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Crash Calestorm

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Posts posted by Crash Calestorm

  1. Crash Calestorm -> Mission Brief: 12.30.13 (April 27, 2261 Stardate 2261.119) Time between Sims has been 4 Hours. CAP fighters and the Comanche Creek move to intercept a civilian-class escape pod broadcasting a general distress call.

    Crash Calestorm -> Questions before we zoom?

    Crash Calestorm -> And were just now in range

    Crash Calestorm -> *we're

    Byblos -> (We should know in four hours if there are lifeforms....are there?)

    Crash Calestorm -> Beginning of SIm will address that Big Ugly

    Byblos -> Copy.

    [Action] STSF_Scooter -> iz her

    STSF_Scooter -> here

    Crash Calestorm -> Evening Scooter

    Crash Calestorm -> Alrighty Folks lets roll - BEGIN SIM

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> the ship and CAP fighters are now approaching the escape pd

    Crash Calestorm -> ::to COMM:: Sparks, try the communications again, see if we get a ping

    Byblos -> ::Byblos was launched to help with the Esccape Pod retrieval and is now in Tomcat-13::

    T'Aral -> (( Request permission to be on board a retrieval shuttle ))

    Crash Calestorm -> ::to TAC/SCI/HELM and everyone with a scanner:: Do scans again, see If they get the same readings

    Crash Calestorm -> (go for it Doc)

    Shalin -> (( Ooh ooh - I wanna pilot the shuttle! ))

    Crash Calestorm -> (go for it Shalin)

    Shalin -> :D

    Tifa Kvar -> ::Checks and frowns.:: Nothing but static...

    Shalin -> @:: On course, closing steadily ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> Creek Bridge> scans come back the same - Humanoid life on board shuttle, life signs steady

    Byblos -> @ ::flies around using taking a job of keeping an eye out for any additional visitors with his DRADIS threat detection system::

    Shalin -> <Byblos> Hey Big Guy ... see anything yet?

    Shalin -> (( To Byblos ))

    Crash Calestorm -> ::tifa:: Patch me into the shuttle an fighters El Tee

    STSF_Scooter -> ::finger drumming on the railing::

    Tifa Kvar -> ::Nods:: Yes Ma'am. ::Patches.::

    Byblos -> @Big Ugly> +Deathwish+ Negative on my scope for any bad guys. Just our Pod. Nontheless I will keep a lookout.

    Shalin -> +Byblos+ Yes, but it's a pod, right? Not a beacon-bomb sending pod-like telemetry?

    Byblos -> @::notes other fighters of the CAP flying around nearby the Pod::

    Crash Calestorm -> +SHUTTLE and CAP+ Folks this is Crash. Scans are still showin' a humanoid life form inside that tin bugger, still no comm chatter, no wierd threats detected. Approach witH caution and get a tractor beam on it ::accent, deployed::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::turns to Scooter:: I'm still ' with zombie. Think I'll win the betting pool?

    T'Aral -> +Crash+ Captain: request permission to have the shuttle collect it for immediate examination upon verification of contents.

    Tifa Kvar -> ::Shudders at tghe idea of zombies.::

    Byblos -> @Big Ugly>+Deathwish+ Just what the Captain said. But sometimes this is an old Bair trick. I just want to cover your activities until you reach the Barn.

    Byblos -> Bait*

    Crash Calestorm -> +

    T'Aral -> +All+ Given the possibility of 'zombie', the logical approach would be to take the pod into the retrieval shuttle, secure it, open it, and examine the contents in a controlled environment.

    Byblos -> @Big Ugly> +Creek + Taking a position in the rear of the CAP just in case someone wanted us to find this thing.

    Crash Calestorm -> +tAral+ Permission granted, controlled envionment.

    STSF_Scooter -> No dice, Crash

    Shalin -> @:: Closing on shuttle, Yaw 180 deg to aim hatch/tractor at pod. ::

    Byblos -> @ ::realizes this his how the Creek found him....adrift in Space in a Pod with a big Dagger in him..how ironic::

    STSF_Scooter -> Wouldn't show up with lifesigns

    Crash Calestorm -> ::half smile at the XO:: I still want a zombie Rottie.

    Tifa Kvar -> Ew..

    STSF_Scooter -> ::slow facepalm::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::happy happy grin::

    Byblos -> @::continues to scan his DRADIS as he notes Mr. Shalin about to capture the Pod ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::then grin poofs away as she turns attenton back to main viewer::

    T'Aral -> @:: Turns to pilot :: Secure pod and establish environment, then seal the rear chamber. Follow full contamination protocols.

    STSF_Scooter -> Be glad we have the robot spiders. At least they're not as likely to eat and/or infect the crew

    Shalin -> @ :: Clears cargo hatch, nods :: Yes ma'am - that'd include you taking this.

    Shalin -> :: Hands T'Aral a phaser rifle. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> Mech Spider Shelob> ::waves from a nearby console and pulls out a sign that says "w00t!"::

    T'Aral -> @ :: Nods, waits for all clear to enter cargo section. ::

    Shalin -> @ :: Tractors pod into cargo section ... ::

    Byblos -> @Byblos> +Commanche Creek+ Big Ugly here...just a thought. I know my scope is clear, but perhaps some Jamming might prevent a remote detonation attempt if this situation is indeed to good to be true.

    Shalin -> :: ... closes hatch ... magnetic tethers to pod ... pressurizes cargo cabin. ::

    STSF_Scooter -> Java> ::wonders if there's any money in robotic spider wrestling::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::glance to Scooter at the Comm from Big Ugly, nods:: ::taps at arm of command chair to respond:: +Ugly+ Go for it.

    Tifa Kvar -> @ ::Nervously watching and listening in::

    Shalin -> @:: Sets course for CC, turns and nods to T'Aral. :: Go with God - be safe from evil.

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: You've watched that too often, Lieutenant.

