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Capt Ayers

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Posts posted by Capt Ayers

  1.        Nick steps into Drankum's and glances around before moving to an open booth nearby.  He has little trouble moving through the crowd as with the Station still under repair, the crowd was smaller then it usually is. Several of the patrons look up at him but as he's in civilian clothes they don't pay him much heed.  Nick smiles to himself, knowing that if he had been wearing his uniform, some of the ones present would have viewed him suspiciously to say the least.


           He orders a Chiraltan tea from the waitress and waits for it to be served as he lets his gaze sweep across the crowd again.  The crowd consisted of the usual mix, there were a few Cardassians as well as Humans, Ferengi, Andorians, Caitians, Klingons, a couple Tellarites as well as others.


           Despite the general noise of the crowd and the jostling of patrons as they enter and leave, Nick finds it strangely relaxing.  He has as much fondness for stories as the rest of his people and there was few places better on the Station then Drankum's to pick up and listen to stories.  He turns and leans his back against the wall as he stretches his legs along the booth's padded bench style seat.  He takes a sip of his tea as he listens.


                  "Doing what you humon offshoots always do, aren't you?", a voice said from behind. Turning, the aging figure of Drankum himself could be seen. He had apparently moved into that position without a peep, something impressive when one took into account the Ferengi had been forced to use a cane for the last five years to get around.


           As he moved closer, the Ferengi's face finally moved into some better light. Unlike the official photo on all files bearing his name, the last several years had not exactly been kind to the big eared diplomat. While not yet quite old enough to be considered an elder in society, Drankum's face had started to resemble a model of a moon's surface. Wrinkles lined his forehead and cheeks now, a grunt accompanying him every time he sat down. Worse, and not exactly widely known, was that his memory was also not exactly what it had once been.


           Such a fact, keeping in tradition with old Ferengi practices, was never revealed of course. Most in fact had probably never witnessed it first hand, yet Drankum himself had started to realize it not too long ago. "It is becoming increasingly difficult," he had told his trusted companion Patty, "to remember everything. This Aegis place...I once would have been able to tell you the rank and serial number of any person who owed me for a bar tab. Yet now, I can barely even remember the details of those bugs that attacked the station and caused my injury." In fact, the Ferengi couldn't even remember anything of how his right leg had been damaged beyond full repair. He could quote you yesterday's stock price, but was finding it difficult to quote you where he was several years ago. It was a problem, Patty had noted, that was getting worse.


           As he slid into the booth across from the El-Aurian, he smiled and sat his gold cane against the side.


           Nick glances up at Drankum and nearly tells him that while the El Aurians are many things, they are not offshoots of humans.  He doesn't, figuring that either the elderly Ferengi was being humorous or was trying to goad Nick into saying something.  Nick takes a sip of his tea as he considers the Ferengi for a minute.  Finally Nick smiles faintly and asks "So what is it that my people always do, Ambassador?"


                  Drankum laughs, "I am not that old. What's the translation in humon...sixty-seven? Bah. You people listen. Always listen. There are rumors and trade warnings about it. You have a file as large as that of the Romulans...impressive since you aren't as numerous." The Ferengi slowly shakes his head and looks at the Captain with puzzlement. "There is one question I do have. I have seen many people come and go, yet with you. It is...different," he says softly. Before Nick can reply Drankum cuts him off, "My question is a simple one. Why are you really here Captain Nicholas Ayers?"


           Nick shrugs slightly and says "Sixty-seven is quite young to me.  And yes, you're right, my people do listen.  Ferengi wheel and deal and El Aurians listen.  As for what files you have on us, I'm quite sure they're as detailed as they can be, which isn't probably very detailed at all.  Though most likely more then my people would prefer."  Nick smiles faintly as he says the last.  For a minute he silently considers Drankum then asks "As for why I'm really here?  In your bar?  Like you said...I'm here to listen."  He takes a sip of tea as he waits to see how Drankum is going to respond to that as he's pretty sure, despite not being able to sense the Ferengi's thoughts or emotions, that wasn't the answer that Drankum was looking for.  If Nick was a betting man, he would put his bet on that Drankum's question was more wide-ranging then that.


           A smile slowly appeared on the Ferengi's face. "You remind me of an Ambassador I once knew on the humon homeworld. This was years before my initial retirement out of politics to a station called Aegis," he said with a wave of his hand, "back when I was representing the profitable kind to your Federation Council. You have skills, my dear Captain, that would serve you well in politics. Are you certain you have found your proper calling in this universe?" Drankum chuckled, "No, my question is not as to why you are sitting in the bar I basically manage in name only these profitable days." The Ferengi paused, and with his hands made an open gesture, "I would like to know why you are here...on this station I helped build, in orbit within a system bound to go mad in months. Why, my dear Captain, are you on Aegis?"


    Nick smiles "No, I do not wish to go into politics. Its too corrupting of the spirit. I much prefer Starfleet. True it has its politics as well but at least I get to walk the stars and listen to stories of all kinds as well as see to the furthering of knowledge and science which are two of my loves. At some point I will leave Starfleet, yes. This will be one of quite a few careers I would like to explore and fortunately I have time for them. You said that among your people and others you would be considered old. Among mine I would be considered just a child, that is if I was a full blooded El Aurian. It is only thanks to my human half that I am in this position at such a relative young age. However, it is thanks to my El Aurian half that I have the time to enjoy what is out there in the stars."


    Nick takes a sip of his tea as he considers answering Drankum's question truthfully. "As for your question, that's a complex one. The very simplest reason is that my first assignment out of the Academy was on Starbase 315 in the BeTau system. I liked serving on a Starbase and was looking for a change of pace after the USS Venture. The other reasons is more complex but at it's simplest, I am cleansing my soul and proving the hopes and faith of my people in my own way."


    "You see, the last war my people engaged in was long enough ago that it is all but legend to even the most elderly of the El Aurians. The only reason we remember it at all is that my people as lore-keepers keep extensive records of all that we have seen, witnessed and done. We lost some of those records when the Borg came but not all of them. My people view war as a darkness, or rather part of the darkness just as the Borg are part of that darkness and we do not take war with the same...fondness that the younger races do. We long recognized that the hatred and greed lead to war and war leads to more hatred and greed. It's a vicious cycle that all too many races and civilizations fall to destruction from. We realized that long before we witnessed Earth's World War's, long before we witnessed the Federation wars with the Klingons and the Romulans...we realized that long before the races that make up the Federation and its neighbors even thought of walking the stars. Bluntly put, we view war as a blemish upon the spirit that only the young or the depraved dare to engage in."


    Nick takes a sip of his drink before continuing "When the Borg came and destroyed our planet and nearly destroyed us they created something inside of us. A lasting curse if you will. We had encountered them before, yes, and they had tried enslaving our ships and our people before with no success. In the end they destroyed our home and nearly destroyed us despite our ships and defenses not because they wanted to enslave us but because they wanted to destroy us because they had come to view us as a threat to them. And in so doing they, unlike any other entities...not even the Q, made us hate and loathe. I very much doubt there is an El Aurian alive who, if given the power to do so, would not be at least tempted to wipe the Borg from the face of the Universe. And that hatred and loathing frightens us like nothing else, not even the Borg. I was at the Battle of Wolf 359 and if I could have I would have killed every Borg there with no second thoughts and no regrets..no matter the price."


    "I also fought in the Cardassian-Dominion war and have killed, indirectly or directly, more Cardassians and members of the Dominion then I care to remember. At the end of the war I took stock of where I was and discovered something I didn't like. Somewhere along the way I started hating the Cardassians and their allies with the same sort of hatred and loathing that I feel about the Borg. And frankly, that scared me. I knew the war was a war of defense and that it was justified but I did not like its affects on me. So in order to purge myself of the hatred I was starting to feel towards the Cardassians I came here...in order to help them rebuild."


    Nick pauses momentarily then says "And if they can rebuild and take their proper place in the Universe and we help them to do so then it helps reinforce the hope of my people that we will one day be able to return to where we belong, rebuild our homeworld and retake our proper place in the Universe."


           There was a silence, something rare for someone at a table with a Ferengi. Drankum shifted in the seat ever so slightly and shook his head, "So you have come here for...counseling? It's an interesting concept, I must admit. Do not, though, make a mistake of age my dear Captain. It is one I have seen humons make far too often in my life." At this, he took a napkin from the table and crumbled it up into a ball. Slowly, he started to try and flatten it out again. As one would expect, creases now existed everywhere...though it was indeed level for the most part.


