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Posts posted by FredM

  1. Captain's Log

    Stardate 0212.19

    Captain Fred Michaels


    "Begin recording.


          After several days of repairs, the Reaent has left Starbase 345. Our departure marks the official end of our diplomatic mission, one I hope we won't repeat too often. Despite the ship's systems being repaired, our next assignment may suffer from the absence of Commander Ridire for a while. Apparently he decided to catch a strain of the Caitian flu. Though he isn't coughing up hair balls, Doctors report he may have to remain off duty for some time.


          Regardless of my First Officer's condition, we've been ordered to planet Herio V. Starfleet hopes to establish a planetary outpost in the system. This idea isn't a new one, as the Romulans were known to have a station of their own on the planet until they abandoned it twenty-five years ago.


          With any luck, the superstructure of the old base will still be salvageable. The Herio system is at the heart of a crossroads between several commercial trade routes. Starfleet hopes securing an operational facility here will help bring some stability to the market of worlds using this route, and thus bring us some new allies.


          We are scheduled to arrive within the hour.


          End recording."

  2. Hey there,


    Being the Trek nut I am, let me try to answer a few of Vanroy's remarks. :)


    Wesley Crusher was wearing a Starleet dress uniform despite leaving the Academy (and being a Traveler),


    As I'll say again later, Nemesis was originally 3 hours in length after they finished the first cut. By the time it reached theatres, it was down to about 2. Wil Wheaton had several scenes cut from the film. To give you an example, he was actually on the set filming for two days. If I remember the report correctly, one scene that was cut contained about 5 minutes of Wesley talking to someone. Within these words, your explanation might be.


    They served illegal Romulan Ale at a military wedding complete with a Starfleet band contingent.


    From what I've read online and saw in the movie, you weren't actually looking at the wedding itself...rather it's reception. As for Romulan Ale being illegal, not as if it hasn't appeared before at very important dinner occasions. Who knows...maybe Guinan brought it. :o


    They beamed Picard and Data to the Enterprise while shields were up.


    If you look back at Insurrection and some of the last episodes of Deep Space Nine, you'll see a very shocking thing...what appears to be them transporting people through shields. From what I remember during a scene on (I think) DS9, modern ships now have the ability to drop a section of it's shield grid without lowering the entire array. In addition, who knows...maybe they did lower their shields during the transport. Not as if the Enterprise was under attack at that point and we saw impacts against the shields.


    They never explained why Worf was in a Starfleet uniform when he is now an Ambassador.


    This is another scene that ended on the cutting room floor. I know for a fact there's a discussion in which Worf says something to the effect of "I could not stand being a diplomat. The urge to kill your oponent is too great." Some more details were given in the scene, but it boiled down to Worf requesting a transfer. Maybe it'll be on the DVD?


    With B-4's knowledge transplanted from Data, B-4 should have been able to access much more of the ship's systems than he did.


    I think the movie clearly showed B-4 was...shall we say..developmentaly delayed? He might have had all of Data's knowledge, but that doesn't mean he knew how to access/utulize it. After the transfer he couldn't even figure out who was in command of the Enterprise, much less run most of it's systems. Seems B-4 couldn't get a grip on things until he was suddenly under Shizion's remote control.


    Picard's Academy pic showed him bald, even though we've seen pics of young Picard with a full head of hair.


    I'll have to get myself another look at the picture when I see the movie again (going off of one visit). The basic uniform design he was wearing was used for Cadets but I also recall officers using something very similiar for "jumper/work/gym" close.


    A whole room full of Romulan Senators just stares and watches when that radiation was spilled, and no security was around whatsoever.


    Actually there was security...and probably a lot more further out. But look at it this way. If a member of the U.S. Senate came into the chamber, he/she isn't searched. The person sets down their briefcase and a piece of what looks like jewlery on the desk. They leave, and seem to leave it behind by mistake. Is that going to raise a red flag to you?


    As for the radiation, we knew what it was but they didn't. Hell, they might have thought it was some sort of in door fireworks show.


    It was too damn long, almost 2 full hours.