    T'Aral -> :: Enters cargo bay, tricorder scans the pod up close. ::

    Byblos -> @Byblos> ::Takes Tomcat 13 closer and closer to the Creek as the recovery option continues:: +Captain Crash+ Copy Captain..EM Pod is now singing.

    STSF_Scooter -> ::looks over at tactical:: Confirmed. Broadband jamming on all known Cartel frequencies

    Crash Calestorm -> +Shalin+ ::and to Tifa:: SParks, Deathwih. Patch us into the onboard cameras and communications and the tricorder in cargo area

    Crash Calestorm -> *Deathwish

    Tifa Kvar -> ::Patching.:: Done.

    Shalin -> +Tifa+ Creek, this is R-Shuttle Five. Course is plotted to take position behind hangar at 50 km ... advise if there is a change in orders.

    Shalin -> :: Patches camera feeds to Tifa. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> main viewer has multiple views from T'As tricorder as well as shuttle cameras

    Tifa Kvar -> +Shalin+ Understood. Captain is listening in.

    T'Aral -> :: Examines tricorder readouts ... looking for viewports. ::

    Byblos -> @Byblos>:: Mutes Comm Briefly and mutters I do not want that thing to blow up in the hanger bay. That would be devasting with all those Planes and Weapons. ::releases mute::

    STSF_Scooter -> Looks like a standard single occupant lifepod. Transparent sections appear to be frosted over though

    Crash Calestorm -> ::adjusts earpiece:: +All+ so everybody behave themselves and no bad launguage ::kidding in tone::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::points:: Got some damage to some panels

    Crash Calestorm -> *::points at viewer::

    T'Aral -> :: Reaches over ... wipes a gloved hand against the frost. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> (sound thought Byblos)

    STSF_Scooter -> Probably dinged the life support system. Which would be why the glass is forsted over

    Byblos -> @Byblos> ::wiggles Tomcat 13's wings in response to the Captain..not that anyone would see him perform that manuever::

    T'Aral -> (( Oh, contamination protocols would assume an environment suit, yes? ))

    Crash Calestorm -> ::Taral can only really make out a blurry orange and purple something::

    STSF_Scooter -> (Safe to say yes)

    T'Aral -> :: Considers ... steps over to a medical kit, withdraws a heating pad. ::

    T'Aral -> :: Activates heating pad, puts it against frosted window. ::

    Byblos -> @::Watches his Dradis ..noting the Creek in the distance from his canopy a beautiful site..then resumes focusing on the Dradis again::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::a faint knocking can be heard from inside the pod::

    T'Aral -> :: Withdraws heating pad to look through the port again. ::

    Tifa Kvar -> ::Picks up the knocking from the mics.:: Uh...

    T'Aral -> +Tifa+ Yes Lieutenant?

    Crash Calestorm -> ::a fist knockss on the now clear window::

    STSF_Scooter -> Is that knocking?

    Tifa Kvar -> Did you knot hear that?

    Tifa Kvar -> *not

    T'Aral -> :: Looks into now clear window. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::a human looking eyeball looks back at the Doc::

    Byblos -> @::Byblos notes he is with a gaggle of Fighters on this CAP...no Jumper to lead him this time, if the Crap were to hit the ventilator...this might get Ugly::

    T'Aral -> (( How small is this viewport, exactly? ))

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> a muffled voice is heard, the clear word being "Out!"

    Crash Calestorm -> (say only about three inches square all around)

    T'Aral -> :: To viewport :: Please state planet of origin for the provision of proper atmosphere.

    Byblos -> @::Byblos puts Tomcat 13 in a stop postion..extending her wings outward facing away from Creek, deciding this would be a good vantage point if Baddies appeared::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::muffled voice again, another knock, more insistent::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::glance at the XO:: Okay, lets let the genie out of the bottle shall we?

    T'Aral -> :: Turns up suit speaker volume. :: We will comply - please restate planet of origin for environment purposes.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::TAral may have heard an exclamation involving "VUlcans!"::

    Byblos -> @Big Ugly> + Shalin + Hey, do I call you Deathwish when you are piloting a shuttle or just Shalin ?

    Shalin -> +Byblos+ 'Deathwish' ... it's cooler! :)

    Tifa Kvar -> :;Snickers as she catches the comment.::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::nods to TIFA:: Sparks, patch me through, DW and the Doc

    Tifa Kvar -> Already on Captain

    T'Aral -> Acknowledged. :: Adjusts environment for Vulcan Standard, including 100 deg f temperature.

    Byblos -> @Big Ugly> + Shalin + COpy Deathwish

    Crash Calestorm -> +Shalin/TAraL+ Doc, release the hatch and keep that rifle at the ready

    STSF_Scooter -> :nods:

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: +Crash+ As it is an escape pod, should the hatch release not be accessable internally?

    T'Aral -> :: Rifle held in off-hand. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> +Doc+ That'd be mah assessement as well but in this case I do beleive our...passenger is havin' some issues. Manual override the hatch

    T'Aral -> Most curious. :: Tricorder scans the hatch ::

    Crash Calestorm -> (and Big Ugly, you're overhearing the comm chatter as well on all this as is the other CAP members)

    Byblos -> @Byblos> ::checks his EM Pod status and notes it is still active::

    Byblos -> (okay)

    T'Aral -> Lieutenant Shalin - please examine these readings and advise.

    Shalin -> @ Okeydoke!

    Shalin -> :: Looks over tricorder readings on pod hatch ... Hmm ... why is it not working? ::

    Byblos -> @:: Did Byblos here....A Vulcan? He immediatley thinks things over. Male or Female. Females would be worth A LOT to any Cartel. He waits for the answer on the COMM ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> the pod hatch busts open on its hinges and a portly man wearing velour purple pants and an orange pirate shirt comes half falling out of the pod onto the deck of the sHuttle

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow ::

    Crash Calestorm -> Portly Man> Confound these stupid pods!! ::blusters from his vantage point on the deck::

    STSF_Scooter -> Can we space him?

    Shalin -> :: Looks up at camera display :: Oh ... no ...

