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Crash Calestorm

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Posts posted by Crash Calestorm

  1. Actually, Voyager was my absolute FAVOURITE Star Trek! It is for many of my friends too.

    Mind elabreating? Since I don't think we saw the same show.

    I don't mean to insult/offend a GM, but can you bring something to the table to explain this?


    (Yes, I admt it, I love to debate things. ;) )

    Explain what, exactly?


    (Greetings Folks. It was easier to multi-quote.)


    Kaspian: I also enjoy Voyager and the show got the 24th century out of the safe zone onto the frontier to have the crew actually face the unknown, protect, and explore per the Federation Starfleet.


    Andrew Lyon: just because you don't care for Voyager doesn't automatically mean that other fans don't enjoy it. We're a very large fan base with almost 50 years of the Trek Universe to play in and enjoy and all of the Treks have merits that will appeal to others but not necessarily to you. The fan culture needs a mutual respect for one another and the particular Trek interests that we may or may not share jointly.


    Captain Chirakis: asking for an elaboration/explanation from a fellow Trek fan is like bowling with hand grenades. Matter of fact, bowling with the hand grenade is probably safer then dealing with us Trek geeks. *BOOM!*


    And zooming back to the original topic subject of books: I've no idea why CPT Janeway was brought back in the Trek novels besides the obvious character choice to re-launch the Voyager line of novels? I've read a lot of Trek over the years but it was time for a change of pace to military sci fi/space opera such as David Webers Honor Harrington, Mike Shepherds Kris Longknife, Tanya Huffs Confederation.

  2. Every Trek fan has opinions on the Trek shows or novels and the respective Captains and/or the actors and we're going to have subjects/debates winging back and forth. What about throwing The Next Generation's (as an example) vaunted Captain into the mix? In my opinion, Captain Picard is not a flagship vessel leader.


    I grew up watching TNG as it was in it's prime when I got into Star Trek and enjoyed it. My father continues to watch Next Gen reruns, so inevitably I'll find myself now looking at TNG plots/characters with a sort of disconnected....observation of clarity or whatever. Watching Picard as an older adult viewer, I now find certain aspects of the character's leadership lacking. I don't find the actor lacking; all hail Sir Patrick Stewart.


    Maybe Jean-Luc Picard shouldn't have been in command of the 1701-D as the lead flag vessel and representative commanding officer of the Federation Starfleet. The specific leadership capabilities of the character of Picard may have been better utilized. He could have commanded:


    - Within the capacity of a diplomacy (Picard was a true diplomat and owned it) vessel

    - A team dealing with political hot spots and diffusing the situations

    - A crew specializing in First Contact missions

    - Clandestine observation of non-warp capable societies such as the events shown in Times Arrow

    - A team/crew that specialized in spearheading an Archeology (as this was an interest of his) mission

    - Exploration mission, deep space, that required his calming mindset for the long mission away

    - Medical vessel command. Yes, he was no Medical officer though his personality was suited for rescue/assistance/medical missions


    Chain of Command (There are FOUR lights!) is also an excellent spotlight on the inner fortitude of Captain Picard and showed what he was capable of. Yes, he is a leader, but not necessarily for the mainstream flag vessel of the Federation Starfleet. In another timeline, who knows?

  3. Meanwhile, in another section of the galaxy....


    Frontier Rim

    Colony Planet Nova AC

    Black Kris Offices (Formerly known as The Maze)


    Mareena Romo had settled quickly into her re-acquired role as CEO of the Black Kris Security Services. Transitioning from a slave and drug running operation to a legitimate mercenary and security consultant operation was not as difficult as one might think; the phoenix had truly risen from the ashes.


    Doing so while a minor civil war over territory broke out among several bickering factions of the Orion Cartel? As well as several of the factions targeting the Black Kris just on general principle because they had broken away from the slave and drug running? This was another matter entirely.


    The free-held Orion space wasn’t disintegrating, exactly, but new alliances were forming as old and new rivalries shifted and changed.


    She had taken over her deceased husbands former office, the area long since relegated to storage. She preferred the location as it was in one of the high security warehouses. With some drapes, a Vulcan rug and a vase sculpture imported from the Klingon homeworld, the office demonstrated the decorative side of Mareena without overwhelming any visitors.


    Awaiting the arrival of her agent, Romo entered a final encryption code on an electronic data slate. The information contained therein was for her allies to do with as they pleased. The slate was coded for the DNA readings of one of three individuals to access the device: the black sheep Scooter Wesley, the adventurous Crash Calestorm or the ubiquitous Wile E. Coyote. The target ship regardless was the USS Comanche Creek.


    Mareena had once upon a time been a corporal in an elite all-female Orion assault unit and had never much cared for the concept of call signs or code names, it was such nonsense and drivel, these silly names. But who was she to judge? Strange bedfellows and all that sort of fun! It made life interesting!


    When Mareena had initially approached Calestorm - and by extension Admiral Coyote - for a mutually beneficial exchange of information when needed to benefit her organization and theirs, it had been a gamble but the gamble was hers to make.


    Now would be one such situation to make good on the offer and warn her so called allies of these current and possibly disturbing developments within the loosely controlled space of the Cartel.


    Byblos arrived as soon as he upon receiving the encoded transmission on his hand held communication device. The symbol of the Black Kris was prominently displayed with a coded color. The selected color represented The Lady herself. The woman named Mareena, Byblos’ current employer. He did not often get summoned from the top.


    Upon arriving Byblos was confronted by several Orion Males providing security for “The Lady” as Byblos thought of her. The Orion Males did not show much pleasure seeing a Nausicaan summoned by The Lady. Byblos was used to this. It was an Orion organization, he just happened to be hired by the Black Kris for certain skill sets in need.


    As the smug Orions opened the doors to The Lady’s office, Byblos entered having been allowed to keep his weapons on him. Perhaps that was why the Orions were not too pleased to have him visit The Lady. In a way Byblos was surprised as well, he was armed to the teeth, mostly with Bladed weapons, and what was described to him by a whore in during a recent stay at the Evenstar Brothel....a “Hand Cannon.”


    Nausicaans preferred bladed weapons, it was part of their culture. His dual barreled..”hand cannon” currently slung over his shoulder in a holster was something of a necessity. Most cultures preferred to shoot first before close combat.


    So whatever The Lady had summoned Byblos for. It clearly was bloody important. It usually took him three minutes to strip himself of his weapons. Byblos proceeded forward and bowed. “My Lady.. I am here as summoned.”


    Mareena merely waved a hand, the gesture both dismissing the formality and indicating that there was business to tend to. “Mister Byblos. I have a courier run that will make use of your particular skills. Am I to understand that you appearance here in my office indicates you are interested?”


    Byblos stood upon Mareena’s gesture his height and muscular appearance made him look rather impressive for a non-Orion.


    “I am always available to serve The Lady of the Black Kris,” Byblos replied.


    “Very well.”


    She handed the flat screened device across the desk to the big Nausicaan. Encased in a protective slip-case, it was small enough to slip into a briefcase or tactical vest pocket.


    “This is to be delivered to the nearest representative of the Starfleet’s Border Patrol and then forwarded to the lead flag ship from there. You are to use one of our Azure class transports. Report to Commander Serval* in the hanger and he will assign you to one. Your destination is on the edge of Federation space, near the location of Starbase Harrington.”


    “You are to rendezvous with the SS Ibn Daud, the First Threat Response ship engaged in operations out of that starbase or so the four month old intelligence tells us!”


    The green skinned woman half threw her hands up in the air in grudging admiration. “These Border Patrol officer-types are rather difficult to deal and for some reason they are hesitant to share information with us. They make the Romulans seem somewhat forward and cuddly...”


    Mareena paused and considered as her face took on expression somewhere between mirth and deviousness. “...but then again I’ve not shared all of our operations with Dear Admiral Wile E.”


    Dropping her hand down on her desk to slap it in enthusiasm, she offered a laugh. “...but I digress! Pardon me Mister Byblos! Is it not all about the adventure of the delivery?”


    The Nausicaan digested the information The Lady had provided him about the mission she offered him. He knew of the Human led Federation, but his opinion of them was not favorable. It would indeed be an “Adventure” of a job.


