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Crash Calestorm

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Posts posted by Crash Calestorm

  1. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    02.17.14 Mission Brief: May 10, 2261 (Stardate 2261.135) (corrected date) Time Between Sims has been 7 Days. The USS Comanche Creekand USS Little Robe Creek are docked at Harrington Starbase for repairs. Displaced crew cleared for duty or released from injury are assigned temporary quarters on Harrington or FTR vessels. Intelligence Officer Major Tavington has been declared Missing In Action.


    = = End Brief = =


  2. = = USS Comanche Creek = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    02.24.14 Mission Brief: May 10, 2261 (Stardate 2261.135) TBS is 1 Hour. Our intrepid crew resides at Starbase Harrington as damage assessments and injuries are seen to. Security is tight. Search and Rescue continually patrols the sector for MIA personnel as well as CAP patrols for protection from secondary attacks.


    = = End Brief = =

  3. 02.17.14

    May 10, 2261 (Stardate 2261.135) (corrected date)


    = = = =

    Mission Brief: Time Between Sims has been 7 Days. The USS Comanche Creekand USS Little Robe Creek are docked at Harrington Starbase for repairs. Displaced crew cleared for duty or released from injury are assigned temporary quarters on Harrington or FTR vessels. Intelligence Officer Major Tavington has been declared Missing In Action.


    = = = =

    Mission Summary:


    Commander Wesley inspects damage to the ship via shuttle pod. Lieutenant Shalin and Mission Specialist Byblos drink “Groovy Green Stuff” and discuss matters ranging from Starfleet Intelligence, Harrington Base Security, the Captured Resident Con-Artist with Fangs and Code of Honor, while Lieutenant KVar pays a visit to Doctor TAral and the concept of a ‘baby shower’is brought up. Captain Calestorm is in conference with AdmiralCoyote.


    The Commanders damage listing is as follows:


    Bridge Module - buckled plating near the sensor dome

    Forward Hull Plating - replacement/repaint

    Ventral Saucer - carbon scoring

    Portside CIWS - replacement of turrets and main portside batteries compromised

    Lower Neck/Warp Nacelle - connection buckled, sprung plating

    Secondary Hull - the portside hull plates are bent “outward”


    = = = =

    Time Between Sims is 1 Hour

  4. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    02.17.14 Mission Brief: (May 7, 2261 (Stardate 2261.132) Time Between Sims has been 7 Days.


    The USS Comanche Creek and USS Little Robe Creek are docked at Harrington Starbase for repairs. Displaced crew cleared for duty or released from injury are assigned temporary quarters on Harrington or FTR vessels.


    Intelligence Officer Major Tavington has been declared Missing In Action.


    = = End Brief = =

  5. 02.10.14

    May 3, 2261 (Stardate 2261.125)


    Mission Brief: (Stardate 2261.125) TBS is 12 Hours. Damage is assessed and injuries are taken care of. Dragoon prisoners that survived the fighter skirmishes are remanded to the custody of Harrington base


    Mission Summary: First Threat Response ships USS Bozeman (Miranda Class, CPT Dodge commanding), USS Plum Creek (Kelvin DDH class), SS Hard Six (Oberth Class, CPT Reed Mitros commanding) and the newest addition to the fleet the USS Rorkes Drift (Newton Class)* have arrived for sector protection and patrol detail.


    An 'old friend' makes themselves known on the station...


    Time Between Sims is 7 Days


    *Note: Thanks to Mission Specialist Byblos for the Newton Class (2009 film) suggestion and Commander Audraya Wesley for the name. See http://en.wikipedia....rke's_Drift for further details.

  6. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    02.03.14 Mission Brief: (May 2, 2261 Stardate 2261.124) TBS is 15 Minutes. As the battle continues, a last ditch surprise is attempted; Harcourt Fenton Mudd will take a shuttle and fly several of the mech spiders within striking distance of the Dragoon cruiser.


    = = End Brief = =

  7. The following log takes place just prior to our 02.10.14 Sim…


    T'Aral-> Captain - Medical has been evacuated.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::to TAral, attention swiveling between several things:: Doc, get yourself gone, that’s an order

    T'Aral-> :: Eyebrow :: The ship is listing ... is there an engine problem?