    Tifa Kvar -> ::Facepalms and a big sigh.::

    Crash Calestorm -> Portly Man, still on decking:: And why is it so hot?! Am I in hell? Is Stella here? Oh great Gods!! Nooooooooooooooo!

    Shalin -> Hey doc ... check inside for a grey-skinned female with white hair, please.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::that vein in her neck starts jumping::

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow ::

    Byblos -> @Byblos> +Deathwish + Shalin you okay?

    T'Aral -> :: Looks inside of pod. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> :to Scooter:: Space? well...no no. We can't ::sighs::

    Shalin -> @ +Byblos+ Oh I'm just peachy, Big Guy ...

    STSF_Scooter -> Rats. Save everyone involved the upcoming Excedrin headaches

    Byblos -> @ + Deathwish+ Enlighten me Deathwish..

    Crash Calestorm -> Portly Guy> ::he starts rolling about like a turtle:: Excuse me, may I get some assitance!

    Shalin -> +Byblos+ We've got company ... a crazy uncle kind of company.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::raises an arm with a finger pointing upward:: This is not a Dignified position for Harcourt Fenton Mudd!

    T'Aral -> (( Anyone else in the pod? ))

    Crash Calestorm -> ::TAral spots no other occupant in the shuttle::

    Byblos -> @Byblos + I thought you were going to shyt in your pants..seriously who do you have?

    Byblos -> (to Shalin )

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> the only other occupant in the pod is a black pirate'y meets musketeer hat::

    T'Aral -> :: Gestures with the rifle for Mr. Mudd to get up. ::

    Shalin -> +Byblos+ One Harcourt Fenton Mudd ... bane to the civilized universe.

    Crash Calestorm -> Mech Shelob> ::crawls on Cales shoulder and then her head waving a sign that reads "Danger Will Robinson, Danger"::

    Tifa Kvar -> Um...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a warrant or something for this guy?

    Shalin -> :: Reaches over to adjust the cargo bay atmosphere to Terran Standard. ::

    Byblos -> @Byblos.+Deathwish+ The Con Artist! Shalin. Hey congrats...if there is a bounty on him..you get to collect!

    Crash Calestorm -> Harry> ::slowly gets up from decking and gathers himself:: My dear friends...my dear STARFLEET friends!

    T'Aral -> :: Gestures again with the rifle. :: Sit down, please.

    STSF_Scooter -> Byblos has the right idea. Split the bounty between the senior officers

    STSF_Scooter -> Go on holiday to Risa for a three or four weeks

    Shalin -> +Tifa+ R-Shuttle Five to CC. No immediate threat detected - request permission to dock.

    Crash Calestorm -> ;:points to the XO:: Thats not a bad idea

    Crash Calestorm -> Shelob> ::whacks Cale with the teeny sign::

    Tifa Kvar -> Permission for them to dock Captain?

    Crash Calestorm -> ::waves a hand dejectedly:: Aye Sparks, they can dock with their so called cargo.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::glance to Scooter:: and lets have the CAPs keep out and about just in case

    STSF_Scooter -> ::hits a comm stud:: Security report to the hangar bay.

    STSF_Scooter -> ::nods::

    Byblos -> @Byblos> ::thinks:: Didn't Shalin say this guy is quite smart..yet a pain in the ass? @Byblos +Creek+ Is Mudd wanted by Starfleet? I Imageine he is wanted by others two. Decision time. We could put some feelers out to the Cartels about this guy..you might get some great bids for his criminal status.

    Tifa Kvar -> +Shalin+ Granted. We'll have a welcoming party waiting.

    Shalin -> Acknowledged ... proceeding ... clearing hangar bay doors ...

    Crash Calestorm -> and PAUSE SIM!

    Shalin -> ... secure on deck ... shutting down engines.

    Crash Calestorm -> That was a good spot to pause

    Shalin -> !ESUAP

    Tifa Kvar -> ::paused::

    T'Aral -> :: ][ ::

    Byblos -> ::paused::

    Crash Calestorm -> Okay, so we haz a Harry Mudd

    Tifa Kvar -> I'm sure the Colonel will be mighty pleased with us. So pleased he might let me keep a spider?

    T'Aral -> I assume he will pass basic medical?

    Crash Calestorm -> TBS is 3 Days, he'll remain with us/in custody/our guest

    T'Aral -> I would like several to examine, actually ...

    Crash Calestorm -> Yep, he has no cooties or anything TAral

    Crash Calestorm -> and feel free to poke him

    Crash Calestorm -> We're still on patrol what with the pirate activity

    Byblos -> (he might have a detonater glued to the back of his head....that would be interesting..the Doctor removing that! hehe..

    T'Aral -> Actually, I would wait until Shalin takes the rifle before examining ... but you will be able to read all about it.

    Crash Calestorm -> Looking forward to it

    Crash Calestorm -> Oh dear Big Ugly. ;P

    Crash Calestorm -> Questions?

    STSF_Scooter -> Nope

    T'Aral -> Usually such things are hidden in more ... inaccessable places ...

    Crash Calestorm -> Oh my. On that note - Dismissed all and have a safe New Year

    Byblos -> (I ponder if the Escape Pod design can be looked up in a data base..to the owner. Might be a good idea!

    Shalin -> *blowkiss* G'NIGHT Everybody!

    STSF_Scooter -> Nitol and and besafe

    Byblos -> And have a happy new year.

    Tifa Kvar -> night night

  2. 12.30.13

    April 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.119)


    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 4 Hours. CAP fighters and the Comanche Creek move to intercept a civilian-class escape pod broadcasting a general distress call.


    Mission Summary: Our crew finds the occupant to be none other then the infamous Harcourt Fenton Mudd. It's like a big giant Holiday gift...but different.


    Time Between Sims is 3 Days and we remain on patrol, our guest remains on board the ship.