           "This was once smooth, soft and a pleasure to look at. Anyone passing by," he said motioning with his left hand, "would easily grab it to use. Yet after being put into a ball, it becomes something of trash...an item most would pass by and think nothing else of."  Drankum leaned forward and set the napkin in the center of the table, "One can spend a lifetime and a generation attempting to make this appear as it once was. You could sit here for a very long time trying to allow this napkin to reclaim it's former glory and appeal." The Ferengi paused and looked up back to Ayers, "Do not live your life attempting to reclaim old passions, my dear Captain. Do not think that this place....this...Aegis...can help smooth out your personal napkin or that of your species." At this, Drankum's gaze seemed to move past the El Aurian. "You will eventually find a point when you realize your are closer to the end of your journey than you are to the beginning. At that point, you start to contemplate what value you have performed. Was it a profitable existence, filled with wealth and treasures? As the humons think, was it a life of dedicated service?" he asked in a whisper.


           The Ferengi's glance refocused, "Or was it spent looking back, lost in the days of yesteryear, wondering where all your friends have gone and what you can do to regain the...appeal you once had." With that, and several grunts, Drankum slowly stood and with his cane in tow moved towards the bar where he proceeded to start asking his long time Bajoran assistant Patty for something.


    Nick watches Drankum leave before he turns his attention to the napkin laying on the table. He stares at it for a few minutes as if its some valuable object. Much to his surprise, what Drankum had said had not been what Nick was expecting the elderly Ferengi to say. He had expected something a little more common to the Ferengi way of thinking and what Drankum had said was entirely different. Nick mulls over what the Ferengi had said quietly as he sets about smoothing down the napkin. It takes him a little while but he's able to smooth it down to a point where you'd have look closely to tell that it was crumpled up just a few minutes earlier.


    He gently picks up the napkin as he stands before walking over to Drankum. He hands the napkin back as he says quietly "You speak wisdom, Ambassador but my people are still faced with this fact. Without our past we have no future and right now we don't even have a present. For my people to survive, much less thrive, we must regain what was lost. If we do not then sooner or later we will become just a memory and that too will one day fade. And that can not..it must not be our fate."


    With that, Nick turns and heads for the exit. As he heads for his quarters, he continues to mull over what Drankum had said.

  2. Nick smiles to himself as he feels the warm breeze come in off the ocean. He sweeps his gaze along the beach before sighing quietly to himself.


    The return of the station crew and the repairs to the station had occupied most of Nick's time the last week and as such he hadn't been able to find much opportunity to relax and rest. Hence, why he is enjoying one of the holodeck programs, one that recreated a small island in the Caribbean back on Earth.


    Finally he lays back and closes his eyes as he says "Computer, record message." He waits until the computer beeps before continuing "Hello mom. I hope you, dad and the munchkins are having a good new year and I am sorry that I was not there to celebrate Christmas. Hopefully I will be able to get home for Christmas next year. And thank you for the presents, they arrived on the transport that came yesterday. I'll make good use of the books and the music recordings when I find the time to relax. Which seems to be getting scarcer as of late. Things have been hectic to say the least and we're just now finishing the repairs to the Station that needed to be taken care of thanks to the Ion storm. As such, there wasn't much in the way of celebrating the holidays or the new year around here. People seem to be more concerned with what is going to happen with the upcoming Cardassian elections and truth to tell it has me concerned as well. The Cardassian Prime Minister is still upset with us because we acted to defend ourselves against three supposedly rogue Cardassian ships when they tried claiming the station before the storm. Ethan did the right thing when she handled that situation but trying to get the Prime Minister to understand that is harder then trying to stop a charging Klingon."


    Nick smiles to himself and says "And yes, Ethan is doing fine. Our relationship seems to be progressing. I say "seems to" because she's been busy and I've been busy and that doesn't exactly help much. If it's not Muon or the Admiral or one of the others putting demands on our time it's something else. It still feels a bit strange having someone besides family that I'm mentally and emotionally tied to. The Admiral has taken to grousing good naturedly, at least I think it's good naturedly, that he wishes we'd lay off the telepathic communications, or at least not do so while we're on duty. How he tells we're doing it I can't even take a guess on. I suppose some of his concern is to make sure that orders and communications about official business are on the record, so to speak, but then he should know and trust us well enough by now to know that we would not do such a thing. I guess my being able to communicate telepathically with her as gotten to the point of it being natural to us..well to me at least. I can't say I would like having to give that up. It was unsettling enough when that connection was gone because of our encounter with those aliens from a few months ago."


    "I'm going to try and make it home for at least one of your concerts during the summer, mom. To be honest I could use a vacation and the recordings you've sent me are nice and I do enjoy them but they're still not the same. And yes, I know what you're thinking so yes I will ask. Give my love to dad and the munchkins and I love you. And yes, I will be careful out here. Goodbye, mom."


    Nick pauses briefly before saying "Computer, end recording. Transmit message to Professor Kairi Ayers at Oxford University on Earth." As the computer complies with that order, Nick opens his eyes and watches the clouds in the sky overhead drift lazily past.

  3. It occurred to Nick, as he passed the little sign that indicated Deck 15, that climbing through the bowels of a Starbase that was without power was not how he wanted to spend Christmas. In fact, there were very few things that would have been lower on his list of things he'd rather not being doing on Christmas or any other day then this.


    Christmas as a holiday was always a bit of an oddity in his family. For that matter, so was every other holiday. While his father and his side of the family were, for the most part, Catholics, Nick as well as his siblings and mother decidedly were not part of the Catholic church or any other organized religion for that matter. It wasn't that El Aurians weren't a spiritual people, they were quite spiritual in actuality. It's just that where humans and most other species looked outward for their spirituality, the El Aurians looked inwards.


    The fact that Nick didn't believe in a god didn't mean he couldn't respect his father's beliefs and appreciate them. And while he didn't believe in the religious aspects of Christmas he did appreciate and value the message of sharing and being with family

    and loved ones.


    Which was why this was not shaping up to be a Christmas he was going to enjoy. If it hadn't been for the storm he could have taken some leave and gone home. It had been a few years since he had been able to go home for Christmas. Sure, he had gone on leave at other times and been home for several of those leaves but there was nothing like having one's entire family all there. And with his father's work, his mother's teaching and performance schedule and his brother and sister still being in school it was oftentimes difficult to arrange everyone's schedule.


    Or for that matter he could have stayed on the Station and had a perfectly enjoyable Christmas. It would have been nice to just spend time relaxing, listening to them and being alone with his thoughts. Well...mostly alone that is. Sure, his crewmates were a sometimes odd and idiosyncratic bunch but still they were family in a way. Even if Muon and Drankum were a bit Scroogish in some respects.


    Nick sighs and shakes his head as he mutters "Enough daydreaming." He sighs again and then adds "Only seventeen more decks to go."

  4. Nick runs a gloved hand along the small metallic box he's holding that he had retrieved from his office. The dark metal that forms the box is intricately designed and in its own way quite beautiful and valuable but the real prize was what it held. His ancestors had long ago discovered that the only true treasure in the Universe was knowledge and for thousands of years it was the only thing that the El Aurians really craved. And it was that treasure that was contained in this box....well, part of the treasure at least.


    Nick wasn't about to let the box remain for anyone to find if the Station had to be abandoned and with the power out, the self destruct system was offline. Not that it really mattered as the box was likely to survive such an explosion at any rate. The only question was how to get it to the Runabout where the others were. With the bulky EVA suit, it would be difficult to say the least to crawl through the Jeffries Tubes with the box.


    Nick glances out the window and frowns to himself. He could sense something was not quite right with the situation at hand, something beyond the immediately obvious but for the life of him he can't tell what that something is. He absentmindedly runs a hand along the lid of the box as he continues to stare out the window.


    He sighs and murmurs to himself "Guess I have no choice."

  5. Nick had always hated roller-coasters and he finds himself getting a painful reminder why. Once the Station stops shaking he gets back to his feet and glances around. A little to his surprise the rest of the Control Tower seemed to have weathered the shaking relatively well. A dull throbbing pain causes him to brush his hand along his forehead. He stops when his hand feels something sticky and wet. He brings his hand down and finds it smeared with blood and several crimson-stained silver hairs. Frowning to himself, he feels gingerly along his head and discovers a relatively minor cut that starts just above his right eye and travels back into his hair. He wipes away some of the smeared blood as he sits down in his chair.


    His attention turns to one of the windows and the storm raging beyond it. So far the station seemed to be weathering the storm well enough. Nothing unexpected had happened yet and if the shields held, the Station would be able to outlast the storm. Granted, it would need repairs but that was to be expected.


