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Crash Calestorm

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Posts posted by Crash Calestorm

  1. 11.04.13

    April 17, 2261(Stardate 2261.109)



    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time between Sims is 20 minutes. With the discovery of the USB (Unified Syndicate/Beta) Spiders, our intrepid crew attempts to ascertain what the little mechanical buggers were doing on the Harrington listening/training outpost.



    = = = =

    Mission Summary: The Spiders caused no permanent damage to the outpost systems. The Away Team finds that whatever information they were released to download was interrupted, with the remote host signing off when Hornet 20 surprised the unknown fighter and shuttle hiding at the outpost.



    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours. The USB devices are brought back to ‘Creek for further study on Calestorm’s orders.

  2. = = StarIntel Encrypted 42 = =

    = = Code Name: Creepy Crawlies = =


    >>> Unified Syndicate/Beta Spider >>>


    Unified Syndicate was an Earth-based development company that dealt with electronics products. Established in 2185, the company would utilize contracts with a variety of military or exploratory based organizations, among them the Federation.


    Measuring six inches from leg to leg and three inches high, the “Beta Spider” was developed in 2192 and intended as a remote access field device. Funding collapsed and the project ultimately folded which further added to financial problems of the company. Due to lack of financial backing and other private contractors taking on the market, UniSyn would permanently shut down the second quarter of 2210.


    A total of one hundred Betas were produced for testing and remnants of the mechanical-polymer spiders can be found with private collectors or the galactic Black Market and are sought after for the simplicity of maintenance. The devices can be easily modified, from a low powered IED to a child’s simple remote controlled toy.


    In recent years a more common use of the device - especially among pirate and smuggler organizations - is as a data collector; the spiders are released covertly to access computer systems and download information. If the connection is severed from the remote host, the Beta’s will usually not react autonomously and complete the programmed mission due to a permanent glitch in the spider hardwiring.


    = = Harrington Protection Detail 42 = =

    = = End Information = =


    *OOC Note: The Away team is being monitored. This real-time information dispatch would be relayed from the Starfleet Intel squad at Harrington Base to the Comanche Creek bridge as well as the lead officers on site at Listening Post Harrington (within our 20 minute TBS).

  3. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    11.04.13 Mission Brief: April 17, 2261 (Stardate 2261.109) Time between Sims is 20 minutes. With the discovery of the USB (Unified Syndicate/Beta) Spiders, our intrepid crew attempts to ascertain what the little mechanical buggers were doing on the Harrington listening/training outpost.

    = = End Brief = =

  4. 10.28.13

    April 17, 2261 (Stardate 2261.109)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Arriving at the original Harrington Base, our squad prepares to investigate to ascertain if anything has been tampered with or damaged.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Our team has a rather interesting encounter with metal-polymer spiders that seem rather friendly if not slightly confused.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 20 minutes.

  5. Shalin -> +Maya+ Tell the Commander that the away team is assembling; we just need the Lead Officer to report and we can be on our way.

    STSF_Scooter -> ::taps the button on the center seat:: That would be you, DW. Captain's tied up with official business.

    - Comanche Creek 10.21.13 Chat


    April 17, 2261

    Harrington Starbase


    The cordoned off hanger berth was quiet as the officers attending the ‘for your eyes only’ debrief processed the verbal and digital information that had just been given to them. The salvaged pieces from the EC shuttlecraft explosion were spread out on the landing pad area, grouped according to size, component and function.


    Calestorm scrolled a finger down the touch screen of her data slate, jumping forward to the same paragraph that she had just read.


    Damn peculiar…


    Rear Admiral Shauna Coyote spoke, breaking into the contemplative silence. “Colonel, you’re telling us the shuttle was un-piloted?”


    Colonel William Tavington gave a nod, the Englishman’s gesture short and curt. “Yes Admiral that is exactly what I am saying. My SI* technicians found evidence in the surviving core systems that the craft was retrofitted to drone specifications.”


    “Is it safe to assume the unknown fighter was controlling the drone shuttle and detonated to avoid capture?” Cale’s accented tone rang out within the space.


