighter to steer that responds like in a way

that seems like an extension of your thoughts,fast,quickly...no this was a mega ton

star ship that was being handled liken to a fighter...settle down,let it come naturally

this seemed to work as I manipulated the helm controls,anticipating the response

the ship began to move more freely,almost gracefully to the touch...bigger yes she

was but a gracious lady non the less, i just had to handle her that way,watching the

viewscreen and the nav comm as best i could...he attempted to keep the damaged

areas of the ship turned away from the brunt of the fire to shield her.


The Cmdr.,and the Adm., had come up with a tactic thanks to an idea from a crew

member to ignite a cloud of hydrogen from our ship...it might buy us some time as

well as take out some of the enemy vessels....It worked and took out a ship or two

in the process...still we were being faced with impossible odds,it seemed we were

outnumbered badly....all the while he was trying to egress from the expanse by a

escape vector and ordered to get us out of there...we were quickly closing on a big

grouping of enemy ships blocking ,flanking our escape route...Suddenly a group of

Romulan birds of prey uncloaked.....and began to fiercely engage the enemy ships.


The sheer magnitude of the expolsions from both sides of the engagement was a

blinding experience played out on the main viewer...I had never been so glad to

see a Romulan ship in my life ,they continued to join us in the fray as we continued

towards our goal of escape..at times they seemed to be plowing a road for us to be

able to continue the fighting was intense,both from the romulans,the jem'haddar,and

from the morningstar as well,one cannot help but feel a deep sense of pride as you

watch some of your fellow crew members demonstrate what it truly is to be some of

the fleets very best.


At last the edge of the expanse was coming into sight,I advised the Admiral that

we were getting close to being in free space and out of this place,he in turn ordered

to go to warp speed as soon as meng had the mains back online,and warp was back

online....waiting can be the most trying of experiences when your collective lives

are on the line,just keep your cool,and do the job...by the numbers...what seemed

like an eternity had passed,tac had reported the romulans were really taking a real

beating, slaughter might be a better description,all to be able for us to escape with

our lives,he had found a new found respect for them,warriors indeed,the Ceng came

on the comm and advised warp powered had been restored,just take it as easy as

possible...he thought it was a miracle eng had been able to even restore basic power

let alone the warp drive and main power under their conditions,now was not the time

to ponder and reflect on that....when clear he went to warp,tac noted they were not

alone but being followed by the enemy force,in hot pursuit,he increased the speed to

warp 5,6,....finally to warp 7,they seemed to be holding a small lead at that speed...

he asked the Admiral if he desired to go to full warp speed,the Admiral ordered to hold at warp 7,just maintain their lead,and lay in a direct course for Camelot,he did

comply...listening to the comm between the command staff ..best estimate we have

a 30-45 minute lead in front of the pursuing force,not much of a lead,we contacted

Camelot,the Admiral advised them of our situation.... I could not help but think of

an old movie I had seen in the film archives of theactrical classics...Guess who's

coming to dinner...well I hope we can accomidate 400-500 dinner guest...and give

them the one hell of a reception they so deserve....::End Log::

Edited by eagle

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