    However, if things started getting worse, Nick was going to have to face a decision that he would prefer not to have to make. It was easier the last time he had faced this decision, back when an alien race had invaded the Station and Nick was prepared to activate the Station's self-destruct. Then Meve had been present and in command, Nick had merely been performing one of his jobs as First Officer. Now, Meve was elsewhere and it was on Nick's shoulders. If he waited too long, everyone would die. And if he made it without cause he would be ordering the destruction of an important Starfleet Station which served as the chief presence and watchdog in the Sector.


    Nick sighs to himself before pushing the self-doubts from his mind. Now was not the time for such luxuries.

  6. Nick fumes for a few minutes as he considers what the Cardassian Prime Minister had said. He mutters to himself "For two years now I've been here and I still cannot understand how you and too many of your fellow Cardassians, Prime Minister, can be so damn childish. You act as if the Universe..as if we owe you something and you've been the cause of more wars that have involved the Federation over the last twenty years then anyone else. By all rights we could have crushed you, made damn sure that you did not dare to repeat past mistakes. However, we're not like that, we're not like the Klingons or the Romulans. We want to believe in people's better angels but maybe the truth is that your race simply doesn't deserve our grace. We're helping your people rebuild and you act as if we're taking whips and chains to you. Eventually we will leave and you will have your place in the Universe handed back to you and all you and your people can do is bite the proverbial hand that's feeding you. It's absolutely mind-boggling."


    Nick sighs and shakes his head, forcing his thoughts away from the darkness. He taps a button on the computer screen on his desk and says "Commander Hawke, report to my office please."

  7. Nick sighs to himself as he turns a page in the book he's reading. He could have had used a data padd to display the contents of the book but there always seemed to be something missing that way. Like the difference between listening to a piece of music composed by a living being and a piece of music one had the computer create.


    As for the sigh, it was because the current status of the Station was keeping him from actually enjoying the book. He didn't know how it was for most empaths or telepaths but for him there was always something eerie about being somewhere where there should be people but there weren't. True, there were still thirty other people on the Station but for a facility that normally housed hundreds, being among thirty people was barely better then being alone in such a situation. It's very much like stepping foot on a dead ship and feeling no signs of life or worse yet, feeling the signs of life that was snuffed out unexpectedly and violently.


    Finally Nick closes the book and sets it on the small table next to his bed. With that done, he pulls the blankets up and tries to get to sleep.

  8. Nick steps into the holodeck and looks around appreciatively. A gentle breeze whips through his hair and makes the surrounding trees sway gently. As Nick steps further into the clearing, he glances up at the nighttime sky and the stars. He takes a minute to enjoy the sounds and smells of the night.


    He stops before a smoothed rock in the middle of the clearing and sits down cross-legged before it. He rests the small case he was carrying across his legs then reaches behind his neck and removes a necklace that he had tucked under his shirt. He sets the necklace on the rock with the black crystal that hangs from it facing him. He passes a hand over the crystal and it begins glowing with a soft light.


    Turning his attention to the case, he removes what turns out to be a clarinet from it. He brings the clarinet's mouthpiece to his lips and begins playing a soft and gentle song. The song begins slowly but as he continues playing, the tempo of the song picks up until eventually it returns to it's original pace. The light from the crystal fades and grows stronger in time with the song.


    As he plays his mind turns to the world beyond the holodeck. He knows that Ethan would probably say he should still be sleeping but with only an hour to go until the arrival of the Vico he wasn't able to go back to sleep. There was going to be simply too many things to do and worry about once the Vico arrived and the evacuation began for him to be attempting to get some rest. Three hours sleep was simply going to have to be enough for now.


    He finds himself in much the same position that the Admiral is finding himself in, just on a smaller scale. Whereas the Admiral was responsible for the lives of everyone in the sector, Nick is responsible for the lives of the people on the station. It wasn't stubbornness or pride that had kept him on the Control Tower instead of getting rest before Ethan had forced the issue, it was worry for those on the Station and concern for what was going to happen. That if anything went wrong, he would be the one responsible. Maybe not in the eyes of anyone else but most certainly in his own eyes.

  9. As Nick sits behind the desk in his office he says "Computer, open a secure channel to the USS Venture."


    The computer beeps as it complies with the request and within a minute a Commander about Nick's own age appears on the screen. Nick smiles faintly "Long time no see, Anika."


    Anika smiles teasingly "You don't write, you don't call. It's almost like you've forgotten all about us here on your old ship. We even had to find out about your promotion via the regular dispatches from Command. Congratulations by the way. Though I seem to recall you once mentioning that you couldn't see yourself as a Captain."


    Nick sighs "My apologies for that, things have gotten very busy here since that little change. At any rate, is the Captain busy?"


    This time it's Anika who shrugs "You know better then most people how Doctor Stevens gets when he thinks someone has been on duty too long without any rest. The Captain is currently resting in his quarters, as a result. Do you want me to patch you through to him?"


    Nick shakes his head "No, I can just as easily tell you. I have a change of orders for you. We received a distress signal from the S.S. Meriel. Apparently they've been caught in the ion storm. Since their last recorded position is on the way to your current destination and as you're the closest ship, we're diverting you to assist. The official change of orders is being transmitted on a subchannel. After the Meriel has been tended to, resume your current mission."


    Anika nods "Understood. Anything else?"


    Nick smiles "Be careful and stay safe."


    Anika returns the smile "You too. Perhaps when this storm blows over we'll be able to stop by Aegis. Would be nice to see if they're taking good care of you and I'm sure you'd like the chance to see everyone."


    Nick nods "Yeah, I would. If you get the chance, make sure to do so. God speed." With that, Nick closes the channel and leans back in his chair. Despite his earlier words to the Admiral, a feeling of homesickness settles over him.

  10. Nick glances at Ethan briefly as they exit the Admiral's office. His mind plays over the mental conversation that they had a few minutes earlier concerning what would be 500 years in the future. He thinks to himself "I'll still be here and you all will be long dead and buried, nothing more then a memory. Not exactly a thought that inspires cheerfulness."


    He sighs quietly and turns his thoughts to more immediate concerns. He steps towards his office as he says "Mind the Control Tower, Commander Hawke. I'll be in my office trying to come up with that list that the Admiral wants."


    After seating himself behind his desk, Nick calls up the list of every person currently on the Station. It takes some time but he manages to cull the list so that what he ends up with is a list of people leaving as well as a list of people that are to remain. He attaches both lists to a memo that he types up.



    FROM: Captain Nicholas Ayers, Sky Harbor Aegis Commanding Officer

    TO: All Sky Harbor Aegis Department Heads.

    CC: Admiral Frederic Meve and Lt. Commander Ethan Hawke


    SUBJ: Evacuation Notice


    Attached to this memo is two lists. The first list contains the names of the people and Starfleet personnel that will be evacuated off Sky Harbor Aegis for the duration that Priority One Order 02/01-134 is in effect. The second list contains the list of the Starfleet personnel that will be remaining aboard Sky Harbor Aegis. Only authorized Starfleet Personnel will be remaining aboard Sky Harbor Aegis. No civilians and no unauthorized Starfleet personnel will be allowed to remain.


    Sky Harbor Aegis Command Staff and Department Chiefs will be remaining aboard Sky Harbor Aegis for the duration.


    The civilian population of Sky Harbor Aegis will be the first to be evacuated with the Starfleet Personnel that are leaving to follow. Note that the entirety of the Security department and most of the Engineering department will be remaining. This is to ensure the safe operation and safekeeping of Sky Harbor Aegis during the present situation. Most of the Medical and Sciences departments will be leaving with only a small group of personnel from each department remaining to provide support services.


    Lt. Commander Hawke will be in charge of the Evacuation with Lt. Commander Quark assisting. Their first task will be seeing to the activation and the crewing of the USS Pandora's Box which will be assisting in the evacuation.


    Final determination will need to be made by Admiral Meve but it is my recommendation that the evacuated civilians and Starfleet personnel be relocated to Starbase 405 in the Canar system and Deep Space Nine in the Bajor system. If Science's analysis is accurate, both systems lie outside the path of the Ion Storm.


    If there are any recommended changes to either list, the Department Chiefs may contact me to make those recommendations. Both lists will be considered final

    as of one hour from the sending of this memo.





    Security will be posted in all critical areas of the Station with Security sweeps done on a regular basis. To maintain order, Security is authorized to treat this situation as a Tactical Alert.


    Security is hereby ordered to track the movements and actions taken while they were aboard Sky Harbor Aegis by the Cardassian crew of the freighter that the USS Yorktown recently towed to the Station. Security is also ordered to examine the Freighter itself for indications that it may pose a security risk during the Ion Storm.


    Security is also authorized to check into the background and political affiliations of the crew of the Cardassian freighter.