    Crash Calestorm -> ::to T'A:: Doc, we got several system problems with that dang Cruiser bein' all obsessed with us--you need to evac now--

    T'Aral-> Agreed ... :: Steps over to Crash, gives her shoulder a five-finger press :: I have no intention of debating this matter with you logically.

    Crash Calestorm -> ::is so going down::

    T'Aral-> :: Picks up Captain, proceeds to T/L ::

    Tifa Kvar -> ((Don't argue with a pregnant Vulcan.))

    - 02.03.14 Comanche Creek Sim


    Never ever argue with a pregnant Vulcan. Never argue with any female that is pregnant, but definitely not Vulcans. Matter of fact, arguing with a woman was suicidal in general.


    Calestorm would like to point out that she had not been arguing, thank you very much. She was being thorough regarding the ships evacuation.


    Her mind was already working its way through the haze: Status of ship, status of crew. Was everyone okay? Commander Wesley, Lieutenant TAral, Lieutenant Kvar, Lieutenant Shalin, the Big Guy? Hell, she was even hoping the Engineering squirrels, Java (the amorphous coffee being that she never saw, of course) and even that dang mechanical spider hitch hiker was okay.


    Crash groaned and felt worn out and sore. Her neck and shoulder felt like someone had tried to twist them from her shoulders. The chronometer set on the bedside table showed that she’d been out for less than twelve hours. An IV ran into her right arm and she was careful not to jar the access tube. She felt one side of her short silver-white hair sticking up in ‘attacked by drooling cow’ bed head and wasn’t that an attractive look.


    A dark-skinned technician sporting the white tunic of hospital staff - who looked about fourteen years old, God help her… Was she getting older or was everyone else just getting younger? - came zipping across the medical bay as soon as he caught her waking up in his periphery vision.


    “Captain Calestorm, welcome back to the land of the living. I’d have to ask that you stay put.”


    “Son, ah’m not leaving, ah’m sitting up, ‘kay? There’s a difference.”


    The stink of body odor and battle sweat no longer clung to her like a second skin. She’d been washed down and dressed in Starfleet issue blue scrubs. The wash had a faint floral aroma and it was pleasant, not pungent.


    “Where am ah Corpsman?”


    “Harrington Base Sir.”


    “And what’s the word?”


    “You’re suffering from battle fatigue and exhaustion. We’ve been monitoring you and giving you fluids. We have orders to keep you here for the time being.”


    She eyed him. “I’m also suffering from a Vulcan neck pinch. Who gave those orders?”


    He studiously avoided her gaze and became very interested in the digital data slate he held. “I can call my commanding officer…”


    And there was her answer without being directly answered. “No, you will contact my CMO and tell her to get her Vulcan hide here in person. And I’ll also want to talk to my Executive Officer…”


    TBC in Sim…

  8. 02.03.14

    May 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.124)


    Mission Brief: TBS is 15 Minutes. As the battle continues, a last ditch surprise is attempted; Harcourt Fenton Mudd will take a shuttle and fly several of the mech spiders within striking distance of the Dragoon cruiser.


    Mission Summary: The USS Robe Creek manages a decisive shot at the Dragoon Cruiser, obliterating the vessel while Mr. Mudd and his comrade in rogue-ness, T’Chana, escape in the confusion.


    Time Between Sims is 12 Hours.

  9. 01.27.14

    May 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.124)


    Mission Brief: TBS is 10 Minutes. The USS Comanche Creek is under attack from the Dragoon pirates.


    Mission Summary: The USS Comanche Creek, the USS Little Robe Creek and Harrington Base reinforcements continue to fight the Dragoon threat. Both sides are taking casualties and the Comanche Creek has been boarded by hostiles.


    Time Between Sims is 15 Minutes.

  10. “Sir, you did it!

    I did NOTHING, except get caught with my britches down. I must be getting senile.”

