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Cmdr Ayers

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Posts posted by Cmdr Ayers

  1.           Nick is pacing the confines of his office as he mutters darkly under his breath.  He can understand why Mogg would take what Nick was doing personally as it was his neck on the line.  It was even understandable coming from Muon as Starfleet's justice system was based on the old adversarial system set up long ago on Earth.  The unfathomable anger was the anger from Images.  Surely the young doctor knew that it was part of Nick's job to discredit him as a witness and to impeach his testimony.  Nick didn't like doing it but he had a duty to carry out and that was part of it.  


          The other unfathomable part was Image's insistence that Mogg could be treated for his trauma while living on a station that at any one time had no small amount of Cardassians on it.  That would be like Images trying to help Nick with his deep rooted hatred of the Borg while on a Borg Cube.  Whatever would happen it wouldn't be good.  Though at least, unlike Mogg, Nick knew better then to let his personal feelings get in the way of his duty and responsibilities.


          Nick continues to pace the confines of his office as he resists the urge to try and put a fist through the wall.  Finally he says "Computer, send this memo to Dr. Images' quarters.  It should read "Doctor, I wish to have a discussion with you regarding some concerns.  Let me know when it will be convenient to you."  Nick pauses in thought momentarily then says "Computer, send to Dr. Images as soon as the Station log makes note of rendering of a decision in the Ensign Mogg court martial."  


          He isn't about to throw a bone to Muon in giving her a reason to claim interference with a witness.

  2. Nick is one of the last to leave the courtroom/holodeck after the recess by the Captain.  He finds Muon consulting a data padd just on the other side of the doors.  He clears his throat and waits for her to notice.  When she does so he says "Lieutenant, if we can have a discussion in private, I think perhaps we can settle this with a deal, a plea agreement."


          Muon nods, wary.  "Of course Sir.  Shall we return to the courtroom?  It should be empty by now." 


          Nick nods and indicates that she should lead the way.  They head back into the court room and sit at the prosecution table.


          "So what's on your mind, sir?  Afraid you're going to lose?"  Muon grins a little to show she is just teasing a little, to help lighten the mood.


          Nick smiles briefly, appreciating the humor.  He shakes his head "No, not worried about that.  Just thought I might explore a possible means of ending this now before it goes any further.  According to the regulations and Federation law, the punishment that your client is facing if convicted is a dishonorable discharge, confinement for a period of time and loss of all pension.  Considering that your client is young and hasn't had time to accrue much pension that last part isn't much of a loss.  However, he still violated the Dominion treaty, disobeyed orders, possibly endangered this Station and violated Station regulations.  This is not a slap on the wrist sort of thing.  So here's the offer.  He resigns from Starfleet, he agrees to give up his pension and he is confined for a period between three to five years.  That last one is negotiable on the exact length of time but the dismissal or resigning from Starfleet isn't on the negotiating table.  I would add that psychiatric counseling can be made available to him during the period of confinement.  I would point out that if he doesn't take the offer and he is dishonorably discharged that will be on his record permanently in the Federation.  Since most Ferengi engage in commercial activities you can imagine that will do to his chances of making a new life for himself outside of Starfleet."


          Nick shrugs and says "Honestly and personally speaking, your client picked the wrong time to let his obsession override his judgment.  And now he has to pay the price.  Just like I would have to pay the price if I let my hatred of the Borg and what they did to my people override my duty and judgment as an officer in Starfleet."  


          Muon, her eyes hardening as she listened to Ayers, called upon her Ferengi negotiating skills.  "You call that a deal Commander?  I call it  massacre.  I meant what I said earlier Sir.  I will prove that Zog Gabrel provoked the situation and that Ens Mogg had no choice but to react the way he did.  I also will prove that counseling will help Mogg deal with that part of his life.  I'm not so eager to end this young Ferengi's career." 