  11. Nick sighs to himself as he exits Sickbay and heads for his quarters. The conversation with Images over what had happened previously had been interesting in a not so good way. Personally, Nick thinks that the Doctor is prone to melodrama and stubborn arrogance. Particularly in thinking that drugs and medical science could cure everything, including ailments particular to telepaths and empaths. He still isn't quite sure that Images had understood the fact that in order to rebuild his mental shields, Nick needed his abilities and that those drugs that Images wanted to pump into Nick's system were preventing that. Between a choice of having to rebuild his shields, even if it caused him some pain and discomfort, or going through the rest of his life as a mundane Nick would take the pain and discomfort every time.


    Granted, being empathic/telepathic was trying at times with the occasional headaches and such, not to mention the suspicion and paranoia that some people treated an empath or telepath with. Still, there were benefits to it, not the least of which was the connections to people he cared for and loved. And yet Images thought it would be perfectly all right to take that away from him for Unity knows how long.


    Nick banishes that line of thought from his mind as he enters his quarters and heads for his bedroom. He steps into the bathroom, intending to take a shower and get dressed now that he was cleared to return to duty.

  12. Nick wakes up and stifles a yawn before trying to sit up. He stops the attempt when he realizes that Ethan is still asleep and using his right shoulder for a pillow. He glances at the clock and blinks in some surprise at discovering that around 8 hours had passed since they had returned to her quarters and tried getting back to sleep after their taking a walk in one of Nick's holodeck programs.


    He watches her sleep as he tries to decide whether or not she'll wake up if he moves. He smiles briefly and murmurs "I guess I'll just have to wait, that I'm stuck here as it were." The smile disappears as the alternate meaning of what he said occurs to him.


    He is glad their relationship is growing and progressing and he wants that to continue. And yet as the version of himself that he had encountered in his earlier dream, a manifestation of some of the darker parts of himself really, had reminded him that he was not used to letting people close. Even in prior relationships he had kept some distance, kept some shields and walls in place. He didn't particularly like that side of him though he understood and knew why it existed. Even so, if his relationship with Ethan was going to lead anywhere he was going to have to deal with that side and move past it. The self-doubt and the fear it created was something he was going to have to work through.


    Nick sighs quietly to himself as he lays his head back on the pillow and closes his eyes.

  13. T'Loren watches the insanity of Sickbay with growing agitation. At least the marine's doctors knew better than to force treatment on their patients. She was concerned, however, by the condition of the two minds before her. The man, who wore Captain's pips, appeared human, but by the briefest, lightest touch of the mind, she knew he wasn't. His mind, however, had undergone a great strain lately. She can sense that by the completely unrestrained broadcasting he was doing. Why did they not have a telepathic healer present?


    Day, a Major in the Starfleet Marine Corps, had been relatively nearby when she had felt the pain from her mental sister, Lt. Cmdr. Ethan Hawke. She had immediately requested and was granted a short leave to investigate the situation, and had arrived just 15 minutes before. Walking into Sickbay, she found that her concern was justified, as she sees Ethan, but can sense no echo from her mind. She becomes aware shortly thereafter of the Captain, and tosses a mental blanket over his mind to dampen the noise. This she does partly to relieve him of pain, and partly to spare herself the overwhelming noise coming from him.


    Then she sees another doctor nearing Ethan with a hypo at the ready, and steps between him and his patient. "Sorry, Doctor," she says. She knows full well that she will likely get something of a dressing down from this Captain later for her actions, but having been inside Ethan's mind previously, she is uniquely qualified to determine her condition and to help repair any damage.


    Briefly, she toys with the idea of drawing her sidearm, a Marine-specially modified Phaser pistol, but discards it due to the amount of paperwork that would be involved. She is not sure if she is comforted or not by the presence of a security officer, probably the chief. At least she seems amenable to attempting to make the patients well again. But, if she decides that there is a threat present, at least T'Loren is, as always, wearing her safety net, another special Marine issued light mesh undergarment that absorbed and dispersed Phaser fire under level 8 without significant harm to the wearer. (It is common among the Marine forces on her ship to catch someone unawares and do a 'net-check'--shooting them on a Phaser level of 1 or 2, to see if they are in compliance with regs.)


    Finally, she tires of the noise, the arguments, and the indecisiveness. With her 'Vulcan-face' firmly in place, she reaches again for the Captain. The Ferengi chief had released her hand just moments prior, so she tries to act fast. Seeing a look of concern on his face, she sends a thought out to him very quietly. {{I can help you, if you will allow me. I suppose an introduction is in order, first. I'm T'Loren Day. I am Ethan's bond-sister. I want to check her mind before the psycho with the hypo does any further damage. But I'm not as powerful of a Telepath is Ethan is. I can't hold this dampening shield on you and check her mind at the same time. But I can temporarily lock it in place if I can reach you. I'm at least in part a touch-Telepath. I can superimpose the artificial shield over what's left of yours. Then you can work on building your own shield up behind it, without the constant 'wind' knocking down every brick you add, while I assess Ethan. Will you allow me to help?}}


    Nick considers T'Loren's offer for a few seconds as he watches her. He had never really gotten into the habit of letting people inside his mind, having no wish to open up in that fashion. The number of people that he trusted and cared about enough to allow them inside his mind, outside of family, could be counted on one hand.


    He glances briefly at Ethan and frowns in concern. He could barely sense her, in fact he sensed more of T'Loren's emotions then Ethan's. Finally he looks back at T'Loren and answers as gently as he can {{My apologies for being reticent at first. Obviously Ethan trusts you which is more then enough reason for me to extend you mine. If you can help then please proceed. Especially if it'll let you better help Ethan.}} He pauses slightly, knowing that as he is right now there was very little to keep T'Loren from picking up on his emotions. {{To return the introduction, my name is Nicholas Ayers. And keep those two....Doctor's and their hyposprays away. I've had enough of being blind.}}


    T'Loren nods, thankful that telepathic communications are almost instantaneous. {{A pleasure to meet you, Captain Ayers. No apologies necessary. I understand your hesitation. And I will do my best to keep the vampires at bay, but your security chief may attempt to interfere again. When I tell you, can you attempt to get around her?}} She prepares to move very quickly once he is ready.


    Nick slides forward so he's barely sitting on the side of the biobed. Leaning forward slightly he plants his feet on the floor and prepares to push off with his arms. He knows he isn't going to have much physical strength for this. He just hopes Muon isn't paying close enough attention. And if she was..well there was no point in worrying about that now. He glances at T'Loren {{I think I can. Just a warning, my sense of balance was a bit off-kilter before you arrived.}}


    {{Is that why you were on the floor when I came in?}} Her mind projected a smile, though her face showed no hint of the mirth she was expressing. {{I was wondering. I thought maybe you were proposing to Ethan, and while that would be great, this really isn't the kind of place I'd recommend doing it in. Okay... Ready.... go!}} She projected the last as she quickly stepped forward and around Lt. Cmdr. Quark.


    Nick blinks in surprise when T'Loren makes the proposing marriage comment and he has to catch himself from responding orally to it. Still, he maintains enough presence of mind to push himself off the biobed. He's quite certain a blush is crawling up his neck and coloring his face as he thinks {{I see you two take after each other. My doing what you say would be more then a little premature at this point. Besides...you don't know me so you may want to rethink that "and while that would be great" part. I could be a hideously bad..choice.}} He projects a smirk as he says the last. He could have been annoyed at what T'Loren said but he was more bemused by it. Clearly, T'Loren is an atypical Vulcan.

  14. If Nick ever wanted someone to take a phaser to his head and blow his brains out this would be that day. He had wondered briefly why the aliens had apologized to him for causing him pain when it had been his choice to push his abilities. That lasted until immediately after they left and he found himself falling to the deck in the Docking bay while experience the most excruciating pain he had ever felt in his life. His mind was screaming at him and his head felt like it wanted to pop. That wasn't the worst of it though..the worst of it was feeling the emotions and hearing the thoughts of every single person on the Station all at the same time crashing in around him, trying to drown him out. Over everyone elses voice he hears and senses Ethan going through the exact same thing.


    A chill had run up his spine when he somehow managed to realize that this was like what it must be like to be a Borg drone. Hearing the voice of everyone else with no ability to shut them out. He desperately tries to rebuild his mental shields but can't even concentrate long enough before they're torn asunder again. He had always considered being assimilated by the Borg to be a fate worse then death and this was no different. From the deepest part of his soul he wished death would claim him so at least he wouldn't have to deal with this pain. If there was a hell, this was surely it.