  3. The following log takes place during our 4 Hour TBS…


    Crash entered the main conference room of the USS Comanche Creek. Colonel Tavington of Starfleet Intel was already seated and rose at her entrance. At a quick glance he took in her gold command tunic, polished combat boots and…


    “Captain Calestorm, you have a large spider on your head.”


    “Yep I sure do. Colonel Tavington I’d like you to meet Shelob. Shelob this is Colonel Tavington.”


    Like a character from an old 2D animation TV show, Shelob pulled a white flag from ‘somewhere’ that read, “Hello!”


    Tavington paused, eyebrow raised before commenting. “Oh, I’m sure the author would be thrilled to know you named a polymer-metallic spider originally intended for reconnaissance and security in honor of one of his characters.” He had obviously not missed the offhand reference to a well-regarded Earth-based series of fantasy novels.


    “Shelob will be my visual aide for this meeting.” Crash settled in the chair at the head of the conference table and faced the Colonel who sat directly to her left as re-took his seat. “And thank you for coming on short notice.”


    The spider stayed on her head and showed no signs of vacating the premises; it settled down and pulled its legs under its carapace as a feline would. She tapped at her personal data slate. “Colonel, I’ll get right to the point and I’ve discussed this with Commander Wesley: Installation of depth charge launchers on the Comanche Creek.”


    Tavington’s features showed shrewd curiosity. “Depth charges? In space? For use in ship to ship tactics?”


    She nodded her confirmation.


    “Explain that.”


    Crash’s mouth quirked in annoyance at the ‘order’; the on-site Intel operative continued to cooperate with the Border Patrol after whatever it was that Admiral Coyote had said to him (and Cale would’ve loved to be in on that meeting) but he still had his ‘Stuffy Brit’ moments.


    She ignored the tone of his voice and instead commented, “You reviewed the footage from the war games simulation between the Black Sheep squadron and the Barn?” Mission Specialist Byblos’ flyby and take out on the ‘Creek’s main bridge? The maneuver showcased a classic pirate or mercenary tactic: He got under our defenses and hit that sweet spot, taking out the bridge."


    "These same tactics were employed during the Cartel Wars that myself and Admiral Coyote and others cut our teeth on as youngster pilots, yet the majority of our starship bridge command modules haven’t changed in design. Sure, the armor has been reinforced and shield tech has been boosted but that’s ‘bout it. ”


    The Colonel indicated that she continue with a gesture.


    “These United Syndicate Spiders are old,” – she pointed a finger at the spider on her head, that in turn made a metallic raspberry sound at the ‘old’ comment – “and too old for us to use with any real results. The concept is sound and the depth charges could be programmed to seek out metal and would work in a sort of hive colony capacity, using transmission waves to coordinate an attack if needed.”


    “….these depth charge devices would attach themselves to a target or detonate in proximity?”


    “Yep. We’d also have an electronic warfare option to disable an enemy.”


    Tavington made a quick notation on his own flat screen data slate set on the conference table before turning his attention back to Calestorm. “You feel as if this is viable?”


    “Yeah, I do. The preliminary reports transmitted by Commander JoNs and her undercover personnel project that Starfleet will come to blows with either the Orion Cartel factions or mercenary groups scrabbling for territory and power in the Outlands. We build on the original technology of these spiders and fashion modern depth charges for use in space; they’d form a net around a fighter or shuttle that zipped in under our defenses and past the reach of the torps and phaser cannons.”


    “And what would the Border Patrol require from Starfleet Intelligence?”


    “In a nutshell, Colonel? Bug the ever lovin’ Hell out of Starfleet R&D and Corps of Engineers to fast track a fabrication program for us? The sooner cleared for production and fabrication, the sooner we’ll be outfitted for any pirate fighter shenanigans and can better protect the Harrington sectors.”


    The British officer nodded. “Indeed. Consider it done and I’ll keep you posted…Captain, before we dismiss and jumping topics a bit? This distress call received from the civilian escape pod? What are your theories as to what we’ll actually find?”


    “Colonel, ah wouldn’t be surprised if it was a pirate booby trap and there was a zombie encased in the pod that proceeded to infect everyone on board the Comanche Creek or some such weirdness.”


    Tavington raised an eyebrow, his expression attempting to ascertain if Crash was being truthful or sarcastic…it was very hard to tell with her sometimes.


    The spider used a digit to pull another flag out that read, “They’re coming to get you, Barbara…*”


    *Night of the Living Dead (1968, 1990)

  4. 12.16.13

    April 27, 2261 (Stardate 2261.119)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 72 Hours & the Comanche Creek is still on patrol. Things remain quiet...or is that too quiet?


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: A distress signal is received by our communications officer and CAP patrol; the transponder shows a civilian-class escape pod.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 4 Hours as the Comanche Creek moves to intercept/investigate the distress call on the Federation side of the border. We will not be meeting for the 12.23.13 Sim and will pick the plot up again for the 12.30.13 Sim.

  5. Crash Calestorm -> Alrighty Folks - we've got enough to rock and roll, 'specially to finish with the "war games"

    Crash Calestorm -> Short - Patrol, war games btw the Barn and the Fighters, Tavington is onboard behaiving and observing.

    Crash Calestorm -> The Doc was in hte center seat handling the mayhem but Im sure we can zoom on, Byblos is out and about with Jumper

    Crash Calestorm -> Id just had Tavvy and Cale come out on the bridge

    Crash Calestorm -> Questions before we begin?

    Byblos -> All I can say is ...incoming...well ball of flame perhaps?

    Shalin -> How many castles need to sink in a swamp before one finally stands?

    Crash Calestorm -> (and TIfa and Shalin were also helping to coordinate)

    Crash Calestorm -> ::ponders::

    Crash Calestorm -> ...is that from Monty Python?

    Crash Calestorm -> and no flamage tonight Big Ugly ;-)

    Shalin -> ... and the Holy Grail.

    Crash Calestorm -> aha!

    Crash Calestorm -> Good movie. I was recently introduced to it for the first time by someone of impeccable taste

    Crash Calestorm -> alrighty - BEGIN SIM!