    - Commander Sulu and Admiral Kirk in the aftermath of the USS Enterpriseretaliation against Khan Singh and the hijacked USS Reliant (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) (1982)*


    The first torpedo salvo from the Dragoon cruiser had been right on the credits. One went wide but the other five found their marks; the shields held but were knocked down to eighty percent strength.


    The Border Patrol had been caught completely off guard and the fight had been brought to them over the Federation border in a surprise attack.


    The SS Ibn Daud sustained damage when the Marine troop container it had been hauling was hit. The Ptolemy-class tug was drifting and the troop carrier had been completely eliminated, no survivors.


    First Threat Response vessels were already inbound to the Harrington sectors in preparation for the original planned punitive action into the Outlands; Calestorm knew they’d not arrive in time to assist the Comanche Creek. Communications channels were going nuts with internal reports and external updates.


    Harrington base was scrambling their Strike Eagle starfighters. The FTR’s USS Little Robe Creek had already been in sector, alternating protection patrols with the ‘Creek; she had entered the skirmish like a bat out of hell twenty seconds ago, coming to the aid of her sister ship against the Dragoons.


    Another salvo hit the FTR flagship with the six torps smacking into the shields. The percentage dropped to sixty. Scooter and Crash barked out orders, the chaos on the bridge congealing into a combat response.


    Helm enacted evasive maneuvers. Tactical tried to get a bead on the enemy vessel and starfighters while ‘Creeks starfigthers continued to scramble and other fixed wing craft launched to assist with SAR. Damage Control teams checked with the bridge at regular intervals. MARDET and Security stood ready to repel boarders. Medical awaited the first casualties.


    Crash stripped off her gold command tunic and pressed it to Ramirez’s wound; the young man had caught shrapnel in his upper arm when the auxiliary control panel had overloaded. “Easy. Hold that there, medics are on their way.”


    She turned her attention away from Rammy and gave a piercing whistle through her teeth that cut through the pell mell bridge operations, getting the attention of the officer manning FOPS. “Status! How many Fast Movers we got out in the Black!”


    TBC in Sim…


    * With thanks to Commander Wesley’s player for the surprise attack quote idea

  11. 01.20.14

    May 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.124)


    Mission Brief: TBS is 15 Minutes. The Comanche Creek halts position along the Harrington border, awaiting final orders from San Francisco Command.


    Mission Summary: Maintaining position near the Widows Run access corridor, we await the final order enter the Outlands. Our CAP disappears from sensors. A pirate Cruiser and starfighters with Dragoon pirate markings bear down on the USS Comanche Creek.


    Time Between Sims is 10 minutes.

  12. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    01.13.14 Mission Brief: (May 2, 2261 Stardate 2261.124) TBS is 48 Hours. The Comanche Creek remains on patrol of the Harrington borders as Starfleet investigates/confirms the intelligence provided by Mr. Mudd with our undercover Outlands team. The Captain has called a staff meeting (aka, everyone).


    = = End Brief = =


  13. 01.13.14

    May 2, 2261 (Stardate 2261.124)


    Mission Brief: TBS is 48 Hours. The Comanche Creek remains on patrol of the Harrington borders as Starfleet investigates/confirms the intelligence provided by Mr. Mudd with our undercover Outlands team. The Captain has called a staff meeting (aka everyone).


    Mission Summary: Based on information from rogue con-man Harcourt Fenton Mudd and corroborated by regular updates from Commander JoNs and her undercover team, the command and senior staff discuss the possibility of “The Wraith” and his or her Dragoons destabilizing the sectors.


    Time Between Sims is 15 minutes.

  14. The following log takes place during our 48 Hour TBS…


    The Border Patrol’s presence in the Harrington sectors had started with added protection for Harrington Starbase. As the days and weeks went on however, the protection mission had started to creep. Mission creep implied that an operation experienced some successes, leading to additional goals not covered in the original mission launch parameters. The Harrington protection detail hadn’t had successes so much as a series of deflections, but it was enough for the creep to take root.


    The botched attack with the Olympic Carrier. The mech-spiders sent to sabotage the original Harrington base. Speculation over the news nets as the unrest increased in the frontier sectors. Harcourt Fenton Mudd and friend had shown up on the radar, joy and happiness.


