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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "mesoscale". :rolleyes:


    May you die well. ;)

  2. I've been here a little over a year. I started simming in October of '04, graduated early November '04, was assigned to the Reaent about a week or so later, joined Agincourt for it's launch. I don't remember the dates, although if I do some dumpster diving around the forum I might be able to come up with some approximations.

  3. Engineering Log

    Stardate 0512.15


    As determined by Chief Medical Officer Simon Ljunberg I am to be confined to sickbay for the time being. As such, the ship will be without a Chief Engineering Officer until such time that I am released from sickbay…or I break out, whichever comes first.


    As the Chief Engineering Officer of the NFS Reaent NCC-3345-C I hereby promote Captain Bryce J. Panofsky to Acting Chief Engineering Officer to perform my duties to the best of his ability in my absence.

  4. “Just a little more…”


    “How’s that?”


    “Looks good.”


    Murray climbed off the phaser drill. He and Nora Brady had just adjusted the beam so it would slice into Thing instead of blasting in. He bent over, turned on the drill, and opened the external power port.


    He looked over to Prell. “We’re ready here, Chief.”


    Dickinson’s voice came over the com. “Ready here. The power regulator is hooked up and running.”


    Prell nodded. This was it. After searching for Thing, then brining it back to the cargo bay and poking, prodding, digging, jabbing, stabbing, and shooting it, they were finally going to find out what was in it. He thought that at the rate they were going they were going to have to hire professional thieves to break into the darn Thing.


    Murray nodded back and tapped the drill’s control panel. “Activating drill.”


    The warp core hummed away as it sent power to the drill. Dickinson watched the core readouts.


    The power regulator sat quietly, regulating power flow. Kroells and Kairi smiled at their work.


    The power cords took the power from the warp core and moved it to the drill. Prell sat and hoped that this would work.


    The drill powered up and was ready to be fired. Brady watched with anticipation. Murray pressed the button.


    And nothing happened.


    He pressed it again.


    Nothing happened again.


    Murray looked at the control panel and noticed a blinking red light. It read simply “Safety.” Whoops.


    “We’re growing old here, Saf.”


    “Sorry, Chief. I’ve got it now.” He deactivated the safety and rolled his eyes. All the work they put into this and he forgot to turn the safety off. Of all the things…. He pressed the button and was prepared to be shocked.


    He wasn’t wrong.


    The phaser drill hummed and screamed and let out a burst of energy that a power meter wanted no part of. At the same instant a power surge blew out the control panel and into the person manning it.


    Murray flew backwards and slammed into several cargo containers. Pain. Immense pain. On a scale from “it’s only a scratch” to “superdooper excruciating” this rated “mind-numbingly, excruciatingly, agonizingly, unbearably, painful in the way that chocolate isn’t”. Only one thought crossed his mind and he fell to the floor and fell into the realm of unconciousness.



  5. That sounds like too much fun!


    But seriously, what would happen if you duct taped two vacuum cleaner hoses together and turned both machines on at the same time? How about two Shop-Vacs? B)


    Would it open up a temporal vortex or just burn the house down?


    Now I know what to get my mother for Christmas!

    Sounds like one for the Mythbusters. ;)


    Actually, I already knew that. I read it in some Time magazine timeline of the universe. But thats not suposed to happen for a couple billion years, so I think I'm covered.
    A couple billion years? :o Wow! I'll be out of college by then! :P (I hope! ;))


    Actually, from what I know, the collision will tear the two galaxies apart. No obviously, this isn't going to look like a car crash, but it's believed that the event will cause the two anchors (supposedly both galaxies black holes) to destablize, or something and loose their grip on the galaxies. Then everything will just kinda float off on their own...or so I've read.
    We learned in astronomy that one of them will pretty much cease to exit, while the other will end up with more stars than it had before. They pretty much merge, with some bits of both flying off into the cosmos, but you still end up with a galaxy at the end.

  6. “What about the underside?”




    “What about the underside?”


    Dickinson raised an eyebrow at Murray. It was a simple question.


    Murray looked from Dickinson to the “thing” and back.


    “What about it?”


    Dickinson rolled her eyes. “It’s practically sitting on the floor. How are we supposed to scan the bottom of it?”


    Murray stared at her dumbfounded, which translated to her as “Oh. Whoops.” It was a bit of an oversight. Nothing that was going to get them killed…she hoped.


    Murray thought it over for a minute. “Right…well…um…yeah, I’ve got nothing. Suggestions?”


    “Well, if we could get the sonic emitters low enough and at the right angle we could do it. But their casings won’t let them get that low.”


    “Well, we could take them off the mounts,” Murray mused. “But we’d have to scan by hand, which would require some fancy computer work. Still, I think we can do it.”


    Several hours later the scan was finished. Dickinson was lying on the floor with one of the sonic emitters in her hand, while Murray was working the computer. After a few minutes of fiddling, they finally got what they needed.


    As Dickinson, Prell, and Rieve huddled around, Murray brought up his findings. The “thing” as they currently knew it was just the outer casing. But this also brought up a new mystery: what was inside of it?


    Murray turned to look at Rieve. “I think it’s time we make use of that casing fracture you found, Lieutenant. Let’s crack this egg open.”

  7. Startrek.com will not go away, I heard this directly from the director of the site the other day.


    It is true the Paramount Digital Entertainment is disappearing (in a typical, corporate, name thingy) but it is just a matter of which parent company will get the Star Trek brand and all accessories, such as the web site. It may be Viacom and it may be CBS, no one knows yet.


    This may lead to a reworking of the site a little bit, when the change happens - but he and his staff are not out looking for new jobs.



    That's what I keep trying to tell people on other message boards, yet no one seems to listen. No where did it say that STARTREK.com was going offline; just that it's current division, PDE, is being dissolved.


    Nothing against the TUers among us, but people place far too much faith in Trek United. TU didn't save Enterprise by themselves; the non-TU fans did a lot too. And Trek United has NO CONTROL over what really happens to the Paramount-controlled Startrek.com site.
    I am one of the TUers, and I completely agree with you. :rolleyes:

  8. Insurrection. Some people say it was boring, but I think it was truest to the series in not being entirely "The Picard Show" -- everyone got a good bit of meaningful time.


    After that... Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country, First Contact. Then STIII, and Nemesis are about even, II and Generations just slightly under them, and I detest both TMP and STV.

    I quite liked Insurrection, too. :rolleyes: