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Crash Calestorm

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Posts posted by Crash Calestorm

  1. 09.15.14

    June 18 2261 (Stardate 2261.260)

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. We've docked at at Harrington Starbase with Colonel Marx, our precious cargo and the UNSS Bounty. Shoreleave intervals have been authorized for the crew.

    Mission Summary: Mission Specialist Byblos ventures into a Harrington Base bar. An encounter with an Orion becomes tense, also indicating there is an Orion presence on the station.

    Time Between Sims is 48 Hours.

  2. 09.08.14

    June 17 2261 (Stardate 2261.259)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 4 Hours. We are an hour out from the perimeter of Harrington Starbase.


    Mission Summary: Our crew handles part of the process of locating family records regarding the deceased crew of the Bounty. A CAP flies protection for theComanche Creek as the ship continues on approach Starbase Harrington. Bridge operations function as normal.


    Time Between Sims: 24 Hours

  3. 08.25.14

    June 17 2261 (Stardate 2261.259)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 6 Hours. With the UNSS Bounty under tow, we cross from the frontier territories into Federation space.


    Mission Summary: With the jalopy under tow and COL Marx attempting to find some normalcy, the ‘Creek continues onwards.


    Time Between Sims is 4 Hours. We meet again on 09.08.14.



  4. 08.18.14

    June 16 2261 (Stardate 2261.258)

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 8 Hours. Preparations begin in order to tow the UNSS Bounty to Starbase Harrington and Federation Space.

    Mission Summary: COL Marx meets Moral Officer T’Chana. Mission Specialist Byblos introduces himself to MID Schultz. CPT Calestorm again informs Dr. TAral the remaining Bounty crew are not to be revived and leaves orders that Marx may visit the area where the cryo-tubes are being stored if he chooses to.

    Time Between Sims is 6 Hours.

  5. The following log takes place sometime during the 8 Hour TBS, after Colonel Marx has been introduced to Captain Calestorm…


    USS Comanche Creek NCC-214

    Captains Ready Room

    Encrypted Comm Charlie-New Topeka CNT01


    “Ya want my professional opinion or my personal opinion?”


    “Saints and Ministers of Grace defend us*. Of course I’d like to hear both opinions, my dearest Captain.” The sarcasm in Admiral Coyote’s voice was offset by her slight smile.


    “Professionally, judging by his reaction to being two hundred years in his future? Colonel Marx’ll find his own way well enough with Starfleet or a private contractor. If he decides to enlist - or is that reenlist? I’m not quite sure how that would work with a two hundred year old Colonel - in the Fleet or go private sector.”


    “Personally, I didn’t get any weird vibes and I’m guessing Colonel Marx won’t go postal,” Crash waggled her hands in the air to illustrate her point, “so I’m hoping he continues to take things in stride.”


    “And his crew?” The Admirals expression was appropriately concerned.


    “I straight told him their cryo-tubes didn’t hold up as well as his. Marx is a smart man and he put two and two together.”


    “And as to reviving the crew…”


    “They’ve passed on and it ain’t right to mess with ‘em. We have them in cold storage in a designated bay and my standing orders are to leave ‘em the Hell alone. I’ll address the issue again with the CMO but I don’t plan on changing my mind.”


    Coyote nodded, the gesture quick and precise. “It’s your call Crash. What’s the plan from this moment forward?


    “We’ll be remaining here in the outer grid of The Rim territory for a couple more days and then tow the Bounty to Harrington base; the Engineering teams are pretty sure she’s stable enough. Once we dock at Harrington, Colonel Marx will be debriefed while GREGS* personnel handle the task of locating next of kin for the Bounty crew.”


    The ship’s captain paused and then continued speaking. “…Shauna, we wanted to be in on the hunt for that SOB, but I’ll admit it was my decision that the UNSS Bounty was more important. How goes the hunt for Tavington?”


    A satisfied smirk played on Coyotes features. “Forty Two is making life difficult for the Dragoon faction; I don’t think those pirates expected the attention of a joint Starfleet and independent civilian Task Force.” The raven haired senior officer shook her head in admiration. “Once Commodore Decker gets on a scent it’s hard to get him off of it, I’ll say that for him. I’ll brief you went I know more.”


    Crash just smiled, showing all teeth. “I wouldn’t want to be in Tavington’s boots about now. Not many take kindly to traitors, as Admiral Marcus* found out.”


    “Safe travels Crash.”


    “Wilco, Wile E. Comanche Creek out…”


    *Hamlet, Act One Scene 4

    *SFGREGS (Starfleet Graves Registration Services)

    *Starfleet Commander in Chief (Star Trek: Into Darkness 2013)

  6. 08.11.14

    June 15 2261 (Stardate 2261.257)

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 5 Minutes. Colonel Popsicle aka Christopher Marx is awake and seems to be aware of his surroundings and is speaking, New Yorker accent and all.

    Mission Summary: Colonel Marx is fully apprised of his situation.

    Time Between Sims is 8 Hours.