    Nick wakes up some time during the night and finds himself in Sickbay. His entire body aches and it even hurt to have to deal with the low lights in Sickbay. Cautiously he tries sensing anyone near and that's when he discovers a new facet of hell. Though he can see the blurred shapes of people working or moving around at the far end of Sickbay they're a complete blank to him mentally. In fact, it's like they don't even exist.


    Nick sinks back against the pillow letting the darkness claim him. As he falls asleep he mutters "Someone shoot me now."

  15. Nick knew he had pushed himself..actually was continuing to do so...beyond his abilities. Apparently the aliens, according to what they had "said'', were behind the recent spate of trouble on the Station. And Nick wasn't going to let them leave without at least attempting to get some form of contact and answers from them. Part of it was pride, Nick didn't like his crew or himself being viewed down upon as "unintelligent life." It was the height of hubris to view lifeforms capable of space travel and everything else the people on the Station and the Station itself represented as "unintelligent life." And the other part was curiosity mixed with human stubbornness. So he had tried communicating and apparently succeeded though perhaps a little too well.


    He felt that the aliens didn't mean any real harm and the contact was going to have some benefit to it. Still, he knew it is going to drain him and cause him considerable pain and weariness.


    He frowns slightly as he watches Hawke. Obviously the aliens had chosen to speak through her, probably something to do with the fact of her stronger telepathic abilities. Still, he wishes they had found a different means of actual communication. He was concerned about the affect on her, true, but that concern was coupled with the fact that he wanted to give into his temper and anger over what she had done earlier on the Control Tower. She deserved a harsh dressing down but it wasn't something he was going to do in front of the aliens or in front of the rest of the crew for that matter, even if part of him is sorely tempted to do just that.

  16. Nick reads the diplomatic transmission from Cardassia twice over. The first time merely made him mad. The second time caused him to fume. He mutters "Of all the...how can someone not understand what shaking one's head means. And what part of diplomatic protocol did he fail to understand?" The last thing the station needed right now was a diplomatic fracas with Cardassia Prime, especially with the upcoming elections. The so called Free Cardassia movement was sure to jump on it if they found out about it and Nick isn't about to underestimate their ability to find out information.


    Nick stabs a control button on his desk computer and says sharply "Lieutenant Demore report to my office immediately. As he deactivates the intercom his empathic senses cause him to snap his chair around towards the windows. He frowns darkly as the reaction of his senses fades away. He shakes his head and mutters something about being jumpy.


    Hewitt was working through the pile of reports on his desk. He quickly tapped his commbadge. "Aye, Captain," he said, "on my way." Now what does he want? he wondered to himself as he stepped out of his office, and walked into the turbolift. "Ensign Zhu, you have Engineering."


    Demore didn't bother to think about what Ayers had to say to him. He was actually thinking about the entire Renc Wing, and was afraid it wasn't secure enough. Perhaps he was just becoming paranoid about recent scares on both the station and Cardassia Prime. He made a mental note to ask Muon about how secure the Engineering Boom actually was.


    The turbolift door opened on the Control Tower, and the Lieutenant walked out. He nodded to Hawke, and continued over to Captain Ayers' office. He tapped the doorbell.


    Nick glances up at the door and says "Enter." He watches Lieutenant Demore walk in. After a few moments of silence, Nick says coldly "I have a couple questions for you. Do you know what my shaking my head means? Do you know protocol regarding diplomatic personnel and their transports? And finally...do you know how much hell what you did is quite likely going to cause..especially when the Cardassians that don't like our presence in their star system find out?" As he speaks he pushes the Padd containing the transmission from the Cardassian government across the desk towards Demore.


    Hewitt picked up the data PADD, and begin reading it. The sudden anger Ayers presented in the room was actually frightening the Lieutenant, for he couldn't figure out what Ayers was referring to. The PADD explained all of that.


    Demore thought over the words he was going to say in his mind several times, to make sure he didn't say anything wrong.


    "Captain, I scanned that ship for the safety of this station. There have been several terrorist attacks on the planet that ship came from, and I wanted to be sure about that ship's security." Demore thought for a moment.


    "With a dead man on the ship, our security personnel were busy. I figured that the ship that diplomat came in was released from Cardassia especially for us, and was probably released through unsecured channels. A bomb, or something even worse, could have been placed on that ship without anyone knowing it." He stopped, and thought for a moment. "I did not scan their ship for metals or to learn how it was created, or any weaknesses - I scanned that ship for residue of common engineering devices and liquids used for exploding matter. It is all in the transport report that I inserted into the computer before I came up here. It is yours to send to reassure the Cardassians, sir."


    "Captain, I'll be honest. I am to the point of not trusting anyone that is going to or coming from Cardassia Prime. I was simply trying to be careful with this. I had no idea this would cause political problems. To be entirely honest, I still believe I was doing my job with no error, and included a certain safety factor."


    "I don't trust anything that arrives from Cardassia Prime either but at least I would have used the internal sensors, Lieutenant. Walking around their shuttle with a tricorder in hand is only begging for a diplomatic incident. I'm not upset with you for the reason for what you did what you did or that you even did it...I'm upset because of how you did it. Now the Admiral and me have to deal with another diplomatic snafu with the Cardassians and it's only going to serve the interests of the members of the Free Cardassia group. To borrow the line, we're all alone in the dark out here, Lieutenant and the last thing we need is for the Cardassians that don't like our presence to gain power. Because if that happens if you think we're hanging on by the razor's edge now I assure you that that blade is going to get a whole lot sharper if that comes to pass."


    Nick closes his eyes for a few moments and forces the anger away. He opens his eyes and says in a far calmer tone "Lieutenant, next time use the internal sensors please. And if I ever shake my head at you again it means to stop whatever you're doing. I made the gesture because if I told you orally it would have given away what you were doing for sure. I assume that most Cardassians don't know the various nonverbal means of communication that have developed among humans. And I would point out one last thing...the shuttle was scanned before it docked, before we even dropped our shields to let it in."


    Demore nodded. "I'm sorry, sir. I understand that all ships are scanned before we allow them to enter the shuttlebay. But, at this point, I just don't trust anyone. That was a diplomatic shuttle, and probably left Cardassia secretly. If someone on the "inside" of the real Cardassian government found out about this meeting aboard Aegis, they may have taken the chance and tried to disable the station. For all we know, there could be someone from the Free Cardassia group here aboard Aegis who is capable of deceiving each one of us," he thought about what he said, and added to it, "But, I have faith in our Security department that we indeed are secure." Demore paused. "Again, I'm sorry, sir. I just don't trust anyone right now."


    Then he added, "And I also could not figure out what you were intending to do when you shook your head. I suppose I just did not see the entire move - I thought you were just curious as to what I was doing." Demore thought about adding what he had said to Ethan in his plead, but decided against it. "It won't happen again."


    Nick nods and replies "Very well. We'll chalk it up to a miscommunication then. Just please next time don't be so obvious about it. Dismissed."


    Nick turns his attention back to some paperwork as Demore exits the office.

  17. Nick frowns to himself as he watches a broadcast of the change of ownership ceremony on Empok Nor on one of the displays in his quarters. He sighs to himself and orders the computer to turn off the display. After a few seconds of silence he says "Computer, open personal log." After a second the Computer beeps acknowledgment of the order.


    "Well, it's official. Empok Nor has been returned to the Cardassians. To be honest I'm not sure what to think of it. On the one hand it's a sign of progress for them, a sign that what they lost is being rebuilt. And on the other hand...it's also a sign that they're regaining their former position. Considering I fought in the war..lost friends to them part of me wonders if that's the best thing, especially for the Federation."


    He sighs "Perhaps it's just my El Aurian view of things coming to the forefront. That the races in this section of the Galaxy are still quite young and prone to fits of immaturity. If someone back in the 21st Century had asked any El Aurian what they thought of the chances of humans becoming a people that valued peace over war and everything the Federation stands for that El Aurian would have thought that was an impossibility. It was kind of a shock to us when the Federation emerged how it did. We had long known that humans, like most others, tended to fear and hate those that were different and we thought it would be a far longer time before that changed. There were signs yes but not enough of them to sway our opinion. And it wasn't an easy change for Earth back then, there were those that valued the old ways..some still do. And some part of me just doesn't think the Cardassians are at that point as a whole."


    "Or perhaps it's just that I'm being pessimistic because of everything that's happened and the fact that now all eyes in this area of space will be on Aegis, for good or ill. And I know I wouldn't have gotten this rank without somehow earning it but that hasn't stopped me from feeling a little..too young for the role. Even among humans in Starfleet, making Captain before the person is out of his 30's is very rare. And among the El Aurians, being my age is still considered being a child."


