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Everything posted by John_Anderson

  1. Well I of course just have to chime in. :P At first I was skeptical about the movie when I heard about the plot and everything about a year ago. The whole taking place at one of the polar regions and all Aliens and all that being frozen just sounded silly to me. I thought the film was going to flop. But, when I saw the trailer to it (The full length one), I thought "Wow...this movie might actually be pretty neat!". So I have decided that I'm going to go see it, and as far as the box office, I don't think it will be a Blockbuster, but it might make a good run in theaters. Just due to the huge fan base that both series have. P.S. And yes for those that are interested I am a huge fan of the Alien quadrilogy. Never really liked Preadator, but I watched it a few times.
  2. TNG's "Cause and Effect" The one where Enterpise gets stuck in the never ending loop of it's own destruction with the Bozeman, Dr. Fraiser Crane's starship :D Talk about watching something you rarely see, the Enterprise blowing up! Oh well, I guess I'm the only one that got the perverse enjoyment out if it. :D
  3. GMTA Huff....GMTA :D :D ^_^
  4. Yea, I'd have to go with Freddy on this one. Sacrifice of Angels was really the only episode during the Dominion War where you see the little fighters in action, as well as the Galaxy class. Not to mention that we don't see any Romulan and/or Breen forces, and Sacrifice was the only space battle we didn't see either/or in.
  5. ::Reads off the books on his bookshelf:: -The Harry Potter books (Year 1-5) -"A Patch of Blue" by Elizabeth Kata Almost every Tolkien Book :D -"The Hobbit" -The Lord of the Rings trilogy -"The Silmarillion" -"The Unfinished Tales" -"The Book of Lost Tales" (Pt. 1 and 2) -"Red Dragon" by Thomas Harris -"The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris -"Hannibal" by Thomas Harris -"Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury -"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee -"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger -"1984" by George Orwell -"Animal Farm" by George Orwell -"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain -"The Moons of Mirrodin" by Someone (Name isn't on the spine) -"The Darksteel Eye" by Someone -"The Fifth Dawn" by Someone -A Collection of Works by Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield) -"Memoirs of a Geisha" by Authur S. Golden. -"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho -A big book with Shakespeare's plays (Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, to name only a few) -"Plan of Attack" by Bob Woodward -"Against All Enemies" by Richard Clarke -"My Life" by Bill Clinton A fair amount of these books were read when I was in High School and I simply fell in love with and have kept them for several years. The last book I just got and haven't really read yet, since I've been pretty busy with school, but I'll read it when I get the chance. All the other ones I pick up and read whenever I'm bored, but, most of my books have been read atleast twice. ^_^ EDIT: I just noticed I have "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy on my shelf. My English professor gave it to me and told me it was a good read, and I told him I'd do it if he gave me extra credit :D. Just an interesting story I wanted to add.
  6. OOHHH!! Don't get me started on Dragster! :D I went to Ceder Point last summer for the very first time, and yes I had a blast :D . Anyways Dragster had been open for a few months already, but they were still having problems with it (Like they do with every new ride), but one of the people that worked at Millennium Force (Loved it!) said that there was a chance that the Dragster would open later on in the day. Well we thought 'Yea, whatever', so we just went on and rode almost every coaster in the park(We avoided the wooden ones after I got a major headache after riding Mean Streak). The day was winding down and we had just gotten off of Millennium Force after the second go, when we looked over the horizon and saw them doing test run on Dragster! (I mean how could you not see the thing, it was over 400 feet tall! You could see it from almost any point in the park) So we all flipped! We ran over and got in the huge line that was already forming outside the entrance of the ride. We were stoked. We stood there for an hour and a half (To kill time we went and rode Power Tower in turn :D ) and watched them do test run after sucessful test run, but, when they finally decided to do a human test run, with some of the people that worked the ride, the car stalled before reaching the top and went rolling back to the starting point. So all of us knew that they wouldn't open the ride since it took them 15 minutes to relaunch the dang car.... So we left the line and before we left out of the park we went and rode Magnum for the third time.... Anyways, I still had fun, but I was just so teed that Dragster wasn't working, and I missed a chance to ride the crazy thing. Guess you can't have everything....oh well. I can wait till next year ^_^ EDIT: Oh and about the roller coaster; it looks neat, can't say I've been on one of the 'flyer' roller coasters, but I wouldn't mind giving the coaster a go. :)
  7. I did??? ::Looks around wondering when he made a post about that and whispers in Blu's ear:: That was Hans, not me :D But anyways. Welcome to the forum Matt! No relation to the Beren and Luthien we know, right?? :) Anywho, hope to see you around the academies!