    “My Lady, I am gracious for your offer to complete this mission for you. I am admittedly, uncertain of the odds of being able to find a Federation ship. They seem to be a political organization that has yet to invest enough construction of Ships to cover it’s borders. Finding one of their vessels may take some time. It is my sincere hope that the information you wish to give this....this Federation is not time sensitive.”


    Byblos thought a moment and continued..”Nonetheless, I will use our craft as long as it takes to find a Federation Vessel. I know you to be an excellent employer. Having rendezvoused with the Federation, how will I be compensated for this Adventure? It is my understanding, while the Federation has outlawed slavery and they have no system of compensation for employment. How their members stay loyal to their Organization is a mystery to me. Will my account be continued credited once I am inside the Federation?


    “You will be recieve compensation for duration.” The older woman then handed the big mercenary a credit chit. “That will cover initial expenses. It is of importance that the Intelligence regarding the ongoing changes within the Cartel and factions reach our allies, Mister Byblos.”


    Byblos took the credit chit and the data padd. “Very well My Lady, I will get this delivered to the Federation If it costs me my life.” Byblos ended with a bow and an exit from Mareena’s office enroute immediately to the hanger.




    * Byblos is a Merc, so of course the notion of payment comes up. He has heard of the Federation and knows a little about them, but he doesn’t understand how they can maintain themselves with no form of payment to their crews. Hence he is asking in a way to The Lady that he continue to be paid until his return. He also holds the opinion of them is they do not have enough ships to hold the space they occupy.


    * Kzinti male, second in command of the Black Kris Mercenary organization

  4. 07.15.13

    March 22, 2261 (Stardate 2261.83)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 48 Hours. Arriving at Starbase Harrington, we begin docking and transport procedures for our live cargo.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Working with our personnel for transfer of the M113 creature, Professor Crater is a confident scientist who conveys he will be able to ascertain where the Salt Vampire originated from. Our crew is granted 72 Hour leave to enjoy the recreational facilities of Starbase Harrington. Elsewhere, there is tension regarding our unusual guest.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims: 72 Hours

  5. 07.08.13

    March 20, 2261 (Stardate 2261.81)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 1 Hour. After the detainment of the Salt Monster aka Salty, our intrepid crew plans their next move.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Preparations are underway to leave Osiris Prime orbit. The Federation survey team will continue their work on the planet prior to the interruption. Our orders via Admiral Coyote are to transport the Salt Vampire to Professor Crater, Starfleet Sciences Division, Starbase Harrington.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims: 48 Hours, low warp travel, arrival at Harrington for start of 07.15.13 Sim

  6. The fuel dump would have been a gamble if there was anything to lose, for the outcomes were as follows:


    Do not dump the fuel and ignite: burn up in 40 minutes.

    Dump the fuel and not be detected: burn up in 10 minutes.

    Dump the fuel and be detected: potentially be rescued.


    The shuttle passengers were essentially dead given their current circumstances - the waiting was all that remained. Providing a signal was the only logical course of action, even if one didn't expect anyone to be watching. Do nothing: you die. Do something: you'll probably die sooner, but you might just live.


    As for your other comments: they are essentially correct. Logic is a fine tool, but it only functions if the premises are correct. Spock's premises were, in several cases, erroneous.


    And 1st Season TOS was generally more...conducive (?) to command type decisions or situations that showcased how a character might deal with leadership or situations that tested an officer or crewmember..


    "Balance of Terror" or submarines in space: commander vs commander squaring off in a silent battle. There was also a subplot between two officers showcasing what can be the cold factors of serving in a Fleet/military service. I'm not implying Seasons 2/3 weren't engaging as 2 has what's generally considered some of the best episodes - Amok Time, Mirror Mirror, Journey to Babel, Bread and Circuses - of the series. And we won't go near the infamous "Spocks Brain" of Season 3 (Brain? Brain? What is Brain?!")


    Season 1 took a more classic approach to captains, commanders, officer conduct, field command/decisions, space military, space opera/science ficton with eps like Galileo 7, Balance, Court Martial. IMO. ;-)

  7. Captain: have you ever read Dreadnought? Diane Carey didn't miss that particular detail, either.


    I have read Dreadnought - a long time ago Doc - and a copy is currently (I think) somewhere in my Twilight Zone of Storage. I honestly don't recall all the aspects of the novel's plot, or if the contents considered Boma/officers not making a good field operative. As you've pointed this out, I may have to go diving for it one day to refresh my memory. I do know Dreadnought was the era of novels (1980's to say early 90's) when the authors were allowed to use non-canon characters and for the most part these were good characters. And Diane Carey is what I consider one of the select "true blue" Star Trek authors as her Trek novels are just so good.


