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lt james black

comming back

Well, after seeing one of my logs when cleaning out my comp, and visting the arc, im thinking of comming back. Well, see you in the academy, and hopfully soon aboard a ship if i remember how to sim.

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::sighs:: of course the old people come back right when I feel like the oldest cadet. Now could someone explain the relevance of that I kinda lost myself :P

Edited by Elgor

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Welcome back Black! :P

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::gets out the props for Black to sing "I'm back, back, back, back in black":: that should be good :P

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Welcome back, Marine! (or, whatever you want to be this time)

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Good to have you re-joining the group. Welcome back....



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Well, i hope to get security somewere again, but, who knows. Engineering on the Talon was preaty fun also. As for the people that i served with before my "leave," im sorry about sudenly dissappering. RL can suck, and you loss all life when work takes over 24/7, litterly. Then, when that ended, i forgot about STSF till i was cleaning my comp and saw a log (I swear, it must have been planted because it was in the middle of the folder i open almost daily,) but, i hope to see you in the academy tonight, and, see how much (or little) i remember.

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