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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. :D :P ::head explodes:: :lol: :lol:


    Interesting theory's and coinsidences though. I remember the 0 theory that was thrown out after the attempted assasination of Reagan. It went something like every president elected on a year ending in 0 had either an assasination, or attempt.



    "Meow, I say meow boy."

    It's called the Twenty-Year Curse. The curse goes that every president elected in a year ending in zero would die at some point during his presidency. There were several presidents that were not assassinated but died of other causes. Reagan broke the supposed curse. And so far, Bush hasn't died yet.

  2. Which one? The Borg Academy...or the Borgified Pakleds in their dented sphere?


    Borg Academy was a bomb....


    Being attacked by Borgified Pakleds....priceless. Both times I've ran it, I had to wipe my eyes I was laughing so hard I was in tears. <for those that missed it, we were attacked by Borgified Pakleds..who proceeded to our messhall to assimilate our kitchen appliances.....We had toast shooting everywhere....

    When was this? It sounded like so much fun! I wish I was there!

  3. Day 1

    Murray stood on the bridge with Flek. “Yeah...so, how have the last few weeks on Reae…” Flek stopped midsentence.


    “Sir?” Murray raised an eyebrow, confused. A thought or two flickered through his head. Wow…he's sure acting crazy…staring into nowhere like that…


    “WIMBLEY!” Flek shouted. “DON’T THINK SO LOUD!!”


    As the senior staff left the captain’s ready room, Flek got a deranged look on his face. Murray ignored him and instead turned his attention to the senior staff. He didn’t quite know what was going on but he could tell the they were worried. The question was, what is it they are worried about? Could it be the asteroid not being fully collapsed? Could it be the Romulan saboteur? Perhaps the captain got new orders. Were they worried about our new assignment? Murray wanted to know. He’d have to check the rumor mill later.


    The captain called to the bridge. He had coordinates for the new assignment. Murray laid in the coordinates and engaged the warp engines. He could tell from the coordinates that they were headed for Federation space. It seemed likely that whatever it was the senior staff looked worried about, the new assignment wasn’t it.


    When Murray reached the end of his shift, he went to his quarters. On the way, he overheard three crewmen discussing the current state of affairs aboard the Reaent. One of those affairs seemed to be Captain Michaels himself. The rumor was that he had gotten pretty frazzled towards the end of the Pegasus/Portland assignment. Perhaps that was what the staff was worried about. If so, he hoped that the captain would get some rest and relaxation. One doesn’t want a captain with a diminished decision-making capacity.


    Day 2

    Murray had some free time after his shift. He decided to use it in Holodeck 2. The only thing was that it didn’t have any of his programs yet. At least he had downloaded them to isolinear chips.


    He pulled out a chip and inserted it into the ODN port. “Computer, download and run program Murray W-2.”


    The computer beeped, booped, and replied. “Program downloaded. You may enter when ready.”


    Murray stepped into the holodeck and smiled. “Computer, create an orchestra and chorus appropriate to the early 17th century, but without the bass singer.” Murray nodded in approval as his command was carried out. He stepped into the bass’s position and opened his music book.


    Murray intoned the opening. “Deus in adiutorium meum intende.” As the chorus moved into the responsorium “Domine ad adiuvandum me festina”, Murray began to relax. The mission in the Devolin system had been a little rough, especially with the malfunction in the torpedo bay. Singing Claudio Monteverdi’s Vespro Della Beata Virgine of 1610 was exactly what he needed.


    “Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Alleluia.”


    Murray was feeling great.


    Day 3

    Murray woke up feeling quite refreshed. He wasn’t quite sure why; he hadn’t done anything strenuous or tiring the previous day. Nonetheless, he felt refreshed, and it felt good. After a sonic shower, he sat down to breakfast: two eggs over easy, bacon, and home fries, just the way Mom replicated it. He reached for a padd and checked to see if he had any messages waiting for him. He had two.


    One was from his girlfriend, Sheila Simmons, a cadet at Starfleet Academy. She wrote that her current interest was in engineering. Murray knew, however, that her interest would change by the weekend and at least once more by month’s end. Sheila’s calling was as an operations management officer. Juggling a schedule of power and system’s allocation was what she could do best. She would completely, and successfully, rearrange both of their schedules so that they could be together on the weekends.


