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Stardate 0601.18


Hmm…well, apparently I have been unconscious for the last week, ever since we tried to crack into the Thing. Of course, now I am completely out of the loop and have no idea anything about it. Something to ask the Louie when he gets back.


And on that note it seems that a number of people are off on an away mission. Having been sleeping for the past week, I again am completely out of the loop. Looks like this should be a lot of fun.


In other news I have been ordered to stay off duty and to rest until such time that the CMO returns from the mission and declares me fit for duty. Yeah, right. Like I’m going to stay cooped up in my quarters for who knows how long. At the very least I’m going to go wander the ship and check things out. We could use an update from damage control anyway.


Alright, I’m bored now. Time to set out in search of trouble…scratch that, time to set out in search of nice people who won’t bomb special functions

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