    “Captain Calestorm, you should be aware as well as I am that in our business assuming can render you quite dead in the right circumstances.“


    Crash raised an eyebrow.


    “But in answer to your query, that would be a yes. The projection hypothesis from my staff analyst is that the drone was performing electronic countermeasures and then dropped like so much baggage once you came upon them during your little patrol.”


    The silver-white haired women turned to her raven-haired counterpart, giving Coyote an imperceptible nod that indicated agreement.


    Shauna interjected into the conversation. “This isn’t making sense. The Widows Run access corridor and the Harrington sectors are suddenly the new hotspot of the galaxy after years of quiet save for the usual backdoor pirate traffic. The Olympic Carrier, missing for months, is sent in system carrying a nuclear payload with no personnel or civilians on board. Now, we’ve a fighter and drone shuttle with pirate configuration equipment sniffing around the listening outpost…”


    Colonel Mitchell Patton picked up the conversation from that point. “It’s as if these Dragoons, if they are the pirate group behind all this activity,” he gave a nod to Tavington, “don’t really have their act together. They remind me of Boots just out of Basic. Dangerous, yes, but still learning and with no real combat experience yet.”


    “Ah agree with Mitch. I’m not sayin’ this mysterious ‘Wraith’ leader and his or her Dragoons aren’t a threat, but it’s like they all don’t have their act together yet which could be more of a problem.” Crash waved a hand vaguely.


    Colonel Tavington turned his attention to Coyote. “Admiral, how are the plans on your area of responsibility going?”


    “Preparations are underway and Commander JoNs* and her commandos will be going undercover in the Bad Lands within 72 hours. The FTR had been planning a reconnaissance foray into the outer sectors, we’ve just moved the mission launch date up as well as the locations of interest due to thee recent events. Eighteen personnel will be going undercover; the cover story will be a cargo hauler crew looking for work and we expect no problems. You can expect a detailed report from JoNs.”




    “Three months.”


    “And what of the Away Team investigating the Harrington listening outpost?”


    “Inbound now, select crew of three from the Comanche Creek. Less is more and subtle. If they run into trouble we’ll have backup there before the echo fades on the wireless.”


    Tavington nodded his approval. “Good. I daresay hope the post wasn’t compromised in any way from our ‘midnight visitors’. In addition the Commander and her crew have full access to any Fleet Intel available to assist with their mission.”


    Mitchell grinned. “I have word that JoNs’s counterintelligence lead is already drooling over the Dragoon files available, thank you Colonel Tavington.”


    The Starfleet Intelligence representative actually smiled at the Marine FTR officer, but then his attention shifted to Calestorm and the smile took on the usual unpleasant edge.


    “Captain Calestorm…I’ve noted that you and your command and department leads seem to enjoy these little jaunts into the unknown, going undercover and all that sort of adventure. Yet …Commander JoNs and her crew seem to be taking on the lion’s share of responsibility this time around. Don’t think you’re up to this one?”


    Crash fixed Tavington with ‘The Look’. “…Colonel. The First Threat Response program has grown since the division’s inception. We have several ships and crews on the payroll at this point, all equally capable in their duties. The Comanche Creek and her crew are needed to protect Harrington Base…that’s what we do. That’s what we will do.”


    “I’d say we’ve covered a lot of ground with this meeting. I say we break and pick it up again tomorrow, same time, main conference room.” As the ranking officer Shauna quickly asserted her vaunted diplomacy skills, guiding the meeting to a conclusion.


    Once Tavington and his aide had exited the hanger bay, Crash turned to the FTR commanding officer and the assistant commander of the FTR Ground Ops.


    “Y’all do realize I’m prolly gonna deck that walking stiff at some point?”


    Exasperated looks were winged at Calestorm.




    = = =

    *Starfleet Intelligence

    *Caitian female and commanding officer of the USS Washington Crossing, Starfleet Special Operations vessel attached to the Border Patrol FTR and reporting directly to Admiral Coyote

  6. 10.21.13

    April 17, 2261 (Stardate 2261.109)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: An Away Team prepares to launch from Comanche Creek/Starbase Harrington to check on the orbital listening post and former site of the original Starbase Harrington due to the encounter with our unknown visitors.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Lieutenant Shalin, Ensign Khole and Mr. Byblos depart via shuttle to investigate the original Harrington Base to check for any mischief. Ensign Deth learns the hard way not to tick off Commander Wesley.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is short (5 to 10 minutes).