  8. TNG: The Mind's Eye I think. The one where Geordi gets Brainwashed on his way to Risa by the Rihans. I'm pretty sure about this one though :D
  9. Ahem. I'd also like to point out that Shrek 2 has eclipsed the first Spider-man movie (According to studio estimates) already, before even going into this weekend. And the movie isn't losing steam. Some say it might even jump up a bit in the top ten list due to the 4th of July weekend. I mean last week it made $10 Million at the box office! That's just crazy for a film that's been out for 6 weeks already. I just wanted to note this because a movie that has a big opening it's first weekend doesn't meant anything :mellow:. (Look at the Last Harry movie...it took a nose dive after the opening weekend..) I'd also like to note that Spider-man 2's opening was only a million more than what it was two years when the first one came out, not to mention that this all depends on how well the film does in the long run, but, by the looks of it, I can safely say that Shrek 2 will be the top grossing film of this summer. :P Here are some box office numbers, compliments from the fine people at BoxOfficeMojo.com: Domestic Grosses(As of July 1): 5) Shrek 2: $404,280,000 6) Spider-man: $403,706,375 44) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: $219,113,000 ??)Spider-man 2: (Weekend estimates pending, but likely to top $100,000,000) Worldwide Grosses, in the millions, (As of July1): 2)LOTR Return of the King: $1,118.5 (I'm always just so proud to post this :P) 10)Spider-man: $821.7 25)Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: $540.3 32)Shrek 2: $485.3(Hasn't really gone fully global yet ;)) ??) Spider-man 2: ?? (Not sure about this one, gonna take a week for me to hear anything) ::Retains his title as head movie geek:: :P
  10. Who said we lied?? :mellow: Mwa ha ha ha ha ::Holds his pinky next to his mouth::
  11. Blast! So close.... Results: YOU ARE 78 % EVIL GENIUS ! You are pure evil. You lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and you will not rest until all living souls bend to your will.... This will be the last time you up me one, Dak.... ::Starts plotting an evil scheme:: P.S. Yes! I love the Brain! Pinky>So what are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain? Brain>The same thing we do every night, Pinky...Try and take over the world! HA! Classic...
  12. Bah-humbug! No love for Smeagol-Clint..... He will not forget this precious..... <Smeagol-Clint>::Mutters something:: Ohh. Not precious then...he meant 'punk'.. :mellow:
  13. Falling asleep in the first ten minutes of First Contact!? Can't say that was happening to me. :P But once again I've been beaten to the punch..... Love the picture though. I love the Steamrunner and the Akira in the back :mellow: Good job Tovan :P ((Writers Note: The writer of this post is absolutely in love with the Akira class...doesn't know why though..))
  14. Can't say I've gone through the dorm experience, and probably won't anytime soon. I live in a nice apartment with my sister and we split all the costs of living (Okay she pays more than I do, but what can I say she's an architect; she can afford it :lol:). So she does her things and I do mine and we are all just peachy keen and never bother one another. :lol: Been like this for the last 5 years and probably will till I move out on my own once I'm all done with college. :lol:
  15. Ahh right, right. My mistake. Well it took me a week, just to clear anything up :P This is what I get for rambling... ::Makes a note to get some medication::
  16. LOL A9. No I'm talking about many, many, many moons ago. When there would be three to four academies back to back on a single night. While we have a good amount of academies now, there was a heck of a lot more GM's back then. So it would take time for Cadets to get noticed, but of course I have a horrible memory and wasn't the greatest simmer back then :P . ::Feels the nostalgia coming back:: I remember when you use to run something in one of the rooms and I use to always come in and pester you and call you 'Commodore' when you clearly didn't like the title and told me to always call you either Atragon or A9....but now I've rambled and gone of topic so if you'll excuse me. ::Goes running off:: :D
  17. Do what I do. Bark a few orders, listen to what the CO says, repeat it to him and then bark those same orders to the bridge people and Department heads. :D All you should ever actually do some work on when you head on one of the away missions. Then you actually gotta do some work. Besides that, you should just sit there and look pretty :P
  18. Took me a week as well. Even though I was just going back through the Academy to rejoin my old ship. I can't remember how long it originally took for me to graduate, but I think it was a month or two, but back then we had fifty million academies so it took some time for the OGF's/PGC's to even consider promoting people. :P But like I said, that was many moons ago.
  19. Gee Fred you forgot to name both of the ships. Heck of a lot good those designations are going to give us. :P If I had only seen it sooner I would have gotten it....but yea it's the Undiscovered Country. ::Sigh::
  20. Well I will admit that I'm a big fan of the books. I remember that I started reading them after I saw the first film, and I was just so engrossed with the story that I read all four books (Since the fifth one had yet to come out) in a weeks time (Hey, it was Thanksgiving week and I had nothing better to do :P ) and then when the fifth book came out I read it in a day and half, and I was sooo mad cause I wanted to talk to someone about what happened in the final chapters of the book! Ahem, anyways, also I can't wait until my wee neice is young enough (Heh, which won't be for several years, but the two remaining books might be out by then ;) ) so that I can start reading her the books. I just don't want her to be like me and not start reading for fun till the 11th grade. Well I did read in school, if I had too, but I simply did not read for fun, and another film is also responsible for this actually. Anyone care to take a wild guess?? Noooo, it wasn't Harry Potter. It was Lord of the Rings. :) Because of Fellowship of the Ring, I got into the books and thanks to LOTR I started to enjoy reading in my free time and then one thing lead to another and I went down the path of Harry Potter. I just love that the books has encouraged such a young generation to read and to not lay around like a vegetable, watching the TV, and it gets a thumbs up from me. :P
  21. I'm surprised I didn't get Quagmire, but now that I see his qualities I know why. But yea I got Strangely enough it fits me perfectly. ;)
  22. Ahem, well I for one hate the Atkins diet, but it's simply because everyone around me is on it except me and it's really annoying to have sugar free and low carb stuff all over the place! Give me sweets any day! But anyways, since I've been preached on this a million times I'll say this. The Atkins diet does not cut 'all' the carbs out of your diet. Of course you still needs carbs to carry on with your metabolism, but when you start the diet you are only allowed to have 30 carbs a day, Max. If you work out once an hour a day you are allowed to have up to 100 carbs a day. As you progress in the diet you are allowed to have more carbs, as your body is adapting to this. So, the basis of the whole diet is simply that our bodies were not meant to deal with Carb overload; in which everything we eat is loaded with it. Humans are savage beasts, to put it in blunt terms. Our bodies our made to eat fat, since fat is digested faster than carbs. What your body does first is break down carbs since they are more complex than fat. So that is why your cholestrol doesn't shoot up because your eating too much fat, it shoots up because you are having too many carbs and all that fat that is left over from what your body couldn't handle gets stored away. Even though I am a sugar-aholic, I don't knock the diet. I simply can't live without sweets. I'd go into withdrawl. ;) So, if you are a bit overweight, or just want to lose a few pounds, actually try out the diet. I think it's hiliarious to see people all over the place eat 20 oz. steaks and ask for no bread with there meal. :P The diet, strangley enough, works! And it's been found to lower your cholestrol! Scary I know! :P ::Tosses some monopoly money into the jar. Rant over::
