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Posts posted by John_Anderson

  1. My sleep time changes. And as some people can attest to, you don't want to be around me when I am sleep deprived B)

    ::Dies laughing:: :)


    I can completely attest to his comment. NDak sure is in rare form when sleep deprived, but so am I, so I shouldn't talk. :P

  2. Well gee, since my earliest class was normally at 11:00 to 12:00 throughout the last year I normally went to sleep late. But thanks to summer, I've found myself sleeping about 10 to 11 hours on average.


    I mean hey, I'm not complaining, but I better get my biological clock back to eight hours, if not, I'm gonna be a grumpy guss. :)

  3. Update on Hurricane Charley. ::News theme playing::


    Don't worry folks, I'm perfectly fine. My mom and dads house is still standing, and so is mine. Besides a few shingles and things here and there, everything is still standing. :P


    Power went out at about 9:00 last night, and just recently we got in back here, so we're all good now.


    I wasn't really worried during the storm, but when that eye started pass over, around the time that the power went out, it was really scary with all the noises we kept hearing due to all the 110 mph wind gusts. But we all just sat around in the center portion of the house and played board games, and I heckled another player in the forum on the phone till the wee hours of the morning (And being the good sport that he was stayed on the line with me :)). Of course he understood, I was about to go crazy...There's a reason why my family doesn't get together too often, so I'll leave it at that :D


    So yea, don't worry folks, I'm still in one piece and I still got a ceiling above my head. :)


    Thanks to anyone that was concerned. I really do appreciate it :)


    Send all that love and care to all the poor people down in Port Charlotte, where the eye fell when Charley was still a really strong category 4 Hurricane. They surely need it more than I do and all of us here in Central Florida.


    Thanks again everyone.

  4. Ha! This one is so easy, Babylon 5 all the way! Now that has a to be one of the greatest sci-fi series every to be made. I literally use to watch that show religiously, and I also still remember the Fox affliate that would show the new episodes every week, before B5 got shifted over to TNT and then Sci-fi.


    Speaking of shifting...has Sci-fi even been playing the episodes! Cause that would sure hit the spot right now...


    Anyways. B5's stories were simply amazing. I mean the entire show was almost like a huge episode arc, the continuity of the show was just great. With B5 you could tune into almost any episode and be able to find out what was going on. Like I said it was brilliant. Not to mention that the character development that went on with all the characters was just amazing, when you watched the show as much as I did, you learned to actually care for these people, which made the ending all the more sadder. :wub:


    Not to mention that the Shadow war was one of the most fascinating wars I ever saw, and all the wars that followed afterwards (The Earth Alliance Civil War, The Centauri War, etc. etc.) were just as neat. And how could you not love Kosh(#1)! That Vorlon was just too cool. Not to mention you just loved to hate Walter Koenigs character of Bester, ooohhh he was so bad. I could think of a few colorful adjectives to explain Bester, but I wont. :lol:


    So yea for those of you that may not have ever seen an episode of B5, I would strongly recommend that you do, it really is a great show once you get into it :) .


    Thank you J. Michael Straczynski for creating an amazing show.

  5. "...We did not expect nor did we invite a confrontation with evil. Yet the true measure of a people's strength is how they rise to master that moment when it does arrive...The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight. They're our students and our teachers and our parents and our friends. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels, but every time we think we have measured our capacity to meet a challenge, we look up and we're reminded that that capacity may well be limitless...This is a time for American heroes and we reach for the stars..." President Josiah Bartlet. "20 Hours in America". The West Wing.


    The Revelation Device had been stopped...and at an amazing price. Hans was dead. In a flash he disappeared before John's eyes. He could not believe his eyes. In a matter of minutes, dozens of emotions flooded through John, Anger, Sadness, Frustration, Doubt, Denial, to name only a few. Together, Hans and himself, had been through so much. The squids, the Romulans, the trek to Coalition space, the Borg Cube, so many things, one after the other over the last few months, it was a bit overwhelming for John, but he had learned how to cope with this problem.


    Hans and himself were on the same team together on Axaia when everyone split up to search the Revelation Device, with Koshic as well. A short while after they started there search, they found a signal of protomatter and proceeded to intercept the signal. Upon arrival to the signal they were ambushed by someone from the Coalition, neither one of them got a good look at who it was. The next thing they knew they were unable to move, due to the Coalition members strange ability to make people do as they are told. The Coalition member took Koshic and told John and Hans to 'detain' one another, and after a shot to the jewels, John was pretty much done in that fight.


    Afterwords, once John had collected his thoughts...they carried on with there search, but it took on a whole new meaning. The Revelation Device was the main priority, but Koshic kidnapping would obviously have to be looked into. So John and Hans proceeded on with the mission, after a run in with Trichon. When they entered the building the two of them ran into a six-armed mad scientist, who decided to take the two of them and turn them into guinea pigs for his sick experiments. The two of them were then lead into the depths of one of the Coalitions science labs, with them being lead by the mad scientist, and when the chance arose, John grabbed the mad scientist by the back of the head and smashed it against the console he was working on.


    With a chance for escape, they locked the mad scientist in the room and ran for there freedom. The one thing they knew at this point was that they needed to get out of the complex and rendezvous with the rest of the crew. The 'commandeered' a hovercraft,t and momentarily afterwords, Hans's tricorder detected a huge protomatter signature. It seemed pretty obvious that this was the Revelation Device that they had all been looking for in vain.


    They arrived at the site where the signal was detected. They proceeded into the building where the signal was coming from and waiting outside of the room that the signal had been coming from, but, somehow, someway, the door to the room was blasted open and went flying, knocking Koshic out. Hans and John went ahead into the room and found an unconscious Koshic, and several other crew members bound with restraints. While John went to untie all of crew, Hans went to deactivate the Revelation Device, but it was painfully obvious that the only one who could do it was Koshic, and he was laying unconscious on the ground.


    Hans, doing all that he could, took the protomatter core from the Revelation Device, as the device was already preparing to detonate, and ran with it. John heard some commotion and looked over at what Hans was doing. He knew he couldn't do anything but watch on the sidelines, helplessly. He watched as Hans tried to run away as quickly as he could, and then in a flash...he was gone.


    John stood there in shock...one second he was there, and the other he was gone. This man he had been through so many trials and tribulations with was gone...He gave his life to protect everyone on the planet, to protect John. And the emotions starting flooding in. He felt mad, mad that Hans did this, he just had to play the hero and go on and die on all of us, then came the denial. "No, he can't be dead, he must have gotten transported off somewhere before the protomatter vaporized him." but John knew that it wasn't true, he was being foolish.


    Then John started to feel ashamed. "Why...Why did I let him die, I should have gone over there to help him, but I stood there like a coward, I let him die. I could have saved him. I could have done something! But no...I did nothing...", he couldn't shake these thoughts, he couldn't help but blame himself. The two had been through so much, especially here on Axaia. John then felt depression settle in, this friend, this comrade, this confidant, was gone, and nothing could be done. It was just meant to be and destiny had made it's choice, Hans was meant to die here, and no matter how much John beat himself up nothing could be done. He really is gone...forever...