          Muon leans over the table.  "I'll make you a counter offer.  Reduction in rate, suspended, to be imposed should he get into any trouble over the next six months.  During those six months, he will undergo counseling to deal with his issues.  I also want a reprimand on record for Zog Gabrel's behavior in all this."  Muon pauses a sec to let her offer sink in.  "He's young with a troubled past Commander.  Are you so sure you

    want to give up on him?"  She sits back and awaits his reply....


          Nick narrows his eyes as he regards the female Ferengi.  "Evidently chutzpah isn't only a good definition for the male of their species," he thinks to himself.  In a measured controlled voice he replies "No, the massacre will be when he is convicted and dishonorably discharged.  I'm offering a way to keep that from happening.  And it doesn't matter whether Mr. Gabrel or a huge blue elephant with pink polka dots provoked Mr. Mogg...he still reacted how he did and he has to be held to account for his own deeds.  We are all responsible for our own actions and reactions, Ms. Quark.  Not only is that part of being in Starfleet but that is part of life as well.  As for Mr. Gabrel, he will be reprimanded in an appropriate manner.  He is not part of this deal.  This court martial is entirely about what Mr. Mogg did.  Your client disobeyed orders, intefered with the operations of this station and violated the treaty.  This is not slap on the wrist charges, Ms. Quark and yet all you want him to get is a slap on the wrist."


          "As for him being young with a troubled past, that may be his excuse but it doesn't condone what he did.  And as for giving up on him, the reality of the situation is that he gave up on himself.  Just imagine what this universe would look like if Starfleet let it's officers exercise personal vendetta's with impunity.  He's already proven once that he can't be trusted to obey his responsibilities to Starfleet and to this Station.  He's already proven that he is on this station for all the wrong reasons.  And I see no reason to give him a second chance when he has yet to even display the smallest shred of sincere remorse for what he did nor has he taken responsibility for himself."


          "If you want me to discuss with Command the possibility of letting him remain in Starfleet but somewhere else then I will do so.  However, unless Command acquiesces to that..request if he is convicted he will be gone and his record in the Federation will be tarnished permamently.  I suggest you go discuss the offer with your client.  Let me know what you decide.  However, don't tarry long because it will take some time to get someone in the Admiralty on the line."


          With that, Nick turns and exits the Courtroom.  As he steps through the door he remembers something that a rather cynical El Aurian told him once that had angered him at the time.  That most of the Universe was populated by beings who had yet to grow up.

  3. Nick is in his office working on trial preliminaries when Lieutenant Shaharin

    says over the intercom "Commander, you have a transmission from Earth."  Nick sighs to himself and replies "Put it through, Lieutenant."


          The computer screen on the desk lights up and runs through it's routine.  After a few seconds, Nick finds himself feeling like he's on the business end of an Admiral's review board when his mother's stern countenance appears on the screen.  She says "By earth standards, this is the 24th century.  I seem to recall the technology for long distance communications having been developed by Starfleet quite some time ago..."


          Nick swallows then says "My apologies, Mom, for not calling but things have been near insane as of late.  I've been rather preoccupied."


          "Anything you can actually talk about?"


          Nick sighs "Well, the current insanity is that I'm sitting here trying to work out a strategy for a court martial because one of the ensigns onboard did a stupid thing and I've been appointed the prosecutor for it since Starfleet's bureaucracy hasn't gotten around to assigning a JAG officer out here yet."


          "What did the junior officer do?  And I know, you can't go into details."


          Nick frowns for a minute then replies "He did something that on a personal level I can relate to.  The Ensign doesn't particularly care for Cardassians.  We have a Cardassian scientist acting as Chief Science.  The Ensign...basically disobeyed orders and got in a childish verbal sparring match with said Cardassian and it denigrated down to the Ensign interfering with the Cardassian's ability to do his job.  Like I said, on one level I can understand the Ensign's feelings towards what was, until a short time ago, an enemy."


          Nick's Mom nods and says "And your feelings with regard to the Borg are making you sympathetic to the Ensign?"


          Nick nods and replies "Quite."


