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Posts posted by LoAmi

  1. We're going to need more information to try to help you solve your problem:

    0. Laptop or desktop? If laptop, can you go somewhere else with an Internet connection and see if it works?

    1. You say you've moved -- have you changed Internet service providers? Did you upgrade your system? Is it even the same system?

    2. What operating system, browser, Java version are you using?

  2. Lt Sema'J is rescued and beamed to sickbay; treatment begins.


    Lt Kent joins the away team in the hole. They find that the hole is seismically stable, and are allowed to continue in. The science team tries to decipher the pictures on the side walls of the hole. They eventually find a door, that opens to a room with automatically activated torches illuminating it.


  3. The Nevuluzians threaten that any further attack by the Inechie will result in part of their planet becoming uninhabitable by use of nuclear weapons.


    Lts Eagle and Kent report on the connections they've discovered between the Inechie fleet's construction techniques and those used by the Nevuluzians, and the statuette and the appearance of the Inechie. Lt Riley suggests that the Inechie and Nevuluzians may be genetically related, but Arcadia can't test that theory until they can scan an Inechie's genetic profile. They propose to try to bring them together on Arcadia. They also intensely scan the Inechie fleet, searching for weaknesses. Their bio-adaptive hulls and possibly limited sensors are considered.


    On the planet, the drilling results in a seismic instability, and most of the team falls into a hole. Lt Sema'J is injured. A medical team is dispatched to evaluate whether he can be safely beamed out. Additional equipment is requested in the hole when it is realized that it is actually an ancient tunnel.


  4. The bridge crew plans for a quick evacuation of all away teams, in case it's necessary.


    On Nevuluz, the Secretary Of Defense Tim outlines the plan to detonate old nuclear weapons and render the planet uninhabitable if an invasion occurred. Lt Cmdr Marx and Cpt Lo'Ami urge negotiations. The away team beams back to the ship.


    The Inechie fleet forms into an attack formation. Cpt. Lo'Ami relays the Nevuluzian threat to the Inechie, who fire at and destroy an empty old missile silo. The Inechie offer the Nevuluzians as much time as they need to evacuate the planet, but still demand their evacuation.


    At the dig site, Lt Black finishes setting up the equipment. Digging begins in earnest.


  5. Two away teams are sent down to the planet. One to continue investigating the ruins, the other (including the captain, Lt Cmdr Marx, and Ens Swan) to meet the president and cabinet on Nevuluz to discuss the situation. Lt Eagle is left in command on Arcadia, with orders to investigate what he can of the rival historical claims, and to monitor the situation and try to prevent either side from firing the first shot.


    The digging away team beams down and fills in Prof. Jones. After showing her a picture of the statuette and the fleet commander, she immediately sets the team about drilling and digging around the spire where the statuette was found.


    The Nevuluz cabinet proposes taking nuclear weapons out of mothballs to deal with the situation.


  6. I think when you moved into Berman Trek and saw a lot more exercise of Federation control and power did you begin to question who was calling the shots and how.


    Another factor is that most of TOS took place close to the frontier, where direct decisions from far-off governments matter a lot less to day-to-day operations. In 80 episodes, you can almost count on your fingers the number of other Federation ships and planets that they saw. Later Trek took place in areas with more established Federation presence and a more mature Federation. The Enterprise-D interacted with the other ships in the fleet frequently and DS9 was a hub of fleet activity. So, you would expect to see more of the central government.


    The Federation government is also far more powerful than the UN. It has direct control over a powerful military apparatus and makes foreign policy decisions for all member planets. It also sets rules that are binding on all planets, even in their internal affairs (eg, following the Federation charter); that's probably enforced through treaty obligations between the member planet and the Federation.

  7. The away team returns to their duty stations.


    After a negotiating session and some implied and/or direct threats, Captain Lo'Ami convinces Grand Commander Kordov not to destroy the population on the planet Nevuluz (20 billion) if they don't evacuate in 12 hours. They are given 24 hours of respite and hope to open three way negotiations. Arcadia receives data records of the exiles' version of history, which conflicts with that of the native Nevuluzians.


    Tactical and helm prepare in case the invading fleet decides to open fire. With the help of engineering, they passively scan the fleet, finding highly advanced capital ships and some large capital ships.


    The science team investigates the statuette that Lt Daena took from the planet. The figure is one of a race not known to be on the planet. They continue studying it, thinking that its origins are important to understanding the planet's ruins' history.


    Another away team of science, engineering, medical, and security is assembled to investigate the claims made by the exile fleet.


  8. I'd imagined that every member planet gets a representative on the council, thinking of it more as a house of representatives than the security council. I don't know that we have much canon information on the subject. Mem Alpha refers to a DS9 episode where Bajor had to elect (a?) representative(s?) in order to join the Federation, which suggests this interpretation. On the other hand, the council chamber seen in STIV is probably too small, although it's possible that the matter of Kirk & Co was taken up by a smaller committee.


    We also don't know whether the Federation president is elected by the council, determined by some political mechanism associated with parties, or is directly elected. I've usually assumed that the president is directly elected.

  9. The away team scientists and engineers find that a calibrated laser drill would be the best way to recover the artifacts from the dig site. They call for the equipment from Arcadia and continue what scans they can on the surface until it arrives. A nearly-intact statuette is found on one of the spires poking out of the site. Althewhile, Prof Jones keeps an eye on the team.


    Arcadia maintains a trasnporter lock on the team. A fleet of a thousand unidentified ships comes out of warp from a long distance. The away team is recalled. The civilian archaeological team refuses to leave the planet.