    I actually thought it was too short. When I pay $6.50 to see a movie, I want my money's worth. And just for those wondering...


    Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 2 hours & 12 minutes

    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn - 1 hour & 53 minutes

    Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 1 hour & 45 minutes

    Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 1 hour & 59 minutes

    Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 1 hour & 47 minutes

    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 1 hour & 53 minutes

    Star Trek: Generations - 1 hour & 58 minutes

    Star Trek: First Contact - 1 hour & 50 minutes

    Star Trek: Insurrection - 1 hour & 43 minutes

    Star Trek: Nemesis - 1 hour & 56 minutes

  3. You should be glad I don't run many Academy SIMs much anymore...  back in the day when I did...  the ship was guarenteed to be destroyed 3/4th of the time...  with all hands lost.  

    ROFL! I remember someone you actually earned the title "Booming Bohm" when I was in the Academy. I think he blew up his ships 110% of the time. If the Away Team was on a shuttle when the ship exploded, the shuttle would get hit by debris and explode.


    My best thought on an ACTION?


    ACTION: We Find The Planet Is Occupied By Friendly People Seeking Peace. There Are No Secret Agendas, No Plans To Steal Technology. They Just Want To Get Along.

  4. Hey there,


    Well...it's been a few hours since I saw Star Trek X: Nemesis. My first thoughts.....


    It was an excellent Star Trek movie. I've always felt those features which held the attitude of a well written episode (but with more money put into them) were best for the franchise. This movie falls right into that category and I'd give it a solid A.


    Before anything else, it's amazing to see how special effects technology has developed over the years. The FX in this movie were simply amazing...yet they weren't the focus of the movie. In the same light, Nemesis has quite a lot of action/shoot'em up scenes. However, there's a quality plot under it which allows for a quality story.


    I'm certain some will disagree, but I think it shows the story was written by a Star Trek fan. Little tidbits are throughout the story which pay tribute to the past. From "a meeting with the Tholian Ambassador" to an entire scene talking about Encounter At Farpoint, I think the movie did an excellent job keeping in the spirit of the franchise.


    Some reviews have said the first thirty minutes of the film were a drag. I personally thought it was a well executed setup for the rest of the movie. However, I can tell some serious footage was removed from the wedding scene. I know all of Wil Wheaton's scenes were removed and a discussion between Picard/Data was also cut. The reception did, however, clearly show how much of a family these actors have become...and how much fun they had making the film.


    There are several unanswered questions in my mind...including who is now "Number One."  I am slightly disappointed we did not get to see the U.S.S. Titan at the end of the film but it may have been too much.


    In addition, I still think it's odd that no one in Star Trek (including Rick Berman) has a clue why advertisements continue to say "A generation's final journey begins..." Then again, since 3 of the 10 Star Trek movies take place within days/weeks of each other...


    Overall, an excellent adventure. Some great humor mixed in with the action. An interesting plot. Would like to see some of the removed scenes (since supposedly the first cut of the film was 3 hours long.).

  5. Captain's Log                                                          Stardate 0212.14

    Captain Frederic Meve Recording

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    "Respectfully Admiral, your joking aren't you?", said a collected Meve to the figure on the screen across from him. The Andorian Captain had spent the last hour talking about the finer points of how Sky Harbor Aegis was to be abandoned within the next several weeks. Even as only two of the twenty-seven Federation personnel carriers were full, Starfleet was already worried about where to relocate it's base of operations in the sector.


    On the computer screen, and several hundred light-years away, as Fleet Admiral Peter McDonnell. The Caitian had been in the fleet for quite some time and had held control of the sector since the end of the Dominion War. McDonnell had also been one of the lead administrators in deciding which ships and stations were to be downsized once the conflict ended.


    "No Captain, I am not. Given your current location, and the worst case scenario, we've decided to relocate you to Starbase 405," the Admiral said calmly. Meve could only shake his head "Sir, I've read all of the reports about this station before I got here. So I am totally understanding this...your relocating operational control for Aegis back to the Canar system?"