          "Well, the Borg are monsters, there's nothing redeeming about them.  I don't think there is an El-Aurian alive that wouldn't, if given the chance, be at least tempted to wipe the Borg out of existence for what they have done to us.  I know the clash between duty and emotions that you went through at the Battle of Wolf.  However, I also know that you wouldn't attack a person who had once been a Borg.  It seems like the Ensign forgot his duty and his responsibility.  You can feel sympathetic for him but you still have a job to do because of what he did.  His Counsel is probably going to argue emotions so what does that leave you with?"


          Nick nods "I understand.  It leaves me with duty, oath and responsibility."

  4. Nick steps into the holodeck and glances around the room.  While the Station did have a suite of rooms for a JAG office, Starfleet hadn't gotten around to actually sending one out yet.  And with everything else going on there hadn't been time to put back together the room that would be used during any trials.  So the easiest way to have one ready within a few days was to use the holodeck to simulate one.  Which had been a task Nick had decided to do himself as the Captain had enough to worry about with the Admiralty breathing down the Andorian's neck.


          Nick steps up to the bench as he looks around, trying to determine if there needs to be any fixes to the program.  His eyes focus on the set of flags that stand behind the Judge's bench.  When he was originally putting together the program he had the computer include the flags for the powers involved with Aegis which was quite a collection, albeit a small one.  He frowns to himself for a moment then says "Computer, retain just the Federation and Starfleet flags."  The Computer beeps it's acknowledgment and the Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian and Ferengi flags disappear in a swirl of light.  Nick turns and moves to sit down at the Prosecutor's table as he thinks to himself "This is an internal Starfleet matter."


          He retrieves a set of Padd's and starts preparing for his assigned role in the trial.  He had sat on two Court-martials before, both times as part of a jury back on Starbase 315 in the BeTau sector.  This time, however, his role was going to be quite a bit different.

  5. Nick steps into the Observation Lounge after informing Commander Gromvik about the Dry Dock.  As the door closes behind him he says,


          "Computer, begin recording.  Commander Nicholas Ayers Personal Log."


          "I sometimes think that this Station should be renamed Starbase United Nations after the rather fractious political body that used to exist on Earth a few hundred years ago.  I suppose that would make the Captain the Andorian representative, Commander Gromvik would be the Vulcan representative, Lt. Commander Hawke and Doctor Jones would be the Betazed representatives and Mr. Andrews would be the Klingon representative.  The problem, right now, is with one of the Ferengi representatives and one of the Cardassian representatives.  Sometimes it seems like no one is on the same page...that we all have our own agendas and that everyone is out only for themselves."


          "Thanks to Mr. Mogg and Mr. Gabrel's inability to remember they are representing their races and governments, we now have to take time away from doing our jobs and spend that time dealing with their petulant childishness.  I can understand Mogg's dislike of the Cardassians on some level as a Starfleet Officer who fought in the Dominion war.  I can probably understand it best of all considering what the Borg did to my people.  However, I also recognize that duty and responsibility comes first.  We do not exist for vengeance.  The person who becomes obsessed with seeking vengeance on a perceived enemy becomes the enemy.  Mogg has forgotten that and, in a different way, so did Mr. Gabrel.  If they can't handle their responsibilities to this Station then they shouldn't have been assigned here.  Either way though, their actions will not be tolerated any further."


          Nick pauses momentarily then adds "And may the gods have mercy on their souls if they don't grow up."  Nick lets a wave of anger run through him as he says that.  Finally he says "Computer, end recording.  Encrypt personal log with Gamma level access code."

  6. Nick stretches and yawns as the turbolift that he's the sole occupant of takes him up to the Control Tower.  It's been a week since the refugees had started returning and things were barely more settled then they had been seven days earlier.  Still, he was able to find enough of a routine that he could allow his mind to wander to other concerns.  


