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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. INSANITY UPDATE!! Ride gets stuck after high wind gusts. But the video in the shots are awesome. Can't wait until we go ride it!! Probably ought to base the timing on this event on the weather conditions seeing as it has wind issues. LOL. See you all at the top!


    Insanity Stuck Story on Las Vegas NBC station - see video at this link! Ride looks awesome!

    ::slaving over his cauldron:: Hmm...wind, rain, hail...bwahahahahaha! <_<

  2. For those who don't know, RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". An RSS feed is some XML code that is updated periodically and can be read with various RSS aggregators available. For those who do know what I'm talking about, do you use RSS feeds? If so, go into whatever detail you like, such as aggregator and what feeds you receive.


    I use the Feedreader and get various feeds from NPR, ESPN, the AP, Reuters, a local TV station, STARTREK.com, NASA, the Borowitz Report, and the National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center (not that the last is doing me much good at this time of year).

  3. I wish I had posted this about two weeks ago, but whatever.


    We are now two weeks into baseball season. It is time to make completely random guesses as to the World Series, just like the sportscasters do. Come October, you can look back here and see how well you did.


    So who is going to the World Series?


    I'd say Boston over Atlanta.

  4. Yeah, Enterprise has been replaced with yet more reality TV.


    Some are speculatiing that perhaps Star Trek XI is Paramount's way of keeping Berman busy until his contract expires, and once he's gone they will be more prone to bringing back Trek.


    I wonder, is it possible that, depending on DVD sales and syndication ratings, Paramount might elect to try Enterpise again after Berman is gone?

  5. “Alright. Prep the shuttle for launch. I'll start working on the mask.”


    As Crewman Plierslip moved towards the ship’s remaining shuttle, the Brickwedde, Murray headed for the launch command center on the starboard side of the shuttle bay. Inside he found launch technician Crewman Nicholas O’Tyme.


    “Crewman, I need a bit of help masking this shuttle from detection. Can you give me a hand?”


    “Sure. What did you have in mind?”




    “I thought so. Well, let’s go have a look.”


    The two walked down to the shuttle. Plierslip was inside getting her ready for flight. As they entered the shuttle, O’Tyme looked at Murray and asked, “Now what exactly do we need to do for this shuttle? The Glenn was modified to have the warp signature of the Agincourt. Are we doing the same thing here or something completely different?”


    “This time we just need to mask it to keep it from becoming target practice.” Murray took a seat in the pilot’s chair.


    “I see. Well...we could modify the engine emissions to appear as your standard gases, but that still leaves the shuttle as an object on the sensors. Could we disguise it as something by installing holo-emitters?”


    Murray shook his head. “No, she doesn’t have enough power for that, nor do we have the time to replicate and install the emitters and find something to disguise the ship as. I was thinking something more along the lines of some sort of reflective/refractive material.”


    The crewman was visibly confused. “Reflective/refractive material? What in the world is that?”


    “Well, I was thinking that we could coat the shuttle’s hull with a reflective/refractive material. The idea is that the orbital weapons platforms would see a false shuttle on their sensors. Light hits the shuttle and is reflected back at a stronger intensity than normal. The coating would also refract the light, making the shuttle look to be in a slightly different position. The end result is the sensors reading the shuttle to be slightly closer and slightly behind where it should be. The weapons platforms will be aiming and firing at nothing. Some stray shots might hit the shuttle, but it shouldn’t be too bad.”


    Crewman O’Tyme stood in thought for a moment, trying to find a flaw in the engineer’s plan. Ah, there it is. “But if a stray salvo hits the shuttle, it’ll damage the coating. The shuttle would be visible.”


    “Do you have a better idea?” When the crewman didn’t respond, Murray said, “That’s what I thought. Now, let’s go make this coating.”


    It took a while for the computer to comprehend the request, but after twenty minutes, some swearing, kicking, and general threatening the computer finally gave them what they were looking for. It was a think spackle-like compound that smelled like month-old coffee still being kept warm in the port. Within thirty-five minutes there was a giant shuttle-shaped cake sitting in the shuttle bay.


    “It’s not going to be a lot of fun when we take it off.”


    Murray grinned maniacally and turned to look at the crewman. “No fun at all. Let me know how it goes.” He walked off to assist with final shuttle preparations, leaving O’Tyme with a dumbfounded look that resembled a Venus fly-trap awaiting its dinner.



    Notes: Shuttles are usually named for scientists, astronauts, and people who worked on Star Trek, such as the Galileo, the Chaffee, and the Lauritson, respectively. Ferdinand Brickwedde produced the first measurable amount of deuterium in 1931 at Penn State. He was also the co-discoverer of deuterium, for which he won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1934. Deuterium, of course, is the “matter” used in the matter/antimatter reaction of the warp drive. John Glenn is famous for being the first American in orbit and the oldest person in space.