    Byblos -> Greetings highly logical one.

    Crash Calestorm -> (evening Doc - we just started)

    T'Aral -> Good evening, everyone.

    T'Aral -> !

    Byblos -> @::Byblos drops out of Warp 2....the Commanche Creek grows in his cockpit viewscreen very quickly::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::on the bridge, standing with COL Tavington along the rear console area, observing the war games on the main viewer::

    T'Aral -> :: On bridge, examining tactical reports ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> sensors alarms pick up the incoming bogie that is Byblos

    Shalin -> :: Noting incoming fighter, pitch negative to avoid while still progressing ::

    Byblos -> @::Byblos observes the aft portion of the engineering section zooming in fast....His computer chimes....Torpedoes Away...right aftetr that he has to veer his stick up narrowly missing the hull of the Creek ....::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::arms crossed over chest, grin on face::

    Byblos -> @Byblos extends the Wings of the Tomacat 13 and slows down as he parabolically pulls away ..he looks over his shoulder seeing the Creek get smaller...at a slower rate....nothing happened....no explosions...shew::

    Shalin -> :: Board chimes :: Hits registered on Decks five through seven ... disruption of forward battery links noted.

    STSF_Scooter -> ::looks over at the Engineering board:: DC parties responding

    Byblos -> @He ponders if the computer registered any hit whatsoever to the Aft Engineering Hull....

    T'Aral -> :: Considers ... activates general ship P.A. :: Weapon battery crews switch to independent control - target nearest objects and fire.

    Byblos -> @He wasnt sure if those Mk VI...in practice would work against a cruiser anyways....He levels his flight slowing down...and then tries something he hasnt done in a while....

    Crash Calestorm -> @ Jumper> ::breaks through the 'Creek EC:: +Tomcat/Byblos+ Big Ugly, pair up with Hornet 3 and try a dual run against Big Bertha....

    T'Aral -> :: Creek becomes a light-show of criss-crossing energy beams ::

    Byblos -> @+Jumper+ Big Ugly....just dropped everything I had...hope you copy.

    Byblos -> @::Hears Jumper and smiles ::

    Crash Calestorm -> @ Jumper> +Big Ugly+ Copy that. Just distract and confuse as best you can while Hornet 3 does a run

    Byblos -> @+Jumper+ Copy Leader...finding Hornet 3.....I just have my mini's left Look like my plan failed.

    T'Aral -> Fire forward torpedoes with proximity fuses ... clear a path towards target.

    Shalin -> Torpedoes loading ... firing ...

    Byblos -> @::hears lots of proximity alarms:: Oh no! ::guns his engines again....launching what decoys he has left::

    Shalin -> :: Energy bolts streak out ... detonating in open space in an effort to scatter fighters. ::

    Byblos -> @ There it is...over the saucer.....oh nuts...time to sign my death warrant in this sim ::Byblos mutters with the COMM OFF::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> Hornet 3 registeres as compromised on onboard computer systems

    Crash Calestorm -> (* and on fighter computer systems)

    Byblos -> ::@Byblos dives towards the Creek's Saucer section finding Hornet 3::

    T'Aral -> Parabolic course ... time to target?

    Crash Calestorm -> Tavington> ::to Bridge/All:: Very impressive I must say, Captain, Commander.

    Byblos -> +Hornet 3+ Tomcat 13 Hornet 3...commning to help....I will draw their fire so you can escape that Saucer of death!

    Crash Calestorm -> ::no hint of earlier sarcasm or "British'isms"::

    Shalin -> Seven minutes thirty seconds ... steady on parabolic course ... phaser banks continuing firing spread.

    Crash Calestorm -> @ Hornet 3> +BIg Ugly/Tom 13+ Understood and thanks for assist, pulling off now.

    Byblos -> @::Byblos flies down fast dodging simulated blasts of phasers...sooner or later one is going to hit him...he knows...::

    STSF_Scooter -> Forward CIWS coming back on line.

    T'Aral -> :: Considers :: Forward arrays - concentrate fire along flight path to clear space in front of us.

    STSF_Scooter -> Engineering reporting forward CIWS green

    Byblos -> @Byblos notes the bridge of the Creek...and decides....Pirate time.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::glance to Scooter, directs voice to her+ DC parties still on the ball Commander & reporting in as well?

    STSF_Scooter -> ::nods:: They are

    Shalin -> Forward arrays changing firing pattern ... lateral and aft arrays continuing to sweep proximity.

    Crash Calestorm -> Good good ::to XO::

    Byblos -> @+Jumper+ Big Ugly+ On course for the bridge....been a good one. Live long and make money.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::turns attention to explain fighter and training Sim "stuff" to COL Tavington::

    Byblos -> @::launches his mini torpedoes and fires his cannon::

    Shalin -> Multiple directed hits against bridge shielding ... we're being targeted ...

    STSF_Scooter -> Intensify the forward batteries

    Byblos -> @Computer: warning Hull hits being taken.

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> the bridge registers a 40% hit to shields

    Byblos -> @I know that....I always wanted to do what the Captain did...

    T'Aral -> :: Examines monitors ... considers pilot identified. :: Engage tractor services ... divert that ship away from the bridge.

    Byblos -> @::Byblos Pulls out of his dive litterally infront of the bridge with engines blazing.....he flies right into the ...CIWS grid::

    Crash Calestorm -> (::thumbs up OOC:: Have I ever fired on the 'Creek though? Not yet =P just the fly bys)

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> several bridge alarms are alarmed at the move from TOMcat 13

    Crash Calestorm -> (you guys know what I mean with the alarms)

    Shalin -> Tractors can't get a lock ... half the phaser batteries are trying to shoot him down ...

