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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. TO: Captain Simeon Davies, Colonel C. E. Harper

    FROM: Lieutenant (junior grade) G. Saffir Murray

    CC: Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair, Lieutenant Javin Prell, Lieutenant James Kroells, Lieutenant Desdemona Levy

    STARDATE: 0602.22

    RE: Pandarian Logs


    The logs from the Pandarian ship, which were found in an encoded state, have been 73.8% decrypted. The remaining 26.2% of the logs is unrecoverable due to a random memory fragmentation program employed before the logs were discovered. Luckily, the logs were recovered before most of the data was lost.


    Upon being tasked with decrypting the logs, Lieutenant (j.g.) Kairi, Crewman Nicole Dickinson, and I immediately began running the standard decryption algorithms. Upon the failure of those algorithms we tried others, including, Klingon, Romulan, Breen, and Dominion, et al. Again, the decryption programs failed.


    It was then suggested that there was one decryption algorithm that could read the logs: that of the Pandarians themselves. With the assistance of computer specialist Petty Officer Second Class Nora Brady we proceeded to uplink to and hack into the Pandarian ship’s (now aboard the Agincourt) computer and forcibly remove the decryption code. It was also at this time that we discovered the memory fragmentation program.


    Once we had the decryption code, decrypting the remaining portions of logs was a simple task.


    The logs indicate that the Pandarians were recently in s skirmish with an unidentifiable species in orbit of the same planet we are currently in orbit around. They had been scavenging in a cavern that the Pakleds have used for storage. The cavern has been moated and is only accessible via air, boat, or transporter. Several of the Pakleds have become part of the “cargo” that we have found aboard their ship.


    In addition, it seems that the Pandarians are looking for a buyer for an unidentified product (the identity of the product was lost in the fragmentation). Identified only as “The Product” the Pandarians seem anxious to sell it. Potential buyers include the Yridians (the current frontrunner), the Orions, Ferengi, and Karemann, among others.


    The decrypted logs have been forwarded to you and the department heads for further review.

  2. Bah, dont listen to them. Join Agincourt, home of the Cool Calculating Marines, and the dimwitted but loveable Captain?


    Did I just say that?




    ::Hides behind Prell::

    Oh, yeah. Captains Davies is the only "stable" captain on STSF. :P

  3. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :lol: !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "Brunt-Vaisala". ;)


    May you die well. :P

  4. “Saf. Saf! Wake up!”




    “You were snoring.”


    Murray glared at Dickinson and replied levelly, “I. Do. Not. Snore.”


    Dickinson grinned. “Yes. You. Do,” she teased.


    “No. I don’t. I didn’t hear myself snoring. So if I couldn’t hear it, it wasn’t happening. Now,” Murray continued, before Dickinson could continue on, “what have we got?”


    Dickinson indicated the pool table console. “Nothing so far. Nothing we try is working. I’ve run through just about every decryption I can think of. Those logs don’t want to be read.”


    “Every protocol?”


    “I even used some Klingon, Romulan, Breen, even some Dominion protocols. Nothing.”


    “Heh. Could be worse. They could use Pakled protocols.”


    “They don’t. I tried.”


    Murray looked astonished. “Wow, when you said every protocol, you meant it.”


    “I’m not just a pretty face.”


    Murray smiled egomaniacally. “Hey, that’s my line. So what do we do now?”


    Dickinson sat back and sighed. “I don’t know. What we really need is to actually find the original protocols that were used to encrypt the logs in the first place and use them. But we don’t have their protocols.”


    Murray thought for a minute. Then an idea hit him like lightning to a guy holding a metal rod in the middle of a field. “Maybe…maybe we do.”


    Dickinson was confused. How did they have the original encryption codes? “Huh?”


    “We have their ship. That ship has the encryption protocols. So all we have to do is hack into their ship’s computer and pull out the encryption codes.”


    “Can we do that?”


    “You took advanced computers courses at the Academy, right?”


    Dickinson grimaced at the memories. “Yeah. Not the most fun course in the world.”


    “Right. So you can get it. And Nora Brady is a computer specialist if you need any help.”


    “That’s not quite what I meant, but I’ll see what I can do.”


    Time passed. Brady and Dickinson hacked. Murray helped pass the time by telling various anecdotes. After almost five hours Dickinson was shouting across engineering.


    “Saf! I think we’ve got it!”

  5. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "orography". :P


    May you die well. B)

  6. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "isodop". ;) :P


    May you die well. :P

  7. Murray grabbed his engineering kit and headed for the transporter room. He took the scenic route in order to stop by the weapons locker.


    “What can I do for you, Lieutenant?”


    “I need decked out for an away mission.”


    “Alright, what would you like?”


    “Two hand phasers to start.”


    “Two phasers? Why two?”


    “Just a precaution. I keep one in my boot.”


    “If you say so.” The on-duty weapons quartermaster handed Murray the phasers and one holster. “I presume you have a custom holster for that boot.”


    Murray pulled up his pant leg revealing his boot and holster.


    “Anything else?”


    “I think I’ll take a rifle, too. Commander Robair seemed to indicate that we needed to be ready.”


    “Alright. Anything else? A blade, perhaps?”


    Murray accepted the rifle handed to him and slung it over his shoulder. “Hmm…yeah, I’ll take an Andorian ushaan.”


    Murray took the blade and took a few swings with it. It had been a while since he had used a blade, let alone used the ushaan. Hopefully it was like riding a bike. He slipped it into the blade holster and attached it to his uniform.


    “One more thing. I need a backpack. I can’t wield these weapons and carry my engineering kit at the same time.”


    As Murray loaded up and headed out, an idea occurred to him. Unfortunately, it would have wait until a free moment, and this moment and the many to follow weren’t going to be free.

  8. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "hypsometric". :P


    May you die well. ;) :P

  9. Perturbation? Are you a scientist? I am only slightely familier with String Theory.


    And although i do hope I die well, I believe you have me confused with another species.

    I would happen to be a scientist, one of the "weather weenie" variety. ;)


    And no I don't have you confused. Attend a few Acads and odds are you'll find out what I mean. :P

  10. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "perturbation". :P


    May you die well. ;) :P

  11. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "hootenanny". :P


    May you die well. :P