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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. Hey there,


    Now that might be an interesting thing to see...have a week or month plot within the forum that showed the "alternate" version of everyone else. ;)

    It sounds like a great idea, although there'd have to be some restrictions. Otherwise we'd all end up dead trying to assassinate our way to the top. :P Kill everyone above you so you can advance, and kill everyone else before they kill you. :P

  2. So I missed the begining part of both episodes, can anyone explain why the women had to wear the skanky uniforms. Did they say and I just missed it or was there soome reason for the crop top look?

    Because that's the way things work in the Mirror Universe. Remember in "Mirror, Mirror" that Uhura and the rest of the female crewmembers were more revealing uniforms than the miniskirts they usually wore.

  3. “This place is a mess.”


    “Well, thank you for that in-depth report.”


    Murray and Prell were standing in the building that housed the com array, assessing the damage. It didn’t look good. Consoles were blown out, either from overload or disruptor fire; isolinear chips and bioneural gelpacks were strewn throughout the compound, a number of which were broken, punctured, or otherwise destroyed; sparks were spewing from the consoles that weren’t destroyed. At least there was power, albeit auxiliary. They hadn’t yet made their way to the main fusion reactor, but Murray was almost afraid of the state they’d find it in. The whole place looked like a war had decided to take a detour through the building. Given that the Marines had met some heavy resistance and the away team had been fired upon, that assessment wasn’t too far from the truth.


    Murray went from room to room on the first level, looking over the damage and noting it on his padd. After looking through several rooms, he was starting to think that he should scale the damage with a one-to-ten system, with one being “destroyed” and ten being “just short of a nuclear detonation”. That nuclear detonation might make clean-up easier.


    Murray was on his way up to the next level when he heard his name called out from behind him. He turned to see Prell approaching him. “Yes, Chief. What can I do for you?”


    “I gave some prelim data to Mr. Kroells who reported to the Captain.”




    “Well, it’ll take Starfleet Corps of Engineers several weeks to get here. The Captain is looking for someone to stay down here and do initial repairs until they get here. Now, you’ve spoken highly of Crewman Plierslip, and I was thinking we see if she would be willing…”


    “Chief. No. I’ll do it.”


    “Murray…Saf, I need you on the Agincourt. I’ve only got you as my senior assistant. As it is that leaves me one hull chief short in a battle situation.”


    “You saw the resistance that the Romulans put up. We had to send two Marine contingents, and we still almost got sniped.”


    “So what?”


    “Chief, I’m the perfect person for the job. Not only am I a qualified engineer, but I also have a background in security. I’ve served in Starfleet as a Marine and as security for almost ten years. I can start piecing this place back together and keep everyone else safe.”


    “No. Absolutely not. Murray…”




    The two engineers turned to see Kroells strolling towards them.


    “Yes, Lieutenant?”


    “The Captain has approved your request to remain. Go back to the ship and get what you need for your stay.”


    Prell turned to Murray aghast. “You…you…”


    Murray grinned slightly, but hid it when he saw the look on Prell’s face. “This was not an on-the-spot decision by the Captain; he knew that we’d have to leave a crew to prepare for SCE. Lieutenant Kroells already approached me about the possibility of remaining.”


    Murray turned and continued up to the second level. He could hear the Lieutenant’s sigh as he got to the top. Agincourt was his first real engineering assignment. He wasn’t going to turn up a challenge like this. And like he had told the Chief, he had the background necessary to keep the team safe until SCE arrived. Besides, he wasn’t going to be gone long. Maybe four months at the most.

  4. Welcome to STSF.net (not to be confused with STSF.com). Others will be along shortly and tell you what to look at. In the meantime, you should probably know that the secret to simming is to have fun, and the secret word is "coconut".

  5. Did you try the one at the top right of any forum page? And if this is a java problem, I have no clue what's going on. Someone else can take that. In any case, welcome to STSF and have fun...once you can get into the chat, that is. <_<

  6. Goodness, thing moved fast on this ship. And it’s not just warp drive.


    Murray stood on the transporter pad awaiting the all-clear for transport down to Pax Primus, the latest development in a series of events called “shakedown”, and boy, were they getting shaken. Diverted from Bolarus to Pax Primus, only to have to run a gauntlet of orbital weapons platforms: what fun. That was taken care of by sending the Glenn shuttlecraft as a decoy, with MVAM standing by. Now, with Marines battling on the surface for control of the facility, here was the away team ready to beam down. Who’ve thought that the first mission would go like this?


    The away team had phasers, as they knew there could be Romulans and/or Remans hovering. Murray couldn’t help but think like a security officer/Marine for a moment. He wanted a rifle. That feeling was quickly blown away by the thoughts of working on the com relay. At least they had Marines to watch over them.


    Which, of course, brought up another point. Murray was interested to see what sort of interaction there was between security and the Marines. In general, both groups were never quite happy at having the other around. Having been both in the Marines and security, Murray understood why. The Marines were essentially an elite force of security; they were trained for more hazardous situations. This usually ended up getting under security’s collective skin because they were relegated to patrols. In time, though, they usually got used to each other. The first Marines were assigned as Military Assault Command Operations on the first Enterprise, the NX-01. The story goes that the chief of security and the MACO CO ended up in a fistfight, but Murray had his doubts about that.