    Byblos -> @Glorious....::buzzes the Saucer.taking hits all over the place from the CIWS...his Bird finally reads......YOU ARE KIA....SIMULATION OVER::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::out loud:: Indeed.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::eyebrow directed at Scooter::

    Byblos -> @::Tom 13 Just slows to a coast whereever it does.....Game over for Big Ugly::

    T'Aral -> :: Considers ... turns to the Captain :: Sir - request permission to shut down the bridge.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::Tavington:: ::mutters, good humor:: Competition, Captain? To your flight methods? Impressive if not crazy fly by...

    Byblos -> @+Jumper+ Jumper +Tom 13 Ejecting!

    T'Aral -> :: Looks to Tavington :: Sir - that was not a 'fly-by'.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::head ###### to Doc:: For what reason? ::gLance to XO::

    STSF_Scooter -> Do it. Spin up the aux bridge.

    T'Aral -> Technically ... we are all 'dead'.

    STSF_Scooter -> We were hit, there should be explosions all over the place, panels blown, fires.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::nods at Doc/Scooter both, makes a notation to data slate, slgiht smile to features::

    T'Aral -> Auxiliary stations will need to take over, as the bridge has been destroyed by a suicide attack.

    Crash Calestorm -> Havent seen one of them since the Cartel Wars. ::finishes noteation::

    Byblos -> @::Actually he doesnt....he just waits and notes for a second...He is shaking..his gloves sweaty...his back...like..as well. He has never been like this before. First time. He can only guess...Or a rush of adrenaline.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::Tavington to TAral:: Indeed and my apolgies Lieutenant....TAral is it?

    T'Aral -> :: Looks over to Communications :: Signal Auxiliary that the bridge has been destroyed. They are to continue.

    Byblos -> @::actually he does recall being this way...the first time he killed someone when he was a kid::

    T'Aral -> :: Turns back to Tavington, stands at attention. :: Yes sir.

    Shalin -> :: Smiles, kicking back and spinning in his chair. ::

    Byblos -> @::notes in his cockpit a few fighters flying around::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> SAR shuttle assigned pings Jumper and iComm devices of main bridge crew - since 'splosions are happening - as incoming for pick up

    Crash Calestorm -> Tavington> ::merely nods::

    Crash Calestorm -> *at the Doctor

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> Byblos and three others register with transponders

    Byblos -> @ ::checks replay to know what he hit..on his last dive..:: Ah...I got a few hits on the bride before I pulled out....Oh wait...my Tail hit ....the bridge.....Oh (Nausicaan Swear)::

    Crash Calestorm -> (okay, blank moment - Aux bridge is located on another deck per usual Treks cause I so cant locate my notes right now)

    STSF_Scooter -> ((Deck 7))

    T'Aral -> :: Cocks head curiously ... eyebrow moves ... then settles. Turns to Captain :: Sir - the bridge, such as it is, is yours.

    Byblos -> @::thinks a few people will be evaluating him after this simulation Exhales and relaxes a bit and waiting for clearance to return to the Barn.:: OH man...that was ..something. But I died...so I will never know if the mission succeeded had this been for real...hmm Have to talk to Jumper on that.

    Crash Calestorm -> (thank you much Scooter)

    STSF_Scooter -> ::is "dead", so retrieves a cup of coffee from the equally "dead" yeoman with the tray::

    Shalin -> :: Looks over at controls, making sure nothing nasty is sneaking up on the CC while the Wargames are in progress ... while humming the 'Hamster Dance'. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> Okay foLks ::nods to Doc:: Excellent, lets get the boys and girls back to the barn and SAR can grab the floaters

    Byblos -> @+jumper+ Big Ugly...I will need a debrief from you when we get back to the barn.

    Shalin -> Aye Sir :: Taps out 'return' signal, nods to Communications to recall the fighters. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> @ +Byblos+ Ugly, nothing wrong with, ah, interesting methods. We'll all be debriefed, no worres ::slgiht purring in tone::

    Byblos -> (Hamster Dance?)

    Crash Calestorm -> ::to Scooter, Deathwish, Doc:: Good job Folks

    Crash Calestorm -> +Jumper, Byblos, All+ Nice flying Folks ::signals Comm officer::

    T'Aral -> :: Steps over to a monitoring station to sit, leaning slightly against the console while nodding to Captain. ::

    Byblos -> @+Jumper+ Big Ugly... Copies...

    T'Aral -> :: Proceeds to review medical reports ... disposition, first response times, etc. ::

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> SAR shuttles begin retrievals

    Shalin -> ... returning to original patrol course ...

    Shalin -> ( BRB )

    Byblos -> @::notes his heart rate is back to normal:: Was that the old Nausicaan thrill of the hunt he just expereinced. He had not experienced that since being a teenager...? ::Byblos ponders::

    Crash Calestorm -> Well Id say that was a helluva excercise. ::happy accent version, also corrals a cup of coffee from dead Yeoman::

    Crash Calestorm -> ::salutes bridge officers and crew with mug::

    Byblos -> @::slowly rotates Tom-13 to view the Comanche Creek...the ship he just splattered himself on...probably just near the CIWS gun forward of the Bridge::

    Byblos -> @Wow SAR Shuttles flying....the Captain must of really wanted everyone involved. ...Unless there was an accident.

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow ... considers ... says nothing. ::

    Byblos -> @::checks his DRADIS:: No...everyone is there...just a very intense excercise. ::Byblos Mutters having nonone really to talk to right now::

    Shalin -> ( mumbles ) A good exercise for the squadron, perhaps ...

    Crash Calestorm -> ACTION> Departments such as DC are sending reports in to bridge per participation in simulation

    Crash Calestorm -> ::sharp ears:: Mister Shalin?

    T'Aral -> :: reviewing ... preparing department report. ::

    Shalin -> :: Sighs, turns :: Captain - we just got Jabberwok'd.

    Byblos -> @::realizes...he still is ...really on CAP:: If someone pulled a stunt on the Creek right now...he just wonders what would happen?

    Crash Calestorm -> Perhaps next time the squadron will be Vorpal'ed? ::to DW::

    Crash Calestorm -> And then again, perhaps both sides will be Bandersnatches?