    He loses himself to his thoughts for a few seconds, long enough for the Computer to prompt him. Finally he says "Well, I have no choice. Some self-doubt is healthy but I'm going to have to trust in my own capabilities. As Uncle Kelain said, I have too many people that I'm responsible for to allow failure."

  18. Nick finishes the last of a large pile of paperwork and pushes it to one side on his desk. He presses a button on the computer display and says "Control Tower, get me a secure line to Admiral Adleman at Starfleet Command. Within a few minutes an older look human wearing an Admiral's uniform and rank appears on the display screen on Nick's desk.


    Then Captain Adelman had been Nick's first Commanding Officer out of the Academy. Adelman, then in charge of Starbase 315, was kind of gruff but well liked by his subordinates. Still, it took Nick a while to feel like he wasn't going to break out in a cold sweat and stammer every time the Captain addressed him. Over time, Nick got used to Adleman's style and was one of the few people that Nick would trust with his life.


    As such, Nick dispenses with the formality and greets the Admiral by smiling and saying "I hear I have to congratulate you, sir. A grandfather for the third time. How is Sharon doing?"


    The Admiral smiles "She's handling the addition to her family with her usual pluck. Nathan and Travis are still causing their normal amount of mischief though I think they're getting used to the idea of being big brothers. So how are you doing? And I see I have to congratulate you as well."


    Nick smiles ruefully "Don't. This promotion has reminded me how good I actually had it being a junior officer back at Starbase 315 or as a senior officer on the Venture. It feels like an ill-fitting coat more then anything."


    The Admiral's smile broadens "That's normal. You'll get used to it. You just need to have faith in your own capabilities, Nick. I seem to recall you thinking much the same way when you first arrived at Starbase 315." The Admiral's smile takes on a mischievous look "So, when are you going to give your parents grandchildren?"


    Nick coughs and chokes as he feels a blush crawl up the back of his neck. He says "When and if it happens. What? Engaging in a grandparent conspiracy?" Or just that now that you have three grandchildren you think everyone's parents should be grandparents?"


    The Admiral smiles "Just having a little fun at your expense. " The smile disappears as the Admiral continues "I'm guessing this isn't only a social call. What do you need?"


    Nick nods slightly "My apologies, no it isn't. I'm not sure if you're up to date on the command structure here on Aegis but while the Admiral is handling the diplomatic and sector wide considerations, I've been left in charge of the day to day operations of the Station. This falls under that. If you wouldn't mind doing me a favor, we're having a little trouble getting it through Supply Command's collective head that with Aegis rather high profile we should be a higher priority on receiving supplies on a timely basis and, frankly, more of them. Especially with the current situation down on Cardassia Prime. We're not exactly in the same strategically defensible position as say..Starbase 001. If you could use some of your influence to budge them, especially concerning defensive armaments and weapons such as photon and quantum torpedoes as well as more basic supplies it would be appreciated."


    "You're expecting trouble then?"


    Nick replies "More like I'm anticipating it. If the political group aligned with Free Cardassia wins the election it's a sure bet that they're going to turn their attention towards us afterwards. They will even if they don't win the election but the situation is going to be more..perilous for us if they do. While I hope for the best I intend to be ready for the worst."


    The Admiral nods "I'll see what I can do, Nick. I'll get back to you when I have something for you. Anything else?"


    Nick smiles "Thank you, sir. And no, nothing else. Give my best to Sharon and tell her I said congratulations. See if you can get her to send a picture or something of the kids."


    The Admiral smiles "Will do. Watch yourself out there."


    With that the Admiral closes the channel leaving Nick to muse over his thoughts

  19. Nick enters his quarters and yawns as he steps towards his bedroom. He doesn't even bother getting undressed, he simply collapses on the bed and waits for sleep to claim him. If he had any idea that preparing for a change of command in which he became the Commanding Officer of the Station involved everything from dickering with diplomats and Cardassians to at least half of the Starfleet Admiralty and several members of the Federation Council to the bloody Quartermaster of the Station he would have told Meve to shove the job in a particularly non-sunny location. Then he would have bolted for some warm tropical planet, Risa in particular came to mind, where all he had to worry about was becoming too tan and relaxed while enjoying various mixed drinks with those little umbrellas that came with.


    If a Romulan Warbird decided to pay a visit just so it's Commander could call Nick a "silver-haired and silver eyed troglodyte" he wouldn't be at all surprised. He would have to actually care to be surprised and right now Nick is simply too tired to care. For that matter if a group of Borg showed up and wanted to perform their rendition of the cancan he couldn't even muster the mental clarity to have them beamed into the local sun.


    "Captain, the Admiral wanted me to remind you that the ceremony will be at 2400 hours today," the voice of Lieutenant Dobson, the DO (Duty Officer) says over the intercom.


    Nick rolls over on his back and says to the ceiling "Inform the Admiral that I am well aware of when the bloody ceremony is and that I do indeed have the memory that my people are known for. And also, unless the Cardassian sun is threatening to go supernova..again....something of a similar emergency nature I don't wish to be disturbed. Not by you, not by the Admiral and most certainly not by anyone else that carries the rank of Admiral or who sits on the bloody Federation Council. I am going to get a good eight hours of sleep right now because as the God I don't actually believe in knows I sure as hell am not going to get any sleep from any point from now until the day I die in 500-700 years as long as I carry my current rank. That is assuming that all those Doctors that just loved poking and prodding me and turning me into a bloody medical experiment are right on what happens when a person of a race that lives well over a thousand years deigns to mate with a member of a race that doesn't even live a century and a half. For all they really know I could live 100 years, 200 years, 800 years or even 1500 plus years. Like I said...I do not wish to be disturbed. Ayers out."


    Nick closes his eyes as he mutters "You blue skinned attenaed vole," as he drifts off to sleep.

  20. Ethan angrily snaps "If that's the case, Captain, I request permission to punch the Admiral if he ever again refers to you as 'my boyfriend' on duty."


    Nick blinks and says in surprise "He said what?!" Nick, who had been leaning back the desk in his office, straightens to his full height as a very palatable anger sweeps through him. His hands ball up into fists and he slams them back against the desk. His relationship with Ethan was complicated enough and it just gotten more complicated as a result of the shift in command structure, the last thing Nick wanted or needed was the Admiral heaping even further complications on it by shooting off his mouth. As it is, if the Admiral had been in the room right now he might not have gotten out of it intact.


    The Admiral had said a lot of caustic remarks once he had found out about the secret Nick had hid from him and instantly Nick knows that this remark was one from that time period..one he obviously had not been there to hear originally. At least the others were somewhat understandable, this one was most definitely not.


    "He actually said that?" Nick growls as he paces around the office. Even before Ethan can answer, Nick answers his own question. "Of course he did. How dare he! If he thought our relationship was interfering..." Nick stops the pacing and closes his eyes as his mind whirls. After a few seconds he opens his eyes and moves towards the doors. In so doing he steps past her and as he does so he says grimly "I will go resolve this....and see about that transfer."


    Ethan grabs his arm as he starts toward the door. "Oh, no you don't. This is MY problem, not yours. You weren't there, and at the time, you had been relieved of duty. It's my 'honor' that he tarnished. I will deal with it. I think he hopes that by stepping down, he'll get out of having to deal with this. Well, he's got another thing coming. He's not getting off so easily... even if I have flick one of his antennae to get his attention."


    She releases his arm, though stays ready to grab it again if he takes another step. "Nick, I'm asking you, as a friend, to stay out of this. And don't you dare request a transfer! or I'll flick your antennae." She smiles briefly, letting him absorb that threat--a difficult one to carry out since he isn't Andorian. "In all honesty, if I'm going to be stuck with this role, at least I'll be stuck in it with someone I can talk to--someone that I can 'read'. ...My dear, if you go, I go."


    He stares at her for a minute before sighing and letting go of the anger. He says "Very well, mon cher, I'll let you handle it and I won't go seeking a transfer as well as staying out of it otherwise. Though, it's precisely because it's a slur against your honor that has me mad. If it was mine I could shrug it off." He shakes his head "Though...you can certainly take care of yourself and don't need me to...my apologies, I had no right do that."


    He turns and steps back towards his desk where he sits on the edge of it. "I'm closer to you then I am to anyone else on this station but that and one solitary brief kiss hardly makes me your boyfriend. At best I'm a potentiality. I just wish he'd mind his own business and that things wouldn't get quite so complicated. I would think the Universe would at least allow us to have something of a normal life outside of this..." He sweeps his arm around the room, taking in the office and the Control Tower beyond as he adds "...outside of duty and the job."


    "It's not the rumor that concerns me, nor the fact that it was about me... or you. It's the example that it sets. I expect, and I believe that Starfleet expects, senior officers to act with decorum and dignity, and to treat those that serve with and report to them with the same dignity. He didn't... and that is my only issue. He put a bad image forth, and I want to be sure he knows it."


