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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there B) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "overrunning". :rolleyes:


    May you die well. :lol: B)

  2. Murray sat in his quarters and just stared at the wall. He had been caught completely off guard. This couldn’t be happening to him. It just couldn’t. He never did anything to life, so why should it retaliate against him like this.


    A plethora of emotions were running amok in his head. Shock. Denial. Anger. Depression. Surprise. Trauma. Defiance. Annoyance. Irritation. Rage. Fury. Sadness. Misery. Sadness. Frustration. Worry. Anxiety. Nausea. Betrayal.




    Murray sat slumped in his bathroom and just stared at the wall. He had been caught completely off guard. This couldn’t be happening to him. It just couldn’t.


    But it was.


    He felt like he had been punched in the gut, and it wasn’t from the dry heaves. He just wanted to cry from the moment the doctor revealed to him that he was suffering from the effects of delta radiation poisoning. The nausea, vomiting, facial twitches…it was all caused by spending too much time around that warp core.


    He thought back to elementary school history, learning of the USS Enterprise’s second five-year mission under Captain Christopher Pike. The Talos incident stood out readily. It was the mission that resulted in the creation of General Order 7. Death to anyone who returns to Talos. Several years later aboard the USS Republic training vessel Pike was severely injured by delta radiation when he saved several cadets after a baffle plate in the ship’s reactor ruptured. He was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, unable to talk or even move; his only method of communication was a panel of lights on his wheelchair that beeped.


    Murray decided that he should probably be feeling lucky. His symptoms didn’t seem as if they would pose a serious risk to his body or a life. It could’ve been much worse. He could’ve ended up like Pike, a motionless and essentially mute body. Here the worst that would happen was that he would be his own nightlight and Murray’s for generations to come would be glowing in the dark.


    His thoughts then turned to the recent events that led him to where he was today. It was the death of Colonel Weaver that had gotten him his promotion to Chief Engineer. He recalled that he had recently ordered Lieutenant Harris to fit whatever coverings he could over the exposed EPS conduits; he didn’t want to end up barbecued like Weaver. And here it was the warp core he had needed to worry about. Oh, the irony.


    As the emotions started to build up inside him again Murray curled up on the floor of his bathroom and cried himself to sleep.

  3. Personal Log

    Stardate 0512.07


    Commander Robair, several Marines, Nikki, and I have just finished pulling this device out of the floor. We’re going to start scanning it once we get the rig off the device. We’re keeping the Marines around, just in case it turns out to be a Transformer or something else that could be dangerous.


    Everything I’ve seen so far points to a strong Romulan movement to oppose the Treaty of Versailles. Until the bombing of the Diplomatic Center I would have just written the Pax Primus incident off as a small group of yahoos trying to scare us. Now I’m not so sure. To have pulled off something as massive as the bombing of the VDC tells me that these dissidents are a legitimate threat.


    Hopefully this very large device will give us some information on what they’re doing. It’s got to be big if they went to the trouble of refitting a warbird to have a sealed, protected environment. They also quite obviously cleaned that room thoroughly so that we wouldn’t find anything. But then why did we pick up the signal that led us to this device? Did they forget about it? Did they not get to it? Or did they let it here on purpose for us to find? Well, I fully intend to be on the other side of those blast doors when we start tampering with it. I don’t want “Murray” to be the newest warbird décor.

  4. Angie5 and I live in a small town south of Seattle Washington called Centralia.

    Well, at least it's not Centralia, PA, a small, practically nonexistent (anymore) town that has a mine fire burning away beneath it. :rolleyes:


    (For those who didn't know, Kentucky isn't considered a state, it is a commonwealth. HA!)
    Pennsylvania is a commonwealth, too. :lol: The other two are Virginia and Massachusetts.

  5. I'm in the middle of Connecticut, easy driving distance to some STSFers in MA and fairly close to some STSFers in NYC. (There's a lot of us on the East coast).


    Without revealing anything that isn't already common knowledge, I've had to pry Blurox out of my wine cellar more than once.

    Central Connecticut, huh? I have family in Connecticut, and we travel up there to visit about twice a year.

  6. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :lol: !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "frontogenesis". B)


    May you die well. :rolleyes:

  7. Eventually, we are going to be the only ones keeping it alive. The Communicator Magazine is stopping publication. God knows if Star Trek Online will ever see the light of day. This is a depressing time for Star Trek

    Keep in mind that Decipher halted publication of the magazine, not Viacom. Editor Larry Nemecek is working with the Lisencing department to find a new publisher. It will return.

  8. As if we needed further reminding that the fate of Star Trek is a

    tenuous one at best, it has been announced that Paramount Digital

    Entertainment, the home to STARTREK.COM since 1996, is shutting its

    doors as of 12/31/05.


    As many of you now know, Viacom and CBS started trading as separate

    companies today. The splitting of Viacom into two companies -- as

    does any corporate maneuver -- comes at a great cost to personnel.

    Needless to say, many here on the lot will be collecting their final

    paycheck at the end of the year.


    Oddly, one thing that hasn't been completely resolved is the

    ownership of Star Trek. I know it sounds crazy, but it appears to be

    true. We think CBS will be taking it over. (Even though it will be

    forever identified as a Paramount product.) As a result of this lack

    of clarification on the ownership of the franchise, the fate of

    STARTREK.COM also hangs in the balance. As of this writing, we simply

    do not know what is happening to the site, we just know that at the

    end of the year we will be out of a job!


    Rather than go quietly, we are in the midst of preparing a

    presentation for the powers-that-be designed to show the vast scope

    and depth to the site, and how it is a "go to" site for anyone in the

    world in search of Star Trek information. STARTREK.COM is used not

    only by fans of the show, but by licensees to promote their products,

    various Paramount departments (including production), convention

    organizers, news organizations, advertisers, etc. In other words, a

    lot of people use the site, and it would be almost impossible to

    assign it a monetary value.


    Before we make our case, if you would like to write a testimonial

    sentence or two that we can use in the presentation, it would be very

    gratefully received.


    Thanks for listening, and thanks for your support over the years.

    This is a great franchise and it would be sad to see it sink into an

    abyss of lost TV and movie franchises. I would like to think that we

    could do better.


    All the best,





    Tim Gaskill

    Editorial Director

    Paramount Digital Entertainment

    5555 Melrose Ave/MOB 1208

    Hollywood, CA 90038



    A comment from the people at STARTREK.com on their message boards:

    The statement you quoted at the beginning of this topic is what we know at this time.


    We haven't made any official announcement about the future of STARTREK.COM - because it's still up in the air. As soon as we have definitive information we'll share it with you.


    We are grateful for your support, and hope you'll stick with us going forward.


    If you have comments, please send them to [email protected]. :rolleyes:


    The split of Viacom seems to be bringing about the end of Paramount Digital Entertainment, the arm the has put out Paramount DVDs and has run STARTREK.com. Will the site close? I doubt it. I suspect that once the split is complete and CBS takes control of Star Trek we will see a CBS Digital Entertainment that will handle things. I am not worried about this. Just optimistic.