    And to wing back towards the Spock Logic vs Spock Illogic of the Galileo 7? Yes his actions were ultimately logical, even with the gamble at the end with the last ditch effort with the fuel dump/flare. I'd like to come in from a couple other Galileo 7 angles:


    1.) Spock did some 'scrambling' throughout the episode as he worked through being in command of the mission; leaders aren't made instantly but there are times a mission leader must learn quickly & on the fly due to circumstances

    2.) He adhered at all times to his logic, being true to his overall nature

    3.) Logic doesn't necessarily apply to all command situations or decisions, yet it sometimes takes logic to recognize that

    4.) The fuel dump was a gamble (a logical gamble?) but it was correct to assume the Enterprise was searching


    As for the Galileo team teasing Spock? That might be considered a sign of acceptance as their leader.


    Would I follow Spock on an Away Mission as my Team Leader? Yes I would.


    Would I be thrilled if Spock assigned me to scout the area as he did Latimer and Gaetano? Probably not, but I signed up to see the galaxy and explore strange new worlds.

  8. 07.01.13

    March 20, 2261 (Stardate 2261.81)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief:Time between Sims is 4 Hours. With further evidence that the “Salt Vampire” was transported via cargo container and ejected onto Osiris Prime, the crew has set up a command post on the planet’s surface and continues to search for the displaced creature.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: After a hyper encounter with the creature, the Salt Vampire has been captured and left unharmed. Our Medical and Science personnel (like the Osiris Prime survey team) suspect there is a basic intelligence within the creature, augmented by a predator nature and the ability to mentally project.


    Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us.* Again, why do we get the really weird missions?


    Per orders from Admiral ‘Wile E.’ Coyote at FTR Command, we are to remand the Salt Vampire* to the custody of Professor Crater of the Starfleet Sciences Division.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims: 2 Hours


    = = = =

    Chat Notes:

    [Crash Calestorm] ...we'll tie up lose ends and begin prep for pulling away from the planet. The Survey Team will continue their work, while we will head to Starbase (Insert Name Here) at some point next Sim.

    [shalin] The creature is secure in the brig, and I'm somewhere else?


    [Crash Calestorm] Yes; the creature will be secured and monitored by SCI/MED


    *See Memory Alpha for further details on the Salt Vampire from Classic Trek The Man Trap

    *Hamlet, Act One, Scene IV (as quoted in Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country)

  9. Going slightly off topic in the topic with regard to: Lieutenant Boma.


    His reactions were purely emotional (as opposed to Spock's logic) and that's fine as the episode was pretty action and tension packed. I get the fact that Boma was needed as the foil, the one to countermand the logic for the episodic drama.


    Boma strikes me as the type of officer Calestorm (non-canon example) would not like to have at her back in a Galileo 7 situation. He was combative, questioning Spocks decisions constantly and just didn't deal with the situation very well. Not a very good "field man".


    In contrast to Doctor McCoy who isn't necessarily a field operative either and always questions Spock (irascible, but with respect) yet recognizes that Spock is in command and McCoy can be trusted to handle things when needed.


    Just throwing this into the mix.

  10. "It is better to be a coward for a minute than dead for the rest of your life." – Irish Quote


    Osiris Prime

    Comanche Creek Command Outpost



    With Commander Wesley carrying out orders and expanding shipboard patrols and the Osiris Prime squad grids, it was only a matter of time before the creature was located again. The caves the survey team had hidden in contained a mineral that prevented scanning equipment from functioning optimally and were now off limits within the search grid; it was too dangerous to risk going in blind. If the creature was holed up in one of the caves, it would come out eventually.


    Boy Howdy, yes it did come out to play.


    Captain Crash Calestorm stood in a clearing. The flowers of Osiris Prime were in bloom and the vivid purples, greens, pinks and oranges painted a beauty that was raw and untouched. The surrounding trees and bushes were lush. The serene setting was marred by the creature that stood across the distance from her: the salt sucker, the salt monster, the salt vampire as it had acquired many names over the last few days as her crew had become more aware of what they searched for.