  6. FROM: Starfleet Command Assignment Division; Starfleet Command Security Division; Starfleet Academy Advanced Training Department

    TO: Lieutenant (junior grade) Wimbley X. Murray, USS Reaent NCC 3345-G

    RE: Starfleet Security Advanced Tactical Training


    Mr. Murray,


    We have reviewed your application for Advanced Tactical Training. We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into the program to be held on the grounds of Starfleet Academy and aboard the training vessel of your choice. Your commanding officer, Captain Fred C. Michaels, USS Reaent, has been informed of your acceptance to the training program. The program begins in one month’s time on stardate 0505.16 and will terminate three months later on stardate 0508.12.


    You are asked to arrive in San Francisco, California, Earth no later than stardate 0505.06 for in-person registration and assignment of training sessions. You have been assigned to Starfleet Academy’s Forrest dormitory building, Room 215, or you may choose to find your own accommodations. You are asked to bring with you one Type-II hand phaser and one Type-III phaser rifle, current issue.


    Your training will consist of one month in advanced tactics in hand to hand combat and using current Federation-issue weapons, i.e. Type-II hand phaser, Type-III phaser rife, isomagnetic disintegrator, et al; current non-human standard-issue weapons, i.e. Romulan disruptor, Klingon disruptor, Klingon bat’leth, Klingon d’k’tagh, et al; and other non-human weapons, i.e. Andorian ushaan, Vulcan lirpa, et al. Some of these are required training; others are electives of personal preference. Not all of the above weapons will be used in the course of the Advanced Tactical training. Also included in your training is one month of advanced security techniques, and advanced away team training; and one month advanced use of the tactical console, including, but not limited to, targeting, evasive maneuvers, pursuit maneuvers, and beginner command strategy. Your final month of training will be held on the training vessel of your choice, pending availability of that vessel.


    We look forward to advancing your knowledge in your chosen Starfleet career field.


    Admiral Ruth K. Hendrix, Starfleet Security

    Admiral Sonan, Starfleet Security

    Admiral Martin J. Hummel, Starfleet Command

    Admiral Elizabeth W. Philips, Starfleet Academy

  7. ABC's "20/20" is conducting a COFFEE TASTE TEST near its studios on the Upper West Side of New York City on FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2005 AT 11:30 a.m.


    The test will go on until 1:30 p.m. Following the test, there will be an on-camera videotaped interview with a group of testers to discuss the results, which will last until approximately 3:30 p.m.


    There is the announcement from ABC's 20/20 website. You should keep up with "current events" like this. B)

  8. You can only carbon-date things that were once alive, actually. Rocks, they usually use something called the Uranium-Lead (U-Pb) system. This particular piece also used oxygen-isotope analysis, which helped to establish that it formed in the presence of water.

    That's right. You can only Carbon-date organic materials because organic materials are carbon-based. The only non-organic materials that contain lead (I believe, anyway) are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

  9. Ship’s Log

    Stardate 0504.08

    Assistant Security Officer

    Wimbley X. Murray


    From the Tactical Station: Ship is at red alert. Phasers online; photon torpedoes online; quantum torpedoes online. Shields up; shields at 100%. Long-range sensors online. Automatic Level Four diagnostics running every five-minutes; reports normal. Reaent currently assessing recent events.


    Recent notes: Reaent is at condition green. K’Tinga Class Battle Cruiser decloaks to aft of mysterious holoship. Reaent goes to yellow alert. Battle Cruiser fires phasers and disruptors at holoship. Holoship sustains no discernable damage. Battle Cruiser fires photon torpedoes at holoship. Torpedoes travel straight through the holoship without detonation. Holoship image projection changes to old 23rd century Romulan Bird of Prey. Holoship turns on Battle Cruiser. Holoship fires on Battle Cruiser. Battle Cruiser sustains damage to the “neck” structure; forward shields collapse. Battle Cruiser fires in retaliation; holoship sustains no discernable damage. Reaent goes to red alert. Reaent begins to move into a position between the holoship and Battle Cruiser. Holoship cloaks. Reaent left confused.

  10. Personal log, stardate 0504.07


    I have been assigned to the upper engineering level for battle and other emergency situations. She’s got the horizontal warp core; reminds me of the NX-01 starship Enterprise I saw once. She’d been converted to a museum after decommissioning; the first starship with a warp five engine; we’ve come a long way.


    I’ve had Crewman Tilda Plierslip assigned as my assistant in the upper engineering room. She was recommended for the Agincourt by the chief engineer of the USS Köln. The ship has only been out of spacedock a few days but she appears to be worthy of the job. She got that ODN relay situation taken care of in half the time it would take everyone else.


    We are currently preparing for separation into Multi-Vector Assault Mode. Everything is currently on standby, awaiting the order to begin the auto-sep sequence. I can’t wait to see her in action.

  11. Engineering Log, Upper

    Stardate 0504.07

    Upper Chief Engineer

    Assistant Engineering Officer

    Gerhard Saffir Murray


    Ship is at red alert. Upper engineering is prepared for separation sequences. Warp core is on hot standby for activation. Impulse fusion reactors in place and operating in standby mode at low power. Phasers, photon torpedoes, and quantum torpedoes on separation standby. Connection separation sequences on standby. Warp nacelles on extension standby.


    Other notes: the ODN relay problem on deck seven has been rectified. Crewman Tilda Plierslip has been assigned as the assistant engineer for the upper hull.