  7. 10.14.13

    April 16, 2261 (Stardate 2261.108)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: The USS Comanche Creek has achieved dock at Starbase Harrington. Starfleet Intelligence attempts to find motive behind the attack involving the Olympic Carrier; for now we maintain a TDY at the base.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: The appearance of two unknown flight craft puts the Harrington sectors on an upgraded alert.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours


    = = = =

    Chat Notes:

    [Crash Calestorm] We're going to remain at Harrington and when not on duty, characters are free to head over to the station

    [Crash Calestorm] TBS is 24 Hours

  8. Starbase Harrington

    April 15, 2261


    If she wasn’t on bridge duty, in meetings, working out, eating, sleeping or dealing with the day to day duties of starship command, Captain Calestorm was ‘escaping’ in Hornet 20.


    With the Comanche Creek docked at Starbase Harrington, starfighter and heavy assault shuttle patrols from the base and starship out in force, the TDY extended until further notice and the USS Little Robe Creek inbound to further bolster the reinforcements, the Harrington sectors were as secure as they were going to get. Or at least as secure as they could be following a failed attack on the sector and Federation border space.


    After clearing the flight route with both Harrington FOPS and Comanche Creek FOPS per regs, Crash had launched out from the hanger bay with little fanfare; no buzzing the ‘Creek, no buzzing the Harrington control tower and she’d even bypassed the USS Ibn Daud, the Saladin-class vessel usually attached to the base and commanded by an old acquaintance who’d probably have no problem at all with a little buzz action.


    Why pray tell was she behaving? Indeed.


    Starfleet Command, the Border Patrol, Harrington Base and the surrounding sectors were on edge. Several high level officer types were inbound or already on site for joint division meetings to observe and discuss the situation firsthand. Now wasn’t the time for shenanigans and someone would definitely have her hide if she got overly cute with any flybys right now.


    Mind you, you couldn’t spit and not hit a security patrol. In addition the communications channels were pretty vibrant with civilian cargo haulers chattering about what had happened, with rumors and facts flying. What all the rumors and truth came down to was the pleasure ship disappeared months ago and showed up again converted to a roving nuke. Whoever had access to that sort of firepower and personnel to pull the job off and then capable of launching was not a force to be taken likely.


    And why target Harrington Starbase? And was it the real target at all?


    Cale wasn’t trying to be insulting, but there were other more tangible Federation and allied targets that could have been singled out. What made the Harrington base sectors so special? Aside from the Widows Run access point that had been employed for years by smugglers and pirates to gain access to the mainstream sectors, what made it such a hot spot now? No pun intended, of course.


    The patrols that she passed gave a dip of the wings in greeting and she returned the gesture. Hornet 20 was performing fine and she enjoyed the freedom but kept a watchful eye as always. Jigging the control stick and arcing her starfighter away from the base, she settled in for a two hour self-patrol.




    At one hour and twenty minutes, Calestorm slowed as she neared the original Harrington Base.


    Established in 2163, the free-orbital structure had been based off of a mining platform and was located opposite the sector from Widows Run. The orbital base had been retained as an automated listening and security post and an as needed training site for the jarheads and fighter jocks assigned to Harrington. Taking some time, she slowly worked her way among the platforms nooks and crannies, admiring the old-school build reminiscent of the NX-starship era. Those had been the days when the space frontier had been wild and it took a certain type of crew to handle the pressures of deep space exploration.


    What in the Hell?


    Two craft exploded out from under the outpost, abouts from where the launch pads would be. She caught flashes of matte-charcoal colored plating as the two turned, burned and bugged out.