    It was a predator, yes, and had proven it could be dangerous. But, the human race could also be considered predatory and dangerous. Mind you, she really didn’t want to go mano a mano with this thing. Twenty years ago? Oh, so not a problem and she would have gone right at it, fists flying or phaser spitting energy. But, none of that today, thank you very much.


    It wasn’t a pleasant thing to look at and for all Cale knew it considered her to be just as ugly. Dark gray fur, deep set eyes that carried a primal intelligence, the face had folds of skin and fur. A round shaped sucker represented a mouth and its main fore appendages had multiple suckers. It stood no more than thirty feet away. Crash’s mind worked with guesstimated distance to the camp and just how fast a human could run.


    She’d ordered her escort back to the command post and continued on for a short distance, partially to clear her head, partially to get a better sense of the area. Overhead sensor scans and tracking programs were great for tactical planning, but you never got a true sense of your surroundings until you used your mark one eyeball.


    The beast was smart, cunning and deadly. It knew she was alone. She and the others deployed with the landing party had known it hadn’t had access to humanoid salt for several days in order to lure it, see if an urge would drive it into the open. The gamble had worked. Oh, happy joy.


    Calestorm spoke slowly and evenly into her iComanche communicator. “Come in, Big Boy.”


    “Crash, Big Boy. 2ndFireteam spotted it ‘bout ten minutes ago up on the ridge.”


    “It’s right here. It’s looking at me.”


    “It’s a butt ugly thing isn’t it?”


    “…I think it can hear you Big Boy…”


    The silver haired woman slowly slid her communicator into its tactical slot on her combat vest, automatically syncing her ear bud mic into the network; her movements were very deliberate and slow. The creature just stared, yellow eyes flashing.


    “Sir, don’t move. It won’t hurt you if…”


    She’d been taught (aka the lesson had been beaten into her figuratively and not so figuratively) to listen to whatever an NCO or enlisted had to tell you, no matter what ‘cause chances are they knew your job better than you anyway. This was so not one of those moments! Screw this! She turned and hauled ass; self-preservation - and fear- was a great motivator for an old broad to break the sound barrier.


    “Ahhhhhhhh!” The yell came out halfway between a scream of terror and primal scream. ”I am *huff* inbound and down!”


    “Crash! Captain! What happened are you okay?! We’re com-”


    “Neg-ative! Negative!” A pause as she leaped over a brightly colored bush and then Cale’s voice came back over the team communications line, fading in and out as she ran. Damn skippy she was running and zoom zoom zoom.


    “No one is to deploy to my position! Repeat, no one is to move! I’m coming to you and do not need saving!”


    Well okay, that wasn’t entirely true. But, this thing needed to keep thinking she was alone, panicked and easy prey. Salty was fast. But today, Crash intended to be faster with fear lending her the speed she needed.


    Her orders rang out over the shared wireless. “What I need is for interception of Salty when I clear that treeline! Every phaser, ev-son of a! -,”another leap, she landed awkwardly and glanced off a tree with the hard surface deflection somehow keeping her on course and moving forward,“ev-every phaser rifle! He-heavy stun!”


    Calestorm ran for all she was worth, the snarls behind her a motivator. Local birds and small animals scattered in the wake of the commotion. She burst out of the tree line, flying down the slight embankment and right into Private Hudson’s arms. Physically spent and gasping for air she leaned into his embrace and didn’t much care if she looked weak and her hand snatched at his tactical vest in a death grip. Backing away from ground zero and off to the side, Hudson used one arm to prop the Captain up while his free arm aimed his own phaser rifle.


    Lieutenant Hicks and Staff Sergeant Vega were at the front of the combined security and marine interception squad, spread out in a half moon deployment. Engineering, sciences, medical and communications officers that had accompanied the landing party maintained the back forty of the command post as a second line of containment, using cargo containers for cover. Two heavy SAR shuttles hovered overhead, one to each side of the camp.


    The Salt Sucker cleared the line of trees an instant later.


