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Subject: Considerations

Date: Fri, Oct 10, 1997 12:38 AM

From: LtnKitKat




After delivering R'Elic and Suran to their quarters and making sure they were secure, Kit headed to her quarters for some much needed rest and conteplation time, hoping Darr would not mind.  Ever since her transfer to security she had been so busy, and she was still adjusting to the new job.  First the Dz'har, then interogating Jeff, and most recently, the crystal mission with the ambassadors.  Her mind was in a blur, and she needed some

time to sort out all the different messages her brain was trying to give her.


As she entered her dimly-lit quarters Nebulae, Orion, and Socks ran over to welcome their owner.  She bent down and petted the three cats, then made her way to an easy chair, flopping down into it.  Nebulae planted herself in Kit's lap, Orion on the back of the chair, and Socks on one of the arms.  As Kit, absently petted two out of three purring cats, she let her mind wander.


First it wandered to her decision to leave engineering for security, and the pros and cons of the decision.  Blu pretty much scared her, and she never had any free time anymore.  She missed Savvik and Gaelin down in engineering as well, as well as the frequent visits from Marak.  But she was happy with the new department, and the challenges it provided.  She had seen so many more new planets since her transfer, interacted with their inhabitants.

There was a new ensign to bug, and probably many new adventures in store ahead.  Also, Chris stopped in a lot more too.....


Chris. Her bondmate.  And her newest set of wondering what had gone wrong.  They had been perfect for each other...so similar.  But Kit was having second thoughts.  At first her brain was telling her that they were simply too young, to break of the relationship, theoretically, and continue in seven or eight years.  But there was something more...deeper...


Kit was slowly discovering Rocks' another side...one that every person has.  And she was not liking what she saw.  It was obvious that he wanted the relationship to develop fastre than it was, but in Kit's opinion, they had already gone too far too fast.  In fact, part of her brain was telling her to get out of it, now.


But that just wasn't possible.  A bond was for life unless challenged or broken by the death of one of the two.  She doubted Chris would die anytime soon, and she refused to wish death on him, and she certainly was planning on going to meet her Creator anytime soon.


She took out and fingered the letter Chris had given her back in the security office.  Don't open this until your off duty, he had said.  Kit peered at it, trying to see through to its contents.


Then a mood swing hit, as was happening more and more frequently recently, and she got mad for no reason whatsoever.  She glared at the letter as if it was the cause of her problems, and, standing up quickly, earning a mew from Nebulae as she went tumbling off the now non-existant lap, crossed over to the disposal, throwing the note in without even opening it.  She slammed it shut then leaned against the wall, trying to calm down.


And calmness did come, but Kit realized she was not the source of it.  She searched for the source of it, and came upon something at times she forgot existed.  The other link.  The one with a friend in the academy.  He had felt her anger, wherever he was in the ship, and had sent some of his calm to help her.  And it had worked.


Then Kit realized something.  He could help.  He could break the bond.  Then perhaps at least one problem would go away.


{{Savvik...I need your help...please come...}}

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