    Crash didn’t hesitate and immediately punched it, taking up pursuit and surging forward in a burst of vapor trail. She quickly activated the ‘all wireless’ access to the starbase, starships and patrols in the area. With her tone clipped and professional she reported, “This is Hornet 20, in pursuit of what appears to be an Eee Cee shuttle and a mutli-role fighter, unknown configurations or affiliation. Reque--”


    The shuttle exploded, cutting Calestorm off in mid-report. She cursed and tried to avoid the fire and shrapnel splatter incoming.


    The starfighter shuddered and internal alerts sounded seconds later. The damage was minimal, but the left engine was a flame out. Reacting quickly, she cut off the fuel supply to the engine and compensated with the still functional right engine and maneuvering thrusters.


    “Hornet 20, this is Harrington Base. Repeat that.”


    With Hornet 20 hovering at an angle from the damage, she punched the inside of the canopy in frustration and then replied over the wireless. “Harrington, this is Hornet 20. The shuttle scratched with no exchange of fire; I’ve taken hits from the debris. Unknown fighter is rabbiting.”


    “Be advised that a Harrington patrol is inbound to your position.”


    As if on cue three Strike Eagle star fighters screamed past her broken bird - well, since sound doesn’t travel in space the birds didn’t scream past so much as zoom past - in pursuit of the fleeing bogie but Crash knew it was already long gone.




    A part of her really wanted to join the Eagles in the pursuit.


    Dejected captain was dejected.

  9. 10.07.13

    April 13, 2261 (Stardate 2261.105)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 48 Hours. With reinforcements on site, the Comanche Creek moves out of the Widows Run corridor, heading to Starbase Harrington per orders from New Topeka FTR Command.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: A conversation on the bridge does what Star Trek usually does well -character interaction, conflict, and backgrounds revealed.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 72 Hours

  10. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = MISSION BRIEF = =


    Mission Brief 09.30.13: April 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.103) Time between Sims has been 24 Hours. The captain has ordered the Comanche Creek a further distance away from the Widows Run. Reinforcements & salvage teams have been requested from Starbase Harrington. A staff meeting* has been called.


    = = END BRIEF = =


    *all Players welcome


  11. 09.30.13

    April 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.103)


    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 24 Hours. The captain has ordered the Comanche Creek a further distance away from the Widows Run. Reinforcements & salvage teams have been requested from Starbase Harrington. A staff meeting* has been called.


    Mission Summary: The nuclear bomb formerly known as the pleasure liner the Olympic Carrier, the bait cargo vessel the Lucky Devil and the motivations behind the resulting trap and attack are discussed during the staff meeting.


    Time Between Sims: 48 Hours, reinforcements and salvage teams arrive in the Widows Run area of the Harrington sectors.

  12. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =

    Mission Brief 09.30.13: April 11, 2261 (Stardate 2261.103) Time between Sims has been 24 Hours. The captain has ordered the Comanche Creek a further distance away from the Widows Run. Reinforcements & salvage teams have been requested from Starbase Harrington. A staff meeting* has been called.

    = = End Brief = =

    * open to all Players

  13. 09.23.13

    April 10, 2261 (Stardate 2261.102)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Our intrepid crew scrambles in the wake of a radialogical threat from a cruise vessel lost in space months ago.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: The threat assessment is high and the prize crew investigating the abandoned cargo vessel Lucky Devil beams back to the USS Comanche Creek. Starfighter and shuttle patrols nearest the danger zone are ordered back to the hanger bay via combat landings. The command staff makes the decision to launch torpedoes to take out the Olympic Carrier.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours & we remain on Yellow Alert.

  14. The following log takes place during the 10 minute TBS...


    Harrington Sectors

    The Widows Run


    “I haven't as yet had the privilege of combat.” – MAJ Malcolm Powers, Heartbreak Ridge (1986)


    The core values of the Federation Starfleet are peacekeeping and exploratory campaigns and missions. With few exceptions, the charter recordings haven’t changed since the maiden voyages of the NX-class starships way back in the 2150’s.


    Following the attack on the home and allied systems by that crazy so and so Nero, resulting in heavy losses for the Starfleet, updates were incorporated into the Starfleet defense charters and divisions, including the Starfleet Border Patrol.