    Movie night was a popular pastime on the USS Comanche Creek. Eerily reminiscent of the final scene for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, as Cassidy and Sundance bolted out of their shelter straight into the line of fire of the Mexican Federales, Salty faced similar circumstances but there was no director to yell ‘cut’ and ‘let’s replay the scene’.


    Time seemed to slow for Crash in a hyper awareness as she watched the containment situation unfold.


    The sweat dribbled out from under Hudson’s helmet and sluiced down his temple.


    Rifles and phasers were leveled.


    Her breathing sounded muffled in her ears.


    Crash’s free hand dropped to her leg holster and tightened on the grip of her phaser.


    The creature emitted a muffled snarled and leapt toward the nearest Red Shirt.


    (TBC in Sim…)




    Peter Venkman: Come in Ray

    Raymond Stantz: Venkman, I saw it, I saw it, I saw it!

    Peter Venkman: It's right here Ray, it's looking at me.

    Raymond Stantz: It's an ugly little spud isn't it.

    Peter Venkman: I think it can hear you Ray.

    Raymond Stantz: Don't move, it won't hurt you if you-

    Peter Venkman: AHH!

    Raymond Stantz: Venkman, Venkman, Venkman what happened are you ok?!

    Peter Venkman: He slimed me.

    - Ghostbusters 1984


    *Author Note: PVT Hudson, LT Hicks and SSgt Vega are NPCs assigned to the Comanche Creek MARDET

  11. = = USS Comanche Creek = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    07.01.13 Mission Brief: March 20, 2260 (Stardate 2261.81) With further evidence that the “Salt Vampire” was transported via cargo container and ejected onto Osiris Prime, the crew has set up a command post on the planet’s surface and continues to search for the displaced creature.


    = = End Brief = =

  12. 06.24.13

    March 20, 2261 (Stardate 2261.81)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 24 Hours. With the discovery of the surviving members of the survey team, our efforts now turn to the new matter at hand – the Salt Monster of Osiris Prime


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: A patrol finds a decimated cargo container with evidence that the creature was held inside. The serial number has been partially removed, but our onboard computers come up with a hit on the remaining numbers: the container can be traced to one Mr. Harcourt Fenton Mudd, of Mudds Transport, Inc. The conclusion is that the pod was dumped for unknown reasons on Osiris Prime.


    Orders from Admiral Coyote are to take the being/creature alive. Our CMO cautions the CO and XO that the creature may be on board the Comanche Creek as well and can project mental images.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 4 Hours and we continue the search, both on ship and on Osiris Prime.

  13. The following log takes place shortly after the events of our 06.17.13 Sim…


    Stardate 2261.80

    Medical Bay, Private Office


    The missing members of the survey team had been found alive and this was a welcome development. What was not a welcome development was a vicious predator on the loose on Osiris Prime.


    Calestorm had sequestered Lieutenant Asher prior to a medical checkup, also known as Captains Prerogative*. She really never pulled this type of stuff but wanted to question the man herself - along with the seemingly ever present Staff Sergeant Vega and she swore the ground pounder was a Mafia bodyguard in a past life or something - to gauge if he was telling the truth.


    As she engaged Asher in the informal debrief he was a harried young man, yes, as anyone would be in these circumstances but maintained his senses. He was also a true scientist, allowing his exploratory nature to come through. As for his mental capacity, he recalled details in crisp clarity. The lieutenant was from the same geographic area as Doctor Maturin* - Old Earth’s England, but the regional accent was different.


    “…..the creature decimated our marine protection team, one by one. When I and the others finally deduced what was going on, it was much too late.”


    “We’ve located Corporal Tremaine’s body.” Crash kept her tone gentle and even.


    Asher allowed a small sigh at that. “The corporal was a brave woman, liked by everyone. Tremaine had been our communications expert and we’d no idea our communications had been compromised; the creature can be smart and somehow knew and it has a predators cunning which can be even more dangerous. We abandoned the site, kept moving from cave to cave in order to hide from it. We knew we’d never make it to the evacuation shuttle pad, not out in the open like that.”


    “What else happened Lieutenant?”


    “One of my chief technicians, Mitchell Geary was intimately involved with Corporal Tremaine…,” he hesitated and then shrugged. “I saw no reason to stop the relationship…”


    She waved her hand in a gentle gesture to interrupt him. “El Tee, we’ve gone beyond any fraternization violations here. We got bigger problems to deal with, like how the hell to get out of this and deal with this creature.”