    She pauses, tilting her head to one side, "As for a 'normal life,' I don't think there is such a thing. You are, or soon will be, Captain of this station. I will be your CEO, XO, CXO... whatever you want to call it." With a mischievous grin, she added, "I always did like the designation 'Twic', personally... but it's your station, call me what you like, just don't call me late for target practice."


    "If you really want a life outside of the job, however, you'd better get around to asking me to dinner. Or are you waiting for me to ask you? If so, then fine... Would you have dinner with me?"


    Nick smiles "Sure, dinner would be perfect. And as you're the one who asked I'll leave it up to you where we have dinner. Anywhere is fine with me. Just one suggestion though. We don't talk about business during it, nor the Admiral for that matter. Not really the things one should talk about during a 'date' if I may use that term and if I'm not getting ahead of myself."


    "And you're right, there isn't exactly such a thing as a normal life. I meant more in the sense of doing nor...well like having dinner together or even picnics and dances just to name some examples. Things that don't involve us dealing with cantankorous Ambassadors, loudmouthed Admirals of the blue-skin variety or otherwise or all the various situations that are going to pop up for that matter. I suppose what I want is to not have to be wearing this uniform, metaphorically speaking, even when I'm off duty."


    "I do have one question, however. What is a 'Twic'? I assume that it means 'The Woman in Charge' yes?" He pauses slightly then adds "And I suppose I should answer your earlier question. One of the reasons I didn't tell you what was going to happen concerning the command structure change was personal. To borrow your words, my dear if you go, I go."


    Ethan flashes him a quick smile. "Twic. Two-I-C, Second In Command. It's from a book I read once. And agreed, no shop talk at dinner, and yes, you may call it a 'date'. Where would you like to go? I'm hungry."


    He smiles "Ah. Though I think I like my version of it better. And as for where we'll have dinner, I said it was up to you so lady's choice. If we don't care about privacy then Drankums or one of the other restaurants on the Midway would work. Or if we want some privacy there is yours or my quarters or the holodeck for that matter." He steps towards the door and glances back at her "Like I said, your choice. Shall we go?"

  21. It has been 24 hours since the Pandora returned to the Station and it had been a whirlwind 24 hours for Nick, from regaining his rank and position to dealing with the security upgrades due to the terrorist attack on Cardassia Prime. As such Nick hasn't been able to get much time to relax...until now. And now that he had the time to relax he found he was having trouble doing so. He tried everything from sleeping to a martial arts program, reading a book, grabbing a drink in Drankums and nothing would get his mind off the fact that between the time he left the Station on the Pandora and the time he returned several million Cardassians had died a quick and gruesome death. He didn't know them personally but it affected him as if he had known all of them for years. It was a huge blood-stain that refused to leave his mind.


    Usually it never ceased to amaze him that the holodeck could recreate his grandmother's estate so perfectly. From the house to the garden to the little stream that ran near the gazebo like structure in between. The starry night sky, the perfume of the flowers, the chirping of song-birds and even the sounds of the insects added to the atmosphere. It didn't take much to imagine this place back on Earth even if his grandmother's estate had actually been on the El Aurian homeworld and subsequently destroyed. The only change to the scene, which he had created from memory, was the addition of a musical instrument from Earth, a piano to be specific. While Nick could play several musical instruments, thanks to his mother's influence, Nick preferred the piano.


    Now, the capabilities of the holodeck don't even register with him. It simply was a machine doing what he had told it to do. That it provided a means for him to let loose with the emotions he was feeling was the only means for his interest in it.


    He's currently playing a solemn, sad, and mournful dirge with a lithe grace. He keeps his eyes closed as he plays as the song which like what the holodeck program is based off, is from memory. The music is carried by the night breeze and seems to surround him as it lifts up to the holgraphic stars. Into that song, Nick tries pouring everything that he's feeling.


    As he plays his emotions run the gamut from sorrow to anger to fear and back again. He had fought the Cardassians during the war, had seen many comrades and friends die at their hands. And at the time he had come to hate them, they were nothing more then creatures that needed to be dealt with because they were threatening those he cared for. For a time after a particularly close friend had been killed at their hands he downright loathed them with the same passion and intensity he reserved for the Borg. He didn't see them as people, entities that were worthy of a certain amount of respect, he saw them as monsters and nothing more.


    And yet, after the war he had learned to let go of that hatred, knowing that if he didn't it would consume him. And even though some small part of him, the very darkest depth of his soul, rebelled at the thought of accepting the posting to Aegis when it had come along he had accepted it knowing full well that it would once again involved him with a people he had so recently fought against. Part of it was career progression. Most of it, however, was personal. He had become frightened of the darkest part of his soul and he wanted to reassure himself that he was not the soulless monster he feared he was becoming.


    And now...now with the bombing on Cardassia he can feel that part of him trying to reawaken. This time it wasn't focused on the entire Cardassian race, this time it's focus was the group of Cardassians that saw no problem in blowing up the innocent, even if it was their own people. Nick would very much like to find them and ask them what in hell they thought they were going to accomplish. The dark part of him didn't even want to bother with such niceities.

  22. Nick breathes a sigh of relief when the Captain of the USS Valdemar, Captain Dixon, finally acquiesces to letting the El Aurian ship depart. The Task Force, led by the Valdemar, had moved to encircle the El Aurian ship when it, with the Pandora as escort, had reentered the Lambda Aurigae system. When Andrew at Tactical reported that the weapons of the ships that comprised the Task Force were activated, Nick had feared the worst was about to happen. That the Task Force intended to try and capture the El Aurian ship again and that they would trigger a fight.


    Commander Hawke had tried to get the Task Force to back down when they first arrived, explaining that it was Admiral Meve's orders that the El Aurian ship be allowed to leave once the safety of the Task Force had been confirmed. For a while Dixon didn't seem to listen or care, he just continued maneuvering his ships around the El Aurian ship which also put the Pandora in the middle.


    For it's part, the El Aurian ship simply hovered there as if it was unconcerned with any possible danger to itself. The only thing it did do was sidle closer to the Pandora, as if a mother protecting it's child.


    Things seemed to be at a stand off and remainded that way for twenty or so minutes as Hawke and Dixon debated. It went so far as Dixon trying to order Hawke to tell the El Aurian ship to turn itself over.


    And then the Captain of one of the Defiant class ships in the Task Force got impatient and overreacted. The Defiant banked towards the much larger El Aurian ship and fired a full spread of quantum torpedoes.


    Dixon started yelling at someone that was beyond the viewscreen on the Pandora, half the Bridge officers on the Pandora started reporting but Andrew reporting that the sensors had detected a massive buildup in the El Aurian ship's shields followed by an activation of it's weapons had caused Nick to envision his worst nightmare about to happen. When the El Aurian ship spun on it's axis and moved swiftly towards the onrushing torpedos it confirmed Nick's fear.


    The Defiant, also detecting the weapons activation and thinking it was the target, had veered away from the El Aurian ship as fast as it could. Before anyone else can react, the El Aurian ship fires some sort of energy weapon and obliterates the incoming torpedoes. As Andrew reports that the power of the weapons discharge was off the scales, the El Aurian ship slows and returns to the side of the Pandora. Andrew then reports that the El Aurian ship had decativated it's weapons.


    Luckily the display seemed to convince Dixon that cooler heads should prevail. After further discussion he ordered the Task Force to leave the star system. Then it was just a matter of returning the El Aurian boady to the ship.


    After Nick listens to the report that the body was successfully beamed over he steps down to the center part of the Pandora's bridge. He glances at Andrew "Open a channel to the ship, please." Andrew seems to hesitate and looks at Ethan who nods.


    Nick waits until the channel is open before saying "My apologies for what happened here..both times. I hope that you can forgive them."


    The El Aurian ship's computer responds "No one got hurt and as for forgiveness..do not worry. I will consider the incident that happened having taken place due to their inexperience. May I have your answer to my invitation?"


    Nick closes his eyes briefly and sighs. "I appreciate your offer and I can understand your wish for companionship. However, if I left with you I would be abandoning Starfleet and the Federation and betraying the oaths I took to both. Because of our finding you there is a situation back at the Station that I must be held to account for and if I left they would consider me a fugitive and I wouldn't be able to return. Plus there is the rebuilding of the El Aurian people that I must help with, along with...certain things that our people need to attend to. Moreover, my family is back on Earth and I cannot just abandon them. Nor can I leave the other people, those on the Station and those elsewhere, that I care about and love. I simply cannot leave them so I'm afraid I have to decline..at least at this time. My apologies."