    Shalin -> Not as I meant, Ma'am ... we got our head taken off.

    Byblos -> @+Jumper+ Big Ugly...shall I resume a normal CAP Position for the time being?

    Crash Calestorm -> Yes we did. By a kamikaze. ::expression goes serious:: It can happen, big starship aside.

    Crash Calestorm -> @ Jumper> +UGly+ Negative, we'll be on rest for now and then head back out tonorrow. Take it easy Big guy and let SAR come and grab ya

    Shalin -> Yes Ma'am ... permission to be mortified by that detail?

    Crash Calestorm -> Absolutely granted Deathwish. Its...humbling when the large saucer shaped section of a ship is such an...easy target?

    Byblos -> \@+Jumper+ Big Ugly Copies boss. Will enjoy the tractor beam in.

    Shalin -> I don't know about 'easy' ... only that from above we look like the center of a dartboard.

    Crash Calestorm -> and PAUSE SIM

    T'Aral -> ::][::

    Byblos -> @::really begins to think he did something wrong with the simulation attempting to buzz the bridge::

    Crash Calestorm -> (The dartboard was a good line to stop on)

    Shalin -> !ESUAP

    Byblos -> ::paused::

    Crash Calestorm -> FOlks, TBS is 72 hours and despite the time any ships business will be tended to next Sim. In meantime, we continue with patrol

    Crash Calestorm -> Great job tonight as usual

  6. The following log takes place 24 Hours following the 12.09.13 Sim "war games"...


    Shalin ->:: Sighs, turns:: Captain - we just got Jabberwok'd...we got our head taken off. – 12.09.13 Comanche Creek Chat


    Hornet 20 zipped along in the black of space, the Fast Mover’s* plates catching the flare off the Sheep Barns running lights.


    The war game simulation had gone relatively - sort of? - well and the participants would receive feedback from Scooter and Crash; the latter was out and about logging some flight time as she surveyed the area of “battle”. Jigging the fighter to the left and cutting back on the maneuvering thrusters she settled into position alongside the USS Comanche Creek. A practiced eye over looked the outer hull, employing Mark One Eyeball rather than the real-time programs the cockpit computers were running on a loop. Sometimes your own senses were still the best option.


    The simulation had been handled well by personnel on both defense and offense but there was always room for improvement. The Captain couldn’t pull information out of thin air or anything, but knew from service as a combat pilot that a general knowledge of history could be counted on as a teaching tool.


    The vessels of the Royal Navy and other world powers that had vied for the seas during the Age of Sail had no visible bridge area, at least as the modern Starfleet understood a modern command bridge. A few hundred years later, Earth’s Second World War saw tech advancements and the command bridge came about, typically located above the deck amidships or towards the aft section as in the case of aircraft carriers. This design would eventually transition into the saucer/hull-based control centers of the modern Starfleet ships.


    Unlike the USS Enterprise, ‘Creek’s design specs were based off the USS Kelvin with a saucer section, primary and secondary hull sections, and single warp nacelle embedded in the secondary area. The USS Saladin was a forebear of both the Kelvin and the ‘Creek with a single warp nacelle as opposed to the warp nacelles, plural, design. While a single nacelle vessel had its own defensive concerns, the double warp nacelles could be targeted if their support struts or hull pylon extensions were taken out. All ships had weaknesses and anyone that told you anything different was selling something and sometimes you had to roll with the torpedoes, literally.


    Back to the current tactical situation: the main bridge of the Comanche Creek had been taken out by a kamikaze flyby. Why was the main bridge obliterated? Because pirates and mercenaries employed their own version of tactics and not every organization was the Federation Starfleet.


    If the “brain” was in fact taken out then amy surviving bridge crew and command staff would fall back to the Auxiliary Bridge on Deck 7. With LT TAral calling the shots as the war games commanding officer, LT Shalin providing Helm and back-up systems and LT Kvar on Comms, Commander Wesley and Captain Calestorm had opted not to extend the simulation to the secondary bridge.


    I mean, thanks to the Creek’s Black Sheep Squadron they were all Dead Jim, right?


    The Squid* veteran did a quick flip-in-tandem maneuver, mindful of the patrol cruising speed of the ship so as not to smack into the hull.


    The kamikaze flyby performed by Mission Specialist Byblos via Tomcat 13 had been an off the cuff method, points for ingenuity and his aggressive instincts. Crash was definitely aggressive when it came to flight maneuvers and the simple fact was it was a part of the job. Minus points for blowing up her bridge but in the case of the simulation the objective had been achieved: take out the Federation starship. Done and done.


    Cale zipped around again and positioned the Hornet alongside the main dorsal neck. She eyed the area, the size, and the visual possibility superimposed with the mental idea she was cooking up.


    As the naval seas had given away to the naval stars, the concept of the submarine had become one of the few obsoletes and with it the launch of depth charges to subdue enemy subs...a depth charge launcher, modified into a remote web-like pattern for space and enemy starfighters that ventured past the defenses and shield grid; both Starfleet and mercenary fighters were certainly fast enough. Indeed...


    A mischievous grin split the older woman’s features behind her faceplate and that was never a good sign. Crash gunned her ride flourish of thrusters and low engine power to gently buzz the bridge with a wing tipped greeting, as per her usual method of depart or arrival.



    * Squid: slang term for Starfleet Navy personnel

    * Fast Mover: slang term for a fighter/space fighter jet

    * USS Saladin: class of starship introduced in the Franz Joseph Technical Manuel (copyright 1980’s) and images used in Star Trek ll: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

  7. 12.09.13

    (April 24, 2261 Stardate 2261.116)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 5 minutes. The ship remains on border patrol of the Harrington sectors looking for any activity of the hinky variety while "war game" training between the 'Creek and the fighter patrol is underway.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Our patrol route is quiet and "war games" training continues to be underway. We have an unexpected "kamikaze" pilot who manages to compromise the bridge in the simulation. All participants performed well per usual.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 72 Hours

  8. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    12.02.13 Mission Brief: April 24, 2261 (Stardate 2261.116) Time between Sims has been 72 Hours. The USS Comanche Creek continues our patrol of the border area separating Harrington sectors from the Outlands. We’ve also taken on a surprise passenger – Colonel Tavington, who has decided to join us for the duration of the assignment. Happy happy, joy joy.