    The sobering thing was that when a career con man and downright irrepressible rogue told you to possibly prepare for war? Calestorm believed him. The FTR would have to wait on a final decision from San Francisco Command, but Mudd’s testimony pretty much backed up the regular updates from Starfleets own operatives.


    Commander JoNs and her commandos had been recalled from the Badlands, ending the original three month duration early. The Caitian and her team had gathered enough intelligence to back up Mudd’s observations and now the Starfleet Brass had to make a decision. The civil war broiling among the Orion Cartel factions continued, but remained contained to the Outer Rim territories for now. Non-Orion groups were getting involved, not necessarily taking sides but taking advantage of the Orion upheaval to conduct their own mayhem. That was a problem.


    The Dragoons were the primary. They were aggravating the already volatile Orion situation. The ‘Wraith’ had sent a message loud and clear to the Starfleet with the Olympic Carrier and sector breaches: we’re coming for you.


    The admittance chime to her sea cabin* bleeped and Calestorm looked up from the report on the data slate she was checking over; additional data slates and sector map flimsy copies were spread across the desk in organized chaos.




    Major Bill Fasjovik, commanding officer of the Comanche Creek’s MARDET entered the cabin and offered a crisp salute. “Sir, reporting as ordered with battle readiness update.”


    She winged him a look. “Flip, it’s after twenty two hundred and we’re both off duty. Can the spit and polish.”


    “Just keeping up with appearances.” He kept his face typical marine no nonsense but his tone came across as jaunty and his tired eyes carried a boyish gleam.


    The silver-white haired woman flashed him a crooked smile. “Right. What d’ya have for me?”


    A veteran of the Orion Cartel Wars like her, Flip and Crash had an easy working relationship. It helped he was one of the best MARDET commanders in the Starfleet as well as a damn fine pilot.


    The marine handed her yet another data slate. “My squads are ready. Boarding parties, repel boarders and whatever situation we may run into. Names cross-referenced for specialists that can jump between teams as needed.””


    “Good work.”


    “Are we going in Crash? My boys and girls are raring to go.”


    She was hesitant to commit an answer and had been unusually…evasive with her crew, only confiding in Commander Wesley. Crash agreed the Dragoons were nothing but trouble, but the woman had fought the Cartel Wars and forty odd years later wasn’t something she cared to revisit.


    That is if the ‘Creek went over the wire and entered the fray, causing a possible off-shoot situation.


    As a young wolf pup, all fangs and swagger and a hotshot pilot, she’d no idea what she was getting herself into during the Cartel skirmishes of the latter 2200’s. As a vetted officer she understood the casualties that could come out of blatant Fleet interference - no matter the threat - in the Bad Lands, the Outer Rim, whatever you called the area.


    Instead, she hedged her answer to the man. “Admiral Coyote is waiting on the final word from San Fran Command. You’ll know as soon as I know Flip.” She paused and then said, “You get some rack time and thanks for running this report up.”


    If he held any disappointment with the brusque yet respectful dismissal, the Major was too much of a professional to let it show and took his leave of the Captain.


    *Ready Room

  15. 01.06.14

    April 30, 2261 (Stardate 2261.122)


    Mission Brief: Time between Sims has been 3 Days. Our surprise visitor - aka Harcourt Fenton Mudd - informs our intrepid crew of the true situation in the Outlands and his escape to Federation space. Anyone seen Stella?


    Mission Summary: After an interview with the Command Staff, Mudd’s attentions are made clearer though the water is still muddy, so to speak. We confirm that The Dragoons are becoming more of a danger to the Federation borders.


    Time Between Sims is 48 Hours.

  16. = = USS Comanche Creek NCC-214 = =

    = = Mission Brief = =


    01.13.14 Mission Brief: (May 2, 2261 Stardate 2261.124) TBS is 48 Hours. The Comanche Creek remains on patrol of the Harrington borders as Starfleet investigates/confirms the intelligence provided by Mr. Mudd with our undercover Outlands team. The Captain has called a staff meeting (aka, everyone).


    = = Mission Brief = =