    "Do not apologize, it is not needed. I can understand your reasons for staying. And as you say..there are certain things you and the others need to attend to. Because of which I am sure we will meet again....someday. I will be returning my crew home now and then I will leave to await the day when the time is right. E'sra detamini, Nicholas Ayers."


    The El Aurian ship accelerates and banks away from the Pandora. Within a few seconds, it engages it's main engines and disappears in a flash of light.


    Nick stares at the viewscreen for a few seconds as he briefly wonders if he made the right decision. Finally he turns towards Ethan and says "I think it's about time we get home. I'll...I'll be in my quarters." With that he turns and steps towards the turbolift. Before he enters it he glances one last time back at the viewscreen.

  23. The last thing that Nick expected the computer of the El Aurian ship to say was "Nicholas Ayers, I know you have not seen homeworld, you are too young. I offer you the chance to do so." Nick blinks, not quite sure he had heard what he had heard. When he feels the eyes of everyone on the bridge on him he realizes that he did indeed hear what he thought he heard. The Computer voice continues "And if you so wish I could take you to places in the Universe that you have never seen, that you may never see....and places that I have not seen myself. And at speeds far greater then that ship is capable of." Nick wonders if it's his imagination or if he really does detect a hint of pride in the Computer's voice as it says the last.


    Nick asks "If I may, what are the reasons behind your..generous invitation? You do not know me and as you said I am young, far younger then any member of any crew you have had."


    "I do know you, you are an El Aurian and that is enough. Yes, you are quite young but I have carried El Aurians as young and younger then you before. And earlier when I observed you and the others I noticed, when I was all but sleeping, that you seemed to be in a position of authority. With the difference in lifespans it naturally would lead to a far different perception of what is young and what is not in their culture. Besides, I must admit to a certain..wish for companionship. I have been alone for a long time and it will be a longer time still until what was lost is regained." The Computer voice seems to hesitate then it asks "If I may inquire, how many survived the tragedy?"


    Nick sighs inwardly "Most of the ones that managed to escape and the ones that were not at Homeworld when the Borg arrived. Some of the refugee ships were lost and so were some of your sister ships during or after the Borg attack. Some are unaccounted for. All told several thousand of us survived and are slowly integrating into our new homes and are rebuilding. However, yes, it will be a long time until what was lost is regained....perhaps not even in my lifetime."


    "You say their name openly. Are they known to this Federation of yours?"


    Nick sighs and nods "Unfortuantely they are and they are a threat to the Federation and to it's neighbors as well. A particularly insane member of the Q Continuum sent a sister ship of this one and its crew into an encounter with the Borg. The Borg have tried several times since to launch an invasion but have been rebuffed each time. Unfortunately the cost has been high. Many ships have been destroyed and their crews killed...or worse."


    The Computer voice is silent for a long minute then it asks "Captain Hawke, why did that Task force of your Federation try to retrieve me? It could not have been because my people gave them permission to do so."


    Nick inhales sharply at that question, understanding the implications behind it.

  24. Location: S.H. Aegis

    Time: Before the arrival of the El Aurian ship


    Nick had spent a few hours considering what Images had told him about the body down in Sickbay. It had generated a wide range of emotions in him, from shock and suprise to anger and down-right hatred. Finally those emotions died away or at the least subsided enough for him to rationally consider the problem. It took him only a few minutes to hit upon an answer for the problem presented. Not wanting that answer said over the intercom, Nick, with his guard in tow, went down to Sickbay to find the good Doctor.


    Nick enters Sickbay and looks around for Images. He spots Images and waits for the Doctor to finish what he was doing.


    Victor catches a glimpse of the captain and quickly gets rid of his patient with a "Call on me if it bothers you again."


    When the ensign leaves, there is an uneasy silence as the pair stare at one another. A silence which is broken by a suggestion by the Doctor.


    "Come to the office, its more private there," he says in a serious and secretive tone of voice. 


    He then proceeds to walk into the currently vacant office at the back of sickbay and takes the big chair behind the desk. 


    Nick follows the Doctor into the office after asking the guard to remain at the door. When the door closes, he asks the Doctor "I gave what you said to me earlier a lot of thought doctor and I went through a whole host of emotions. From shock to surprise to hatred, anger, and loathing mixed with a trace of fear. A small bit of which was directed at you. If you're wondering why, it has to do with the old line about not shooting the messenger for the message. At any rate, the emotions are in the past. What I want you to do is tell me if I'm wrong with the following summary of the situation. This is what your analysis of the dead El Aurian says. That it's male, probably at least several hundred years old in age if you know enough about El Aurian physiology to be able to discern such a thing which you may or may not be able to do so. No offense is meant by that, after all, it's not like I and my fellow El Aurians have been real forthcoming on a whole lot of things and besides an El Aurian that is 500 years old looks much like a human in his or her 40's. At any rate, he's been dead at least 100 to 150 years. And that lastly the computer says it's me. Would that be an accurate summarization?"


    "That would be quite an accurate, if not slightly rude summarization. Though we may not know much about El-Aurians there are basic traces in DNA similar to those used in carbon dating which we can use to approximate ages for various species. However you are correct in your statement that yes, we know the subjects age, sex, species, time of death cause of death and yes, that the computer, not I, may I state, believes it is you. I really am not a fan of temporal paradoxes and the like so as you asked I've run a few tests since my first findings and found different results but like you say, the files on record match yours."


    Nick sighs inwardly as he says "My apologies, I didn't mean to be rude with what I said. I guess this situation I find myself in is making me a little edgy. Again, my apologies. At any rate, the computer is saying that it's me. The problem is that I'm half human. Now, that's not to say that I'm the only half human and half El Aurian in the galaxy. The thing is if that person died over a hundred years ago it makes it rather impossible for it to be a clone of me. I'm not even in my 40's yet and no El Aurian in his 40's would be on one of my people's Starships as a member of it's crew. Simply put, the person would be considered far too young. Secondly, my father isn't even out of his 60's yet. Meaning my father wasn't even born when that person you have in the morgue died. Rather makes it being a clone of me a...well I guess I shouldn't say an impossibility but certainly a very large improbability. As you yourself said, you noticed your own discrepancies as well. I think it's safe to say that either there is a glitch in the computer..." Nick frowns slightly as he considers what he's about to say "...or that a game is being played by someone as of yet unknown. Would you agree, Doctor?"


    "You have a gift for precise description today Captain, I'd very strongly agree. Either there's a problem with the Starfleet Medical database or someone wants there to be a problem with the Starfleet Medical database. The only way I could safely disprove the former would be to take a trip to where our personnel records are updated from at Starbase 405 and to look at the files there. I'll do it sir, but it will take a couple of days."


    Nick sighs tiredly before saying "I can't give you permission to make that trip as much as I'd like to. You'll have to take this up with the Admiral and gain permission from him. Which brings me to my second question. When you stopped by earlier at my quarters and told me what the Computer was saying about the dead El Aurian..why did you ask if I wanted you to tell the Admiral or not? That's a rather...well lets just say that would be walking out on a limb if you didn't."


    "To be blunt sir, and dropping ranks for a second, Meve is a hothead. He's a damn good guy to have in command, you need someone who's able to be decisive and do the hard thing. But we both saw what happened the other day, he lost it. He beat up a table, banged up his hands pretty bad, fired you and screamed blue murder. If that was his reaction to finding out you belong the same species as the dead man, how do you think he'd react if he got word that you are that dead man? Not well I'd think, and certainly not something I'd like thrown at anyone in particular, not unless they'd want me to." Victor paused, pressing his hands together and leaning back in his chair "I still haven't told him yet and I don't think we should before we get this cleared up."


    Nick smiles and chuckles as he shakes his head. "Yes, the Admiral is temperamental and yes he did rather act violently. However, he didn't act that way because of finding out that the dead body is of an El Aurian and that the ship is an El Aurian ship..he's mad because I withheld that information from him..or more specifically I withheld the fact that the distress signal was of El Aurian in origin and that I was able to understand it and that I did not divulge that. He's also mad that I don't agree with him on the idea of handing the ship and it's technology and secrets over to the Federation and that doing so would protect the Federation. At any rate, Doctor, I can't order you to tell him nor can I order you not to tell him. Like I said I can't authorize you heading to Starbase 405 to confirm the suspicions. I can make two suggestions, however. That since it's a possible breach of security, you should inform Co...Lieutenant Quark of it. My last suggestion would be to remember your duty."


    Nick stands and steps towards the door as he says "I would say I would bring it up with the Admiral for you but if I do so he isn't likely to believe me. Good day..and thank you, Doctor."