    Of course, having been both, Murray was quite unaffected by the presence of the other. Of course, these tensions were not always present, and Murray wanted to see what Agincourt’s men thought of each other. They hadn’t taken to phasering each other in the corridors, which he took to be a good sign.


    Murray materialized on the planet near the “invisible” shuttle Brickwedde. His first instinct was to draw his phaser, but he caught himself with his hand on his holster. He’d wait for the order to draw, or to be fired upon. His goal was the com array. The Marines and security had enough to worry about.

  7. Murray finished his meal and got up. He looked at Pierre. “Well, it’s been great chatting with you. I’ve got to go and start packing for my trip.”


    Murray entered his quarters and looked around. It seemed like just yesterday that he had gotten his stuff from the starbase and finally got the feeling that he lived here. It seemed like the day before that he arrived on the Reaent, a fresh young ensign from the Academy on his first assignment. Now, he was older, wiser, and higher in rank. Granted he wasn’t that much older and wiser, and he had been promoted to the glorious rank of junior lieutenant, but he had definitely changed. Now, even though he would be back in four months after training, it was depressing to be leaving so soon.


    A flashing light out of the corner of his eye alerted him to a transmission he had received. It was exactly what he knew it would be: his travel assignment. The rendezvous with the Grissom would serve a double purpose, to transport the ambassador to the Reaent and him to Starbase 173, where he would take the Orbach to Earth. He forwarded the message to the Captain’s Ready Room.


    Murray began packing things he would need: pillows, blanket, teddy bear, toiletries…he hoped he wouldn’t forget anything. His thoughts began to drift to some of the things he was going to do in San Francisco. He planned on finding his girlfriend and giving her a surprise (she does not know of his impending arrival) and take her to dinner. He also wanted to look up his cousin, Gerhard Murray, also a cadet at the Academy. The two hadn’t seen each other since Wim graduated and got posted on the Reaent.


    Murray finished packing and looked around. It wasn’t completely bare, but more so than it had been. He certainly didn’t travel light. He was going to miss Reaent, Lieutenant Flek, Pierre, and everyone else, even the likes of that George McLean engineer person, who he has yet to formally meet. Oh, well. No matter where you go, you are likely to leave a little bit of yourself behind.

  8. FROM: Starfleet Command: Starship Operations

    TO: Lieutenant (junior grade) Wimbley X. Murray, USS Reaent NCC 3345-G

    RE: Travel Assignment


    Mr. Murray,


    The USS Reaent NCC-3345-G, under the command of Captain Frederic C. Michaels, is currently enroute to rendezvous with the USS Grissom NCC-64139 to take on an Ambassador for its current mission. It has been arranged for you to be transferred to the Grissom for your journey to Earth for your Advanced Tactical Training. The Grissom will then transport you to Starbase 173 where you will then board the USS Orbach NCC-89623 which will take you to Earth.


    Once on Earth, you will report as instructed to Starfleet Academy for registration for Advanced Tactical Training.


    Rear Admiral Fingal B. Chisholm

  9. I love DS9, but I never really thought it was good till season 4.

    Star Trek might not exist as we know it (or at all) if TNG hadn't gone through those major changes for season 3. People waited out TNG, DS9, and Voyager, but they watch Enterprise a few times and hate it forever? Enterprise is no different from any other series; it just took a while to find its niche, and now it has been cancelled. TNG, DS9, and Voyager (I assume; I haven't seen much of it) were all given a chance. Enterprise was not, although again, the reason might be more than "the show stank". I think that it was due more to internal politics than anything.

  10. I have to agree, especially after I read that article.


    I don't think the problems with Star Trek have to do as much with writers and the shows themselves, but more with the squabbling and fighting amongst fans.


    That really concerns me, because I want to see new shows and movies produced. I feel like I am late to the game when it comes to Star Trek (I only really got into it the last few years), and I'd hate for it all to be over before I really had a chance to enjoy it.


    I realize there is always going to be criticism, no matter what they come up with. But it seems like it's reached a whole new level recently, at least, from what I've seen on some of the message boards.


    I don't watch Enterprise, but that doesn't mean that I want to bash it. It's just a different flavor of ST, in my opinion. Just because I don't particularly like it doesn't make it any less part of the Star Trek franchise.


    I wouldn't mind trying to watch it again someday, but does anyone know if it will be syndicated? I won't buy the DVDs until I know that I will be able to get into the show.

    Enterprise has been syndicated and, for what is supposedly such a horrible show, will be shown in almost the entire country. TV stations snapped it up very quickly. I suspect that it is going to go the same way as TOS: poor ratings during its run, gains the masses in syndication.

  11. One thing is certain about the Trek United campaign: it has been every bit as divisive as Enterprise has been since the concept was first announced.  Both incidents have revealed a nasty dark alley of Trek fandom that it has tried to keep quiet for decades but can't ever distance itself from; the fact that a group of people who profess to aspire to the lofty goals of Gene Roddenberry's "infinite diversity in infinite combinations" can be some of the most vicious, bigoted and closed-minded people on this or any other planet when it comes to people who don't think exactly the same way they do.  These are the "fans" that I witnessed not only booing Space: 1999 fans off a stage during a convention costume competition back in 1976 but actually threatening them with physical violence for even daring to show up those costumes. 


    From today's Trek Report on IGN. This is the part of the whole thing that really bothers me.