          The turbolift slows to a stop and deposits him on the Control Tower.  With the lights muted for the night shift, the room took on an ethereal look and the few crewmembers present were little more then shadows illuminated by the faintly glowing control stations.  Stretching out his senses he detects the Captain's presence in his ready room.  Nick steps towards the door and enters when he hears the Captain's voice respond to the door enunciator.


          Stepping through he finds the Captain had apparently been tending to some paperwork that was probably overdue considering the number of data padds on the desk.  Nick says "My apologies for disturbing at this late of an hour, sir, but I thought it best that this be handled now rather then later.  That way arrangements can be made before things heat up again around here."  Nick sets the data padd he had been carrying on the desk.  As the Captain picks it up to read Nick takes the opportunity to sit down and quietly compose his thoughts.


          "Arrangements?" the Captain responds almost immediately. As the Andorian reads, his antennae shift slightly lower. Meve glances up from his reading and looks at Ayers, "I see. Where exactly are you looking to transfer to?"


          Nick shrugs slightly "Starbase 315 over in the BeTau system is in need of an Executive Officer.  I know the Captain, er...Admiral now actually, there as that was my first assignment out of the Academy.  The USS Renown is also in need of an Executive Officer.  She's currently on the fringe on the other side of the Beta Quadrant."  Nick steeples his fingers as he says "It doesn't really matter.  And to be honest it's not that I want to leave..it's that..well it might be best if I do.  I like this place but still we did rather..act poorly before..during the one incident.  Perhaps bad enough that it makes the situation untenable and as I'm the junior officer and this has been your home longer then it has been mine..."


           Meve tossed the document onto the desk, causing the padd to narrowly miss going off the edge. The Andorian leaned back in his chair and folded his arms, "Act poorly? I thought it was a great stress relieving exercise." The Captain shook his head, "Besides, junior officer or no, you came aboard only a few months after I did. Not as if I'm our Ferengi friend, who's been lurking around since time began."


          A faint smile appears ever so briefly but it just as quickly disappears as Nick returns to the business at hand.  "In one way I suppose it was a stress reliever.  However, that still doesn't cover up what happened.  We were affected by those particles and we tried killing each other.  And we both said some rather...distasteful things because of it."  Nick's next words come without thought really as he says "It wouldn't be the first time that my heri...."  


          Nick cuts himself off, not wanting to give voice to the words he was about to say.  Finally he says "As I said, I like it here and I would just as soon stay.  This place has certain....things that I was looking for when I started thinking of leaving the USS Venture.  However, a Commanding Officer and an Executive Officer need to be able to trust and respect each other for them to be able to lead and I guess part of me is wondering if that's still there now."


          Nick taps the padd with a finger and says "This is an offer more then a request."


           Meve leaned forward and shook his head, his antennae shifting position as well. "First, my race is known for it's temper and violent past. We make the humans with all of their planetary wars look tame. Those...hidden particle things....as you said affected both of us," the Captain forced out. The Andorian shook his head, "It was a situation which could not have been avoided under the circumstances. I...eh...."


           At this, Frederic stood and folded his arms behind him as he glanced out the window. The Andorian shook his head, folded his arms and leaned against the bulkhead. "Your request is denied," Meve said shaking his head again, "yes.  Not acceptable. I'm going to have a station being moved and I was told yesterday a Cardassian is coming aboard to do who knows what!"


          For being a member of a race of listeners, it still takes Nick a few seconds to digest all of what the Captain had just said.  He smiles momentarily then stands and says "As you wish, sir."  He turns and steps towards the door.  As it slides open Nick looks over his shoulder and says "And thank you, sir."

  7. ::turns to Fred after looking at A9::


    Hello my name is Precip..


    And I am addicted to simming. I kinda use my nick instead of my real name. And...my keyboards constantly fail..::looks down::


    Yes, My life revolves around sims.

    As more and more people [outside this forum] come to learn of my deep dark secret, they have taken to calling me "Dac" as well.  So much for that definite line between RL and RP   ::):  ::walks over to the buffet table and picks up a glass of El Aurian wine::  Nice spread, Alces.