    Sheila’s letter went on to complain about the enormous workload, her roommate’s annoying boyfriend, and the extremely boring classes, especially the one taught by a Vulcan.


    Murray opened the other message. “Congratulations, Mr. Murray, you are already a grand prize winner…” Murray rolled his eyes and groaned.

  4. no, because in the 22nd century the ships have some feature that can disintagrate small pieces of rubbish that fly into them. (or they could just attach windshield wipers)

    Actually, it is closer to windshield wipers. The deflector shields (generated by the deflector dish) push stellar particles out of the way so that they don't turn starships into Swiss cheese. If need be, holes can be opened in the deflector shields so that certain particles can be let through and collected is the Bussard ramscoop.

  5. Well, I wanted a name that was kinda weird but still believable. And at the time I started simming, the elections were around the corner. So I took some humorous political satire that my dad wrote and took the names of two of the characters: Wimbley, the Hippocrat party's veep candidate; and Murray, who "has a Taipei personality" and once locked himself into the dairy and pastry walk-in refridgerator in a hotel. The middle name is at this time still undecided. The initial is "X".

  6. OK as a proud member of Save Enterprise. I must say that ENT hasn't officially ended yet. The campaign has just stepped up a billion notches. Recently fans all over the world are stepping up and already sending in letters and showing there protest. All kinds of stuff is going on, emails, letters, faxes, interviews. I remember looking at st.com and seeing the ENT board filled with ENT bashers and posts about how ENT is really bad. Well recently things have changed and fan support is being showed more than ever.


    I encourage everyone to join Save Enterprise campaign. Go to saveenterprise.com


    And Btw, I reconized a few members from here registering over there. Show your support for ENT!


    Sincerely Cougar, Member of Save Enterprise.

    Yeah, what he said.


    And we have been told that there are a great number of fans out there who didn't even know there was the threat of cancellation. Many different organizations are coming together to keep Enterprise going.


    Go to Save Enterprise and join the fight!

  7. Hey there,


    You know, I'm beginning to think Rick Berman wanted Star Trek: Enterprise cancelled. Just read the following article SciFi Wire: Enterprise won't be shopped around.


    I really think he wanted the show to end. You know what, sad thing is I can easily come up with a reason. Job security. If Season 4 and beyond was a success, it would easily show that Berman/Braga were the cause of the problems the first three seasons and a new face....such as Manny Coto....might have what it takes to move the franchise forward.

    ::sigh:: The man has a choke-hold on Star Trek.

  8. Wimbley Murray’s Personal Log

    Stardate 0502.03


    We have had quite a crisis. Security and engineering modified some Class IX probes, removing sensor equipment and adding explosive devices with timed detonators. The probes were to collapse the cavern in the asteroid where the USS Portland was salvaging equipment from the USS Pegasus. Commander Shamor sent me to the bridge to fire the eight probes.


    Well, slight problem there. We got five probes off when number six failed to fire. Unfortunately, its timer started. In two and a half minutes, the probe would give us that window we want in the security office. Commander Ridire had me try to beam it out, but all of the explosives in the magazine prevented a transporter lock.


    Apparently, Commander Shamor went down to the torpedo bay and deactivated the bomb. From what I can gather, the situation wore him out. Heck, I would definitely be in need of a clean uniform. Anyway, he shut it down with seconds to spare.


    Now, the fun has begun. The captain has ordered an investigation of the probe. My guess would be sabotage. I was there and everything was hunky-dory when I left. I can’t imagine any of the others having messed with anything. Could the Romulans have gotten an infiltrator aboard the Reaent? If so, it is going to come down to us to flush him or her out. I’m sure Starfleet would be thrilled at the prospect of having us bring back a Romulan.

  9. "That just might be ego speaking, but I think we've done a great job. If you look at the performance of [star Trek] Nemesis, you see what I think was a terrific movie that did not perform anywhere near as expected. I think what's been happening with Enterprise." The 2002 movie Nemesis grossed $43 million domestically and had foreign ticket sales of $23 million, the worst performer in the film series." -Ricky Berman


    Wow he really is nuts..... :lol: :lol:

    Wow, his ego is bigger than mine! He just doesn't get it, does he?