    Arcadia hails the unidentified fleet. Eventually, the unidentified fleet responds. The defense department on Nevuluz scrambles their inadequate military, while they try to recall the president from his vacation.


    A blue and green skinned alien who identifies himself as Grand Commander Lord Kordov, First Commandant of the Inechie Home Fleet answers, and claims to be returning with a fleet to reclaim their homeworld.


  10. Then again, the GMs would have to be expert SL builders in order to create Landing Party scenes and having NPCs would be very difficult. Yup, I'm divided on this.

    Other than what's already been said, the GMs would also have to plan nearly everything that happens in advance in order to have the right settings ready. One of the nice things about chat sims is that all we're limited by is our ability to describe what happens.

  11. Engineering converts the cargo bays for transport and storage of the root.


    The shuttle mission finds root in the deep sea and begins transporting it up to Arcadia, having to break the water's surface for each trip. Realizing how long the transports will take, Lt Sema'J comes up with a plan to take Arcadia into the atmosphere and use the shuttle as a transport repeater.


    On Axrekrav, the prisoners notice that Lt Eagle is missing. They decide to delay the trial process as much as possible by pleading not guilty on all charges. Signs of wear show on the crew.


  12. Four days pass while Arcadia transits to Mkor DSamim 2, arriving and entering standard orbit.


    Engineering completes modifications of the shuttle. Science completes modifications to the hydroponics bay to contain the root according to the Axrekravian specifications. Science and engineering get to work on modifying cargo bays to hold root as well.


    Marx finds no threats on tactical. Engineering is OK-ed to perform a field test of the shuttle and its cloaking systems before bringing it down to the planet. Cmdr Alces leads the away team, consisting of Daena and Ens Jordan Black from engineering. Once the tests are complete, the shuttle goes down to the planet. Meanwhile, Arcadia hides in a polar magnetic region where it might be partially hidden from anyone unexpected who comes to the planet.


    On Axrekrav, Swan tries to figure out what poison was given to T, who revives, but shortly thereafter loses his balance and hits his head. Riley finishes work, and smokes a cigarette he got from one of the guards. A hovercraft arrives at the barracks. Out of it comes Al Wyer, who claims to be the away team's "advocate." He reads off the charges and explains to them the Axrekravian criminal justice system, which is heavily weighted toward the state - the defense has to prove its own innocence. He asks them to make up their minds how they will plead, and all but urges them to plead guilty.


  13. Commandant Krankie introduces the prisoners to the rules of the jail. They are presumed guilty until proven innocent at trial. They are to work, and they may requisition food or supplies, but must pay for those in work as well. They learn that if they fail to perform adequately at their current prison, they would be transferred to an energy facility where they would be forced to cycle generators 20 hours a day. Ens Doug T defies the commandant by breaking a hole in the barracks wall. The commandant presses a button on a remote control, releasing enough poison into his system to stun him for a few hours. Ens Kent pulls a device out of a crevice in the wall, and begins dissecting it when the commandant leaves. They find that it's an old, unusable weapon with a damaged focusing crystal.


    Arcadia keeps tabs on the prison camp via sensors as long as they can. Lt Cmdr Marx prepares an infiltration plan in case it is needed.


    Captain Lo'Ami finds that the options used for currency on Axrekrav are limited. The only viable option that can be obtained and that could pay enough to get the crew out is chewana root, which grows only in the deep seas on the planet MKor DSamim 2, and has specific purity and storage requirements.


    Marx gets himself out of deep sea diving away mission by appealing to his psych profile.


    Engineering begins to prepare a shuttle for deep water diving, and prepares for it a cloaking device modeled on the Marine shuttles'.


  14. The era for Arcadia is correct, although I'm reluctant to pin it down to a Gregorian date. After all, the ship's been running for a long time, and, if I did pin it down, it would probably be in Agincourt era by now. :-)


    Also, you only rarely see references to Gregorian dates on Star Trek by the 24th century (Beyond the century reference, do you ever?).


    The stardates I use are 5YYMM.DD

    where YY= a 2 digit Gregorian year when the sim took place, MM=sim month, DD=sim day

    For example, if there were a sim today, it would be stardate 50804.29

    There is no direct connection between real time passage and sim time passage.


    I used to use 1YYMM.DD, then the whole millennium thing happened and I didn't want my dates to go backwards, so I standardized back on the 5's that are used by other people.

  15. Ens Phoenix and Black piece together the Marine shuttle remains in engineering.


    Acting Ens Swan quickly finishes the autopsy on Ken in sickbay. The tracking device she found is reported to the bridge.


    Cmdr Alces calls the whole away team to the ready room and rapidly collects all the data they were able to obtain on the planet. The away team is ordered to stay silent while on the surface of the planet and not to give any technology to the Axrekravians, and to stick with the story that they were operating outside of Starfleet orders.


    Lt Cmdr Marx plots a backup plan to run away from the Axrekravians surrounding them.


    The away team is sent back down to the planet, to the coordinates given to them by the Axrekravian Military Police. Before leaving, they are assured that Arcadia will be trying to find a way to get them back. They are beamed to a heavily forested sub-arctic area of the planet's northern continent. They are introduced to prison life by Commandant Krankie. His men implant a remote-controlled device containing a shot of poison into the necks of the team members. They are told to work on building a city, and threatened with death if they try to escape.


    Captain Lo'Ami tries to figure out how to redeem the crewmen for money. Meanwhile, he hires Rhum's partner Koque to represent the Federation in the negotiations, being sure that they have a contract with the Ferengi that they can escape from if necessary.
