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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. Murray was sitting on the floor in the Romulan engine room. Among him were various components that the away teams had found. They weren’t quite sure what they all were, but Murray knew.


    Well, sort of.


    He had separated the components into two piles, one containing parts that he could identify, and the other containing parts that he couldn’t.


    “EPS conduit. EPS housing. ODN relay equivalent. This looks like an auxiliary power cell.”


    He had been going on for several minutes with O’Neil looking on. Occasionally he would come across a piece that he recognized but couldn’t quite identitfy.


    “Nikki, what’s this one? It looks like something we saw on the aux generator back at PP.”


    Dickinson glanced at the piece and thought a minute. “Oh, yeah, I remember seeing those. I think it’s a power distribution manifold. It’s slightly different from the one on the aux generator. This one’s probably for something a bit more powerful.”


    Murray nodded. “Well, that’s the last one.” He turned to the other pile. “These, though, I don’t think I’ve seen before.”


    Dickinson joined him on the floor. “Well, I…well…yeah, I’ve got nothing. It doesn’t even appear to be Romulan.”


    “It doesn’t, does it? There are several more here. I think it’s some sort of phased energy inducer, but for all I can tell, maybe it’s the Romulan commander’s pet hunk of metal. Uplink your tricorder to the Agincourt’s computer, and see if you can identify these pieces.”


    “Aye, sir.”


    Murray looked at the pieces on the floor around them. He was staring at a problem like someone had mixed twenty different jigsaw puzzles together: nothing fit and the picture was total confusion. What were all these pieces doing out and about like this? And why did the Vacitu have some non-Romulan pieces. Was he missing something.


    “Hey, Saf, I’m picking up an energy signature of some sort. It appears to be coming from one of the lower decks.”


    Murray looked up at Dickinson and thought. Strange pieces and a strange signal on the Romulan ship that they believed had carried out the bombing on the VDC. Perhaps all of those pieces were about to fit together.

  2. I was creating a birthday thread today and thinking about how inevitably we often miss people's birthdays.  Maybe you see it is someone's birthday on the bottom on the screen but don't know that player very well and are hesitant to create a new thread about it.  Or not many people happen to be on the boards that day, or just don't notice.


    Since it's an ongoing thing, I was wondering if we could have some sort of stickied "Birthday Thread" where people can post announcements about their birthdays or those of other people's.  It's just an idea I thought I'd throw out there. B)

    Or perhaps maybe a forum folder all its own, titled "Birthdays and Important Events". There we could do birthdays and other important real life announcements, like when Grom announced his impending doom...I mean torture...I mean marriage. :rolleyes: Kind of pushing it, I'm sure, but it is an idea. B)

  3. Hm...the Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response rifle, eh? What I wanna know is what stimulation it responds to.

    Tickle tickle! :rolleyes:


    Or maybe it's overjoyed (and drunk) fans storming a certain football field after a certain Buckeye team ggot punded by a ceratin Nittany Lion team. B)

  4. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :rolleyes: !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "isentrope". B)

  5. When I was in Atlanta, I played with numerous elevators.


    The first thing me and my friends did (we were there for the ELCA national youth gathering :rolleyes:) was pimp out one of these elevators. We moved out couch into the elevator, and one of those sandy cigarette putter outter things. People would be opening to find a bunch of kids smokeing cigars, sitting in a couch on this elevator. It was quite ammusing, and we got away with it for a long time because there was about 15,000 kids there, so most of the Atlanta hotels were populated with likeminded teenagers.


    Another thing I did, and you can easily too is... When you walk into an elevator, stare at everyone instead of the door like most people. This works really well if you can make a devious, or generally evil smile.


    When the elevator gets to the next floor, quickly get out, and if there are stairs near by, rush up them and get to the elevator before it stops. You can either enter, or run to the next floor, doesn't make much difference, it freaks them out all the same. Its a bit physically intensive, but it's good fun.


    I had an old woman ask me if I was retarded or something B)


    Oy, this summer is the national gathering in San Antionio. I'll be 18...yeah...so if your in the area your going to see me walking around with a cigar in hand like 24/7 B)

    You were at the Gathering too? Cool!

  6. There's a way to "hack" a certain elevator control system where if you press the button for your floor and another button at the same time, it will take you to your floor first. So for example, if you are on the second floor, and you want to get to the 40th, and another on the elevator wants to go to the 20th, you will get to the 40th first

    Yup. Been there, experienced it. :lol: When I was in Atlanta at the ELCA National Youth Gathering a few years ago we would stand outside the hotel's elevators forever waiting for them becuase people would do that. :P

  7. My life is pretty terrible at the moment (academically, anyway) with some pretty fierce exams. I know I need a good laugh sometimes, and I'm sure you do, too. :lol:


    Fun Things to Do in an Elevator


    Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, damnit, all of you just shut UP!"


    Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.


    Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask, "Got enough air in there?"


    Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator.


    Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you "Admiral."


    Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce, "I've got new socks on!"


    Meow occasionally.


    Bet the other passengers you can fit a quarter in your nose.


    Walk on with a cooler that says "Human Head" on the side.


    Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.


    Say, "Ding!" at each floor.


    Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.


    Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.

  8. “What’s going on?”


    “Bad things.”