    The cat like figure on the screen smiled, "In some irony...we're moving Sky Harbor Aegis back to what used to be Starbase Aegis...yes. Even though operation has been shared between the Federation and the Canarian Government, the station is still the best place to move your people. Every other base in the area is going to be filled to the gills with refugees. And besides...you probably won't be spending too much time on the station anyway. You'll have seniority over Commander Uei, but it is still his station."


    Fred nodded slightly, "Very well sir. I'll get you the report regarding our scheduled shutdown as soon as it's complete. Aegis out." As soon as the screen had gone dark, the Andorian stood and continued to shake his head. It had been over two years since Starbase Aegis had been decommissioned....changed into a standard trading port known as Starbase 405. Meve himself had never been to the base, but knew quite a few of his crew had previously served aboard it.


    Oh how interesting the next several weeks were going to be.


    For those who would like a general summary of the history revolving around "Starbase Aegis" and/or a refresher about what happened to the station, there's a section on our website called "Aegis History." Click here to visit it.



    Stardate 0212.13


          Six Bolian Transports are currently docked at Aegis, undergoing "security" inspections. The timetable for the evacuation of Cardassia Prime has been moved up at least one week. On the positive side of things, a fleet of twenty-five Federation transports are scheduled to arrive at Aegis within the next two hours. In preparation, a large number of Cardassians will be moving to the station to board the ships once they arrive.


          Activity on Cardassia Prime itself seems to be calming down. Through an attitude which might have been present during the Dominion War, Cardassian Security Forces are succeeding in the systematic evacuation of most major population centers. The only reported area of major disruption is in the southern hemisphere, in the city if Weio.

  7. To:        Personnel Office

                Starfleet Command, Earth


    From:    Captain Fred Michaels

                U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G


    Re:       Sivuk



          This communique is to serve as notice that effective Stardate 0212.05, Ensign Sivuk has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. This decision comes after extended review of his service and dedication to the U.S.S. Reaent. It is a pleasure to have such a capable officer aboard and I sincerely hope we will value from his assistance in the future.

  8. Hey there,


    Well good luck with graduation. :(


    However, be aware that not every sim may have a position open in engineering. In addition, many sims might not allow a Romulan character aboard. Would almost be like trying to have Worf serve aboard the Enterprise in Kirk's time, wouldn't it?

  9. Captain's Log                                       Stardate 0211.26

    Captain Frederic Meve


    "Begin recording.


          The announcement came little over eighteen hours ago. To his credit, the Chancellor's speech was an excellent one. Then again, I question how many Cardassians were still paying attention after the second paragraph. As expected, the chaos began shortly thereafter. Planetary security reports they're responding to more calls than it's possible to answer. Hospitals are at capacity with injured caused by death from riots, mobs and criminal activity.


          Fear seems to be the enemy we're going to have to deal with for the time being. Regretfully, thus far, only six transport ships have arrived to begin the evacuation. Though we still have two weeks to complete the process, everyone wants to leave now. I have a feeling I might have to stop by Sickbay before too much longer. I already have a headache and I swear it's spreading to the tip of my antennae.


          At present, reports show we've accomplished in getting 99.999987% of the population off the surface. In addition, sensors have recorded at least two cities which are partially in flames due to mobs. Maintaining the peace is going to become increasingly difficult as time goes on. One can only hope things don't get too far out of control.


    End recording."

  10. Hey all,


    As the topic suggests, a site has posted a Paramount released five minutes and twenty seconds of scenes from

    Star Trek: Nemesis
    . Here's the link for those who'd like to see it...




    Personally, I found the scenes very interesting. Looks like Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn all over again. I only hope they don't spend the rest of the movie with that hole in the bridge...  :)

  11. To:           Personnel Office

                    Starfleet Command, Earth


    From:       Captain Frederic Meve

                    Sky Harbor Aegis

                    Cardassia Sector


    Re:          Muon Quark



           This communique is to serve as notice that effective Stardate 0211.22, Ensign Muon Quark has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. This decision comes after extended review of her service and dedication to Sky Harbor Aegis. It is a pleasure to have such a capable officer aboard and I sincerely hope we will value from her assistance in the future.