    El Aurian Wine?  Got another case?  ::smirks::

  8. Nick sighs to himself as Images runs some scan or another over him for what seems like the twentieth time in under an hour.  He notices a corner of Hawke's mouth momentarily twitch upwards in amusement as she senses his growing exasperation.  


          After a few more minutes of watching Images go about doing...whatever Images was doing Nick finally has enough.  He clears his throat and says "Doctor, granted I am taking a guess here but as it's an easy one to prove or disprove I'll proceed with it.  I would say you've been on duty for longer then a normal shift.  I suggest you go get something to eat and then get some rest."  


          Images looks at him and starts to protest but Nick cuts him off by saying "There are other doctors on duty, Doctor.  I'm sure they'll call you if they need anything.  Granted, there are certain.....concerns with living for centuries but as that is my probable natural lifespan I'd actually like to live that long and that is put in jeopardy when my doctor is pushing himself past the point that he really ought to know better not to push himself past. You will hardly be in a position to help the Captain or myself if you are dead on your feet.  That's when people make mistakes and speaking as one of your patients...and as the ranking officer still conscious on this station I want you to get some rest."  Nick lets some ice into his voice as he adds "I will make it an order if I have to, Ensign."

  9. Nick had once spent an afternoon in the woods behind his paternal grandparent's home sitting in the middle of a small clearing blindfolded just listening to the sounds around him and sensing the movement and pattern of life as it likewise flowed around him.  It was freeing and somewhat intoxicating to be able to sense life instead of just see it or hear it, to feel far more connected to the universe then most people would ever know.  


          Now as he lies on a biobed in Sickbay for what frustratingly seems like the hundredth time, feeling even more helpless then he did the last time, Nick finds himself wishing desperately for even just the ability to say even one measly little word.  When his body had been shutting down..dying..in the observation lounge his empathic senses had likewise started shutting down.  It was like suddenly being struck blind, deaf and mute all at once.  He could normally sense the entire station and to some distance beyond but at the moment Lt. Hawke and Doctor Images are the only ones "visible" to him.  A weak tremble just at the edge of his empathic senses seems to be the Captain's unconscious mind but he isn't willing to put money on that one.  And then there was the mi......


          With a little effort he focuses on the mental connection with Lt. Hawke, as grateful for the lifeline to the world that was beyond him right now as he is for the feel and warmth of her touch against his face.  He isn't quite sure what exactly was keeping her there, surely the station needed her, especially with the Captain and him once again indisposed.  On the other hand it's not like he was regretting her presence, even if he is a bit curious as to why she had remained.


          Back in the Observation lounge, when he thought he was going to die, his thoughts revolved around the pain it was going to put his family through and also the thought that at least he wasn't going to outlive those he cared about outside of his family.  While he knew that his Mom wouldn't have traded him, his younger siblings or their father for anything, not even to change what had happened to her homeworld, he also knew that deep down a small part of her soul was pained at the idea that she would outlive by centuries her human husband and would most likely outlive even her children's children.  That knowledge had colored his personality, making him guarded about allowing people close.  It wasn't certain that his natural lifespan would be any longer then any full-blooded human but it was a reasonable enough expectation given his heritage to believe that his natural lifespan would be at least several centuries.  Granted, that guardedness had cost him as well, like when he....


          He cuts the memory off before it has time to form in his mind.  What was done was done and there was no point in going over old regrets.  He closes his eyes briefly and with a mental sigh he clears his mind of the line of thought he was on.  


          He tries shifting his position as he tries to figure out what it is exactly Images is trying to do.  He listens to their conversation and frowns to himself as it becomes increasingly obvious that what Images was proposing was unethical to say the least.  He picks up on Hawke's sense of unease and anger over what Images was saying.  He grows a little frustrated at not being able to do more then listen in on the conversation.  Finally he decides that the fates had evidently decreed that he wasn't meant to be more then an audience right now so he closes his eyes and tries thinking reassuring calming thoughts.