    Murray grimaced as he said this. Then again, when were things not bad? They’re rebelling against the United Federation of Planets. They’d lost the shipyards at Organia; their ships was falling apart. They’d have better luck making repairs with LEGOs. This life was full of bad things.


    So what was bad now? Oh, yes, mysterious magic ships. They pop out of nothingness, open fire on the fighters, and pop back into nothingness. Great. That’s all they needed. You can’t fight what you can’t see.


    Someone had mentioned the Breen. The Breen? There had been so little contact with them in the past that some people, Murray included, had thought them completely mythical. They couldn’t exist, could they? There was no one that knew someone that knew someone else that had any evidence that they existed. They were just a myth, a story parents told their children.


    Stories told that no one had ever seen the Breen. No one knew what they looked like. Others said that their planet was colder than Andoria. And still others declared that the Breen were invincible, that it was impossible to spill Breen blood.


    Murray didn’t believe any of the stories and didn’t really see how anyone in his or her right mind could. In four years at Starfleet Academy they had never been mentioned once. As far as he was concerned they did not exist. There was another explanation; there had to be.


    Unfortunately, he knew that the General was likely going to call on him to find that explaination, no matter who it was.


    “Panofsky, get to work on trying to find a way to keep a weapons lock on them. I’m going back to the bridge.”

  9. The development of my two main characters took a little while to put together, but the main idea is that I sat down and put a lot of "me" into it. Both Wim and Saf are about my size and height; Wim, being my first character, is about my age (slightly older, actually - Saf was developed to be close to Wim's age in the same time reference (born about two years apart, but I play Saf as an older character because of Agincourt's time frame). Both have homes in places I am familiar with: Wim in Pennsylvania, my home, and Saf in Connecticut, where I also have family. This makes it much easier to talk about home because I know these places; they are familiar to me, based in reality (yes, places like St. Louis are based in reality, but I've never been there). When the bios say "shy, didn't have many friends", that's me, too. I've mentioned in a few Reaent logs that Wim's girlfriend, Cadet Sheila Simmons, goes back and forth between areas of study because she can't decide what she wants to do. I've never had that problem, but as a college student, I know that this happens to many people. Yet another "me" experience.


    Each has hobbies similar to my own. I wrote a log for Agincourt where Saf's engineering away team is having a euchre competition, a game that I learned this summer and quite enjoy. Field games, classical music, hiking and camping, and canoeing (which I have done once and loved) are all hobbies of mine (or at least I'd like canoeing to be), and I have made those hobbies of my characters.


    Some things, though, I have yet to decide on. I have had very little in-sim character development. It's something that's never come up. As a result, neither Wim nor Saf have siblings listed in their bios; that doesn't mean they don't have them, it's just that I haven't decided yet, and haven't really had a need to create them at this point.


    My alternate Reaent character, Warner Murray, required a little less development because I based him heavily on his alternate counterpart Wimbley. I have described Warner's bio as "having many parallels and also some perpendiculars", basically saying that they're pretty much the same, but opposite in some ways. Wim's home is in rural Pennsylvania, Warner's is in a nearby city. Yet both have the same parents (albeit with different spellings), same hobbies, both went on leave of duties for training, and both have the undeveloped middle name whose initial is "X".


    Despite all this information, I have left a lot of things open. I don't go into heavy detail about their lives; I would go crazy if I tried. When it comes to character development, it really shouldn't be done all at once. My first bio for Wimbley had very little background information in it at all; mostly general stuff, like a few personality traits and hobbies. It wasn't until I had time this summer (read: the beginning of the semester) that I decided to add a little background to his career. And Saf's away mission was a good time to add character development, as well as a few now-recurring NPCs (whom I sometimes end up talking to more in a sim than the real people! :P ). Those bios have remained deliberately brief, in part because of academics, in part because I just have no clue what I want to do with them at this point.


    I'll stop rambling now. :lol: I'll just say that early on it's best not to put too much into it. Just let it come as time goes on. Trek writers don't know the details of every character; they have a base character that they add to throught the show. That pretty much applies here, too.

  10. In his log "First Time For Everything", Lt. Prell receives a padd detailing the situation between the Primary and Secondary hulls. This report appeared on that padd.


    Damage Report/Repair Status

    Stardate 0511.08


    The hull breach on deck eight at section three is currently under repair. Estimate completion in six to eight hours. Damaged plates can be cut down to smaller plates or melted down for hull epoxy.


    Repair work has begun on docking clamp Dorsal 7A. The clamping system experienced an electroplasmic short-circuit from the disruptor blast. When the disruptor shot breached the hull it sent several hull fragments into the local EPS grid. This caused the electrical short. The heat from the short caused some components to melt or fuse or otherwise become inoperative. The system also suffered disruptor splash damage causing microfractures in the clamp casing and some carbon scoring.


    The entire Dorsal 7 assembly needs to be disassembled to get at all components and to repair microfractures in the casing. Repair estimate is two weeks.


    Crewman Third Class Jason Williams has been assigned to this task with permission to call up all damage control personnel as need as well as to pull extra shifts to get the work done.


    All repair parts needed are obtainable via cargo bays on both the Primary and Secondary hulls.


    Lieutenant (j.g.) Gerhard Murray