    An expansion program for the Border Patrol was immediately fast tracked - ya ever notice how a proposal gathers proverbial dust for months sitting in some Colonels or Admirals electronic mail inbox then all a sudden it’s the next best thing to the transporter? - and approved by the Admiralty Board.


    The First Threat Response division responds to issues that no one else wants to touch and that’s how we damn well like it and we’ve more freedom and range than your average BP vessel. Occasionally, missions take our FTR vessels and crews beyond the established Federation borders, but that stuff is all very hush hush. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you and all that sort of Section 31 spy stuff.


    The USS Comanche Creek’s current assignment should have been a fluff ball run: show the colors, patrol the surrounding sectors and assist Starbase Harrington with an upswing in pirate and smuggler activity. And speaking of fluff balls - but don’t tell Lieutenant Honor-Scar I said that since she’s right considerate ‘bout my jaunts into the Black in ol’ Hornet 20 - the Commander of the Aero Group is kinda concerned right now, as is the XO, the prize crew* dispatched to the Lucky Devil, not to mention myself.


    Ya see, the situation has started to go to all kinds of hell in a hand basket right quick.


    A cruise ship known as the Olympic Carrier went off course ‘bout nine months back and ended up in the Bad Lands. Search and rescue teams turned up nothing and eventually the vessel and its passengers and crew was listed as lost in space.


    Well, the dang thing just popped out of the Widows Run like a ghost ship.


    Oh, and did I mention the ‘Carrier is coming in hot and we’re getting all kinds of radiological alarms going off ‘cause of it? Sensor scans and tracker programs have confirmed that the pleasure vessel is carrying some nuke nasties.


    So, I got starfighter and shuttle patrols out, a prize crew over there checking out the not so lucky cargo hauler the Lucky Devil, the Comanche Creek standing by, and this giant bomb zooming straight towards all us.


    Combat is not a privilege. It never has been and never will be. Anyone tells you different ain’t never served on anything resembling a front line smack dab in a planetary skirmish or a forward operating fort or ship or had a rigged pleasure ship comin’ right at them.


    Starfleet service is a privilege. You serve ‘cause it’s your calling, not to willingly get yourself shot up or look for trouble. You ever run into anyone in your squad, unit or department who’s way too gung ho, you got yourself some problems.


    A story made its way among the command staffs couple years back. Chief Engineer Olsen of the USS Enterprise had been deployed by HAHO* insertion to disable the drill platform Nero was using to tear the planet of Vulcan apart. The unofficial word was Olsen was a damn fool and put himself and his teammates at risk; he ended up plastering himself off the drill.


    Thrill seekers need not apply, know what I’m sayin’ there Hoss?


    Command is earned, not given. And with command there’s responsibility. And right now I gotta figure out what to do with a pleasure ship converted to a giant nuke and keep my people safe. Hell, a part of me wants to dive under the Helm and Nav consoles and stay there for the duration but that ain’t gonna happen. It might be easier if someone was shootin’ at me.


    I start spoutin’ off orders at warp 10 to the bridge crew on duty…it’s all I can do. The bridge tracking programs estimate the trajectory of the Olympic Carrier in system, headin’ straight for Starbase Harrington.


    “Flight Ops!”


    The woman stationed at the FOPS console whirls toward me, half turned in her seat. I reflexively point my finger towards the young enlisted officer.


    “Tell Jumper to get all her patrol squads nearest ‘Creek to move their tails back into the barn and warn the hanger crews to prep for hot landings. Any patrols out along the perimeter are to hold position until further notice; warn ‘em and they are not to approach the Olympic Carrier!”


    My voice works in tandem with Commander Wesley's as we both snap off instructions.


    I wing my attention to Communications so fast I hear and feel a bone crack in the back of my neck. “Maya! Get Staff Sergeant Vega or Lieutenant TAral on the line! Prize crew is to beam back to ‘Creek immediately if not before!”


    (TBC in Sim)


    = = =

    * Prize Crew: Detail of officers…from the captor placed aboard a naval prize to take her into port for adjudication (Merriam-Webster)

    * HAHO: High Altitude High Opening Insertion (Wikipedia)