  7. 07.28.14

    June 14 2261 (Stardate 2261.256)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. The UNSS Bounty life support and pertinent ships systems are on line.


    Mission Summary: LT Shalin, CDR Wesley, LT Wrench (NPC) and LT CDR Tifa Kvar continue to investigate and bring the UNSS Bounty Systems on-line. LT CDR TAral has taken charge of the cryo-tubes and the only surviving member of the Bounty crew - an early space explorer known in records as Colonel Marx.


    Time Between Sims is 12 Hours.

  8. The following log takes place just prior to our 07.28.14 Sim…


    Captains Ready Room

    Secure Channel Communication


    “Captain Calestorm, are you wearing a flight suit?”


    The black flight suit and protective vest she wore were hard to miss. Commodore Obvious had obviously - pun intended - never set foot in a cockpit. “Aye Sir, I am. I was riding along and observing with a CAP patrol a little bit ago.”


    Decker made a gentle scoffing noise. “A proper ship’s captain should not be gallivanting around in starfighters. And I’ve heard about those ‘flybys’ of yours Captain and you had better not try any of that while the Task Force is on point with this mission.”


    Note to self: do a flyby of the Constellation bridge module when she had the chance.


    Matt Decker’s command style was direct and very proper and he’d established himself in the command ranks straight out of the Academy. He could be a pain in the ass, however.


    “Commodore, I’ve been flying for a long time and you can take the pilot out of the rotation but you can never take the pilot out of the officer. I find that leaving the ship to join the CAP as an observer or taking a fighter out on my own to survey a sector or planetary area put things in a perspective that bridge sensors, programs and written reports sometimes can’t really tell ya.”


    She paused and then with a what the hell attitude, said to the man, “If you’d really like to have me permanently grounded then I suggest you take the matter up with Admiral Coyote.”


    The statement was bold and calculated; Crash knew he’d never act on the suggestion, not with Coyote outranking him and if he wanted to get involved in a cluster fuzz with Ol’ Wile E.


    His response was gruff and an obvious deflection of the conversation to other matters at hand, specifically the written request Calestorm had transmitted to him. “About your recent report on the UNSS Bounty?”


    Crash decided to leave the matter go – for now – and got down to the business with the derelict project vessel.


    “Yes Sir. I’m suggesting that the Roarke’s Drift and Little Robe Creek rejoin the Constellation and Task Force 42 and continue onward in the hunt for Mister Tavington. The ‘Creek will remain with the UNSS Bounty and handle the towing and transport arrangements of the ship and its cryo-tubes to Harrington station.


    “Captain Calestorm I’m surprised at you.” Decker regarded her quizzically and with a touch of… Amusement? She couldn’t quite read his expression and it wasn’t alarming or anything, but she didn’t really like it.


    And then he went for the gut blow. “Your reputation suggests you never shy away from a mission.”


    Did he just call her a coward? Nah, he didn’t just call her a cow—Yep, Decker just called her a coward…


    With some effort, Crash corralled her rising temper and shoved it back. Instead, she shook her head to indicate “Commodore, the day I dump my oath and my mission is the day I retire, you hear me now?” Her accent was deployed at DefCon Five however.


    “Please watch your tone Captain.” His tone held a clear warning.


    “Yessir.” She gave the safe answer and then she continued. “Our duties require us to be wherever is needed and to take care of whatever situation presents itself. This situation with the Bounty was unexpected and yet must be resolved. I’m invoking salvage rights - so to speak - and I’d like to tow the ship back to Harrington.”


    The middle aged man considered the proposal for a moment and then asked, “Have you spoken with Admiral Coyote?”


    “That would be a negatory, Sir. I’ve informed you first per the field chain of command. If you’d like to speak to the Admiral yourself to inform her of these changes and the request, I leave the decision to you.”


    He considered this a moment, his attention fixed off screen and then turned his gaze back towards Cale. “Permission granted and you may inform the Admiral yourself.”


    “Will do, Commodore.”


    “God speed Captain, Constellation out.”


    (TBC In Sim)

  9. 07.21.14

    June 13 2261 (Stardate 2261.255)

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 15 Minutes. The Away team continues to find evidence the UNSS Bounty derelict is an Old Earth Air Force project.

    Mission Summary: Our away Team continues to investigate the UNSS Bounty. One cryo-tube is undamaged while the other occupants are beyond our help.

    Crash Calestorm -> TBS is 24 hours, we'll remain on station with any transfers and further investigations taking place and such

    Crash Calestorm -> Teams are free to come and go from the derelict

    Crash Calestorm -> and yes, CAPs are still a go

    STSF_Scooter -> No, but we'll consider the Bounty's life support and other vitals back up and running in those 24 hours, for the shirt sleeve environment

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours

  10. 07.14.14

    June 13. 2261 (Stardate 2261.255)


    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims is 5 Minutes. With the discovery of cryo-freeze tubes, the Away team continues investigating the UNSS Bounty derelict.


    Mission Summary: The crew finds evidence that the Bounty crew has ties to the Old Earth Air Force.


    Time Between Sims is 15 Minutes.