    “You’re quite right, Captain. The creature in some way adopted Tremaine’s form.” He paused and sighed, shaking his head. “It still seems so strange. We were all attending the weekly debrief. Somehow Mitch knew it wasn’t really her but couldn’t figure out what was making him uneasy and then it attacked later on in the day. A very…feral creature, its true form manifested like something out of a childs dark fantasy tale. He’d died instantly.”


    “I’d like you to give the full description of this…animal, if I can call it that? To my Exec as well as our Security and MARDET commanders and Department Chiefs once you are able?”*


    “Of course I will. A keen mind is there among the predatory reactions. It enjoys the hunt and the kill Ma’am.”


    “Lieutenant Asher, thank you very much for your time. Now, you’d best move along so Doctor T’Aral and her staff can check you over and she doesn’t yell at me for keeping you,“ she indicated the outer medical bay with a tic of her head.


    “Quite right, Captain. But, please consider an alternative? This creature is an unprecedented find and we know nothing of the true origin or world of birth. Yes, I understand it is dangerous and if you’ve no other alternative…I understand if it must be put down.”


    The youngster then took his leave and a medical assistant from the Doctors staff met him just outside the office door.


    Calestorm’s face was unreadable as she considered the survey leaders last statement; Vega had come to know that look. “Skipper? You alright?”


    She turned her attention to her Rapid Reaction Force squad leader and unofficial aide-de-camp slash bodyguard. Big Boy Vega, like Scooter Wesley, had a good head on his shoulders and was a good listener when needed and didn’t put up with any bullsh*t besides.


    “We got ourselves another contamination situation. At least there isn’t a dragon and an evil Count to contend with this time. But, I swear we keep getting the really weird missions.” She sighed. “This thing can kill by sucking the salt out of a body and then take the victims form? This is messed up stuff here Staff, know what I’m sayin’?”


    “Yes it is Ma’am. No argument here. Dealing with an entire squad of Klingons is much more appealing.”


    (TBC In Sim)


    *Also known as a Plot Log

    *Resident Naturalist, Sciences Department (NPC)

    *See Memory Alpha for M-113 creature description (as seen in TOS episode The Man Trap) & we’re “borrowing” the furry nasty for use on Osiris Prime

  14. 06.17.13

    (March 18, 2261, Stardate 2261.79)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sim has been 12 Hours. With the discovery of CPL Tremaine’s body, the search continues with a growing sense of urgency for any remaining members of the survey team. Our Medical Staff attempts to ascertain exactly what happened to the Corporal.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: An obviously vexed Lieutenant Asher approaches one of our search teams and hurriedly begins to explain what has been going on, insisting that the search parties be called off and everyone seek shelter.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours.


    = = = =

    Chat Notes:

    [Crash Calestorm] Alrighty Folks - obviously, Asher and most of his peeps are still alive.

    [shalin] Wow ... a happy ending!

    [Crash Calestorm] Our TBS is 24 hours. In that time, Asher and his team will be brought on board to be checked

    [Crash Calestorm] But in the meantime, there is now an issue with a non inigenous creature running around on Osiris Prime. And...its a blast from Treks past ::hint::

    [shalin] Don't mind the caves, but beware of the Craters!

    [Crash Calestorm] and everyone hold onto your salt!

  15. Given Abrams caved in to do the Next Star Wars Film, is anyone comfortable about him getting around to another Trek Film in less than Four Years?


    As compared to three TV series set in the 24th century, following the same mandates and general plotlines? Perhaps less Trek (and time) is more.


    Mr. Abrams and his go to group wouldn't be a very good production team if they didn't work on several projects at once. It's a business and like all businesses, it's not all about one project or contract and these things can and will take several years if necessary. If four years is what it takes to bring the next New TOS film, then so be it.


    Just because the Classic films were pumped out every two/three years or so and we had series after Trek series in predictable patterns doesn't dictate that New TOS wil follow the same pattern.


    And I do agree with VR's take that the next film (if there is one) can pick up after - or maybe later during - the 5 year mission proposed at the end of Darkness, therefore the characters will age accordingly.