    = = End Brief = =


  9. 12.02.13

    April 24, 2261 (Stardate 2261.116)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 72 Hours. The USS Comanche Creek continues our patrol of the border area separating Harrington sectors from the Outlands. We’ve also taken on a surprise passenger – Colonel Tavington, who has decided to join us for the duration of the assignment. Happy happy, joy joy.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Colonel Tavington seems to have had a change of heart towards the Border Patrol and is acting more like an officer befitting his post of on-site Intelligence officer, due to his conversation with our Executive Officer.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 5 minutes Comanche Creek maintains patrol and the current "war game" training.

  10. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    12.02.13 Mission Brief: April 24, 2261 (Stardate 2261.116) Time between Sims has been 72 Hours. The USSComanche Creek continues our patrol of the border area separating Harrington sectors from the Outlands. We’ve also taken on a surprise passenger – Colonel Tavington, who has decided to join us for the duration of the assignment. Happy happy, joy joy.


    = = End Brief = =

  11. 11.25.13

    April 21, 2261 (Stardate 2261.113)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Alternating with the USS Little Robe Creek, the USS Comanche Creek departs Harrington Base for a patrol around the surrounding sectors


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: All is running smoothly until an unwelcome - sort of - shuttle is detected in the area as Colonel Tavington has decided to join us on our patrol assignment and requests to come aboard.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 72 Hours and the Comanche Creek maintains our patrol heading.

  12. 11.18.13

    April 20, 2261 (Stardate 2261.112)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Sciences, Engineering and Communication Departments study the USB Spiders. The ‘Creekcommand staff continues to block Starfleet Intelligence - particularly Colonel Tavington - from getting their mitts on the spiders, including a recorded message imbedded in one of the little buggers


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: The mech-spiders continue to show no hostile overtures. The little guys tend to break into the Conga when left alone. Colonel Tavington continues to be his usual happy self. Others track down what information is available on one Harcourt Fenton Mudd.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 24 Hours.

  13. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    11.18.13 Mission Brief: April 20, 2261 (Stardate 2261.112) Sciences, Engineering and Communication Departments study the USB Spiders. The ‘Creek command staff continues to block Starfleet Intelligence - particularly Colonel Tavington - from getting their mitts on the spiders, including a recorded message imbedded in one of the little buggers.


    = = End Brief = =

  14. 11.11.13

    April 18, 2261 (Stardate 2261.110)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: With the USB Spiders remanded to custody of the USS Comanche Creek over the objections the Starfleet Intelligence officer on site, our Task Force remains on protection detail of Harrington Starbase.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary: Sciences/Medical, Engineering and Communications take a look at our little friends (numbering 52). The mechanical spiders are well used, with years of programs and modifications.


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 48 Hours.

  15. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    11.04.13 Mission Brief: April 17, 2261 (Stardate 2261.109) Time between Sims is 20 minutes. With the discovery of the USB (Unified Syndicate/Beta) Spiders, our intrepid crew attempts to ascertain what the little mechanical buggers were doing on the Harrington listening/training outpost.


    = = End Brief = =


  16. Harrington Starbase

    USS Comanche Creek Science Labs

    Stardate 2261.110


    Warrant Officer Steven Maturin, PhD, was fussing over one of the captured mech-spiders. His specialty fell under the Naturalist disciplines but as he was the SCI officer on call he had taken the lead on the examination. The spider he was checking out was slightly larger than the other USB spiders and he was attempting to ascertain why.


    Calestorm couldn’t really call the event a capture; it was more taking the little buggers into custody and the landing party hadn’t encountered any real hostility from the mech-arachnids.


    According to the report filed by Fleet Intel, the original design of the spiders had been as some sort of low-level security device but then the manufacturer folded and the spiders had been relegated to the collector and antiques market. They had limited capabilities, but could be used as low level reconnaissance or a simple remote controlled toy, depending on the commands entered into the internal program buffers.


    Leaning against a counter, Crash took a sip of her tea from the mug she held and listened attentively to the SCI geek as he reported his current findings to her.


    ”Do not underestimate them Captain - If enough of these USB* spiders were to attack a person? They could cause damage. With that said, they are limited as Engineering and Communications have also reported. These spiders are mainly for use as a collector fancy or limited data gathering. ”


    She nodded. “Well, at least they won’t take over the ship in a coup attempt.”


    “Perhaps I could keep one as a kind of office mascot? It would make a remarkable paperweight when not in use.”


    Cale shook her head firmly. “Negative on that notion Doc. These things’re are gonna be remanded to Starfleet custody once we’re done with ‘em.”


    “Captain, I assure you that there would be no harm in--“


    The scanning program triggered an event, as evidenced by the tonal alert. A bluish–green holographic cone appeared, of a Human male dressed in faux-pirate wear, with sash and floppy hat complete with feather. His mustache enhanced his ever present mischievous smile. Recognition flitted across Crash’s features.


    “Help me Odie-Won Benobi! You’re my only hope!”


    There was a silent pause as Maturin and Calestorm glanced at one another, eyebrows raised.


    Laughter erupted from the holo-recording and then the portly man continued speaking. “I’m just kidding! But I, ahem, do in fact need some help. If you would be so kind as to forward the following information onto the nearest Federation authorities…”


    They listened to the information the man had to offer and once the message played itself out, silence hovered for a moment before Maturin ventured a comment.


    “Odd fellow.” Maturin tapped a finger against the desktop. ”And he’s definitely no princess.”


    Crash sighed and took a bracing sip of her tea. “You’ve no idea Doc.”



    *United Syndicate/Beta – original manufacturer of the mech-spiders