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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. In the past few hours, Murray had arrived on the Reaent, reported for duty, transported some guy named Wero to Deep Space Four, assumed the tactical station, and was currently in the security office performing security sweeps of the ship while the ship sat in an asteroid field watching over another ship extract the remnants of an illegal experiment from a hunk of rock, all the while facing the possibility of becoming target practice for the Romulans. Life was good.


    As he watched more reports come in from patrols, his mind began to wander. He didn’t mind, as long as it came back and wasn’t out carousing. He began to think of recent events. He had reported to Lieutenant Commander Shamor. Aside from the order to dispense with the “sirs” (which seemed appropriate, at least for reporting for duty), it went without incident. He had only actually spoken with Shamor for that brief bit since coming aboard, but he had a feeling he would get along with the Commander.


    Mr. Flek. He has his quirks, but then, so does everyone. Murray, found it quite odd when he and Flek jogged to the bridge. He didn’t mind; just he thought it a bit unusual to jog to the bridge under non-alert conditions. Not that it mattered. Murray considered himself a bit odd, as well. Murray has a hard time disliking anyone. To that end, he determined that it is going to take a lot of work to dislike Flek. However, that seemed like too much work, so Murray discarded the idea and decided to put up with not hating Flek.


    As his mind came back from journeys that he would rather not know about, Murray concluded that he was going to enjoy working aboard the Reaent. With that, he started to feel warm and fuzzy. It must be time to clean the old bellybutton again.

  2. No, according to the birthday announcement(on bottom of main forum page), he's 100! Happy Birthday A-9! :lol: ::Tosses the confetti::

    I meant at heart. We all know that all the GMs are a bunch of two-year-olds at heart. His birthday would make him three.


    A9, have fun today. Go kill a cadet or something.

  3. Ken Jennings lost Jeopardy tonight, ending his $2.5ish+ million, 75ish game win streak. The answer was, "Most of this firm's 70,000 seasonal white-collar employees only work four months per year." He responded with "FedEx". The correct answer was "H&R Block". Wow.

  4. Starfleet Command Personnel File

    Lieutenant Commander Wimbley Murray

    USS Reaent NCC-3345-G


    Name: Murray, Wimbley X. "Wim"

    Rank: Lieutenant Commander

    Service Number: SC-4673376X

    Current Assignment: USS Reaent NCC-3345-G

    Position: Chief of Security

    Species/Gender: Human/Male

    Height: 1.7526 meters

    Weight: 86.18 kilograms

    Place of birth: Hershey, Pennsylvania, North America, Earth

    Year of Birth: 2359

    Parents: Thomas and Ellen Murray

    Marital Status: Single

    Children: None

    Education: Starfleet Academy 2377-2381



    Starfleet Career Summary:

    Stardate 0411.02: Graduated from Starfleet Academy

    Stardate 0411.06: Assigned to USS Reaent NCC-3345-G security division

    Stardate 0503.17: Promoted to lieutenant, junior grade

    Stardate 0505.01: Put on leave of duties for official Starfleet business

    Stardate 0505.16: Began Starfleet Advanced Tactical Training

    Stardate 0507.14: Assigned to USS Walker NCC-47683 for advanced tactical training

    Stardate 0508.20: Satisfactorily completes Starfleet Advanced Tactical Training

    Stardate 0508.22: Reassigned to USS Reaent NCC-3345-G security division

    Stardate 0511.22: Suffers a brief bout of depression following the Tholian uprising conflict

    Stardate 0512.15: Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, promoted to Chief of Security

    Stardate 0601.19: Reassigned to USS Reaent NCC-3345-G following its refit

    Stardate 1205.17: Promoted to acting executive officer, named head of Security and Special Operations division




    Wimbley Murray was born in Pennsylvania to Thomas and Ellen Murray. He grew up in the rural community of Campbelltown, Pennsylvania, near Hershey and Harrisburg. A very shy person, Wimbley had difficulty making friends. His only friend was Stephanie, the daughter of retired Starfleet security officer and neighbor Lionel Dawkins. When Wimbley was twelve, however, the Dawkins moved abruptly, leaving Murray alone and with no information to contact Stephanie with. Having no friends he turned back to a subject that he had been interested in when he was younger: space. He read books and used various other learning resources, expanding his horizons in science, eventually fueling his desire to join Starfleet.


    Murray entered Starfleet Academy in 2377 at the age of 18. In his first year, however, he had trouble focusing on his studies, preferring instead to relax and have fun. After nearly failing several courses, Murray almost dropped out of the Academy. He would have done so if it hadn't been for his roommate, Benjamin Galloway, who helped him turn his first year around. After his first year, Murray decided to transfer over to security. Here he continued, graduating in the top fifty in his class.


    After graduation in 2381, Murray was assigned to the USS Reaent NCC-3345-G under the command of Captain Frederic Michaels and Chief of Security Jontilles Shamor. On stardate 0505.01 he returned to Starfleet Academy to participate in the Advanced Tactical Training program. He satisfactorily completed the program on stardate 0508.20 and was subsequently reassigned to the USS Reaent.



    Psychological Profile (Stardate 0602.23, 2382)

    In 2382 the USS Reaent engaged in battle against Tholian militants trying to overthrow the government. The Reaent was severely damaged and had to be abandoned. In the months following their rescue the crew was relieved of duty while the Reaent underwent an extensive refit.


    At home during this time Murray began to suffer from depression over the near-loss of the Reaent and the death of many crewmembers, including twelve security officers. Eventually he was able to begin to bring himself out of it by sitting down and hand-writing condolence letters to each of the dead security crewman's families with a simple gift: an apple from his parents' orchards. It was the arrival of a very positive and uplifting letter from the parents of one of his deceased subordinates. That and the arrival of his possessions from the dilapidated Reaent let him feel true happiness for the first time in a very long while.


    Following this incident Mr. Murray has taken on a lighter mindset, enjoying the odd joke and prank, as well as general silliness. Suction cup dart guns, squirt pistols, a clown costume, and various wigs make up only a fraction of his repertoire. It will be intriguing to see how the new attitude will play out, particularly when it comes to transfers and new recruits.




    Murray is very easy to get along with and has trouble disliking anyone. Despite this, he tends to be antisocial and independent, although this changes drastically once he makes friends with someone. Regardless, he would rather do something alone, feeling it gets done faster and up to his high standards. He is less likely to be seen in the crew lounge than he is to be found in his quarters with a book or in the holodeck paddling down a river.


    Murray is an avid listener of classical music. A glance at his collection of music will immediately display a prominence of Baroque and Renaissance era music. Murray is an intermediate level amateur trombonist, although he has always wanted to learn violin and French horn. Murray once attempted piano, but wasn't ambidextrous enough. While he can still play decently to some degree, he has always been disappointed about this.


    Murray's other hobbies include canoeing, hiking, camping, playing card games, particularly Euchre, and playing field games such as Capture the Flag, softball, and Flag Tag.


    This file will be updated as deemed necessary.



  5. Blu, I think you've gotten confused between state nicknames and state mottos. Deleware's motto is "Liberty and independence". Massachusetts's nicknames are "The Bay State" and "The Old Colony", while their motto is "Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ("By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty).


    My state, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the Keystone State. Its motto is "Virtue, Liberty, and Independence".