  23. Bah, blowing up Cadets in the Academies has been a decade long tradition! That's why so many people enjoy the Academies, simply because you never know what's going to happen. If you have any sort of continuity that runs on too long in an Academy, people will get bored and attendence to that Academy will decrease. The Academies are simply to train Cadets and prepare them for the Advance sims. So, if you want some continuity in your life, stick with your advance sim. ^_^ ::Scowls at Dak for taking his change AND lint::
  24. I have no idea on this one, maybe a hint might help. Voyager has just come across too many ships to remember which is which. Especially one that I don't recognize :D
  25. "A Ruined Vacation" Lieutenant William Gamble Starfleet Weapon Systems Specialist Bill was sitting comfortably on the beach of a small island in the Bahamas. He was sipping away on a pina colada, in his swimming trunks, enjoying his much deserved leave. He had been working on the NX-02 project for months and now after nothing but endless paperwork and barking orders at Engineers he was on this beach, in complete seclusion for the two weeks of leave he had stored up. He was already one week into his leave and hadn't heard a thing about what had happened with the Xindi Planetkiller and the disappearence of Enterprise, but that was all going to change soon. So, here he was laying back in a chair with a hat over his eyes, and a pina colada to his side, when a gentleman came out of no where. "Ahem, Lieutenant I hope I'm not interrupting something??" said the gentleman. Surprised, Bill jumped up from his chair. "Who said that!?" he said. He then noticed the gentleman that was speaking to him was Admiral Forrest and he immediatley stood at attention. "Sorry, sir. I meant no disrespect." Bill said. The Admiral made a motion with his hand "At ease Lieutenant, carry on as you were." replied the Admiral, and with that Bill sat back down in his seat. The Admiral grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it over to Bill and sat himself down. "Well it seemed as if you were enjoying yourself, I'm sorry for interrupting." said the Admiral with a grin. "No, sir, everything is okay. What brings you to the Bahamas, sir?" replied Bill. At that moment the Admirals grin went away "Bill, have you been paying attention to the news??" said the Admiral. "Why, no, sir, I haven't heard anything since I came on leave a week ago. Did something happen to the NX-02 while I away?" said Bill as the sound of desperation came in at the end of his sentence. The Admiral shook his head "No, no, the NX-02 is fine." the Admiral said. "It was about the Xindi. A few days ago the Xindi launched an attack against Earth, one of our stations were destroyed and 40 people were killed. Thanks to the Andorians, Captain Archer managed to destroy the Xindi Planetkiller, but he gave his life in the process. We've also lost contact with Enterprise, we have no idea where she is." added the Admiral. Bill looked at the Admiral in shock. "My god....I can't believe it." said Bill. The Admiral himself looked a bit somber. "I know, I know, but to the matter at hand. Due to the attack we've decided to speed up the NX project. Starting with the NX-05. We are going to launch it in 3 months..." but at that moment Bill interrupted. "WHAT!? Excuse me, sir, but that is ludicrous, why would you want to do that..." the Admiral then raised his hand. "Trust me Bill, this is stuff I've already heard, and we have made up our mind. We are going to move you off the Columbia project and onto the Challenger project. We need someone with the experience and your the best man to work on the Challenger's weapon systems." the Admiral said. "I...I understand, sir." said Bill with reluctance. "Good, get in touch with Commander Elias Moore right away, he'll brief you on your position and on the team that you will head." the Admiral replied, and with that he stood up. Bill jumped up and saluted the Admiral, as he saluted back and walked off. As Bill watched the Admiral walk off he thought "Great....My vacation is shot now. This is going to give me gray hairs and I know it.....How do I keep getting into these situations!" He then plopped back down into his seat and finished off his pina colada. As he saw his fruitful concoction disappear, he saw his much needed leave go down the drain. >End Log<